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1) Probable

2) Haven‘t heard
3) Skilled
4) Analysing
5) Was
6) Smallest
7) Unimportant
8) Spending
9) First
10) Driver
11) Silent
12) Had payed
13) How do you know who I am?
14) Greatest
15) I have never seen you
16) Recognizing
17) Proud
18) Was
19) We‘re expected
20) Came
21) Pronouncing
22) Were England
23) Helped
24) Was
25) Wonderful
26) Cried
27) Correctly
28) Were
29) Travelling
30) Didn‘t helped.

1. My summer wasn't so special when summer had begun I have already been at sanatorium where I was trying to
health my injure and after almost 2 months of treatments I came back to Vilnius where I extended my treatment of
injures by doing not really hard but more like painfully exercise for my back and leg, also I was walking every evening
outside for better condition of my leg. One more important thing that I had loved to do all summer is to make some
art cause I'm like a kind of artist, so I mostly was more practicing on painting or sketching of design interior and getting
not bad artworks which most people like. And of course, as a  big fan of MARVEL, I needed to rewatch the whole MCU
films (Marvel cinematic universe)  by his timeline. So that's what I have done whole my summer. whats about your

2. I mostly like to listen to rap or older types of soft rock and sometimes even Pop music but mostly I'm listening to soft
rock and rap. I like those types of music I think because of the feelings which you can feel when you're listening to that
type of music and also I like to hear solo boss guitars sound through those song's lines and most of those songs that
I'm listening exposing my personality and emotional condition.

3. I'm expecting at least more than a 7.

4. What kind of films do you usually like to watch?

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