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Instructional Software Lesson Idea

Lesson Title Analyzing, Identifying, and Visualizing Transformations (Day 2) - Reflections

Content Area 7th Grade Advanced Algebra

Content Standards MGSE8.G.1: Verify experimentally the congruence properties of rotations,

reflections, and translations: lines are taken to lines and line segments to line
segments of the same length; angles are taken to angles of the same
measure; parallel lines are taken to parallel lines.

MGSE8.G.3: Describe the effect of dilations, translations, rotations and

reflections on two-dimensional figures using coordinates.
Technology Standards 1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
2c: Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and
obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.

Integrated Technology Reflection Tutorial (MathIsFun)

Type of Instructional Tutorial: Delivers content through demonstrations and manipulatives.
Software Feature Teacher can create customized lessons; Accessible via mobile devices;
Accessible to students after school, shows application beyond
Reference or The students were given access to
Supporting Resources, the tutorial used to
introduce reflections and relative terms in this lesson.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering, Understanding, Applying

Integration Level This lesson is designed for LoTi Level 3: Infusion because the students are
making connections between problems and the real world and are beginning
to experiment with reflections and create problems to solve.

Universal Design This activity uses a reflection manipulative tutorial that allows students to
Rationale visualize and walk through the concept of reflections on the coordinate plane.
This website presents key concepts in both expository text as well as in
diagrams, photographs, and virtual manipulatives. Additionally, the activity
allows text-to-speech as well as providing visuals and various text sizes.
In terms of providing options for physical action and comprehension, the
website can be paired with physical manipulatives so that students can
choose to use the physical or virtual manipulative. Students are also allowed
to go at their own pace when exploring the tutorial. Reviewing the standards
and concepts will remind students of their prior knowledge regarding
concepts such as the various coordinate planes.
Lesson Idea At the beginning of class, I will review the standards and show students
examples of reflections (in real life and on a coordinate plane) to introduce
reflections and how they act. I will then be at the smart board at the front of
the classroom and guide students through the examples on the Instructional
Software through a link on Schoology so that they can begin to visualize
reflections and see what happens to the ordered pairs of a figure and its
reflection. Once the students can visualize and explain verbally what happens
in a reflection (the object is “mirrored” across a given line, and the object’s
coordinates are changed to match), I will guide students to the link on
Schoology and have students explore with the manipulative portion of the
website on their own for 10-15 minutes.
I will be asking questions and listening to student discussion to see what
observations are being made. The questions will encourage students to look
at the coordinates of the shape and describe their relation to the reflection,
such as:
• How is the shape being reflected?
• What is the line of reflection?
• How do the coordinates for each point of the shape reflect what you
have stated?
• Can we look at the reflection to see how the coordinates have been
• Can we look at the coordinates of a figure and the non-reflected
figure to determine the reflection?

After, I will facilitate a class discussion about the generalizations made by the
students. Following discussion, I will give students time to return to the
website as they create shapes and reflections in pairs. Students will alternate
creating a shape and line of reflection and mapping the reflected shape
across said line of reflection. The lesson will conclude by presenting the
reflections they have created on the smart board and having other students
ask questions and make connections.
Design Reflection After designing this lesson idea, I feel like the manipulative will be very helpful
for students to visualize and understand what is happening in each reflection.
To extend the lesson further, I would bridge this tutorial with either an
instructional game that would help students practice reflections or have
students come up with problems and solve them as large groups, then as
smaller groups, and finally individually. This type of lesson would aim to
increase the difficulty of the reflection, so students slowly gain the confidence
to attempt harder problems. As students finished, I would have them share
their problem and solution to the rest of the class to make sure all students
are understanding the concept.

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