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Java Apps to extract information from YouTube API V3.

We are looking for a Java console application which does the following using Java V3 YouTube API. A CSV
file sis use as the out. You can write one program or multiple – code must be reusable and good quality

Use N=25. We will use N=80 for testing

1. You Tube categories: – Category ID, Category Name
2. Most watched N videos in a country: US. Canada: Channel ID, Views, Data Published (part
example, search by location)
3. Most watched N videos in a country under a give Category: Channel ID, Views, Data Published
4. Top subscribed channels for a given region – US/Canada (example): Username, Channel ID,
Number of subscribers
5. Top subscribed channels for a given region – US/Canada and category ID, region: Username,
Channel ID, Number of subscribers, Total Views
6. Most watched YouTube channels per category for a given region: Username, Channel ID,
Number of subscribers (example code)
7. Top N trending channels (use Chart=MostPopular) for a given region: Username, Channel ID,
Number of subscribers
8. Live Streaming
a. Live Streaming channel for a given channel or user name. (example code)
b. List of Streaming channels for top 100 new channels in the USA (use these user names)

Payment terms: 25% after completing 3 requirements, 50% on all requirements, 25 code is reviewed,
tested modified for good quality.


1. Must have extensive experience with Java YouTube API V3.

2. Must be available on Skype for voice calls
3. Must be full time freelancer.

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