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,#,,; '

The Archaic Period
a handbook


5zB illustrations


Cntyr cnt{ \irncd by Euphto t)t. Dcdit dni SarP",/ S( ,,



Ilr, rcd ligure technique; lnvention irnd Experiment;
llr( l)ionecrs; Cup painters; Aspects ofthe Pottery Trade


llrc I(lcophrades Paintcr and the Bcrlin Paintcr;
( )llrcr pot paintcn; Cup paintcrs


Ary .opy ofthis book s{rcd by thc poblishcr ,rs

N'l.rrrrrcrists; Pot paintcrs; Cup painters
i pipcrbr.k i\ sol.l sul,lc.t b thc (or itlo.
,t nru1l rrot by rvry oftradc or othcru,isc be lcur.
rcv,lcl, hired out or othcnvLse citLrlrted rvithout
t|c prblishcrh prrr cor*cnt iu rrLy forrrr of
b! i,rs or.o!er orhcr rhlr tlrrt iD $rrich it (;IJNERAL DECORATION
r prrblishcd rrd wnhout r sunllrr cortditiott 2t2
i,r(h,di,ig dres. Nords bcnrs n),posed o. x ('()11vefltions; lnscriptions; Florals and Ornamcnt;
tbscqucnt purrhrser.
Arrimals and Monsters
(lr r97J Thinrcs rnd Hu(l$r Lrd, London


All lt4lhts llcserved. N{) l,rt olthis publicrtion
rrrv bc rcpLodrced or mnsuncd n rny lLrur or
livcryday life; Fighting; Entertainment, public and
bv au) ,,,erns, elr.rR,1)i. or rrcL:hnical, iDchrlirg l)rivatc; Sport; Commerce and industry; Religion;
photocopy, rccordnrg or rn), othcr irfonrrrti,),r llisrorical figures
stonge rxl ren icvrl systcnr, lvitho!t prior
pcrmissi(,i I wririDg Ulu thc publisJrcr.
S (]ENE S OF MYTH ?,23
l\rtN o-ioo-tror:ll ,
l'hc Gods; Herakles; Theseus; Other heroes;
P,i,itc(l )rnl l)(,!1nl in Sinlr.rt,,)i.1,\ (1.: (; |hi.s Thc Trojan Cycle; Other figures
Abbrcviations 23J

Notcs and bibliographics 2j6

List ofillustrations 242 Chapter One

Index ofartists and grouPs 249
Index of mythological subjccts
General index 252

ll, ,,1 ligrrrc tcchniquc ofvasc painting lvas ilrvcntccl in Athcus by abour
. l rl, r1 .l tir)]c wheD thc black figurc tcchniquc rvas blrclv pest its printc arrrl
, ,, r ,., r lr-ll othcr inlportxnt stuclios ofvlsc paintinc were flourishing in rhc
t , , , rr or lr1, t}om drc wcsrcnr colonies to Ionil. At the cnd of the helf ecrr-
,,,\ ,'r rrorc rliscussed ln this book, Athenian red 6gurc stood alorc as rhc
,,,1r rrrr;or fisrrlc-dccorated style ofvrsc peinting in Grcccc, and irs painters
lnd solvcd problcnrs irr dr.ullhtsnlanship which werc- bcyoncl cvcn
1,,,1 1,,,r, Ll
L u,rrl,.rrxrion ofL'erlicr xrtisrs. Thlt this affcctcd rhc srxtLls ofthc priitur in
, , r\ \(r'rr\ likcly to judgc lronr what \\,e can lcan1 of the Pionecrs. In
\rl, r, 1lr. onlv conrpcriror was black hgrrc, which remeincd picntiful, but
,l I i,,1 rr (luillity rapidly rftcr 5oo and is no longcr rvorth cotsiclcratiorr xltcr
| , .1 ( l)t orr l)aDathcDaic vases.
\lrlr,,Lrgh Athens, espccielly in tlrc finc' though fragmcntary dcdicllr,lns
,,, r 1rL Acropolis, r'crrains a prilnc solrrcc forrcd figurc, thc cxport tr:lde,
Ll, \ 1() Ittrlv, hrs cnsurcd lor us the glcatcst nul11bcr of complete vescs,
, r . rr thcrcforc ro bc sought in thc nruscums ofltaly and thc Wcst rathcr
r'' (,rt'(.r itsclt. Thc very widc distribution, far beyolcl thc Grcck world,
L r L rrr tl)irt thc pottery, with the possibilitics of its closc detinq, offcrs
l, r,, , rlevidcncc ofgrclt irnportlnce for non-Classical cLlltLtrcs, and is also a
, ,, ,, l rr, lrr ,r tor of thc Atheniatl pottcry tradc or o rher Athcnilln intcrcsts. Here

,1 I , ( r) this b()ok thcsc rnartcrs lrc touchcd upoD, bnt the rnaiD attractrons
1,, .,rLril,, erc thc iDsight it givcs to thc opcration ofe conununily ofcrxfts-
i, , rl .r rrnjor (ircck city, thc infornation ofhisrorical, sociel end mytho-
, rl r.rlrrc givcn by thc figure scencs, and, not least, rhc irrtrillsic quality of
rl, .,,,r1, ol-thc fincr artists. Thc black fiqure artist ExeLias (working abour
t , t,,1 h.rri raised rhc crafr ofvrsc painring to thc status ofa me.ior rrt, and
, ,, rli( lrirtrds ofsonic, it rcmaincd throtgh the Archaic pc oc{ urltil ovcr
,l , r l,\ lllc ilt ofprillters on wood or w111.
I r.rc intclests end clullitv rvhich this volurrc sccks to docurlrcnt;llLl
'1, r . lor rlrc rtuc{cnt, connoisscur ofxncicnt art or iover offinc clrlrvinq. It
, , , , r ,l to thc handbook on Athcniln black tisure v;rscs (,411/r-FI) u,hich rvls
I rl lr lrrrl irr r974, and attetnpts ln thc s.rrnc r,vly to proviclc i tcxt u,hich
.l r 1,,r thc dcvclopnlcnt ofstylc es r,vcll ls ol{cring sorlc guidc to rrndcl-
strr)dinla xrr(l cni(Jvrr)q thc fiqttrc sccucs. Somc tnatters havc bccn dcrlt rvith '',,,1 . r,rl, rc1.rtionships rlltv bc dcfincd arc sonlctirrcs clcrr, sonrcrillcr n()1.
rlrc:rcly in :11i1:lt .r rrcccl bc onlv bricfly rehearsccl hcre. Thc picturcs erc It r , r l.Lrrd it nccessl: y to poilt out thxr hc ltadc't distitrction bctrvecr u
plcntitirl, though snmll. choscrr ro illtrstrittc stylc, shapes lrrd clccorerion as ftrli-v ,,., ,r r l, rirrtcr encl a vesc in his manncr; lr:rdthat"lrraDncr",',irrriteriorr".
ls possiblc. For r firllcr:rpprccilrliorr ofthc finct vasc\ thc readcr lllust tLlnl to l,,l,,r rrrrt . school ", " circlc", "uroup", " influcncc ", "kiuship", ulc rror.
lifc-sizc or cnJ:rrgccl photogrephs iu thc rnore c-\Pcrlsivc tlt books, or io thc mr r,,, rbrrlery, synonyrrrs.' Not:rll \rLrdLrlts wrll bc.rLrl( ro lollurr .rll thcsc
vilscs thcnrsclvcs iD public collcctiotrs. l havc uscd clrawiugs ofvescs wherc
sonrc details or wholc sccrlcs:rrc bcrtcr prescntcd lhis lvay, inchlclillg lcvcral \\ l! r{ I rc l;rtcl u,ork attrib[fecl to I pxir]tcr sltows sotrrc coersclinl i,l
of llcezlcy's, hithcrro unpublishcd, $/hcrc lhe tllickcllcd pcrrcil lincs cu ,l i ,,r. s t lr is ;rr r iudic:r rion of drc ftiline cycsieh t ofntiddlc ;rgc, or thc ,,vor k
inLlicxtc Lrsc of'rclic'f linc' contour Inisscd in phorographs. Sonlc of rhc oldcr ! L t, rli ()r rrrrirrtor? Euphr.olios, th( \ouns p.rinrcr. rrr l.rrti yc:rr. rr orkcrl
drlr,r,irfis uscd :trc c(]1]vcnient btlt llrily lre dcfictivc ill dcrai]. Most fietircs ,r'1. ,.1,,)rr.r. And rvls ntoved to mlkc a dcdication for good h,:lrh,lr
ancl sccncs on v.rscs clurllor bc caught corllplete end without disrortion in .t rl, \, ,,1,,r1is. lhls u,c'canjuclgc'trorr i:rsc:-iptions. Did others'put dorvn thcir
siusle cenrcrt shot. This is no scrious fault ofdcsign sirrcc in lifc cycs and herrds Ir' 1,,. ,src.rriily?Atanyratc, lvho r,vas thc ntorc itllporlallt in a r,vorkshop,
\.ur rr^\i't,' lrrll lrc'\'r,l rh, rrlr"l. pr,rrrr... I r , , ,ir l,r)lt(]r2lr is thc poftcr who requircs thc pcrruancut instellatioD ofe
Thc conrcnt of this book covcrs thc Archaic period, dou'n to rhc,+7o's, lrl, t,rri\rr,rr(,rndnodoubtntillyorltostartislscouldprectiscbor)rcrlfis.
with a shott sc,lucl following somc Archalc srylcs into thc Eerly (iJassicel. \ lr r lrr'r l)oinr, rc'fi-rrcd to i tcrrDittcltly in this book and in ABll-1, n..ry
Thesc cheptcrs incvitably rcly hcaviJy orr thc writirlgs ofSil John 13cazlcy rvho, l, ,, , ,, rLrl lrcrcr the possitrlc non-Athcniarl contributior) to thc devclop_
on his dcath in r97o, had cerued atr ittternational rcputrliorl and authorily rrr r,, i ,,1 ,,l liqlrrc it Athcns. Somc dcbt to lonie nriqht sccnr plursiblc lr thc
this sub.ject urrrivallcd in the history of Classical schohrship. I have scldotlr I r ,, I r\t (ircck inflrrctcc'in orltcr arts, bLrr stylisrically it is impossiblc to
dcvi:rted lronr thc ordcr of iris lists or hesitatingl,v cluericd corlclusiorls which | , , , \, ( l)l in thc rlraftcl oltthc ntac:utdcr lud squarc pattc'rns \vhich had a
hc rvas hirlsclf ah,va,vs rcad,v to rcvisc in thc light ofneu' cviclcnce or c-xpcricttcu- ,. , r, lrr:ror \ jn E:rsr (lrcccc, arc nrct in Athenian black figurc, rarcly, but
Thcrc is no place fo: dogtua ir Classic:rl archacologl,, lor clinging to con- , I l,,L rr lcq tl lrllv irt rcd llgurc lt-ortr about ; oo, as \\,c shall scc. T]lc pallltctrc
vcnicnt rsscrtiors, or to thc sliak ilr-hisl()Iicrl rrcncralisations which nrey 1 ,, , ., , rr crlu:rl1y clusivc. Thc rolc of rhc nletic popuhtior in rbc arrrsrre
sltisll, thc stuclcnt rrorc rcrdil-v than they satisty thc cviclclce. Thc subjcct ,l ,t \rlrcrrs src|rs qencrlllv itdDliftccl, but wc caDrlot point to atl), singlc
nroves too quickly. No snu1l part of Beazlcy's brilliarrcc wes his hurnility: I rr lrosc trrililg ciocs ltot sccrll to bc thoroughly Athenian, aithough
brrt lrc suili'recl fools Dol i1t xll. l,,,,,,,1t,l sorlc with foreigrr nanrcs (as Sky,thcs) sccnls ro irdicrtc a fi.csll
Thc p:inciplcs of ittriburiol of vlses to pailltcrs wcrc dcntonsoared by ,,, 1 A1tcrrIptstoshowtharrhcKlcophr:rclcsPaintcrwlsaCorinrhiarr,r,rr
llcirzlc,v in scvcril of his errlicr articlcs, frorl rglo on, bascd oll lllcthoLls , ,,,1.,,1 elonc, alc ullikcly to bc convirrcinq. Spelling coulci provc
rpplicd to Itrliru paintirrg by Morclli:rucl orhcr ninetccnth-century scholars. t r, rL.rtinq thc iouicisius Golucholv perrrcr, spc]lirrg odditics by
It dcpcrcls on obscrverion aucl cotDplrison oidctails anal,omy, clrcss rvhich, IL rrr lro c:rrr Atticisc his uarrc ro Philties) or chc l]rygos painrcr (.p,krr
col)rbincd r,vith study of posc, corrposition and chc indeful;rblc 'style', makcs l , rr(.Sr\.thiilninArisrophatrcs).Thcrrlrrnt'sercinthcDtselvcssuqqcstrvu
ilttributior oi thc morc idiosyncratic arrists possiblc cvcD for bcgill1lcrs. Horv ,,, 1 , r ,Lll toqcrltcr, cffcctivcly cournh.r rrquntcntr b.rred urr thr pro\:ci usc
objcctivc is this? It rnight not satisf-v thc ncw archac'ologist, but $'c necd no. . , , ) n.ur)c\ in a icr,v Circck loblc i1n1ilics_ Wc have sonrc hundrcd and
bc;rsheurccl thet u'e carr usc otlr cycs:rs cllccrively as our illsrrlrlllcrlts. Tllc r,' r.rrrlcs ,ofpottcrs aDd pirinters on v:rscs studicd iu ,4BFFI and this
cohcrcucc ofe qroup ofvxses attributccl to onc hllld [-ly Beazlcy can bc dcrlon- | , i ) 1lr.s. I haifar lcast bclr nenrcs which erc decidcdJy not appropnatc
srreted Ly conrputcr rnalysis ofdctail (llbcit sulrjcctivcly chosen) but thc p-tirr , \ru r.rr tirrrilics ofuppcr or lou,cr (so far as can bc juclgcd) class. Soruc
of rccordurg the tcns of lhousancls of Athertitu vlscs ibr i con)P[ter to d.'tL-ct ,,, ,, rr ,,tlro lrntl or racc Lydos, Skythcs, Sikanos, Sikelos, Syriskos,
thc prinrcrs woulcl rlot bejusli6ccl lry the results, x]though it can be clorrc lor:r I L. Ilr|lx, l{ercs, Mvs: othc'rs bclr rrrrucs approprjatc clscwhcrc or
sinslc monurrrcnt rvith rcperirive ligurcs by dillcrent hands (as ir thc Pcrscpolis , r,,r)) lirrcisu nalncs c.q. Arnlsis, Brygos, Midas, phirtias, Isncnos,
rclicii, rvhcrc thc cyc cotrld lclrievc thc satuc rcsults yct quickcr). r l,l ,,, | .rr(l thc Hcrnl neltlcs collttitoocsr in Eist (lrcccc: scveral sccnl
Therc rre othcr spccill proble[rs in thc srud,v of red figurc pc,ltcr lvorL, ,,r' edoptcd nenrcs Epikrctos ('nerv :rcquired' a shvc nanlc),
rvhcrc ntotc nrechrnical cornprrisons rtrighr bc possiblc. Pottc, signxturcs l' ,, , r,,\ ( rrusry forcierler' - Svriskos), Eucnporos (,good tr.adcr,),
hclp, ard thc stucly of profi1c' dctails pituecrccl by Protissor Bloesch Tht ,,,. , ,,,., (pIofiteblc'), Paidikos ('bov nrad'), priepos, Srlrikros (TiDy),
reJationships of pottcr lo plinlcr, :rncl rhc critcria by rvhich nlastcr/ptrpil or ',, ,1, L),.(nr()LrrtaiD_eocl But it is hir.d to cutcgor-isc, and thcsc rre senrplcs
8 9
o ly. Thi\ i\ rr()l tl)( flir.c lo irltclttPt indivicluelc-\plarl:ttiorls, llor- is cl)otlqh
vct known xboLrt ll()w utrrl rvltctr nrctics or slilvcs lllillht lcqLlirc or chirllgc
their nanrc\, c\ccpt tlrut it rves cesicr lbr lhenr dren fbr cirizc'ns. Look :rr thc lisl
ofkelos nrnrcs fr otrr rhc sxruc virsc\, whcrc you find h:rrclly e sinqlc nantc ofthis Chapter Two
t,vpc, ro .judgc thc dil-lircncc ill !rxtLls ilnd origills bcrrvccrl thc artisrrls elrcl
thcir c)r1ostlrcs.
This is l pcriod tbt r,vhlch, lor thc llrsr time iu Greek rrt, wc nlev h:r\'"c THE FIRST GENERATION
iitcrlrv rcfcrcDccs lo thc \\,ork artcl stvlcs oa p:Lintcrs nol v;1sc Peilltcrs bul
rva11 paintcrs. Thc tnaitr influcrtce of tltc grcat llLlralists on vlsc p:rinti[t ir
l:rtcr then Ar'chiic, btlt thclc irc a fcw l:rtc collllllcllts on their Prc.lcaessors
Plir,v s:rys that belorc- Polygnotos, thcrclore Lntc Archaic, thc parrrrcr Kinrorr Ilrr red figure technique
of Klconli introducccl fbreshortcnirrq lrrd tlucc-cltllrrcr faccs (if l)lrnv undcr-
stood thc tcrlt aright, rnd ifu,c turdcrsttttd Pliny) and rcaiistic totrcllcs irr drcss 1,,, lr.r lv onc hurldrcd yeers ail rhc figruc dccoration on Adrcniar pottcr.y
lurld rniltoruy (vcirrs). Thc sort ofllLlc forcshortcli g ofrvholc linrbs rvhich a lr ,,irr cxccutcd in the'black figurc ' techniquc. Thls mclnt black-peintcd
larcr critic \\,ould havc lloticcd is nol chlracleristic of Archaic rccl fignrc, so ,l r, ir rrllc\ witlr inciscd li:rear detail and edclccl rcd ald rvhitc frrr dctails ofhait.
cithcr thc vasc prirrrcrs wcrc filling short of 1{itllon's achicvclucnt or wc dillc ,l' ,,r lcrtelc flcsh. Thc tcchniquc hld sltisficd Corinth for even Jouscr, bur
Kirrorr rerhcr too carlv. Hc rvls sr,r1rposed to hlvc improvcd orl rhe Nork of rr rr rs irr rnen) weys rcstlicllvc and iu othcr palrs of (;rcccc, :rotabl,v rhc
Eurnaros. an Athcnian in u,ltonr sorttc hlvc scen Eultlares, fathcr ofAllrcnor, ' l,r ,ls rnd scvct!h-ccrltrrry Attica, outline drarvn flqur-cs vu,ere prcfcrrccl,
an Athcnian sculptol who workcd xbout 53o jIo. Lackiog errv rccold of ,, r, r Iickcd out rvirh brolcl urasscs of colour. It rvrs probablv Oorinth's
nrejor rvall p:rintings ofthcse ,vea: s in Athcrls wc cllllllot Pretencl thal any nlrrral r r rg succcsscs rvirlr hcr porrcrv which ensurcd that bl;rck ligurc u,oulcl prc-
srylc wxs vct iulltLcrrriel. IJLrt rccclll discovcties of Atchaic (ireek plintirrq in ' rl. lrLrt thc outline drarvn srylcs rvcrc by uo mcaus fbrgoftcn. Thc fincst oithe
tonrbs in lta1,v (P;rcsrLrm lr.r]) md Lycia (Elrrrrli Ir..zl), shou]d wern us thet \ I , rrr.rr bl.rck fisure arrists \{er. at $()rk irr rhc rhircl quartcr of the sixth
it is in this rncdiunr, rvith llrgcr 6gttrcs end the grcalcr rcalistu of ;r p:rle back- rr Lrr',". Thc_v eclricvccl thc hcishts, and thc lirnits, ofwhat rhe techniquc coulcl
grornld, thit \\,c drould expcct rnljor edvanccs irl conlposlliorr ro bc lchlcved. ,, ,r l)rorrrcss rves inrpossiblc, dcclinc inevitable, end this is rlldc clcar by
It is to l diflcrcnt ilrt, howevcr, thlt rvc shlll tuln fbl all cxplenatiorl ofthc lr i,)llowinli half ccntur,v ofbleck 6gnrc. Uur fiis dicl uor nlcxD rhc cnd of
inception of rcd figtre irsclt'. I Lrr prir)titlq on vasc's sincc by etrout 53o u<; ar1 aitcrltetivc tcchllicluc,'red
rrl", rvrs iuvented in Athcrrs, lncl rhis rcviteliscd rhc crafi. Unlikc bleck
I , r rc this wxs:rn csscnlilllv Athctrien lchicvcrtrcnt virtuellv irll thc figurc-
,l, , r )r.rtcc1vlscs in thc (lrcck rvorlcl ofthc flfrh and fourrh ccrrru cs lrc
,,1 lisurc, but lor rhc Athcns-inspired South Iralier scltools rvhich starr work
', t re sccorcl halfofthc fifth ccnrur,v.
li) rhc vicwcr thc cllcct of rhc chrngc is rclclil,v scizcd. Rcd figutc is thc
, r,.rsc of black fiqure. Figtrrcs and piittcrtls arc rcscrvcd in thc colour ofdtc

