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Monday, July 26th, 2021

Vocabulary for car parts Activity #1

Accelerator headlight Ss imagine they were almost in a car accident and are now
Turn signal hood parked in the side of the road. Have a conversation where
Brake horn you call your friend to ask them to come for you. Explain
Stop light rearview mirror what happened using the vocabulary
Bumper trunk
Clutch steering wheel
Dashboard windshield
Exhaust pipe side mirror
Subject-verb agreement
1. The basic rule is that if a subject is singular/plural, the verb needs to be singular/plural
I saw the person who wants a car.
2. Indefinite pronouns have singular verbs
Everyone buys a sandwich.
3. Determiners can be singular or plural depending on the subject
Some televisions are black.
Some of the glass is broken.
4. Sentences that are joined by “and” have a plural verb except if the sentence only has one subject
Danny and I go to the movies.
Jason, the new chef and employee, goes to work.
5. When you have “or/neither” and “not only….but also” the verb agrees with the closest subject.
Either the teacher or the students need a book.
Are you or the teachers mad?
Not only the dad but also his cousin is in the house.
6. Uncountable nouns have singular verbs
The sugar is white.
7. When you have “as well as”, “along with”, and “together with” the verb will be singular/plural depending on the
The boys together with their father work.
8. “A number of” has a plural verb and “the number of” has a singular verb
A number of people go to the store.
The number of people in the story is small.
9. Expressions about the amount of time, money, weight, and volume have a singular verb.
20 dollars is a lot of money.

Activity #2

Rewrite the conversation using the new grammar

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