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I was born in Lapu-Lapu City on 28 February 2021 at 11 o’clock in the evening but my

hometown is Cordova. parents often visit the Basilica Minore del Santo Nino church in Cebu
and Virgen de Regla in Lapu- Lapu City Church. My mother always prays for the safety delivery.
My mother also went to her hometown Zamboanga to massage her womb and even apply
snake herbal oil so my mother will not experience difficulty in her labor this were the beliefs they
pass through generation to not experience hardships during the delivery period.

I live in a town near the sea with a simple life. My father used to be a fisherman, using his
grandfather’s boat. I really love yo come with him. He told me that 1 was 2 years old when I
know how to swim because my father always trains me every morning flying me through the air
and release me to the water. If ever my my mother won’t allow me to go with my father, I always
cry I don't know that time the water calls me very often that I want to be there every day. I am
the most brownish child for I always stay under the sun. As early as 5 years old I learn how get
shells from the sea I even got sea urchins -this is really good in a cold rice. My father also is a
vendor of tempura and fishballs using his trisikad and that I wilk always come with him. He used
to be an ice cream vendor- the one with big box and bell rings but he is not carrying it in his
shoulder but he is putting it in his trisikad so he used its pedals upon selling it. We even had a
sari-sari store, you can say that my father is a business minded. My dad also is a pet lover he
has lots of animals outside our house (Duck, Chicken, Turkey, Bird, Fish, Cat and Dog) he is my
ultimate idol. My mother is the one handling our finances she is very tight in money she will only
buy the things that needed in our home and she always saves every time she had extras. She is
really good in cooking; she is the one cooking for us all day and I am the one who always
watched her and the one to taste it if it is already done. She is also good in organizing things
and cleaning our house she does everything she possess multi skills. I love it when she cooks
my favorite food it gives me happiness. My parents have taught me a lot of good values growing
up and I think that shaped me in knowing my character as a child. I have been interested in
different aspects like exploring the surroundings and discover new things. Both the aspect of my
parents helps me develop my childhood years.
There are lots of greatest achievement during my childhood. I was able to like drawing and
painting- I had a sense of combining colors to make a beautiful artwork as early as 5 I can write
and color the picture without lapses, I am very neat in my work. My interest as a child diversly
develop because of my parents influences. I was able to discover myself and knowing what I
need. I develop a sense of bravery for when my parents took me to carnival, I used to like the
Ferris wheel. I was able to swim at an early age and even dance and sing. My childhood has full
of stories to tell and that is the most important part of it that I was able to enjoy while learning
new things. I am adaptive in any kind of situations and kind enough to say no.

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