',,1 .lirv sround rvith lincrr dc'tail pairrrcd r-rpon thclll a:rd rhc beckgror-rrrcl
trllLrl ir rvirh bhck, whcrc bcforc thc backgror.rnd r,ves p1:rin, thc clctail in-
, r',, r1 .rucl thc Iisurcs bl;rck. Thc proccls nrxy prob:rblv bc bcst undcrstoor.l Lry
, ', r'ibrnq rhc prcpar aljon ofa rcd fiqln e vasc, bclbr c wc trrrrl ro thc edv:rrtirgc\
r,l lirnitarlons of thc tcchniquc, end its origurs. Thc portcr lilrcls ovcr thc
r r.r () the printcr in il cilicd, lcathcr herd, ncar brittlc condition, but still
,, rlilcd. Thc piintcr ttrty drcn sk*ch thc outliucs ofthc inrenclccl clccor.rrr,,r,
R,/ hvr.,,t ltt.t,nr plt,t "141t,,1 n , r tlrc surfice rvith e blturt instrtrncrt rvhich lc-eves light lurror,vs, or p()ssil)l\i
t,1l,,t,dltrltt t ' 'liat tltL p rtt!, I rtl11t, t'th , r.rrcorl rvhich wolllcl burn out in thc firire. Thc-se itrc subscqucrrrly covcrccl
t'itrtt. tlr 't''lr, t tn,- , q 'tt,tttlltt1, rrrl
tht r,,1 l, it I' r ' th,t rtttt \ttirl ,1, t ltl' l,r peint or suriitcc prcplrxtion but thc furror,r,s urc gcncrelly still clclc(tlblc
oticr qivc c',idcrcc lirr poses or cotuprrsitiotrs altcrcd irr tlrc paintirrg.
lrrcl ...
Thc outli:rcs ilrc lllcr Llrilu,n in r linc or blncl ol black paiut, thcn thc dcteils
. :... '

ofdrc llgLlrcs, lcrvingrrrl rrrinor rouchcs oilclclccl colour firr thc cuc1, lncl lltc
brckgroturcl is fillcd irr. Florlls;lrcl bordc'r pattcrns rvlll elreetlv h:rvc bccrr
ellor,vccl fur, lrtl thc pot is rcad,v ibr frrirg.
The ordiuary blaclt brorvn gloss prtint \rJ:ls not vcrv c'iicctivc rvhcrt firtc ''l
lincs rvc're rctlrri: cd, bcc:ruse it rves fairly rurrn,v and il a 6uc liIrc so littlc slt orr ''ll
drc vesc ther thc rc'strit rvrs pllc br ou,rr or honcv-colottr_cc1, not bl:rck. This had
rroublcd bhck frgurc :rrtists to(), arld soon a lrcr rhe lrid sixth ccrtul )' il diBcrulrt
nrixrurc of peint:rncl rncens ofepplyi:rg it r,vcrc inverrrcd ro prodtrcc l 'rclici
linc' of irtcnsc bleck l,hich stoocl proutl of rhc' r,:rsc' sLrrl-ucc. Thc bl;rck figurc
ilrtists uscd this to cliviLlc thc toDqllcs of clccorillivc friezcs aucl firt spears or
st;rfls. Thc red ligurc ur tjsts usccl it, hcsitantl,v at lirst, shrrPcrrirg the outlirrcs of
6gurcs (rvhcrc nrely black fiqtrrc ullisls inciscd), sincc othct u,isc rhc thrrrnt l
pairrr did not llwiys lclvc r clcerly detincd cclgc, ucl ior enatouricll or clrcss
clctails. Bur the-\ soon :rlsr> rccorlnisccl thc velue of r,r,hal hatl bcor thc liult oi
thc thinncr pllnr erd rhcy nsctl it still fbr nriror linear-dcteils, picking orrr thcir
figur es in lincs of vlr ,ving intclsir,v, es \vcll as ;1rcxs of rvash or nrottlccl cllicts
on :rnilrrl skins. (Scc rhc fig. on p. Io.)
llclici linc is so iruporrerrr in earl-v rccl 6gurc rlret, elthough pottiig rcch-
rriclr.rcs lrc rot dcscribccl in thls volurnc, r rvord about it is callcd for. Scholrrrs
hrvc lonr: spccllletcd abotrt horv thc rclir.'t lirrc'u'rs ntlc{c slllcc rhc slip l..ritlf
t , t tit.l rt l\1t:tnt 1., TMb Nhtrry rt llb nli
must havc bccn vcry drick :rnd not c'nsy lo rurr olFa brush. Il can bc sccr) thrl thc 1,,)l

