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Technical Questions

1.What is a file?

2.What is a class?

3.What is an object?

4. What is a constructor?

5.What is the different OOPS principle?

6.What is inheritance?

7.What is polymorphism?

8.What are the instance and class variables?

9.Compare method and constructor?

10.What are the steps for creating the object?

11.What is the different type of access modifiers?

12.Which is the highest operator precedence in Java

13.What is a singleton class?

14.What is an array?

15.What is the difference between equals() and method and == operator?

16.Is string class final?

17.What is a wrapper class?

18.Difference between overloading and overriding?

19.What are multiple inheritances in Java?

20.What is an Interface?

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