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Global development delay (GDD)

 When a child does not reach his/her developmental milestones by age that is expected.
 Delay can occur in speech and language, social, cognition, play and motor skills (global).

Causes/Risk factors:
 Preterm birth
 Genetic conditions like Down syndrome or muscular dystrophy
 Malnutrition
 Alcohol or drug use during pregnancy
 Physical abuse or neglect
 Problems in pregnancy or during birth such as heavy bleeding or lack of oxygen to the baby

Signs and symptoms:

The delays may be in:

 Speech and language development

 Gross motor development (walking, crawling)
 Fine motor development (holding toys, drawing)
 Thinking, understanding and learning
 Social interaction and how they relate to others (make friends)
 Emotional regulation
 Tasks of daily living (getting dressed, toileting)
 One side of body is used significantly more than the other

Physiotherapy role:
 Improve motor developmental milestones such as rolling, sitting,
crawling and walking
 Improve physical development such as balance, coordination and
 Correct positioning, provide fun
 Increasing muscle strength
 Stretching stiff joints
 Improving balance and coordination
 Promoting normal patterns of movement
 Achieving milestones
 Achieving maximum potential
 Improving quality of life
 Promoting independence with everyday tasks

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