linc oltcr sr:rrts solid, cncls r,virh r longitudintl gtoovc. This sulely i:nplics;t
hcrvy'bristlc rip, rve11 fid b1'rrost cercfirJl,v prcprrccl slip peirrr. When lir1l thc
Iinc is solid; cnrpryirr!1, thc bristle has Do ptirt oD ltt Lrppcr cdgc to fill irr bchirrcl
thc- lllc drervn b,v tirc tip. Mr Noble, to whortt rvc orvc nllrch in drc cltlclclx-
tion ancl clcrl1orsrretion of (ircck potriD!l tcchniqLlcs, sLrggcslcd th:rr x s-vrittSiJ
clcvlce of rc:uc sort was uscd. llut (lrcck tcchnicirl irr_lislry is chlr-actc:iscd bY
lroublc-, rlot tricks. Thc nozzle would rcqr.lirc vcly dillicult co-ordirrrtion "i
prcslLlrc:1nd movcttrcrt ltrtcl cerrnot c\plairr thc rcllcflto-!lroovc Phclrorltcrlon
sltislictorily. Nor is it clsy ro bclieve th:rt black figurc arrists hed invr'Dtccl sttch
an iDstrurrrc1ll rrrcrcly to drrrv pettcrn Lror_dcrs lnd spcats, or tllat it hecl velLlc
in:urv orher-clafi.
Thcrc rvcrc other obvious aclvtntlgcs irr thc nerv tcchrricluc. The bhck
f-iqlrrc qraver rney hevc becn casicr-lo usc thall l brudr firr rrtirriarurlst dctlil,
but rn all othcr rcspccts thc brush oflcrcci i1cutcr ticcLlolll- Thc 6gtrrcs rvcrc
now litclikc, or et lcrsl closcr to lile than thc unrcllislic bl;rck, ancl lgrirr't .r
black grouncl thcy stooLl sharplv dcfrnccl or the vesc. ID othcl irll\ rlrc claims
of pattcrn and of anatorrricel pleusibility u,crc bccoruing lrlorc caslly rccon-
cllccl but rhe rnlcom pronlising !wo-dinlensionel clualiry of irhck figtrrc,
luxtaposrng frorrrll rnd profilc palts ofrhc body, cotrld not lccr.)lnllroclrte thc
lrcr'l, irltercst rrs cllcctivel,v rs brushwork, cspcci:l]ly whctl lincs of clilfc'rerrt
. t'tukt \t.l..lint S ito t-t Sith in Tr.6ury lriE( rt D.lthi
rr)tcl)sil) c()ul(l be rlsctl. 'I hc linlitario s oithc new lechDiLluc wcrc llol' Low-
1., r,l r r: Lltc r ccl 6gurc utist tcnclcrs irr roundcd olrtlitles. C)bvioos cxxtnl)lc\
cver, incorsi(lcr.rl)lc. Ihc sirnplc [rlrck =rnale, whitc fcnralc, scx dillcrcrrrir-
r, , r.rlnrcrlt oistotDlch ntusclcs. or thc tDiDor lLrsclcs atortncl lIrccs;rrr,l
,,r, 1,, ,, tlre trsc o1-hook motiti lirr collar boncs or:rnklcs, u,hiclr ,g.,rrr
tior] wes qorrc xDd clctiils ol_ drcss or hair stylc do not alw]ys prove dccisir c,
rvhilc thcrc rvus:t lctrtlcncy to dcPict gods alld hcrocs es yollnger ltlld so
,l,tl, r, rl rr.r\scs rnd hed bccr usccl spl:ilgly by bllck ligLrrc:rrti\rs. Wr
bclrdless. Thcrc r,r,li sonrc lnitial dil1rcultv throtrgh not a11owirlg fbr the tlrick-
Ir, r l) \ ( r'\pcctccl sonlc xtt.'n]pts at shrdirlg to rcrrdcr rciicf, brrr this:rPpc.rr.r
llcss ofrhe colrrour Lrrc,lost lo thc 69r.1rc n'hcn thc b:rckgrouncl is 61lcd rI, and ',lr r,lr .rrtrl in e very ruclirtrcutary fcrrlt (bctween Antlios' storlrrclr
this produccs sonlc urduly skinny fillgers- Wlrh no colour llld lcss pattenl l.:;], or by rhc shicld rim on lz6El). When palrctrc lclvcs, lrow-
conrpositrons ofovcrlapptng figures u'ou1d be cotllusing, so thcrc is a tcrlclcncy
r t() \l)ow a ccntrc rib, tllc ctlcct is to ntekc thcrrr look ntorc likc tltc
to kJep ligurcs apr: r. Thcsc wcre al1 lirnitttions applrcnt to rhc peinter, rvhich
, lr t rr rr rrri.r ofgravcstonc o: architecturc, and rvhcn a ccntrc pallllcttc lcxl
he ticcd and o\,4'rcanlc in dillcrcnt u'irys. Alrothc'r, trot ePparcnl to lri]lr, \\'rs
, 1,,'r,,1 to ovcrlap its eucirclinlr tcnciril 139 rj the;rl
thc ellct ofthc bleck grountl rvhich rer:rovcd all possibillry ofr-cnclcring clepth r l, r lrt, r .rl (llov'r ohv-rvrtion ofanatonly pattc'rDs had becn a prosrcsrive
.lr r , , rrrtrc of sixtlr-certury sculpture, no lcss practiscd irr rclicfwork rvhcr.c
oificld and lr,hich. rn this cr:rti, llrcal1t thar evcD rhc sirrplest Pcr'lPcctivc wes
rlirrr()lt! poscs and compositions cou)d bc exccrrtcd then in fr.c'c st:rlcl-
rlot iltcmptccl. Thc figurcs st:rnd spor-lighted oll il lllrro\v stxqc' Murrlisls
,,,. ,,,r1.\ llrc dlauqhtsnrall ofrcd Eglrrc
of thc Classicll p".icr.l r0,"." nol hxnrircrc'd in rhis rvly bccxtlsc thc\ rrseri r scizcs and exploits dresc rrcw trcDds
,,, , ,, r ,lrrrictl thc bl;Lck ligurc altisr, ar)c1 in so:ne rcspccts hc sccrlls cvcn to
r"hitc backgrouicl lnd in rhcir u'ork lay thc possibilitics of proglcss, btrt th':'ir'
p:rllltilrgs hxvc ]1ot sttrvivcd cxccpt itl ancicllt rcports o1 Rollltll copics lrr thc
l,,l r,t il is orr vlrsc-s thitt we first scc that accllrxtc obscrvatioD ofthc cffcct
r, , l,,,,lr oi-thc drift ofwcight or to oncleg rvhich, in thc c'arly filth ccnttry,
lii-,.rlr.*tl.r'y thcrc nrey hev.'bcc'll lcss clivcrlacncc bctu'ccrl thc aPpcar:rncc of , r, l, rlr.rllrnerk of rlte sculptor's qreduation fronr thc Arch:ric to the Ear11,
black 6gurc lnd tuqor paittting, so txr xs lve canjudgc' Rccl 6gurc'reprcsenls i , I S() u'c cul obscrve herc rlrc dcvcloprtrcnr ofa craft rvhich rvas to bc in
a positivc brcak rvith peillting tr:lditjons, :rnd r'r'as clilTcrently iirsPilcd, xs wc
rl, , rr.rrtl lt en imporrant pcriod oftrensition in Grc'ek ert. It is fortunxtc
shall scc.
L l, lir\l()riirrr rhet artists ofdisriDction chose ar rhis rinrc to ply thcir trirclc
Outlirc cltarving ill vnsc pailltin!5 had bccn practiscd inrcrnlittently irr ,,, I \ pollcrs'Lluxrtcr.
sixth-ccltlu v Alhcns, tllosl [ccclltly b,v lhc A1]llsis Pamtcl, but rhc eppcllellcc
oi or.ttlured ft,,rtt."s ,rg,ri,rtt bl;rck ground \\'as rlcw, although thcrc ere I fcrv
nrid-scr,ctth-ccutur y Crclan vascs r,r'hich arlticipatc thc eH':ct 1ll a prirrritirt lrv,,n t ion and Experimenl
rvry. Ir [right be cDottgh to cxplarll thc ncrv figurcs ill tcrnls of'sirnplc ple si-
biliiy - Scjr is pele rcJlethcl then bltck, l)ut to cxplairr thc clark backg*""rd
ll \.r)r)rir)rs P,rrNrr,R (workirrr r. 53o 5t5) is thc firsr knorvrr pr.lclirlorlcr
u,c havc to look tto furthcr than x coglllllc art form ah'vays closcly lillkcd r'vith
trrll rcd lirure techniquc, namcd fbr tllc portcr lbr rvhonr hc rvorkcd.
thrt oflinc drerving md possibly ptacrisccl by the saue artists relicfsculpturc'
1r,,,, r' llirrtrl lz to] rvc havc at lcast fourtccn amphorac alld tu,o cups, i11d
It u,as corurlou pr".tic.: fo. thc rclief blckgrounds to bc pailltcd dlrk red or'
L I 'i rlrL rc rlso clisplay thc bJ:rck figurc techniquc - six anrphorlc arc 'bilin-
bluc, lcaving rl,. figtt.", irr rhe whitc nltrble, rvilh only lcaturcs or clrlpcly
,',1 ,,rrc sidc rcd fiEurc, onc side bl:rck figure [-z]; anolhcr hrs bleck figr-rre
pickccl out ii, w"rl,ci of.,rlo,-,.. Rccl figure rrrinus thc eddcd colours gives thc
,, ,L rrtegrouncl) orlrhelipl6l;oticcupc-\tcriorsh:rrcsrechniqucs,theothcr
.samc cffcct. Shallou rclicf sclrlplLrrc wxs plrpular in Athclls, uotably orl
, I , liglrrc only within. Thc blrrck fiqrrrc work can bc rccognrsc'd on a
rLr r, , ol othcr wholly black 6gurc vascs atrribllred by ljcazlcy to thc
tlrc grxvc slclei, tnd il wxrj colllillg to occuPv lrlorc important Positiorls oll
I r 1,1, ,lLr l)rrintcr (,4BIH 6es_ t61, r65 Q. Hc chlrgccl his mind rrrorc tharr
lr.,i1cirrgr. Sonrc ofir is harclly nlol c th:1r1 carcful lirrc drawing relrclcred irr lorv
rclicf. md on a fcw stclli whcrc the Egurcs arc only Pf,intccl thc dlrk b;rck-
r ,l,,,ut t,,hcthcr irl tict t\\,o artists or_only onc wes involvcd, decidilg
sroLlr)d ls kupl, :rs for rhc rulcts lr'3]. On the Siphnien Trcesury at I)c1phi wc
r, , ., L)r two! but this is a solution lvhicit nt:uty othcr scholxrs havc found it
ir... p,.-'.t . *t.ntr \ ( P rr rr of [.rur rclicf liiezes which c.llr be closcly detccl lil , r l();raccpt. Onc gencr;Ll arlluntc11t ageinst it is that thc first rccl 6,;ur.
to littlc bcfbrc izi n r: ancl givc ln exccllcrrr idel of rhc figurc work wllich cerr I ,r , ,,rrrlcl haldJy hevc startcd his carccr r,vith thc r.rerv tcchniquc, and rhc
leadily bc mrrchcd on thc clrliest red 6gurc vascs lt 4l. Thc conrp:trison r'villr
l' .r irl fiqrrrc by oul printcr is so vcry rrruch a sirrplc nc'eativc ofbhck
sculpture rn:r,v go clccper, hou'cver, end it rlight bc t'iir to rcild irr sorllc ofthc
I rlr rt hc nrusl hlve bccr I black figure p:rinrcr by trairrurg, rxthcr thrn,

ao,r","ntio,,, .rit.".l figut" ntotccotlscious ittlitetion of Iclicf r'volk- Thtts' ,r , r rLrr;rlisr r,r,ho lvould plobably havc worked ou e pllc backgr.ouncl urrd
Dlucll ofthc lincxr clct;il in rcd ftgurc scenrs to indi'atc col]tolrr rithcr th:rll t() dctlil. Thc dilllculty er-iscs whcn conlpalrlsoll:j:rrc attcl]lptcd
rrlr,,rLr ]lrcising
r,r , r sinriler sccncs cxecuted in thc two tcchniqucs. Tltrec ofthc bili:rqull
clelirltt ercas: rvhat thc black figurc artist would dclilrc in streight intcrsrerirrq

t4 IJ
alnphoric prcscrrt virrlrirlly thc sarnc sccrrc on cach side. On rhe Boston am- .',l,lr'rl lccl, and free usc ofincision to outlrnc black arces of hair. Frout tlrc sr;u t
plror;r rvirh Flcreklcs und l bull thc corrcsporldcnce is closc: [6] and ABI:H tlr, '.rLrccr r'ycs ofbleck fisurc men arc rcpllcccl by rhc uniscx llrlouci sh;rpc.
fig. rd4. On Lhc othcr vuscs thc cliffercnccs:rrc so qrcat thlt eirhcr a dilfercnt l, ,r \lrll tiorrt:rl, with the pupil bercly shiftc'd towards rhc front. Thc Altlok irlcs
hend u':rs nt rvork, or our urlisl w;rs very dclibcratcly covcring his traces atrd l'rnl.r rs Llnccrtain ebout hou, ntuch usc to makc ofanltonric:rl clctlils MLrr lr
dcrnonstrating diffcrcnccs. The rcd figure on orhcr bilillgu:I1s so closcly ntltches lr, ,, lrit\, vct on thc Ncw York lnrphora, onc ofthc carlicst, lvc scc thc lullv
the black figrrre of thc ' Lysippidcs Pei:rtcr'(.4BFH 6gs. r6z-3) that idcrlrir) l, lrr'l lrcd trcatrrent of thc stornech. I)rcss Lrlls to S-cllrvins hcnts, rtr,t rl,t.
scems assurccl; so thc Audokidcs l)atntcr did paint black figurc, bur did hc p-rint tllrL ziqzaq lolds oflatcr rcd figurc, and hc is not vct sure ibout )cttirrg tlrc
all thc black figure ol his bilingual vascs? As in rll such problcms ofattribu- l,,,,lr .r)r)tourS show through. Thc drcsscd meles arc still closc to thc dnrrvrrrr:
tion thc arrswcr lies in stucly of derail and in stttdv of themc lnd cornposiri.n , r r, bllck 6gurc mastcr E-xckias in wholt wc ntay recognisc thc Andokirlcs
On thc lattcr scorc identity is almost total similar prcoccttPatiolr wlth certrlll I' rtir''s rcrchcr. Hc copies sotnc of his subjccrs too, such as thc Aj:rx:urd
Herekles sccncs and similar lreatnlent of thc[r (tlcw rvays lvith thc lion, '\, lr llcs phyins: f zl end,4BFHfig. ioo. 'We nriEhl wondcr what part Exckies
especiall,v knecling, lying or rhrowing [7, ro]; with Kcrbcros; ii'asting rvith l, , r,,l irr thc iuvcntion ofrcd frgurc. Hc was an i:rnovetor irr rcchnicl-rcs lncl
Athcue: ,4I|IH 6gs. r6i 3). \Vith the details of clrawing thc ans\\'cr i\ les\ .lrr1,,'s. but his bJack 6Eurc ncvcr clrops irlto outlinc drau,irls as rcaclily as rhat
clclrl. Mxnv featurcs rre ;rlikc hclmcts, rrccs, alrirnals, ornarncnls b!1t thc , .,,rrrc ofhls contcnrporrrics, end rechnical introvlrtiort nccd not qo hud il
l1rinor anatonrica] dctxils which so oftcn provc dccisivc in attribLltion Prcscllt ,, ),1 \\ irh hish artistry.
problcrns. Knec caps ere favotrrcd for display of pattcrn. On thc black figtLr.r I rc Ardokiclcs Paintcr's themes show lcss e clrangc in subjcct than in mood
,r rrlr ltrllcr crrrphasis on iudivicl-ral figurcs. They rargc f'rorrr treditional rnyth,
thcy are rcndcred usuxlly as a swcl1i1g Cupid's-bor,v shapc: on thc rccl flqurrcs
by trvo lorlg hooks [,s, 9]. llut on [8] thc red figure kncc rcsembles thc black ' r , lrics likc Hcrakles holding a bundle of spirs urcl clriving a bull to sacrificc

