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Y: Good Morning Everyone

How are you today? I hope everyone’s in a good shape to follow today’s lesson

Okay, before we started the class, lets begin our class with a short prayer shall we?

Amin enough

Okay who’s absent today, let me check the attendance

I think all of you is here, and that’s perfect

For todays lesson were going continue discussing about the Short Notice caution and warning

Let me remind you that in the first meeting we’re talking about the Scocial function of the Short notice
caution and notice text?

Q: is there anyone remember what is the Social function of the notice text

A: its ….

Thats Greaat, I’m glad youre still remember whats we were discussing back then, that’s awesome

Okay and then in the last week wwere discussing about the language features of this kind of text,

So today, im dedicating, no that’s not a right word. I want to use this meeting to prepare for the
assignment that youre going to do for the homework later

But before that I want everyone to look at the files I send in the WAG

And its about to analize the video that im going to share to you were going to review your
understanding about notice text by analyzing video that Ill send In the WAG, and find the Notivce
caution or warning on the video and then fill in the table of analize that I sent earlier.

Is that clear everyone

Okay, let me share my screen to you all

Now you can see my screen guys?

A: Yesss

Okay before I plpay the video, this video isn’t have a sound or music so, just pay attention of the notice
appeare of the video

Are you ready? Okay

Now who wants to be a volunteer to give an answer what notice you can found in the video

Great …, thankyou
Okay no that youre understand the social function the language features and the materials about of the
short notice caution and warning, like I said earlier youre going to have a homework and you have a
week to finish it so don’t worry, Im gonna explain about How we write a Notice text

Let me show you my screen

Now that youre already mastering the material about notice caution and warning, I want you to make
your own kind of notice text but not just any kindof notice, because were in the pandemic situation i
want you to make notice related to this covid 19 stuff. You can use any media like canva corel photosop
or even paint to make this whatever you prefer to use. I want you to use your imagination and creativity
to make your unique notice caution or warning text. And nest week I will choose two or three people
randomly to present their works to the class.

And I’m not going to be a judge, the other students have to give comments about those that presente
their work.

Let me give you an example. Im going to use corel for the example,

I believe you can draw better than me right. Okay that’s it about the example

Is that clear? Or is that any question about the assignment.

If its not, I think that’s for today

Thankyou for the active participation of the class, youre all awesome today, remember please do the
best on the assignment

Ill see you next week

BYE, you can leave the room now

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