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The Fun Revolution Manifesto

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The Fun Revolution Manifesto
Author: Melanie Whittaker
Copyright © 2016 by Melanie Whittaker

Published by Melanie Whittaker

Brighton, United Kingdom

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any
means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying or recording, without written
permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotes in a review.
The purchase of this product, individually or as part of a strategic retreat or workshop, entitles
the purchaser the right to print and use the information for personal use only.
Melanie Whittaker is the founder of the global women’s community group, Mel’s Plan To Play,
as well as a Fun Aficionado and coach, specializing in working with women.

Learn more about Melanie “Magnetic” Whittaker at
The Fun Revolution Manifesto
Thanks for signing up for my email community and to receive the Fun
Revolution Manifesto. Your life is about to take on a whole new meaning. I
see so many women who aren’t happy with their lives, and I’m on a mission to
stamp that out. A life without fun isn’t one I want to know, but, sadly, there are a
lot of people who just go through the motions on the treadmill of life, feeling too
busy and stressed out. Life is busy with many demands on our time, but if you
aren’t having fun, you’re truly missing out.
Life isn’t just about working and paying bills. If you feel like life has lost its
sparkle, then stick around! You are going to learn how to get it back! Living your
life without any fun is like looking at a black and white photo you can see what’s
going on, but it lacks that pizazz. You’re not a robot; you’re a human being who
needs to be in touch with having fun. It’s a necessity, like eating. It’s essential for
you to have a happy fulfilled life. Take a look at any five-year-old and they
embrace the whole fun aspect of life. It’s how they learn. We all learn every day,
but we learn better if we have fun. Take a look at the ideas I have put together to
help you get out there in the world and make life magical.
Let’s get to it!

We were put on this earth to enjoy it, and if you aren’t enjoying it, then you are
missing out big time. Life isn’t a dress rehearsal; it’s happening right now this very
second. Do you feel joyful most days of your life, or do you feel like its Groundhog
Day— doing the same stuff every day with no end in sight?
Remember when you were a child? Humour her; bring out your inner five-year-
old. She's there but may not have been allowed to come out and play. What can
you do today that makes her feel alive? Shake life up! I bet there’s one thing
you’ve wanted to do for ages. Well, today’s the day to break free from adult
confinements and go out there and make life happen!

You think nothing of going out into the world and working, so why over think
having fun? I don’t care how small or big the thing is, if it lights you up, GO AND
DO IT!!!!!! If you can’t think of anything, how about entertaining those hobbies you
would like to take up or something you would like to learn? Remember, the more
fun we have, the more we learn about life and ourselves.
Why should fun stop just because we get older? If you struggle to have fun,
mimic a child and allow yourself to get caught up in the moment. They let their
imaginations run wild to have as much fun as possible. So use your imagination,
shake things up, step out of your normal routine and do something different!
You may feel you don’t have enough hours in the day but, trust me, once you
allow yourself some fun you will want more. Take baby steps at this, if you only
have thirty minutes to yourself, do something just for you and then build up to
more time. You’ll be glad you did.
Go have fun!

The dictionary’s definition of adventure is “an exciting or unusual experience”.

When was the last time you had one of those? Going on an adventure may mean
booking a trip to some far away land, but you can also have adventure on your
own doorstep. Be open to what life has to offer. Remember, during the school
holidays, when you used to moan to your mum, “I’m bored” and, more often than
not, she would say, “Go and make your own fun”.

You are an adult and can go anywhere you like. And, you can spend any amount
of money. So, I challenge you: take yourself off on an adventure! Have a think
about what would totally light you up and go do it! Trust me, even just walking out
of your front door and going a different route can be enlightening and break up
your routine. Go and explore, hun, make life happen. It’s waiting for you!
Have many adventures!
If you pamper yourself, you feel radiant and alive. If you cherish your body and
make time to feel good about yourself, you have fun! What woman doesn’t want
to feel pampered? If you’ve been craving a massage, go and get one or book
yourself for a spa day. If you can’t do that, then make your own spa at home.
Make your bathroom an oasis, lock the door and treat yourself to a lush bath.

You are worthy of pampering, and I want you to start doing it daily. You may think
it’s OK to keep going as you are, but eventually your body will either get sick or
you will hit burn out. Soft skin that smells divine is luxurious, so why deprive
yourself? Have you ever seen a woman walk into a room, looking so alive and
glowing? This is because she has made a choice to pamper herself regularly. We
can’t look lit up if we constantly chase our tail and bite people’s heads off because
we feel cranky. So if you find yourself feeling easily irritated, it’s a sure sign that
you need to put the brakes on and take some time out.
Pamper yourself daily.
Me time
If you’re working a lot, then you will probably wonder what “me time” is, let alone
have it in your life. We all need time to recharge our batteries, and that means
having some time to yourself that doesn’t involve working or being on social
media. Maybe you love to read, paint, cook, draw, write, whatever it is, do it and
as often as you like. The time we get to do it will vary but the more you do it the
happier you will feel.