figure and whcn wc rcflcct on thc dilierencc of rcchrriclttc thc divcrgcnce ir I rl () scrrrc sccncs likc thc l3aigncuscs ofl4l. Thcse are drarvn cxceptionally
,, , r r pr cparc'd rvhitc grolurcl tlot thc rcd cJl,v alorc. Hc used rvhitc qroulld
cxpl:rincd. In black figure thcrc was )1o grcet difiiculty in scratching i slnglc
i,, l)..k figlrlcs orr rhc lip ofthc Nerv York anphora [6], but hcrc thc bodics
,', LlrLursclvcs lnorc as thcy rvould havc lppcarcd rn black figrrrc or thc Si-\
,lrr rtlLrc tirr xl1 that thcy arc rcscrvcd i:r thc nclv manncr.
ll (()rrrplrisorls bcrrvccn the Siphnian Trcasury lriczcs [1.4] and his rvork
,', rLst hc shoulcl hiivc startcd pairrrrrrg rccl figurc about j3o. Apart lror1r the
ll r,l.r|.st cLlp l5l, r,vhich is eerly, nrost ofhis bilinguals arc latcr (abolrr s20)
\\ i .r rr()r c conscious denronstrition of rhc rival stylcs drarlaticellv juxtl-
I , , , r I on thc Pelcrnro cr-rp, whcrc thc tcchniquc chanees in nrid fiqurc (,4tsFH
I , ra,r, bctwccll body and shicld.
I rLr,. irrc othcr biJinguisrs aud inlovetors to be considcrcd hcrc. [rsrax
short linc ch:rnging dircction ofcurve four tintcs. With a stilfbrush it was al- r r r sl siens two alabastra madc by Hilinos and his hlnd is r-ccosniscd on
most irlpossiblc, hcncc the fr;rgnrcntation of thc plttcrn inro tr,vo long hooks , ,, r \.r\cs rncludins :rrnphorac nredc by thc porrcr. Andok-idcs (.r bilirrgual
r,r,hich also morc closcly rcscmblcd thc trcarmerrt of musclcs above artd bclow r 1l rrrrl Melor. Hc shor,r,s morc inlcrcst in snlallcr shapcs. His clrccr bcsnr
thc cap in reliefsculprure. Oncc thc solution rvts for-rld both typcs could appclr 'rr r r \lors; lhc rcd 6gurc is lhcacly bcyond thl. expclilllcnttl lDd sho$trrL
on onc vxsc. Then look at ears. Thc black 6gure ears show lobe and antitrlgtts I r r( (()lrtour through clrcss rvith less emph:rsis or1 col()ur or pattcrn. Thc
es tuo lill cr-1rvcs. Thcre is thc sanre problcm of tcchnique ill rcd figrrc, so, L,r rl [urtcrns ol1 his l'ases erc sti]l blrck figurc, or carJicst rccl figurc rvirh tin
l1tl-rough the arca ofthc long lobe is the saD1e, thc divisiorr is usually omitted | | (rtcs er1cl spiky lotuscs Irz]. His \\ork irr drc trvo lcchDiques is closcly
or bercly hintcd at [3] rvhilc the inncr merkings ofthc car arc rendcrcd in short r, ,lrcLl, thc incised lircs in bhck figurc bcine brirtlc and 6nicky- Hc rvls l
lincs. This may all sccnr rn cxcrcisc in trivitlitics but no cxcusc is rcquired for Ir,,,,rrvcrttoredfiqureiLnddccorxtcsilbhck6gurencck;urrphor:rtbrAncio-
.,. lrut rvidr thc figures confircd to thc ncck, rhe body b1ack, in whet nrighr
trying to cstablish thc identity and achicvenent of rhe invcntor of rcd figure, ',1,
and thcsc arc criteria on \\,hich Paintcr attribution is bascd- ,,,q.rrdccl:rs thcncw stylc. The black figurc,,r,ork (,4,B1;H figs. I68-7r) hrs
The ornancr-rt on the viscs is all still black figurc and the influclce of thc ,rr, rlrirg of thc fcbrilc clcga[cc of the Antlsis Printcr, whorn l]crzlcy
oldcr techniquc is sccn in the llvish use of pattcrn ol dress, thc xlnount of r ,, r,llrt rniqhr havc bccD his reacher, bur the ellecr is partly cluc to his coI-
r6 17
sciolrs:rttcnrpl t() trilrrslirlc n)rllc ofthc ncw rcd fiqurc nrilnl)ers jrlto thc nldcr
tcchDiqUc. Lr lcrl figLrtc hc r'vlts bclrel at drcss than anlltollry, ovcrdoing thc'
bclly contorrriru lirr his lilling \vtrlior on ll5l and quite firiling thc thrcc- .l'
.l t
qu.rtcr vicw though hc lr-ics to rwist thc trailing lbot to:r liolltal aspcct. Hc is at D
u'ith incision lol bltir end \vcllpolrs, and uscs addcd rvhitc fbr soltlc clclails
likc t:rils or \\,lcrths, atrd aclclcd cley rclicf tbra bo\\'stlilllr- Hc uscd a rvhitc :t!
ground in black fi gurc u,o: k lrr cl Prectiscd thc Six tcchniquc (scc ,4B FH p. l o6) :
ir is his r,vhite sroutrcl vlscs rvhich indicatc thit hc wxs prlitlting still iu ebout
jro/ioo. Hc l)ay not htvc stavcd rvith red figttrc to the cnc1. His relrgc of
subjccts is r-rnambilious l)iouysiac, Apo1linc, lvarriors irr :rction ol 1e-rvirr,j
homc, rvith e tbndncss fbr:rrchcrs Ir.2, i-;1.
Anothcr important bilinguist is Paseas (forttrerly callccl thc Kerberos
Paintcr), whosc-florr/I is J20 J ro Ir 6, r 71. His rccl figurc work' nrailrly on cups
and pl.tes, is canonlcal for cup peintcrs ofthc pcriod, with ncat, rethcl big-
hcadcd fignlcs, thcir cycs oftcn nlrrorv, sct higb fortards, ancl hc shows a
rcsiclual illterest in colour al1d pattern This s]rorvs wcll on thc BostoD plitc
Ir 6] which gavc hinr his sobriquct bc'forc hls truc nalrc wes discovcrcd
p. r06), or on the Oxford Platc \\ircrc Miltiades is praisccl (thc lctlcrs escaPc
ihc c,r,,,cr") lncl wherc'scholxls havc sought to ltssocietc thc llourted archcr
irr northcrn drcss lr7] \\ith thc youDecr Milriedes, latcr victor at MarxthoD,
rvho rn thesc ycars was opcrxtinq irr Thr:rcc. Mjltiaclcs is only nanlcd ls kalos
herc, but hc wls no lonqcr:r youth lrnd this is not Thracien drcss, although it
rnight havc passcd as such in Athcr-rs. Prscts'bleck fiqttrc is on $'hitc ground il.t ,t !)
pl:rclucs rraclc lor dedication on thc Acropolis (ABI-H fig. r7z) and it is for .lal !a
iri, .olour r'vork and relatiouship ro Psiax rhxt hc is namcd hcrc- On a rccl tl
figure plaquc- hc uses white srouncl also, 11ot, xs thc Andokidcs Parntcr did, fo:' .l It'j tl
111 the frgurcs, bttrjust for thc rvoIllcn who arc bclrrg lllildc lovc lo vigorously 'a ]t It
by nten those flcsh is lcft in thc rratural rcd Thc sttb.jcct rnay sccttr odd for:r a l> i)
a \>
clcdicatory lrlxque, ,vct il rcctrrs on onc frorn thc AcroPolis I I B], whe:-c thc semc a
rvhitc-rcd scx colouring is uscd, but the beckgroulrcl is not blackccl ur and it is
sonrcwhat lercr- T'his cxtreme colorrr rcalisrll dld not, applrcndy, catch on, but
ir is rrndcniably cllectivc whcrc thc scx contrlst, xs in thcsc sccllcs, is signific'rrrt
lucl cxciting.
We nright havc cxpcctcd rnorc expcrittlctlt widr purcly olltlirrc driwinlj
ol1 l rcd o[ \\,ltitc gronud, bul cxrensivc use ofthis tcchnicll]e is to be rcscrvcd
fbl tl-rc frtih century. Fronl rllc c:tlly ycars of rccl figurc therc is a c[p irr
Adolphscck Ir9l which offcrs simplc oullinc in the vcry cerlicst rcd figurc
rnxnller on thc oLrtsicle, lll ordinary black figurc gol goncioll u'ithiu, rnd rrlhcr
l:rtcr thc (;otha cup 15rlhas outlincd figurcs on while srouncl outsidc;rnd
Pionccr rccl fignrc within. Stray cxPerilncnls iPpcar o1l ln Acropohs cup
lragrncnr r,vith rccl figulc, thc beckgrouncl coral-rcc1 irstced ofblack (arrd so I
parallcl usc to tlrat with black figurc irr Exekias' hnrous cup , AB1;H fig. t o1-).
alcl a pllquc lvhcre whlre grouttcl is used in a sirlrilar manucr.

i B(lly n \nud (Typ. A) I'f th. A dokidrs l,rnttuL Ajd.\ .rd A illa pttry
tt )tt u thr,1 ( l ypt A) lry th( A dokid5 Pdinnr. lvhik frcnd.ff"r.t

( ---


t.1 t B.lLy dnphoro ('l ytt A) hy th. A doLid\ Pdldl j.1 t OU l,y ttu A dohid.\ Pnnn.t
I 8.'111..a-thi, fyf .4 1') ttr 4tl,l d I ttt't lvh {r.d\p

7 Btlly d I I yrt .,1) lty rtu lndokitL: Pantd.. Ilodllh\ dhd ttu I id1 t tklh, rn\nln(Ty[ A)ht ttu Aii kmL\ Pni kt. H1rkl^ dtir( d lrull toidifia'.H.JI.l
9.t Btlly nnpho'1l (7yr A) hy lt A dokid.l
Paintr. Lltrtklc and Ana:ot:

9: RttLta rl 9 t t t Bdlt rnl,hatu ( 1yt( A) l)t P!in\. Dit ty\\ nt liax

1 o B(lly dnphont l7 yp. A ) hy tht A dokidt\ Prntur. Hcrakl t s atd ttu Lttt ), ,Aldbn\io \ir &l br l,'it1!
!4 t, , B.llyn (Typ. A) by P\id\
Annli\; Sdtlr dttd Diony\o\

)i Plit( hy Pdntlt. Hudkl( a d K.rhcro!. ll/. tu g

tE L'otik ll,rjtr' ll' i. l

r ,, \. rl)crc xrc r:irrioLl! c\itrnplcs of prinlitive rcd figulc l:ol, vrrrre ,,rr
L L \.r\cs othcrwi\c dccor:ltc.l its ordlrrery I:rrc sixrh ccnttrry lrl.rrL
r , ir( (;()r LcLrow Paturt,r is placcd hcrc bl llclzlc,v, tlqhrlv I rhirrk. lirr
t,. ,. rrr.rtorryofhisfrgLrrcsonoirochoei [:r]:rrrcluscofcolotrr',:rltlr,lrclr
, ,, L , \r'( r to owc sollrcthirlil to thc Piolrccr-s, arrcl sorrrc scholrrrs pIt'lir
r ' .l , lirr his \\ork. Hc Lrscs trvo alphrbcts ou his v:tscs Atlc, :urtl I,,r,,.,,'

.r L r,l,rdcs r circLurlst lcc \\()rth r rnorlcrt's t]lotlgllt. MLlah clsc rrl

\ l, , tlrcsc \c11rs rclicfsculpturc, erchitcctLuc\
| \\t)rl,of loDi.lD or islrtncl rrrtists. irrd wc hrvc thc cviclcncc of irrscribcLl
L r Llr( Acropolis lirr thcir phlsicrl plcscncc irr Arhcns. Thcrc hrd bccn
i r 1.]lt irflrrcncc o| vrsc prirrtinlr loo lhrolrqh thc si-\th ccrltr.rly. Is rcLl
r ' Lrrorhc| oithe ilifis 6onr rlrc Ersr? Ir wxs ccrtxinly rlot iDvcltcd llrcrc,
, ,1,bt ro Artic bl:rck fiqurc conr.crliors is 1'rcltccrly clcrl. Thc cosnlo-
;, r , h.rr-uctcl of tLrc Allrcns portcrs' qlr:lrtcl seerns rcvcrlc(l jn borrorvccl
l, L ,,r ()nl:rrlcnt r-lthcr thrul arly positi\rc irtflLtcncc ,ltr st,vlc'rnd in Athcns
r p.riDtrllg tr;rclitiorr ues, b-v 5:o, too slr-()nlal) roota.l lrrcl itttlcccl c]L,ntr-
, r r rhe (lrcek \\'orld t() aaaolrlnroclltc Druch rxdicrl churlrlc of lir.rq
. Lr()rr. If \\'c rnlY suspcct ol- cvcn provc nor)-Athcrrien blood in somc
.r t rti\ts (scc Chlptcr ()rc) rhis llceLl u()t rlrlkc Lrs lo()k lor arrvthirrg
r !,l1rtl\: ft)rciqD in thcir rrt.

llr) Pioneers
I l,.rirtcrs of tl)c I)ionccr (iloup:rrc possiblv thc nrost intcrcstinq of illl thlrt
,, l, L1 irthcAthcnspottcriLlu.utcr'rotllrcr-clvftrrthcir:lrtisticnrcrits.but
, i rrir .hxrilctcr lrrd cohcrcucc irs il lrrorp. It is is rhorgh, tor rhc hrst rrnr.
r. histolv of Wcstcrn lrrt, \\'c c:ln hclc disccm I corrsciorrs rlrovcnrcrrt, i1
rLr,rrlcric ofarrlsts. Sircc wc kno* ll() rn()lc ll)oul thcnl th:u1 wc aln lcxrll
,Lr thcir v]scs, \\'ilh Dot ] scr'.rp ofhc]l, lro|r rn1 lncicnt $,r'ircr. rhc rccor-
( (1on of thcir cillccr\, corrDroD
PuIPosc, cvcrr riva]rics, caD bc lirkcn as a
rrr ph ofurchrreol,lqic:r1 r crclr ch, thou rrh thcl c rIc Il;urv :rrchlcologi\ts \! ho
, ,tlrt not r ccoqnisc it irs strclr.
llrc pcculirrirics \\,hi.h nrrrk thcm out fi-om thcir plcdcccssols, rnd rrlrnv
, rllcil succcss()l-s, llc l-cldilv dchncd. Thcl' wcrc aorlsLlnunrtc :u tists. Ia
l, lel cllls Stnikros'not.l qood dmulahtsnl:rn' this is tnrc onlv ilr thc con-

'\r ofthc qrouf. AlrhoLrgh tlrci cilr'licst \\'or k concs onlv ebout e .lccrLlc

iLr'r'thc invcntioo ofrcd liqurc it rnust bc rcrncrrlbcrccl th;rt thc ilr\.crrtors l)Ll
\l)crlrncnrcrsl flcscDtcd irl thc l:rst sccriou, \\'cr-c still ilt \\,or-k, but rvhilc thcv
'r'rc nrekilrg proglcs\ il rlrc'nrcch:rnics'ofrhc ncw tcchrliqnc, thc Pionccrs
t,v. I rri scizcd upon thc csscrlcc ofu,hlt rccl llgurc cou1cl o11i'r, rcfinirg it in dteil
,l dr-r,,r'ing :rrrrl cornposition, to achicvc a quxlitv ofruoocl itnd nrrrrtivc u hi.h
..: ,' crrt frr bcvolLl whrt a Psiax or Pasces c()uld corlccivc, lrld u hic h rr:ts r ar ricrl
L,ir ()nlv picccrncxl bl clillerent errists iD thc slrccccdinq qcDCr:ltiorl- Thc,v prc-

