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Case Report: It’s Kind of a Funny Story

I. Identifying Information
Name: Craig Gilner
Age: 16 years old
Sex: Male
Occupation (if any): student
Citizenship: US Citizen (Brooklynite)

II. Case Background

Craig Gilner is a 16 years old boy who lives in Brooklyn, New York City. He has a family
consisting of his mother, father and his younger sister Sarah. His family environment is healthy and
normal, he has supportive parents and a loving sister. Craig is very clever; he is a student of a
prestigious Executive Pre-professional School and was able to got a perfect score of 800 on his
admitting exam after studying extremely hard. After being admitted. However, he becomes
overwhelmed with the amount and depth of schoolwork he needs to comply and begins to fall behind
because of the intense academic pressure the school have for him. Eventually giving up altogether.
Furthermore, there is also this girl named Nia and he has a longstanding crush on her but Nia is
already dating his best friend, Aaron. By that, he feels like he’s unable to fit in and his stress leads
him in an eating disorder, bad sleeping habits and suicidal thoughts.

III. Physical Appearance

Craig has an attractive face. He has black deep-set eyes and well-defined eyebrows. A fair
skin normally New Yorkers have. And for his hair, he has a black, short, straight, thinning hair. To
take note of his other facial features he has medium sized ears, thin lips and a pointy nose, his overall
face can be described as oval. He appearance looks older than a 16 years old boy and he looks more
mature and manly. He has a thin build body and has an average height.

IV. Behavioral Observation

Craig’s behavior has been triggered by the amount of stress he has been feeling throughout
the movie, He was constantly thinking about how everything he is doing right now might affect his
future, creating an enormous amount of stress on himself. After he arrived at the ER of the hospital
and is admitted, he observes a variety of other patients and he then realized that they were
experiencing a more serious and emotional problem than him. As the time goes by of staying in the
hospital and found a group of people he can talk with, Craig’s behavior became better and is being
back to normal. He begins to eat normally and feel hopeful again. He begins to find happiness in
making maps that he used to love when he was a child. He is not suicidal anymore and found the
beauty in life and is now ready to live more.

V. Diagnostic Impression
I diagnosed Craig with Major Depressive order because as what he said, he has been
depressed for about a year now. He begins to lose interest in things he used to enjoy, like hanging out
with his friends. He doesn’t find it exciting or interesting anymore to just hang around and talk. Craig
is also having a hard time to get himself out of bed in the morning without dreading it. He also has
this stress vomiting. Craig always feel overwhelmed even with the smallest tasks. Stress takes him
over entirely, leaving a feeling of sadness and dull moment every time he is awake. In addition to that,
Craig is also experiencing disordered thinking and can’t even talk or open up about his problems.

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