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Camille’s Dream

Once upon a time there was a princess named Camille. She lived in a palace with her parents,

who ruled over the Kingdom of Maggon. Camille had never been outside the castle. Her parents told her

that the world was a dangerous place filled with evil. They insisted that she stay inside the castle at all

times. Camille had always dreamed of what life would be like outside of the palace. One day she decided

that it was time to explore the outside world. Her parents had gone away to visit another royal family

and they had left her alone, with the exception of the servants.

Camille opened her bedroom window and climbed down the brick wall. The instant her feet

touched the ground she breathed in a sigh of relief. She had dreamed of this moment for so long and it

was everything she had hoped for. She felt the summer breeze and heard the beautiful melody of birds

chirping. Camille slowly made her way towards the village and kept thinking about how she never

wanted to be confined in the palace again.

Once in the village Camille saw children running and playing, people selling baked goods, and

even people painting portraits. Everyone looked so happy and free. Camille wished that she could live

like this every day. Life in the palace was a bore. There were so many rules and on top of that there was

nothing fun to do. Ever since Camille was a little girl she had dreamed of making something out of her

life. Her dream was to become a baker. She would always watch their personal chef while she baked for

them. Whenever she asked her mother if she could help bake she was always told that it wasn’t a

princess’s job.

She walked into a bakery and inhaled the pleasant aroma of all the bread and pies. She noticed

that there was a help wanted sign. Even though she was a princess, she wanted to follow her dream. She

asked the man at the counter if she could apply for a job. He looked somewhat shocked. He recognized

without a doubt that she was of royal blood. Not anyone could afford such extravagant garments. He
was pleased with her desire to pursue baking though and he offered her a job on the spot. He told her

that the next day she could start work. Camille was so excited. Although she knew hardly anything about

baking, she would learn the tricks and master the art.

As Camille walked back to the palace reality sunk in. She realized how crazy it was of her to

except a job as a baker. She was a princess and didn’t need to be slaving away in front of an oven every

day. She thought about not even going back to the bakery. She would just pretend that this never

happened. Then she realized that it was all she wanted in life and she must chase her dream. She would

tell her parents as soon as they returned. Sure, they might be upset that she left, but they should

respect her decision. Camille climbed back up the wall and into her window. She kept looking outside

the window recollecting the wonderful day she had. Not after long, her parents arrived home. She raced

down the grand staircase and greeted them. She told them about her day and how she had disobeyed

their rule by leaving the palace. They were upset at first, but then Camille explained that baking was her

passion. She told them that it didn’t matter what they said anyway because she had already accepted

the job.

Her parents realized that they needed to let their daughter start making her own decisions. She

was nearly an adult. They could no longer hide her away from the world. They accepted her decision and

were proud of her. Although it wasn’t typical of a princess to work with commoners, if it was what she

wanted then she should do it. They embraced the idea and realized that dreams are worth fighting for.

Camille reported to work the next day and had an excellent time. Weeks passed and she had

learned so much. She was so glad that she had chased her dream despite all of the obstacles she had

faced. A few years passed and Camille even opened her own bakery. It was the most successful business

in the kingdom. People came from all over to taste her pastries. She never would have accomplished any

of this if she hadn’t followed her heart.

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