().ht.htu l\1i td' H ,t

Ii'rlccl puin rir rg bit v:rscs, r1l var ictics ofcr:rtcr !, thc Typc A lrnphor-ac, psykrcr s, ,, ,,, .rrtl thc usc ofrclicl lirrc csrrblishccl lbr nrost oLltliocs orr tirrcr rrrs"
h,"-dlilj, bur elso dccor]tcd cups:tn.l pl:rtcs, its rcll lt ltoIltc rvith thc vi'qnettc rN ,,, rl, L,,,lLlcl irnutollri.:ll or clrcss rllnrkirg. Enthyrlliclcs tlscs :rllll()'il ()\''r
rvirh drc bload canvas. Thcv wcre litcr:rtc aucl gerrul.lus. Tlrc,,,siqriccl thcir , I r, rhirr puirtt for ruosl:1llet()ll)i(xl t'llccts. In thc dlcss lllc crrrrtr';rst ol
rvorks liccly, idc'nrificcl thc sucsts i1) rhc s1'lrposir thcy dcpic.tcd, rhrcw irr 1,,,,1 tiril lclicflrnt's is rvcll cxploircrl, the closc-sct thilr rvrv,v llrres lirr tlrt
rlrottocs:Itcl challcnqcs, cvcn lct thcir- ligurcs s1)cuk irt nodcnr citrto(rl stylc. ,1' l,rl oi cltltons bcing lcgttlrr'. but Euthlrlidcs trscj thirrncd !rrcs:rlv)
'As nt'vcr Etrphronios ('hos onclcpote Euphronros') boests Euthynrid.s urr t ,1, r , lrcrvicr lblds ofhirl:rrir itncl skirts. The ziszrq hcnrlirrcs ot drr\s irrc
| 71.2] bcsidc ouc ofhls nrorc arrrbitious arrrtortricel sturlics ofrrrn i,, ,r,,,u,r,,. ,' ,, rLr nl()rc rcilislic S-cur \,es wilhoLlt losillg anv ofthc dccor:rtivc cllirt
lrrcl rvc erc at olrcc itltroduccd to i1D atllr()spltcl.c of Lct-t lleDk rivllry_ Eutilv_ r I ,,1 or sphvrng folds. Thc ftlrthc'r hcrrrlinc. srcrl tionl irlsidc, ir tr'itr.rll,v
rrri,lL'. r'r.,.. l.r.rrrd rr.rrr. .,rr.l r" .ri, \r,-.1.r1..r(. !,,r1(.ulrL,..irl. rlt. r,.rrrrL.or lr , ,, .,.rliopcd atLlvc or scric\ ofctlrvcs. Evcs dlop l()w:ll c1s thc tcilr (tl.t.
ferhcr, Poilias, ccrtaiDl_v thc scrrlptor whosc nlntc is lbuncl on bescs 6.orn thc ,,r rllr opcninq slightlv hcrc, end lhc lourrd ptrpil is sct rt lhc cctrllc, or
Acropolis. Errthvnriclcs hinrsclf is grcc-tcd or two unatr.jbrrrccl vescs of tlrc ri.rrd ol:ccDtrc. Evcleshcs:rIc r/t'r'iqrr(rrr oll lhc iincst rvork Vrrictics ol_
()roup ('cluircto Euthyrliclcs';'Errtltyrnidcs chlirc,) lnd e r,,onran r rrrrttcr ofiDdividull irll'cl1tron. Sttlficc it lo obscIvc thll tlle Piorrccrs
orr u vesc bv Phirrtias ro:rsts hirn ('soi tcncli Euthyrrrir-lci k:rloi,
[.1g. I l). On tirc , r, rr liqurcs clo s,h:rt thcl' rvill. trrrltarlrpcred bv tllc rcchniquc arld corr-
sarnc vilsc a yolnq nrll holclins r lyrc is labcllcd Euthylridcs ,,,r' rvhich clict:rrcd thc ligidin of thc doll-likc stilI-joirrtc'cl bhck lisulcs
l3,s..u]. Lr rhc
crrcll lstl ccs lt sccllts \\,'rol1g to rcjcct iclc.Dtificariolt, l)ut wc tust not cxpcct ' L'r rr lhc ccntut-Y. Ill thcjr rvork \vc scc llo\v 111 sllllPlc linc drelr'tttg.'
portr-llitllrc. Snrikros rves a peinrcr ofthc Ciroup LlDfbrtuDtlcly his ltarrc u,xs r r,t ! ic\\: oi fiont or-back rorso l;-3.:l cen bc rcrrdclccl phusibly, hor'r'
rl conlnloo onc but hc ldcntilies hinrscii-rs -r LlrnL(r on ,,r)c ui hr\ u\\rt vascs ,' , L |,rttcrrls allrl cvcll bc lorcshortcrlccl in e rtrdirtlcnterv \\'it,v to heilihtcl)
[-;.u.2], so it shoulcl bc tiic srnrc llr:tn ir thc ptrty drlwn by Euphronios anrl r , tlrct. Wlrolc linlbs, ho\\,.'\,cr', itrc rcndcrccl er firll lcngth, u'hcthc: profilc,
sinrilerlv nlrncd lhcarl dttails, /t,/il. Slrik:.os is nerrcd roo in rr oirscu:.e lroto r, .rl. or irr xn attclllpted thrcc-qtlaltcr', elld lhclc ls llo tmc lirlclr fire-
(tppercntly rccording i1 corllrncr)t b\.hi:rr) or e vrsc rc-ltr ELlphrol)ios, irnd hc is ,,, L, oilirtbs, :rlrhottgh b-v totrll,v obsculius rhc shirr or rhigh irr rcclirrrrrg
r rng
dcsigrutcd kllos on rnothcr.'l-he (iroup shrrc irrrcr.cst:rnd edlrir-erion ofthc ri \. ,rld sho\\'ing toP or ul)c1cr vicws offcct, thc lrtist qocs solllc w.r\ ill
younq bc:rutics of tltc dry Philiedcs, Antirs, elcl cspeci;rily Lcrgr-os hrr rvho:l , srinq rhc rhilcl clinrcusion: c.g. l.:7, ":9, Ji.r]. fhcrc is sonlclllitrs morc
orc o1.[uphronios'chirkiuq girls spius ll cLrp:,rin tanc]c htirsso I latrgcol ,..( to propcr linca: tbrcshortcnirrg in thc:ctrclcrirrg ofobjccts likc shlclds.
Lcerrc' l:7 lcfil. Thc tluriJy ofLcrglos, thc darling ofrhc Group, Iivcd in rhc I rlr rcr .onvcrltion flt srlnding frgurc's, strllgcstint t thrl-e-qurrlcr or
dcnrc Kcratncis, so lhc l:rcl ltey hevc bccn :r fenrilirr figrrrc et plrtics in thc L rrrrnq vicrv with orc lcq irr profilc, onc fiontxl, rvc h:rvc (cspccielly u'hcr r-
Pottcr'\'qLliirtcr. With:r'Snrikrgs klios' nt:lt. \,c txkc it that sc,rl.lofour,Lr-ctsr, ,, 1,r'oii1c lcg is rch-rcd) iur xnticiPlltior of u'her frcc sttncling sculptnrc rvill
\vcrc of thc s;rrrc lishioneirlc jct? A l)llayllos is n:rrrrcd lrnong thc ;lthlercs rrpt orlv l gclrcl:rtioll lrrtcr (irt tllc'Clritirn bo-v) Look rt Euphrtrrrios'
L (
()lr t\\.o vilscs by Euthytrliclcs, otrc b1 lrhiDtils, iltd on tu,o othcrs (or]c ,rrrc l?l. r ieitl rncl scc hou'ltc rs bcgrnnitrg to obscrvL'thc shilL ofhips entl
Euplrronios?) surely tltc firnous Phrr'llos of l(rororr rvho tluglrt at irlrtr is r ,rr,r r,',hich sLrch :l Posc dclrl;urds. Agirln wc scc al link bctuccn lirrc clrlrrlrrg
;rrrd r,r'on tlrrcc viclorics nr lhc l)vrhiarl Canres, lrrd rvas rveli cnouqh knotvu ilr r'r,l rculpturc, this tirnc with satllprulc irl lhc rourld ofe lillcr clalc, llld Dlry
Allrcrls ft) havc I st:ttuc otr rhc Acropolis. Sosius rvas a poltcr lff thc Croup l,(.ulrtc ol1 whrt othcr lrts thcsc llrcll lllllv hirve praclisccl.
rrtl ir Sosies ol Sosls is nentcd ol) vilscs bv phintias, Euth!,trridcs ald orltcrs. A ID th(- clrcLrrrstatrtccs it is ocltl to obsclvc rhcir contillrrilrq dilcnlrlla ovcr
Sorius roo is nrnrccl;ls i l)uggcr on l v;rsc qr.allito fbuDd in thc Agorr in Athcns, rc .rthchnlcnl ofe Prolilc hcid to I tiolrlal torso: lnll esPccilllv ovcr chl rr I rr*
brrt rhc rccidcrrrs ofsurvival hevc sparccl us thc llcccssitv to rcsrorc thc uanrc of qir-1's trrcest in fiont vicrv, it prol)lcn1 rvhlch thc rnclrlcst lattcr-Lla) 1vrll-
thc;racusr-r_ irs Errphronios, rnd xt iuly rerc rhc grallito scenrs satislhcrorily lltcr. . ruftltisr solvcs stLcccsslirll,v rvirh :r ciIclc elld dot. Ihc vasc pllirrtcrs arc oilscsscd
llr.r-.r, . . r.
r r' (, , r | ,rr|, , | 1 'I..rru r.L.\ o .r) l. rr lrr, lr..u, bc rkc.r .r,rr .li..rv.. ..iill r,r,ith thc protrlc Vie,.v, aDd whcrl both brt'asts:trc sho(11 tllcv ll1:l-v P"irrt
ofthc bcst parDtirs oirhc vcers ebout 5:,o 5oo;rncl crrt r:orrvellcntly L.rc. suDt- l tc \iulc \\ity I.?7, -;d.rl, ol: oLll\villLls l-;.9.r1, or do$'nlvlrds, or th. ]xsr
rn:rrirccl- SoDrc:rpply cqrrllllY norv t(r the r,,trr,..rtrpt'rrr r cupy..,r111.,,.,.,,u1r" Lrrdignity inu,erds.
discrrsscd. Thc Pior)ccrs havc lost rllost itltercst irr colour i1r;d o ly EuPIrr,IIos Florxl p:rttcrn olfcI:s Do grc:rt v:trictv. EurhYllticlcs llld Philrties still tlsc sonlc
show! nlllch aoltccln still rvitlt p;rrtcrn on clrcss, in thc spirir of tlte A,,doki.l", L,1d black figulc lotus alrd Prlnrcllc chlirls ll0.2l. thc lotLrses lotitllY cmlcirtcd.
l)eintcr or ofblack lisurc. IJrrt rclicf blobs firr hair rinqlcts, srrpcs arrd llorxls rnd thin bucl ;rnd llot cr tiiczcs. Ill.ick opclr pirlrlrcttes i:r scrolls, cilcttltrscl ibcd
in figur-c sccncs rre usccl on sorrrc ofthe frncr vescs, end Euphrorlos urcl Euthy_ or olc up onc-clorvrl! arc colllurorrct. Thc rcd figtlrc florillr, sinliler-ly al rerlucd
miclcs hevc coril-r-ccl btncls on thcir cups. Thc incisiDe of h:rit. cortrours rs (but not orlc-r.r p onc dorvu) h lvc o Pclr p:llnlcttc'i. Thcl c x rc fcrv o th cr vlrit t iL'r,
3o lr
\(ir rr ()l \ lllalr r(cirll :lr.ltit..tru.rl f:ltrenls prLncttcs rn hc:rrts (Errtlt ridcs), I rbyln qiant shotlld be lifted bodily to rcrnovc hi,r fronr his strcr)Eth rcst()r'r)q
1rrc sh;rpcd scrolls ([uplrrorrios, Pczzino Ciroup). I hc Sosi:rs Pi]n tcr pir lrl crtc,i rLothcr Earth, but -Er-rphronios wlnts lo rlreke the most ofbig figurcs (nr .r hiq
((11rtc lirtc) hevc pointcd lcrvcs l5ol. (lcnrrc lcrvcs do not ovcrhp rhcir \.r\c, contrxsting Herakles'nert coiffurc ofreliefringlets and triDr bcirr(1 willr
torclrils ( clocs, oncc | 79. t]). Euphronios sivc's us thc rccl figurc lorus rc Lrrlcouth giart, cycs rollrng, tceth bared, hair and bcarcl lvild (rdrlly IIke
wirh shlr p otrtcr pcrels uncl ]s$'orc1-liLerurrrrclr.rtrrirhtrr,,-l..LtPrlnrcrtcsto ,,rlrcr represcntxtiorN ofLibyanr- Thc giarrr's right arm is alrcrdy pilrirlvscd.
iLll l.l:1, but EuLh ynritlcs' Lrruscs ur-c lcss aoruprct. LotLLs bv nor." is a nr isnc,r rrcr. r r tingcrs lirrrp. His lc'g doublcd bcnclth hinr lcavcs us a glimpsc ofthc solc
lr1 1 , rru 1 ..illt,.r. \\ rll l(r\( l',,t.r r.,rl . (r Ur.r( \ )(( trnl,. r L,, lrr r.r ,il his foot, f, view of which Euphronios sccrrs fond- Noticc his usc ofthiuncrl
ELrl,HnoNr{)s l:: .10, l:ronriyitctl (r'. Suo 5o5) siqnccl rt lcrsr six v.rscs irs
l, rirlt for thc giant's hair, in the furrows ofhis bclly nrusclcs, on the lionskin.
pail]tcr rud tc , letc: iD his crrccr rud tbr othcr p:ritrrcrs ortril]lt,L)Dcsirtros), as I hc distraught rvomcn rrc at rcduced scalc rnorc bccausc thcy arc lcss imporrant
pottcr. Nolre of ltis survi\iDq l:itscs scclJts lcss rltrD pcr-tccr, llrcl this is trot thc ,rrrl hlvc to bc uprighr on the shillow iiieze thlr becausc thc utist uIldcrslood
rcsult of ltrv rchrchrrcc oischoliirs to look lor his h;rnc1 ir lcsscr rvorkl. He l,rrspcclivc.
likcs big crirters, cspcciirllv rhc aitl)\ crrtcr, but dccorrtccl othcr.shitpc,j too, Thc Ncu,York crarcr oflcrs another first rvith rvingcd Slecp and l)cath
inclLrclinq cups for thc porrcr Krchrvlior. His olr'n potting clrccr nrey hrtvc , .rn ying lronr rlrc Trojan battlc6cld thc body of Sarpedon lzz, Frotttispiccc].
slarlccl xl the selrc tjtrlc ls his puillti]lq. d,.sprtr thc 1rt.k ot vqr.1n1111 .1114 11r. Llcrlin crarer [-2,1] givcs us Euphronios' sludics ofPosture rendercd in linc
I lre
tlict that two ofhis calyx cl iltcrs wcrc l)1adc by Euxithcos. It his bccn s1]gttc,stcd but less so oD anolhcr Pxris cratcr, fragl-trcntary, with soII1cwhet
that e ncw intcrcst in neck lnrphorac rvith trvisrccl hrndlcs is clue tri hjnt. ,u krvlrdiy poiscd rcvellers tumbling ovcr slippely $'incskins. This sort of
Ocrtainly his rrcilll)tcr1t of ru,o rvhich hlvc survivccl is spccill and looks for- ,lr ru,ing c;rn frcczc thc dcliberate action ofdlncc, fight or sport morc Plxusibl,v
u,lrd kr inrportant srr,lcs ofthc e:rrJy fifth cerrrurv onc ,,vith black bocly :rncl Llr.ur rhc unrchcarsccl upsct.
picturcs only orr thc Dcck; lhc orhcr \\,ith black lcck end sinrrlc 6qurcs on There arc othcr n)ajestic trcahncn!s of myth - Hcraklcs 6ghting Amazons
clrhcr sidc in thc licc bleck flcld wirhout grorrnd lincs. T'his is l ticetnrcnt ,rrr ;rvolute crater izgl, u-ith Gcryon on on.: crp [26], gods attetding Pclcus end
copiccl by othcrs ercl to bc pcrfcctcd b,v rhc l]cr-lirl Peirtcr.. Ihctis on atothcr. But everyday Iifc had bcconrc no less inspiring a source for
Lhc Pionccrs witncss thc chastisemerlt for r,vhat, I wordcr oll Irol (in
l. llcazlcy's drawings) and tl-rc ladici party ou lz7l. Onc girl hcrc toasts Lcxqros,
h' 'r'lro
is praised by Euphronios on r dozcr) orher vases which probably bclong
10 thc dccadc JrJ 5o5. Thc grarldcst party of thcmall lvasona cratcr, ftllg-

