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10 September 2015

Dhimmicrazy Non-Democratic NATO

NATO throws itself under the Hijra Gang Bus


This article shows that the Muslim overtake of Europe isn't related with Wars, Economics
or with Socialism, but is rather an explicit 'Final Solution' to Western civilization
including to its makers the White Caucasian Christians.

*** Hijra leading to Dhimmitude ***

Hijra is the Arabic word which means: (1) in general terms immigration (2) specifically to the
Quran is it a manoeuvre of conquest - regardless of the question of doing battle. The Quran
mandates that Muslim would over-take the world, this is exactly the message of Moukhammad,
by any means. One of those means is civilian migration into Kufar territories. According to Islam
raping a woman is taking her a wife and thus submitting her to Islam. The Kuran claimed that
Moukhammad married a 3 (tree) years old to be his “wife”. Thus the recent rape of a 7 years old
white Christian girl in Chemnitz Germany shouldn't surprise anybody, and it doesn't – because
NOBODY expected otherwise [1]. Dhimmi is a Christian or a Jew living under Islamic Oppression.
*** USA ***

US Welfare: 62% of illegals and 50% of immigrants in the USA are on Welfare [2].

In the USA the situation is very different:

1. Illegals from Latin America are NOT refugees, but rather SLAVES
- which is why they are allowed Driver License and Jobs
without proper identification, and why state handlers all speak native Spanish.
2. Slavery may be upgraded to Serfdom:
Liars loans - huge ones, especially in proportions to income.
Thralldom (=Slavery) of either interest-rate of of inflated house prices.
Assuming Interest-rates remain low for long, then prices remain high,
thus there's no point in walking-out on a furnished house - especially when
it was gotten without proper identifications - same for all insurances, cars,
children education and matching neighbourhood.
3. Obamacare is a total divide line between Obomunism and between Republicans.
It is NOT redistributionist but rather fleecing the workers while facing white Christians
with death panels. It is more like the Stories about Dr. Mengele than like Socialism.

Bot sides of the North-Atlantic still have in store White-Caucasian Christians

to wipe out, yet the US is closer to the goal with Minority white births
several years now - and with a much dumber population
- who could possibly vote for such an Obama?
... a most evident Ghetto-Junkie already from first appearance.
(The White Minority is self-identified, the real Whites are even fewer)

Two One-Pager Paragraphs (from different Books!) about Sheeple,

worshipping the Golden Calf of Samaria, akin to Distributionism:

Psalms 155
"5 They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not:"
Hosea 8
"This calf—a metalworker has made it;
it is not God.
It will be broken in pieces, that calf of Samaria.
7 “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind."
** * Eurabia ***

While the World-End Party continues in Germany too:

Only 5% of "Syrians" arriving to Europe are from Syria, 20% are Iraqi Shiite,
many are from Africa, How many are ISIS? [3].

The European Trojan-horse allowing the Rapid Islamization of the EU [4] is NOT driven by
socialist re-distribution:
In the ABSENCE of a serious opposition, why would redistributionists
go ballistic on the Dhimmicrazy? (...the former Democracy)
Especially when they do it TOGTHER? ( is already a Dictatorship!!! )
That's because the agenda is to BANKRUPT Germany NOW
by means of intensifying the century old Jihadist Genus-cidial strategy
against White, Caucasian, Christian, Civilized, Industrial & Prosperous People,
which means: Germanic, Japanese, Evangelic, Anglican & Jewish alike (unlike Masons).
When all countries are bankrupt, TTIP including Monsanto win, and the Internet is gone.
Why don't people JOIN the AfD or Republicans ASAP?
- this kind of voting cannot be falsified...

The USA is becoming a northern-sibling of Brazil, whereby the utterly corrupt Wall-Street elite
wipes out the nation which is America with illegally imported misery [5]. Since NATO is controlled
by Wall-Street then it comes down with it, being subverted down to the bone in broad day light.

5. Orchestrated Detonation of First World Nations

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