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Instituto Tecnológico De Santo Domingo

Área de Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades

Nombre y Apellido: ID:

Angelica González Carrión 1089111

Biologia del Desarrollo.

Luis Orlando Maroto

Resumen sobre “Especies con el esperma mas grande”

summary about species with the largest sperm.

Scientists have long known that larger species have smaller sperm, but researchers have
also recently discovered a relationship between the size of the animal and the number of
sperm released during ejaculation. Asian elephant sperm measures approximately 56
microns (0.002 inches), while mouse sperm measures approximately 124 microns
(0.005 inches). Although mouse sperm is much larger, mice only release 9.5 million of
them, compared to more than 200 billion sperm ejaculated by an elephant.
Think of strength in numbers: it is an evolutionary advantage for large species to
produce much more sperm, considering that many will not reach the egg.
But the possibility of multiple pairs operating in less space means that it makes
evolutionary sense for small animals to have large sperm that can scare away the
competition and quickly reach an egg.
The study, "Sperm number triumphs over sperm size in the evolution of ejaculation in
mammals," was published in the latest issue of the journal Proceedings of the Royal
Society B.

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