If you feel totally full on with your life, then you need this more than you will ever
know. Why not start with 30-minutes a week totally dedicated to you and what
you want to do… not your partner, boss or friends but just you? This isn’t being
selfish; it’s simply saying to the world that this is my time to do what’s important to
As women, we are always doing things for others. I’m giving you permission to do
something for yourself. Treat yourself like you would a good friend. Be kind to
yourself. Your happiness is important. Again, start with 30-minutes, especially for
those of you who are literally struggling to find any extra time. But, remember, the
more you do this, the more you will want to dedicate to this. I want you to do this
without the guilt. You may have some spare time, but if you spend it feeling guilty
then that defeats the purpose. Kick back, relax, and enjoy. This is quality time for
you, so you can feel human and refreshed.
Take time for yourself.
Let me guess, I bet you can organise like a demon. Your “To Do” list grows by the
day… and, that’s good to a point. When it isn’t good is when your list grows so
much that you don’t have enough hours in the day to knock it out. And, you start
to resent your life. Stop the madness!
I want you to get out a pad and pen and create your “Fun List”. Now, you may
think that sounds strange, but, let me tell you, if you were already having fun, you
wouldn’t need a fun list, as you would automatically be doing it. The reason you
have a to do list is so you won’t forget what to do. Well, guess what, lady? You’ve
stopped having fun; this is why you need your fun list.
This list is just as important as your to do list. There are no right or wrong things
to put on your fun list and is totally personal. I want you to be creative with it.
Make it pretty with some fun pictures. Print it out and put it where you look at it
every day, e.g. fridge, office space, bedroom. Try to do at least one thing off your
Fun List every day. Woo hoo, do you feel like fun is on its way? – I do! Get going,
girl, what’s stopping you?!! Here is an example of my Fun List that sums me up.
It shows a woman on the beach—my happy place! These things totally light me up
and make me feel alive!
Plan to Play!
You may feel confident with your work, but what about having fun? Do you feel
confident about that? Maybe there is something you want to do, but you don’t
have anyone to do it with, so it doesn’t get done. You need to embrace life and do
what makes you happy whether you can find someone to share it with or not.
If you can go to work each day, then you can have fun every day. Remember,
your inner five-year-old, she’s itching to have some fun! Oh, yeah, you’ve stopped
doing that, so she’s forgotten how to play. How can you build up your confidence
muscles? Easy. It can be a big thing or a small thing, but, at the end of the day,
you have to choose what you consider fun.

If you want to go on a trip but can’t find someone to go – go on your own. You
might want to enrol in a night class or take up a hobby but feel silly going on your
own – do it anyway. You might want to wear certain clothes but feel you can’t pull
them off – go and experiment.
Stop living in a world of beige where everything is safe and dull and go and paint it
all the colours of the rainbow! Live life in glorious technicolour and make it
happen! Think out of the box, and do all the things you think you can’t.
Experiment and see how you feel. Why live life the same way day in and day out?
That isn’t living, it’s existing. You can do better than that!
Be confident. You got this.
When was the last time you did something just for the sheer fun of it? Can’t
remember, huh? What could you add to your life that would make you feel alive?
I know I’ve mentioned organising, and that has its place, but sometimes the best
times we have in life are ones we didn’t plan but just happened.
Stop trying to be in control of everything. Go with the flow. Be flexible with life and

see what adventures you can have every day. Remember when you were a
teenager and you just did things because you felt like it? I want you to feel like that
wild teenager who just followed her heart. Do what makes you happy and do it
whenever you feel like it. Go on, I challenge you to be wild and live life the way
you want to… not how society says you should. Let your hair down and live by
your rules! This is your life!
Be spontaneous!
Now, you may think that structure has nothing to do with fun – WRONG! I bet if
you aren’t having enough fun in your life it’s because of how your day is
structured. You make work a priority and fun goes to the bottom of the list. If you
want fun, you can have it. I don’t care how busy you are, if you want something,
you will go after it. Why not fun?
Along with your Fun List, I want you to now look at your days and see what things
can be taken off your to do list. If you feel that everything on your to do list has to
be done, then you need to look at how you can structure your day better so that
more fun can enter your life. Trust me, there is always a way to re-arrange your
day. You just need to think it through. Stop thinking that you have to do
everything yourself and ask for support. We are our own worst enemies, feeling
like we have to do everything ourselves. The fact is: there are people out there
who are more than happy to help, but we have to reach out for support.

