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Unit: Banking
Topic: Payment Wizard

At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:

 Use the payment wizard

To efficiently process multiple payments for multiple business partners,

use the payment wizard.

3-1 Outgoing Payment with Payment System – Bank Transfer

3-1-1 Prepare Vendor Master Record – Bank Transfer.
Open vendor V10000 and ensure that the payment term is – Cash Basic -
and that the Outgoing Bank Transfers (Payment Method Code =
Outgoing BT) payment method is available.
Set this payment method as default for this vendor.
Tip: To check the payment term, open the business partner master record
and choose the Payment Terms tab. To check the payment method, choose
the Payment Run tab.
Make sure that the business partner bank account in the vendor master
record is located in the same country as the business partner.
3-1-2 Create A/P Invoice with past Due Date.
Create an A/P invoice for the vendor. To make sure that discount is not
applied for prompt payment, change the Due Date and select a date that is
over one month in the past. Set the Posting Date as today.
Add the invoice and ignore the warning messages.
3-1-3 Use the payment wizard.
Use the payment wizard to pay your vendor liabilities by bank transfer.
Assume that you run the payment wizard once per week.
During the wizard steps, add a payment to the same vendor.
Solution : Business Partners => Business partner master data => vendor V10000 =>
payment terms - cash basic => payment run (pastikan centang outgoing bank transfer) =>
Solution : Purchasing A/P => A/P invoice => ganti due date (1 bulan) dan posting date
(sekarang) => add

Solution : banking => payment wizard => next => ganti date next payment run date
seminggu sekali => next => code from V10000 to V10000 => tekan add to list => next
=> seletion priority - due date => due date seminggu => next => centang no 2 => next =>
add manual row => isi vendor dan payment amount => next => execute payment run

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