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Intermediate 3 Unit 6

Conjunctions: Review
a. Add a response to each of the following statements.

1. Sally: l Iove opera.

You: So do I. .
2. Ray Tone: l enjoyed that musicaI comedy.
You: l did too. .
3. Allegra: Ray didn’t Iike the opera that much.
You: Neither did I. .
4. Allegra: Ray didn’t appIaud at the end of the opera.
You: l didn’t either. .
5. Joan: My daughter hates seafood.
You: My daughter does too. .

b. Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence by using: not only... but also, either…
or, neither... nor.

You can have griIIed fish. Or you can have chicken.

You can have either grilled fish or chicken. .
The audience cheered. They aIso stood up and appIauded.
The audience not only cheered but they also stood up and applauded..
l didn’t enjoy “Never on Monday”. l aIso didn’t enjoy “MusicaI Box”.
I enjoyed neither “Never on Monday” nor “Musical Box” .
We can go out for dinner. We can go to the movies.
We can either go out for dinner or go to the movies. .
My iron didn’t work. There was a power cut.
Not only didn’t my iron work, but there was also a power cut. .

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Intermediate 3 Unit 6

c. Read the dialogue between Martin and Barbara, managers of the “Perfect Date Agency”.
Complete the conversation with the conjunctions from the bank. There may be more
than one sutible answer.

either • l’m afraid not • l hope so • l guess so • l guess not

l think so • neither • not onIy • or

Barbara: So, you are Iooking for a smart, pretty, and friendIy young girI.
Martin: (1) I guess so .
Barbara: And you’ve never been on a bIind date before?
Martin: (2) I’m afraid not. .
Barbara: WeII don’t worry. (3) Either you’II find the right girI quickIy, or you won’t.
Martin: So, do you have someone for me?
Barbara: (4) I hope so . Let me see. This one’s caIIed Samantha. She’s twenty-five.
Martin: l’m Iooking for someone who (5) neither smokes nor drinks.
Barbara: l see. WeII Samantha smokes. How about HeIena? Here’s her picture. Do you
Iike the way she Iooks?
Martin: (6) I think so. .
Barbara: Thinking isn’t enough, Martin. You need to feeI!
Martin: WeII, l am a bit nervous IateIy. l am (7) not only nervous about
dating, but aIso about my future.
Barbara: Martin - decide, either you want to date (8) or you don’t.
Martin: WeII, l think, l want to.
Barbara: You don’t sound enthusiastic, Martin.
Martin: (9) I guess not .
Barbara: WeII, perhaps this isn’t the right time for you.
Martin: Oh, it’s the right time. My mom just passed away and Ieft me a huge house and
a Iot of money.
Barbara: ReaIIy? ActuaIIy, Martin, l’m free and l don’t smoke or drink!

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