rrcnts of lvhich :Irc now in Munich [25], and herc Snrikros is named [/rrad
htdil\, blil.
Surxnos [3r, J2] (.. 5Io Joo) si!1ls two sramnoi and r twlsty-h:rndled
,LDlphorr es paintcr, and on the forn1cr hc praiscs the bcaury of Alltits: ln
.rlli-crion for vese shapes lnd a boy which he shares rvith Ettphronios emong thc
His stylc is ' chssic' ftrr rhc pcriod, rvirh lcrv dccidetl oclclirics. His hclcls :rr.c l'ronccrs. Anothcr stllnlnos! a psykter and two pclikei are attributcd to hirll.
rlccp irorn lrort ro buck, with ncxt, cahn lirturcs. Eycs tcud to be narror,v and l1_rhe associations ofthc namc on vases refer to onc min hc sccnrs ro have been
thc tiucly l:rshccl orlcs tcnd to opcn to\':lrds thc tcar duct. Lip corrlours erc .r playbov artist. i3cazlc1, callcd hirn an'irnitator ofEuphrolios'. Two putrrls
rcncrous, clrs hcuvy lobcd rvith c:rrclul inncr lnerkillgs on larqcr heads. Hair ofcomplrison wc hxve observcd, ancl tr-ray add xn ir)lcrest in patlcrn arrd the
coutours lrc inciscd or rcscrved. Thc frngcrtips, oftcn with n:rils nrerkccl, runr licc ficld singlc 6gures on thc:lrnphora. The dilfcrcnccs, apart frorr somc hck
up sherpl,v aud rhc fluscrs lrc thin ind britlc. On the boclv he likcs to con- ol. entcrprisc in compositiou, are in thc drawing which, though prccrsr,
rolrr evcrl nlinor:rrcas, likc thc nrusclcs bc-sidc the klcc ceps. Ankic boncs are ,kinrps ears, has bonclcss llvkwerd hands, dwells herc atd there on a head or
triallglcs rvith cloublc front lirres. Hc cnjo,vs the texturc ofpettcrl, \\,hcther ir bod1,, thcl hurries over drcss. His saryrs are his best crcations, heavily
bc drc bllck and r,vhirc ofpamclncd cloaks, Arnazon drcss anci firr.nishirrs, or. moustachecl and bcardcd, belding, thcir Doscs lcss snLrb than broken.
thc thinnc'd pxint oD liollskilr or hair, rvhcn drervn in scprr:rtc locks, or thc EuirlyMl)us l-lt 7l is Euphronios' r ival but no doubt llso liicnd inrhc
cup on l-z 51. l'ionccr Group: sligh tJy.jur-rior in years, pcrhaps, but no imirator:rnd his cqual
llis mastcrpicccs, thc cratcrs, clisplay originality ofthctnc und cortrposruou. in invcntion and draughrsmanship, with a subtly diffcrenr epproach to iris:rrr.
On rhe Peris clltcl Heraklcs'fichr rvith Ant:rios is e rrcw crcarion [2J1. ThL, His tricndly 'as ncvcr Etphronios' is inscribccl bcside a lor'rr /c.firrr of lincar
32 u:1

:lrl:Lloirv l l r.rl .rrr(l hrs tr_c.c, sortrctiDtcs lirvish usc of thinDcd plint lot en;rto- [ur]rymidcs hed his inrit:Ltors too. rnLl wc shitll rcturtr to rhcm, but lhcrc
rrrical dcr:ril lcnrli lris fleru c rvork :r dccidcdly rrorc sculptur l1 :rir-. Hc rvus Lrc rlso rnestcrs rl,hosc wolk is rclercd ro his. I)ttr^'rus l-i8 1:l (r. 5-t5 5to)
with inscriptions too, rrlrning hirrscll scven tirles, his firllcr (l)ollias tlrc sculptor ) rrqht u,cll bc his scnior, xnd wc hlvc rlrc:rcly rcnr:rrkcd his ilscribcd conrpli
rhricc, rvith otllcr ruotocs and lcgcrrds: an c)i!r.ovcrt (conrprre thcir rlrtrcs ll.nt to thc yor'1n!lcr'1n r. Hc sigDs scven vrscs its paintcr (erratically Phittti.r',
Etrthvnriclcs 'qood spirit', Euphronios 'good scusc'!) : choosv in his ;rflctrorrr, l'lritias, Philries, Phirrris) aud thrcc ils pottcr (ru,o arc'cocklc-sltcll vlscs, rlrc
enrins Mcgaklcs:ls bc:rrrtilirl, but idcrrtilyiDg r]rtny othcr con tcnr pol.trtus on )rhcr x cup fbr a rccl ligtLre rrtist of c1-litlity la9]). Hc is r nrorc finicky.rlti't
lrr"...-',rr,. lL.lirrr I,.r1r u,. Plr.r1 ll.,'. \nrik 1 rlro.. :,,.r r,7 tlr;rn Eurhvmiclcs, likcs rclicf rirglcrs aud dctails of rrlils, krruckles, soles of
ict, end soruetimcs:r lirdcler_plttern xlong thc brcast bonc. Like Psiax, he
Lrrciscs sorrrc irurcr rnusclc and dress lincs, witlrout paillting thcrrr. Conlparcd
rlirh Etidr,vmidcs his 6gurcs rre less plausiblc lrnd alerl, thc drcss too is stiffcr
rrrl lacks the swccping folds. Hc lovcs drawing vases and we have studie' of -r
' li -: -\,. \ rdc sclccrion of shapcs ill syrlposix, fotlntliu sccrlcs xnd olce in r vasc shop.
I ,,..-, l-
,\ A cup rvhich hc dccoratcs 1-or Dciniadcs has somcching ofe:Llly Epiktctos
Y l,r:1. Anorhcr sigDcd clrp is 139] with:r finc ccr)lxur erd puzzlilg ilsslult. At
rlrs scalc'hc is probabl,v at his mosr cffectivc. His rnorc Prccior-ls work apPcars
rru thc- big amphoric. On l4-r ] Apo11o :trrd Alrcrnis rcsctrc thcir ntothcr I cr(l
lr onr Tit-vos. Hc was l giant, xnd shown as such in bl;rck frgurc, bu! Phrrr.r.'\
rrakcs hinr vnxllcr thiul thc dcirics, \\'ho then hiLvc borh divirrity and staturc
His figurcs arc hcevicr, nrcatier than Euphronios'. Hc usuelJy inciscs thc (nr rhc'ir sidc, aDd tllis wcakcDs thc llirretivc. IJur with art xlhlctc oll thc olhcr
hair outlirc and evoids rclicfringlcts. Lr qcnc:-al he rclics morc ou liuc than :idc ofthc vese hc nlakcs a goocl try et e thrcc-quertcr lc!i. The Terquinia vasc
plrttcl-lr. Thcrc erc lir,r, lashcd c,vcs, sintpler cars rvith e ccntr.c tick or hook, thc ot{crs all thc dctailirrg oflocks, sidc-bums, llshcs and fingcr ruils f4o]. Phrnri-rs
loosc flcsh of thc scrotLun is narkcd, the lcct ionq and llxl, firlgers rlrbbcry. nlrkcs his lrlrrk bcrlcr i hcads xnd drcss.
The cloaks staucl up in stilFlblds et thc ofrhc rlcck. In the llorals thcrc erc Hylsrs (.. j l o) signs a hydria xnd lcaves his namc also on a kaJpis l1 1, 111,
liwcr lotuscs, thcil utcnlbcrs scptr:rtcd. Hc sccnrs to hevc prctirr-cd rhc Jlrgc thc old and rlcw vcrsions of thc $'atcr jar, both of which hc shor,r,s on hls
bclly amphorac (Typc A) t'br his rvork ro cmtcr-s, aDd thc onc volutc crarcr k.ripis 1111, whcrc girls draw w:ttcr it lhc fountaill (>f Dioiysos ('krene l)rony-
t'rom his hand conlirlcs fisurcs to rhc neck, not body (contrast Euphronros ri;r'). His f-igurcs havc a dcgree of Euthymidcan wcillhr alrd are as wcll corlr-
l z91). Thc nlxstcrpicces:rre ir Munich. On l-lJl Heoor lnus, rvatchccl by his poscd llrhough soDlcwh.t lcss dctxiled- Best arc his lrluin!! Anllzons,:r grorlp
plr-cuts. Prlts ofEgures erc oftcu allolvcd to overlep thc bordcr (ls on l3.r]) ski]ful11, sct in thc rcctengular field, but hc hes l)ot learncd how to acljust thc
but lrcrc thc uppcr bordcr is lcs heppily brokcn. Lcss than pcrltcr, too, is tirc tr llnlpcrcr's back to hcr lcii arrn.
rvry Hcctor's profilc hcadjoins his fronral body, but on thc brck ofrhc vtsc rvc Thc I)rxatos P,e.rr.rrrn [15-z] is anothcr r,vith Euthyntidcatl essocriltr,)n\,
hrvc rhe proudly succcssfirl disp)ay oftlrrec cluarrcr fronr and blck (r,r,c could [.lr.rrhc rvorks rr b]lck figure too, in at conlPctcnt fussy stylc ap;rroeching Psiax.
htvc wishctl lrim siruilar succcss with thc lcft Icg r.rf thc dancc'r or thc risht). Hc oftcn uses bltck 6!!ure florals on his recl figurc vascs, u-hclc drc fieurcs srand
Thc lerdcr ofrhc rcvcls is on thc lcft, hbcllcd'komarchos'. On l;41 e nrilclly ti!lhr-lippcd arld cxplcssiolrless in compositiorrs lvhich rcca11 thc dullcr black
protcstins Hclcn is carricd oli'by Thcscus. Koronc trics ro dreg hcr b:rck (hcr ligurc ofthc da-v, but u'ith jnclivldual ftgurcs r,vhicl-r sccnr ltraight coPics of
rrarrrc rnd Hclcn's r,r,erc hitnsposcd accidcntilllv by thc artisr) rnd peirirltoos Euthyrnidcs. Tl.rc drinkinq and \ "crlchirr!, cll) l psyklcr rlrd k;rlpis 116, 17] rrrc
looks round to the orlrcr siclc ofthc vlsc r,r,hcrc an olcl nlaD and two qirls rcact rnorc cfll'ctivcly porrrlycd xnd show sorr)c origirrxlity of posc. Thcy erc
rppropli:Lrcl), to thcir agcs aud se-x. irvour irc shepcs for thcsc studics of contcrnporary 1ifc.
Euthvnridcs' corrtribution to thc sroup of rrvisty h:rncl1ccl umphorlc \\rith Thc'rc rrc l lcrv odrer indiviclutl picccs ofrllcrit u hich bclolg here. Phinti.Lr
sinqlc figurcs has :l sxtvr rrld a youth. With rhc u,rcstlcr.s on a psykter 136l hc pottcd a cup for anothcl, no less talcntcd, arrist to dccorttc [19]. Gorgos
rlakcs his bid 1br I thrcc-qu:rltcr lcg but thc fiontel ottlin.', disphccd kl1cc portcd xrlothcr [1E], r,vith a ,vouth holdiDg a harc r,vithin, in I sty]c vcry like thc
ud pro6lc loot fhil hinr. Frontal laccs hld bccn savcd ii)r sr.otcsques hithcrlo, Phinti:rs cup, arld a Dotablc rryth sceDe on onc sidc which shows a fi11c scrtsc
and thcy still orrll.succccd whr-rc clisrortcd fcettlrcs xrc c:rllccl for. as lbr thc of drrnretic dct;ril Achiilcs fights Mctnnou whose sPc:rr h:rs pierced Achillcs'
piper' [3-51 (conrp:rrc Etrphronios' toper [25]). shiclcl rncl so is ncffectivc, and wllosc nlorhcr l-os, tlistr lughr, has torn hcr drcss
31 3J
and barcd her bosom in dismay. A Sosias was ntclttioncd otr various l)ioncer
vascs. The potter Sosixs makcs a finc cr-tp [5ol for a paintcr, thc SosiAS pAtNrEt,
a latc Pioneer (r- J Io joo). Thc cxtcrior presenls anunusual nlassiltg offisures
for this technique, with Hcrrkles lcd into thc fulJ assenrbiy,,i-Oly,,rp,,r,
bristling with details of attribures ind drcss_ Undcr a handlc is an ourlinccl
heed of thc Moon ( ?). With , Achillcs binds patroklos, arrn. Hcrc thc p.rinrcr
is absorbcd wirh pattcnl on armour, cap, the mosr rrivial details ofanacorny.
Pattoklos, squatting on his shield, bracing his left 1cg against the bordcr, rs an
unusuai lnd catly study in distraction and pain. Borh tnen arc intcnt, rvide_
eycd, and thc artist xnticipates hlcr, nlorc accuritc rendc ng of rhc eycs by
opening thcrn rcalistically, with the pupil forward. This shows ivhat can happcn
rvhcn an artist tnomcntarily abandons what he has bccn raught and kroks
around him. lt elso, for its rarity, shows how sma11a part still direit obscrvation
rvas playine.
The Sosias Paintcr used touches of whitc on the bandagc r11d lor pxtroklos,
barcd tccth, and outside the cup hc rendcrcd in relicf th! pomcgranatcs heid
by:r soddess. Elsewherc we have scen the pionecrs ,," ..ti"f fii ringlets or
occasional florals, but they gcnerally avoided colour and other rcliefaiis. Onc
vlsc, ciosc_in style and spirit to their work, has rrorc of the cxperitncntal
about it - thc Golna cur (r. -5oo) 15r]. Within, rhe rcd 6gure lover anrl hi lacl
are xccompanicd by a dog drawn Ir thr Srx re.hniquc white ptint on thc
black grouud, with painted and incised dctails. Outiide, rhe synrposiasts are ,, Cnlyr ttdtu \ir edhyE phn'nio\. Slttp a d D&thaflt S.ryi1on (S( F,otltispn.t'.)
outline drxwl on:r whitc ground, with black handlc p"lr.rrcites. Thcse arc H-+s t
tcchniques which had been devclopcd by black figurc artisis, and wc mighr now
consider whether thc Pioneers evcr praclised thi old tcchnique. The'bikaios
Painter wc rnighr regard alrrost as a convett fronl thc old to rhc new, not
traincd originally in red figurc. Thc only examplcs of what misht be pronccr
black 6gurc.(or in relatcd tcchnique) appcar whire wc mighr bcst expect them
on ollicial work where the old tcchnique was rcq.rircd,r,
Panathcnaic vascs and votivc plaques for the Acropolis (ancl sJe "ppr.rprr"t"
bciow lor
work on white ground). Thc matcrial is fragncntary end certainty inrpossibJe,
bur trvo p1;rc1ues, dccorated wirh outline figures, p:rrt incised, on a lvhite
ground, arc worth a sccond look. Onc, with en Athcna
[52], was dcdicated by
Pollias, Eurhyrnidcs' sculptor fatlrcr, and in a styic compatible with his son;s
y9i\t.Th" othcr [iJ], a larger slab, shows a storlnills w:rrrior with a satyr
shicld blazon rcpearcd by Euthymides, and inscribcd ,Mcgaklcs kalos,.
The Mcgakles has bccn crascd and Claukytcs substirutccl, no d-oubt aftcr thc
ostracirn of Megakles in ,1116 r r:: he is c]scwhere praiscd by Eurhyrnidcs and
Phintias. Quire apart from their own possible black figurc work, by challcngc
xnd cxamplc thc Pioneers influenced an impoltant sc-ries of all-biack_Cguie
vases ofthe last ycars ofthe ccntury thc Leasros Group (ltsFH pp. tiol).