Think nobody will help you? I’ve got news for you: the world and its dog will help
you if you let it, so you need to stop thinking you’re Wonder Woman and reach out
for support. I get it, asking for support makes us feel icky, and we think people will
consider us weak or incapable. People really do want to help, you but they can’t if
you don’t let them. My advice is do whatever it takes to have the best life
possible. If that means you have to swallow your pride and ask for help, do it.
If you have kids get your partner to help out or get a baby sitter. Stop working
loads of overtime and, instead, go and do something because you want to, not
because you have to. This always makes me think of the film Pretty Woman,
where Julia Roberts gets Richard Gere to come out of the office and take his
socks and shoes off and walk in the grass in the park. He thinks she’s mad being
the corporate hot shot he is. Guess what? He loved it. So what can you do that
you love that reconnects you to your heart? Live from your heart not your head.
That’s the best way to be, baby!
Structure your day for fun.
If we’re having fun in our lives, we find it easier to tap into our creativity. We often
feel we aren’t creative people if we don’t do creative work. All that creativity
needs is space and time to think and freedom of expression. Now, if you’re in a
job that doesn’t call for creativity, then you need to do it in your spare time;
otherwise, life will feel dull and won’t light you up.
Do you have a hobby but never have the time to do it? Restart it. Maybe you
have always wanted to do something but have never allowed yourself to do it
because of lack of time. Well, I challenge you: I want you to dedicate 1-hour to
making it happen this week. Yeah, a whole 60-minutes dedicated to what lights
you up! Think about it; there are 24-hours in a day, so that’s 168 hours in a week
and you’re telling me that you can’t dedicate 1-hour to you? If that’s the case I
want you to sit still for 5 minutes breathe and ask yourself why you can’t dedicate
an hour. If time is that limited, then stick around, I can help you.

Let’s work with the spare time you do have. I want you to get totally real about
what you want to do with your life. We can sort this out. It’s all doable, you just
have to decide what is important and do it. And, if you feel that life should be
about you, then you’ve come to the right place.
I love to be creative; it lights my soul up! We can be our own worst enemy with
creativity. We put too much pressure on ourselves for everything to be perfect,
when all we need to do is relax. Let go of the idea of perfection and allow yourself
to make a mess, get paint everywhere, have paper scattered around. We can’t be
creative if we get hooked up on perfectionism. Creativity needs to flow and have
time to express itself. You can’t force it.
Take a step back and think about whether you’re forcing things in your life, and, if
so, stop it. Take a breath and just allow yourself to be in the moment. Life isn’t
meant to be lived at 100-miles-per-hour every day. We all need space to just
connect with ourselves and listen to our inner voice. Trust me, our hearts are
always speaking to us but, more often than not, we drown it out with all the noise
from our busy lives. The world won’t come to a nasty end if you decide to have
some down time. The beauty of this is when we do allow ourselves time to
connect with our creativity not only is it fun but, when we return to working, we see
things with a fresh set of eyes and new ideas. So, having creativity is not just fun,
it helps you work better, too.
Be creative.
If you see a woman living with passion, as her driving force, then you have met a
wonderful woman. What I find so sad is there aren’t many women like that. We
all have so many things that need to get done that we often don’t make ourselves
a priority. If you are passionate about something, you will do whatever it takes to
get it done. So if you want fun in your life, you will make it a priority. Your
happiness is dependent on no one else. You decide what goes on in your life.
If you don’t like the majority of your life, something has to change. Ask yourself
these questions:
Do I want to carry on living like this or do I want a better life?
Do I want a life that I feel so passionate about that I can’t wait to start my day?

Even if that feels like a pipe dream, I’m here to show you can have that back in
your life. You can be like that wild teenager who lived for the summer holidays
and went out there and had the best fun life could offer. The good thing is you’re
older and wiser, and you can do whatever you want in this world. So the only
thing stopping you is YOU.
Have a think right now: do you feel passionate about anything in your life, and, if
the answer is no, then, baby, things have got to change! I want you to feel excited
and do what makes you happy. Life is too short to do things that bore you
senseless. If you have no idea what being passionate about life feels like, then,
don’t worry, I can get you loving life again.
Be passionate.
Any woman who comes into my life will have fun; it’s what happens. Fun is
actually contagious. If you see a woman having fun, you want a piece of what
she’s having, don’t you? Well guess what? You can have that, too. You just need
to know how to go about it. Send me an email and let me know what you think
about this manifesto, and let me know what you intend to do to have more fun. If
you don’t know what to do, then tell me that, too. I’m here to help.
If you are struggling for ideas about how to get more fun into your life, you are in
for a treat. I am passionate about women feeling lit up about their lives, so I share
some juicy information with my email list. Going through the motions is not the
way to live. Buckle up, baby, you’re about to have tons of fun, and you’re now a
part of the Fun Revolution. To join my continual online party, hop on Facebook
and request to join Mel’s Plan To Play Group. We’re having a blast over there,
cheering each other on to have the best life possible. Having fun is all down to
the choices we make.
What choice are you making?

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