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Facultad de Ciencias Químicas/Ingeniería Química

Operaciones de Transferencia de Masa III/Humidificación y secado


1. Se necesita aire a 55°C con una temperatura de bulbo húmedo de 35°C. Para obtener este
aire se parte de aire atmosférico a 20°C con humedad relativa de 60%. El proceso completo
consta de una precalefacción, seguida de humidificación adiabática hasta que su humedad
relativa es de 90% y recalefacción hasta las condiciones requeridas.

2. Air, originally at 14°C and 70% saturation, is heated to 48°C and then passed consecutively
over two shelves in a tray drier. In passing over each shelf the air regains its original
percentage humidity but is reheated again to 48°C by heaters between the shelves. If the
material on each shelf reaches the wet bulb temperature and that heat losses can be
neglected, determine the temperature of the material on each shelf and the rate of removal
of water ( kgs ) if 3 min
of moist air enters the drier.

3. Paper is being dried with recirculating air in a two-stage drying system operating at 1 atm.
The air enters the first dryer at 83°C, where the air is adiabatically saturated with moisture.
The air is then reheated in a heat exchanger to 79°C before entering the second dryer, where
the air is adiabatically humidified to 80% relative humidity. The air is then cooled to 16°C in
a second heat exchanger, causing some of the moisture to be condensed. This is followed
by a third heater to heat the air to 83°C before it returns to the first dryer.

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