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Offer letter

2. Passport

3. Visa xerox

4. Flight tickets ( Both )

5. PPR

6. BVLs

7. POE

8. DL Extract

9. Consolidated

10. Provisional

11. Transcripts

12. Individual marsheets

13. 10th 12th certificate

14. College TC

15. Course completion

16. GIC ( 2 certificates )

17. University fee receipt

18. Doctor medication prescription

19. Money exchange bill

20. USD, CAD, FOREX card

21. Hotel confirmation Cancun

22. RTPCR report

23. Both vaccination certificates

24. Arrive Can ( On reaching Canada )

25. Stay proof Canada

26. Enrollment Letter

27. Time Table

28. UWinsite screenshot


30. Blackboard scrrenshot proof of class

31. Medical report

32. Passport size photos

33. INR ( If necessary )

34. Pen in hand to sign docs

35. Upload everything in Google Drive

36. Insurance (If necessary )

37. GSS card

38. Birth Certificate xerox

39. Karnataka E-Pass ( If necessary )

40. Loan sanction letter

41. Biometric Instruction Letter ( BIL)

42. List of DLI's approved

43. Transit visa not required proof

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