2t oiha -t.,tLvI ihtrti.. ll,,rlt .ul 4',tr'


:] t 1 Crl),\ ,1,1t0 l') httllr, itlj

,() t, , Ctp !i.:at)tl hy

D!h^un\ () llth
I1htktu n l (h totl

,7 Plyknr ii,tn.d hy lttittNtr\

.t l)itkto Lt l)tt,hh\lio5. Dttth t)lPotht \


ll ,, ,r\
it: \
i,l t I
,trn I) l
,t i''
,l /\i \
r{ \

,n LtL.,,tr'., tt. 1\.1t..,.t. t_tr.t- .ht

rr.,, 2 \ir[ /).1,4. l,), t!],lrroxn^

li t Btlly ah\lwn (7 ytt A) ti.{ .d t,y E"thynidt\. Hdnt n ts

t|.1,, Bcll),onryhrt,t lTfy A) bt Ettthylnid(s. Ih$(t'n iLILl.n

.rJ 2 R.r.r! r, I r. r

tt KrUi\ l't I: thy tiit\

i6 l\)lkr.\ dl) Ftnltt tit\

.)E. t , , Iltiid Ly Ph ni.! H. j1 5


t9.t, , (:ut) \irnd hl ph tint

it t Inlty dnphord ( L'ypt A) I'y Phi tia!. APlb, At(ttit, Tityo! dnd L.t.

t t., Rt,t:ti! 111 1t.1

t: ()tt si!,tu1 b), I'jh" in\. HLnklt: and ALkyontts

]o.t,2 B,1l),a tpln\t tT)t., _1)

'i-r ,l hy t'hi tn, 4tt,,ll , ,;tt
HtnklL , h , atut tLrt tn
$ Btlly rtntho,d l lftr A)Lt th(

t6 Krl|)i\ hy th L)i].l\,\ t\tri, t

ti H),iltit liq il ht HYI i\ lrd:]lri

./.1 ,(d/piJ !i(,d/ l,t 1/It,tr

I I r r\ tlt Dikd\ Pdiltttl
Crp rlgrrd il Cor(,or A.hille\ dtld Mo t t

\. r (-,4, i,y rhr S.ii,L /'dnrni .A.ltilla ttLd Pdt [l';

jr., OrrJ,.li',, Jo.r. 11trotl tn \'l H(nkL\ n' OIvn'Pttt

ld.: 1l.r0rr ()/t3.r. L/. rd

,d I .htui,r',r'+f r 19 Crp iir .Ll hl l)hiitit\ r: to tt

I ul, lr,rrtlters
\r , rqlrt olrt ()f tcn ofthc rcd vlscs'"vhich survivc lrorll tlrt lir'r
L ,,r ()l frxctjcc il1 thc Ircw tcchniquc are cups. Thc Arrtirl'itlcr l)rirrt' r

,, r ' l'r,, necrs hed prcfcrcd thc largcr sh.pcs, xn d on thcsc, u'ith tlrcir Irrli' r

l' ' tt Lr.s, thc Ir('w drer,r'irre sLills coulcl be rnost c1li'ctivcly tlisplrrl'tri 'rrIl
.l 1,,1,, (1. Mur-v Pionccr ctlPs irc lxrllc arld sho$ry Picccs 'Prrtrrtlc r rr1'''
I , ltr ,lt,itrt) r slylc wilh il bricf follorvi:r g. For ordinuy trrclc pLrrPt)s'\ llr(
, ,,1 liqurc rncaut ctlps. Thcsc do not clispl:ry thc verictY of forltts rrtrl ttr
l,, I llqurc Liltlc Mastcrs- Thccarlicstrcclftgurectlpsercof fvpc A'e1'c
51.I Ctttt. ll.'l1itu.qn\t t
, ,r r licil churuatcristic dccorarion (llthough thcre arc sonlc rvillloLtt cvcs

, .l ' ,,1 .r11 cycs ]rc on Typc A) a sh:rpe invenrcd lor black 6gurc pcrhaps by
t ' '. .rrrri dcriving its rrnbrokcu bod-v profilc arrd schcnrc ofdccor;rriorr rvith
,,,rn er crr'licr rraditiorr in Eest C} cccc. Thc earlv rcd fiuurc c,vc cups. rls
,., I tr rrc lhc sanlc oFscr, l:1ll fcct as thcir bllck figtrrc contcnlporarics (,4/iFH
, j. l7(9), lookirlg likc r fltr picrcccl clisc bencath hs in thc Liltlc Mlrltcrs).
L,orr bciDg tishioncd rvith hollorv, trnnrpct-1ikc lcct, prirrtcd bl:rck

lrL ilcvclopmcnt ofthc schclnc of dccor:rtiorl for red ftgurc c,vc'cups has
L r ,lclr)y clcfincd by []eazlcy. Ir splrrs mainly thc i.zo's end jlo's, l)ut tlrc
lu r\ not thcrl foreottc[, it lr:rs a bricfsurvivx] inlo Lllc Archric (Colnrer
, Arrriphon Painrcrs) lnd thc schcmc wxs bcins uscd iu bhck figurc rvtll
, r,, lhc irfrh century. Thc carliest arc mostl,v bilingtllls rvirh l bleck frgr-Lr'
,,,1,r irsidc thc cup, usullly a silrplc ligurc sulrjcct':rld rccl figttrc ottrsi'ic
,, r, ,rrc clrly:rll rccl-figulc cups too, arld on all thcsc thc ustlxl dccor"rti')n
,, 'ins1c figurcs btween thc cvcs, u'ith palntcttcs b,v thc h:rndlcs. Larcr thc
:t - l t]trt \'l Jt t
5, l rtPt tldqft Ly litthf ti&\ ,,,,.tt.,",rJ.y",,r"ychugcplaccs('prllrctc-eyc'cups, lrs|6dl) dcstlolinq
,, rrrrsk likc cffect, rvhich clisappeers conrplctcly rvhcrcvcr thc cYcs arc
, rrrsclvcs rcplacccl by eniutlls, gerrcraJl-v sphirrxcs or u'jnscd horscs {931
l hc ptltncttcs on the bilirlgtlrls ere al:rtost al\\'llYs closcd likc cnortrlolts
'{ ,,,' l6r], but latcr thc lceves scplrrtc lrcl oPcn, lrrd r'r'hilc thc hc:tlt ofthc
,- 4^ 1, rLrr crtc: rvas :rt ltrst
oltor paintccl l cd it is rlow bl:rckc.L ill wirh e snrlrll rcscrvccl
,'rrtlc. l'hc 1."",.s lr".^..1y laivell ccnrlc spirlcs. A varicty oflornscs or btrds
,rr bc ett:rc1tcd. Thc cvcs thctllsclvcs co,lrc to losc rhc boldly lnerked tcar
,1r rr:t. scluarc oflat tllc inncr corncr, lncl terld to losc thc rvlrite riuq ru thc
l'hc eyc schcmc lirpcars irr its latcr lbrnr also orr cnps olT-vpc li, as 1181,
,rlrc,c t1i.'o,.rtlirr.- r,.iris irr e flor,r'ills curvc dolvn lo e shrllor'r'stcp on tlrc
llrlng rrumpet foot, while withln thc cup,just below thc 1ip, rhcrc is:r shlrp
t)n both rhcsc ctrP shxpcs, and with incrcasing 6cquencl', cvt's rrrey bc
,Jrr)ittcd xltogclhcr rnd thc 6gurcs fill each side in lorrg friczcs, r'r'ith or wirhorrr
1,,,r.11cpelrrietrcs, or the dticoratiolt nlev bc conFrlcd to thc intc'lior, tllc
,,trrsidelcfi bleck. Thc quality of portillll rlrt.l gloss paint ltld inrprovcd irr

5t 1'lt,pt ty t: th)\ti&, lY. J,

lhcsc yclrs .rnLl tltc uppc;rl of pl:rrn b1:rck ereas wils Lrctter apprcciirtccl and ,1, \ ()iiorr to Mcrrnon lasts lhrouqh his carccr alld thc kak)s inscriptiorrs iirr hirrr
achicvcd. ()nc othcr (lrp shrpc should bc nrentioned sincc ir bcconrcs incrc';rs- l,l,.lr on neerlv halfhis cu1'ts.
null,poptrlrr Tvpc (i. This has I concavc lip, rnorc rbmptly ollser rhan that llrs carlier big vascs are amphorac ofthc distinctive shlpe madc rrr th''
ofr bleck flsurc bend r:up, and rhc lirrc ofthe borvi runs don,n rhc squat srcnl l. I Lrsth cnes-Pam phaios workshoP fbr rhc Etruscarr rnarkct 156], rntl thc
to e rnouldinq on thc. ilartish t'bot. Some havc this f<rot and bocly brrr e strliqht ., Lrrnos showing Hcraklcs fighring Achcloos, whcre hc givcs thc llronstcr 'r
1ip- fhe gcncrll crcct is hcevier, ntorc scrviccablc then thc dclicarc stcnturcrl i'..:rr rathcr than thc usual bull's body, etrcl is cxplicit aboul thc brcakinq r)l-il\
cup. Typc Cl's cur bc decoratcd oursidc ls wcll es in, but ofien insiclc only, l,,,rrr [5a]. Panrphaios nodcllcd budding horns by the hand]cs ofthc vasc l<r
end arc nrost popular tll bleck. rrpharire thc thcme. Larer arc othcr anphorac, one fbr Euxitircos, nlorc
Thc fcu' cups painrcd by thc Pionccr s lrc of rhc i.iczc typc, w.ithorr cycs, t'L,,rrccr in style and partern arrd ofthc new Type C shlpc. Thc psyktcr l5 dl is
tivirg lirllcr value to rltc 6qurc contfrritioD Thcy rre .Lt -Il), r Lru I.ttcr thall , ,lrccrfi-rlly decorativc vasc of nlulnnlcr dolphin-ridcrs, cach singing 'on rt
thc nlairr run of thc cyc crrps and olli:r othcr variations 1o the cup pattcrn, l,,Lphin' ('epi dclphinos'), who would apPcar sca-bound when thc vasc wes
such xs thc sr.vord like ccntrc le:lf to thc palntctes on Phirrries' cr1p, ovcr- ., , i,, Thc black 6gure tondos of Oltos'carly cups [6r] rccall 'h'
lapping irs tcndril 1391. One or rlvo ofthc specialist crtp peiritcrs spcnr ptrt of ".r"t"..
\rrtirncnes Pajnter. His red 6gurc work on cuPs, cxcePt for sct-picccs on solllc
thcir ti11rc, ancl not elu,ays carly in thcir carccrs, paintinq Iargcr shapcs (C)1ros, 1,rqcr vesscls, is characterised by ajudicious cconomy of linc ln thc anatomy,
Epiktctor, end thcrc are lesscr artists (or lcss proliiic) rvhosc rvork cen rc:rdily 1,,ns curving foreircad-nosc line with tight lips, down-curviDIl to givc arr air
bc rchtcd to rhat ofrhe Pionccrs. llut gcncrallv rhc cups crllcd lor;r djllererrr
idiom, lcss rclilnt on subtlc intcnsitics of detail. rrorc o1r cconolnical and
tcllinE linc. They oBirccl lcss rooltr lor the scr nrytholosicxl tablcuux ancl rhcir
It'r.tiurr.,t rry rlrc (Jr\,,rrt rg,.d d-pt.rr.rr' ,,f lrt.rrrr,r r. ur p.r1v \\1(.. itr
rvhich thc ncw liccncc in graphic display of postucs and xcriori, novcl irl
Eguretivc art, wxs full,v cxploitcd. On thc cLlps,"r,c can as rc:idiJy nlceslrrc rllc
pronlisc drat thc Dcw tcch iquc hcld for thc rcprescnratjoD of ectiolt xnd
crl) (rtion
Thcrc arc f;w rcchrlical pcculiaritics ro bc obscrvcd. Tl.ic finc'coral-rccl
ground had bccr used ftrr bllck fieurc first by Exckias, is sirniiarl_v usccl outsidc
rcd fiEurc cups by Sk)thcs, lnd eppcars on ercls ofsonle all-rcc1-figurc crLps,
usuellv frllins thc irrrcrior round drc londo, es l.:6], and on rhc zorlc bclorv thc
figulc sccnc outsidc (and :rbovc ir if thcrc is a Typc C lip). It lcrrt l:r cxtra ,,1 snrug chccrfulncss. Feet arc long and slim, ears a sinlple whorl. As on thr:
lichllcss to thc coloLrr tcxtnrc of thc vxsc, but wrs rcscrvcd lbt cups arrd e fcu, l'Lrintiai cup, Oltos will sollctirlrcs fill his frieze with large rcclining {igurcs'
orlicr small vascs in thc Archlic pcriod. Cup p:rintcrs, likc the p:lirlturs r)f lLr llorels hc favours distinctive lotus lyPcs, cro\\'ted willl palnlettc leaves, or
latger pots, uscd rclicfblobs fbr hair lurks ,,r rtlrct clolils on florr l' .ind qr:rpcs, ., rplcr, with plain ballooning centrcpic.cs (on cups). Somc palmette lcaves
but onlv r:Lrcly ol1 this slttaller scelc. Wholc rclicf figures xppcitr oD :r cr-rp . rc poinrcd or ribbed, and hc has a few torldos of palmettes only (as did Psiax) '
m:rdc fbr dc-dicarion on the Acropolis by rhc Ercrqides Plirtcr lrool mcl ( )1r his largcr cups for Euxitheos he puts a floral betrcath thc sccncs IJJ], as
,.virh horscs, lvith clcrails irr rccl fisurc. Thcr c had beer cerlicr Ersr Circck cups irJ Euphronios. The onc of which I show dctails gives a masterly and original
dccor;Ltcd in this r:tan:rcr. Gilding is sorlretin)e! tdrlittcd on rninor relicf ,.'rdcring ofthe assembly ofgods on Olympus with relling detail ofgcsturc,
dctails of wreerhs lld the likc. , l.rnce and drcss. Yet ir is the brisk warrior and athlctc 6gurcs ofhis eye cups
OLros (.. j2j joo) is probably thc rost irlrcrcsrirrs of thc clrp prrrltur\ ,rr which his individuality is betrer apptcciated. His other favourite sublecrs.
l-l;6-5l,forhisrangclncllonqcarec-rilndforhisrluelity,rvhichfellslirrlcshorr l)urt lrorr thc Dionysiac and occasionrl bawdry, arc hcroic Heraklcs,
ofthc bcst irt this class. Hc r,r,ls a bnsy eltlst, kno$.r to hevc rvorkcd tor ar llrcscus, Troy.
lcest six clilLrrcrt poftcrs including thc cup specixlisr I(achrvlion c:rrlv jD his ln nrany respccts Oltos provides a link or clclncnt ofcontinuity ar a lowcr
cxrccl, Errxirheos (rvlro also scrvcd Erlphro ios) rathcr ]:rtcr. iltd thc l, \'cl bctwccrl rhe stylcs ofearlicst rcd figurc lJcazlcy thoughr he might lr:rvc
N ikosther cs-Panr phr ios u,orkshop. He givcs Lrs his rranrc on lu,o cr.rps nraLle l,ccn r pupil ofthc Andokides Paintcr a nd thc Pionccrs. Orr r nc)<t cup paintcr,
bv Euxitheos but rvcll ovcr one hunclccl othcrs car) bc aft brttcd ro hinr. His t,,,,*rricri 166-76, cot,ul (r. 5:zo 49o) has a sinriler background, since early iIr
5a) 57
his c:rrccr irc p:rirrtcil .r r:rlyx cratcr for the pottcr Andokidcs, but hc secrrs 1,, I rrrrrinq tlqurc hrd scrvcd uscfull,v fbr such frcltls Nor" r rLrlrtL r

subscqucntly to h:rve prcti'rrcd spccialisilg in the srnallcr vases, including ,. r,,r lirrcclinr:, sclLlrtlin!5, scatccl 6gurcsercuscd,ecliol:rlldoir-jcttv''rrt'l
platcs [77, 7d, rollr] a lhvouritc Archaic shapc which was bcing uscd by , , ,l rlt tr) ,,cc&. lJtus wc scc rhc sanlc stoopirlg, tu/islinq figtrlc tr:t tl 1i'r ''
Paseas ancl Psiax:rs wcll as by othcr cup paintcrs. He u,orked for scvcral irl ,r I r ;o]. irDd ru'() sclt:indtllgcrs I tlrrn r,r'ilh:r chlrlllbc: pot, r sirl tt'rl'
pottcrs in.ludnrg Ilischylos and the Nikosrhcncs-Pamphlios workshop, and , 1 r L. (iock horsc ridcrs arc collllll()llcr rhan cock riclcrs ill (irtcL rrt
is free with his signaturc - on nearly halfthc hundrcd or nrorc vascs survlvrng .1 ,, r rlre (lustlc Ashb,v pletc Irolt'rl hc rrr:ry havc prclcrrcd to clirrrirr'rt' rlr''
A Hipparchos (probably nor tftr Hipparchos rhc vxses sccnr too ]arc, rhc man
',., r,,rrs in his srudy oi lorvl lrrd boy.
too old or dead) wts his t'ivouritc boy. He signs onc plltc as borh pottcr and I r, i rtl oihis c.rrc:cr is crriqnetic. He plints oncc tirr l']ythorr (rr cLrp ol llrc
painrer (to dcdicate on thc Acropolis), so he wes vcrsatilc, anC hc collaboretcd lirqLrlc (ih:rlcidisrng shapc [7-5]) who wls po!lcr for I)orrlis' l Lrt'
on one cup with rhc Eucrgides Plinter. \ | Lr .r1li\t, :rucl is thottglrr to hlvc bccll afectccl by l)onris' sty1c; :rrld orrcc
His eerlicst cups are bilinguel eye cups, as [66], but nor as pritrritivc as , ' ,r()\c1ros. :r potcr lor Earl-v Cllssical trlisls. I clotlbt whcthcr hc crrrrld
Oltos' first - nonc wirh rcd palrnetrc hcarts, no hesitancy in usc of rclicf lincs. \\ (Jr kcd vcly llluch lltcr thln ebout 49o, illd his rleruc r'r'ill givc us llr{)rc
Hc was a nlaster of thc circle it is his tondos and platcs wc rcrncmber and he r l, i irr thc rlcxl chrptcr'.
rathcr fxvorlrcd cups dccorarcd only within. Thc dclicacy antl accuracy ofhis \ l( \\ otlrcl cr.lp peinters, rnainlv carll', cu irc placcd hcrc, thcir '"votk in
line evcn in niliaturisc work shor.r, how far yct how qlickly progrcss in
',,,g ,lcgrccs rc'latccl to Epiktctos. Pnrton'ros
(. s:; srs) who nlxyhrvc
cornmand ofthe brush had gone sinc,: thc Andokrdes Prinrer's fir:t attcrnprs. , ,,1 .*ilLtrir,"1y lor thc portcr Flischvlos, Paillts cyc cups, nreinl,v biJirrgtral,
His black figurc shows a surcncss and a discipline which lerv practitioners of r ,,1 r urq plLrnrp littlc erhlctcs with pigc()tl chcsts drlrvll iu t su'c'epiur: curvc
the old technique could still mustcr [66]: his red 69ure an cxquisitc balancc of ,rirlr tin,v crrs: plcitsing, unilnlbilior-ls stull [79, 6o]. Thc THALIAR(iH()s
line and detail, with rcsrraincd usc of colour and pattcrn. Hcads and limbs arc l' ' r.r r r H rs Iccolanisccl as the :r: tisr ofthc toPs oisonlc pol\rdcr-box pv_ridcs [8 t ]
rnore accurately proportioned than Oltos'and he will usc the murcd, prlcr ,, lJorvtrotN-Evtl Patrlrn givcs so11lc\\r1:rr skclchicr btlr livelv vctsi<'ns of
paint wherc others dash on the relief linc. His figurcs have rha! sculprural rllrlctc 1,921, \vilr_riol rrc] kornirsl fiqtrrcs ofthc bcrtcr ciuly ctlp P:lirltcrs,
rl, thr S(rHrutLllllr PAINruR lE4l rcrldcrs rhcrlr *'irh lcss lssuratlcc rbout
,,1,()rfion .lld clctails. Thc l)El.os PAlNTlilt [6ilhes nlorc ofthc lirreet skil]s
,t il1t,rr.i,,.l Phcidippos irrcl a pirticLllrrl)/ dcliclrc bleck figtrrc hlrd tir
L r,1os. Ancl thc WrNi:nlsrrt P.tlNtut rcdeeus sonc Poor draughtsmanship
. Llr flt5]. Finally. thc Htscurlos PAINTER, nxlncd for the potter who had
, ..,, crrrployed Epiktctos irlrd PhcidipPos, who offcrs a eioocl cxamPlc of r ( P
,, rl, ,r full pll:ncitc complcx by the handlcs and intent, compctcllt-figurcs; still
,,,rzlcd, Lhough, wirh tirc propcr forcdrorrcning ofe shicld and dla\ irrq r
, ,,tilc plus puri:rl-fr-ontal vicrv [.961. His hlnc] is xlso scerr oIr e llrgcr v)se of
plausibility rvhich wc scc in rhe bcst early red figure and lleazley's nruch- r rrcu, shlpc thc bcll crarcr.
quored'you cannot draw better you..rn only drau drfferenrly .I,rs rro less Srrrrrris(r.52o io5), ' thc Sc-vthirtn ', is a loner l6E gll Hc signs fbur cups,
thar justice to the [jrcatesr draughtsman of carly red 6gure. But hc was no l,,r.r scorc oforhers altrlbtrlccl to hirn and two stilndlcls' His firvotlritc boy is
sobersidcs. His myth sccnes are fcw, and seldorn highly original, but his tYpe, btt rccl figure lnside with
1,il-vkos. His bilirrgu:r]s arc not of lhe usllil]
dcpiction ofthe comrnonplacc, of(itizens rr phy, .rr hcd or b,.rrd 6hc s:rme ,i,,.t fig,.,.. on a;orirl-led ground ourside thrct'ruc knowlr' Urrlikc rhc
thing for Grccks, who reclincd on beds for feasrs), and his contriburion to thc ,,,rjority oi Clrcck :rrtists Skythcs scells x conlic by itrrcDtion l)cazlcy is
development of thc satyr as a psycho)ogical substitutc study for nran, plus a l,.r'',ys rpoteblc ancl will bc cited otrcn in rhis book: of Skythcs 't'htr
varicty of new cro[ic imagery, represcnr a considerablc advancc on what 1,,,.poscly ptirrts rncl1 \\rorse thrn thcy arc'. Wc
nright add thar his gods arc
black 6gurc (wc think of the Amasis Paintcr 6rs0 bcgan to offcr and set a ,,,, 1,.,,"i ti,"r', hls merr hcro rnd villain rn:ry look equaJly brtttish as thc
significant new rnood in the subjcct-lnatter of Greek art, no less important lhcscus purishine whet rlighr bc jrrrerrdccl fcrr Skirol by his clilF fgol' Hc
than the new ltarrative of thc Pionecrs. rnprrts a pcrky charrn ('vcn t; his xnirlitls, but it is in his cxprcsivcly inclividrral
His tondos are worth sorrre ettcntion a favouritc subjcct for thc cxcrci5c t,rccs th.rt his oll_-bcrt hutuour is c;lllqh!, er)d his dr:rr'r'ing, lf lot ambitit'Lrr. is
of the aesthctics of geometry in composition. In black figure rhc primitive rr)rupclcnt lrld canonicrl. If hc r,vas of forcigu birrh or beckground, bttr
58 59
Athcri,rrr rr,rirurrr, lris vic,,v ofAthcns'life encl myth irieht havc bcen cliffcrcnt l , l,rtition of stock thenrcs. His quality, :ls with many sucll scc()ll(l I rl('
crrotrqlr to slrorv ir hrs u,ork. Scythians irad bccome Lrmiliar in Athens r, r,,lr proliiic trtists, is givclt a\vay by incompetcnce or hck ol-tlct;rrl rrr
twcDty ycxrs lrctirrc. If his lrltrnc is not:l truc indicetioD ofhis dcscetrt 1r rirv t,, L r :uch as ears ancl hands or thc body shown lhrough drcss, erltl sorrrt orlil
il lc:rst bc e sobriquct dcnoting a rxlher ortll view of lifc Tu,o black figurl, ,,,,,rlronslikcshrllowhcads.TheEpernlosPAIN'IER[]oJ,7o6liPcstiPikl.l()\
plequr.s or thc Acropolis arc sisned by a Skyrhes, alnrosr ccrtainly the . rotrgh coPics ofthc rrr.rslrr
arrtlst ut a llrorc rcvcrcnt rnood. Bcrzley wondcrcd \^,hethcr the pEl)rEUs
', , rrril.rr rvey, indecd some ofhis cups look like
I 'r',lc qcncrrlly is far wcaker than thc Euergides Painlcr's xlrd hc rrr,ry Ix'
ParNun w:rs reelly Skythcs in larcr ycers. tsoth praisc Epilykos (who is, ,, ,, ,lcr run sirce he paints sonlc cyc cuPS with fan palmcttcs. Orr lro6l lrrs
incidcntaliy, arr arhlcrc on a phinrias vase) and thc,riood i, tirc r"r,c \ r I ( rpo fiuds ' rhc winc is sweet' (' hcdus hoinos').
i921, b,rr
the lrcdicus Pxinrcr is rather morc crude xrrd txslclcss. ',( \ rrul cups in the lnanner ofrhc Eucrgides Painter, xnd one or two [ry l] ir rr.
Nikosthenes and his youngcr plrtncr alld successor palnlphaios rlradc an ,r\ r.rthcr uuusual singlc-r,vord iuscriptions. Onc is 'paidikos', rvhiclr irr
iutportant scrics ofblack figurc vascs, many in original shapcs for Athc:rs, r iirtcxt of vasc paiuring fltlst mcan 'boyish' rarhcr tban 'chi]dish': thc
mainly for thc cxporr nriuker (,jllFHpp. 64f.). Thcir ied fig.,.c is c*.,ri,rg, ,r r is 'prosagoreuo' 'l grect [you]'. Thcy appcar also on a nunlbcl of
bur Pamphaios nradc xlrlpllorae ofthc Nikosrhcnic rype for Oltos
[56], thcre , ,,',." i,, closely relatcd style. On onc of thcse ' paidikos ' is written r'virh
ar.: solrc big kanrharoi end an odd spouted cup \cr '! as lhough it wcre thc porter's nlrnc, but rnore likcly his [icknamc
[981. ti"rh Otros , 1,,
workcd [or t]rcm bur their reqular red figure irtisr we krlow as ",,
thc Nr(os_ lrLs (;rouP oF IJI Pattrtros Alanasrna (r' J20 joo) thc best vases are u hit(
THENFS PATNTER (rlol thc same ts thc lllack figurc.N pxnlrcr,). ., , ,r Lrrd :rud are signed by the polter Pasiadcs. Hc was not thc paintcr too \in':t
Hc piur)ls
f93 dl standard cyc cups, though not thc very;arliest, some .pa)nrccte_cycs, l, .,rqns anolher vasc as paintcr (a whirc grouncl lckythos). This Paslaurs
and cups rvith fi-iezcs, tirc bcst, alter which hc was firsr r.rarired, bcins his t , nirr,rr lvas a cut ibovc the Eucrgidcs Pailrter, to wholn hc is otherwirc
London cup rvith Slccp and l)cltlr. Thcre is rlso a red figurc Nikosthenic , ,,.1,,, rclttcd (also in edrliration of Hipparchos) and lhesc arc chxrming.
pyxis [97]. Thc stylc is brisk and adequ:lte, r]rc fisures iarhcr hcavy and r, rt vlscs whcre thc prettincss of Archaic dctail is not overpowcrcd by a
sornerirlres ill-proportioncd, filling spacc in a rather old_fashioned b1;rck hgurc ,, I' ground. The rcsc of thc Group, mainiy rccl figure, is coarscr' Thc sccne
ruuncr, and clinging to black fignru subsrdiary ol n.tlltuDt. Orhcr rrroclucts ,,r tlrc elabtstron Iio7] is'rollcd out'in rhe phologlaph.
of dre workshop, still busy until at lcr\r jro, errncd thcir u-ry wirh.,rieinal It hls nor bccn easy in this survcy ofcup paintcrs to discerll major pxintcr-
but unsubtlc themcs [99], poorly but explicirly cxecured.
l,t,ltcf qroups. Paintcrs wcrc sometincs footloosc, somc porte cs nlxy
The,EuERcrDEs PATNTER lroo 4l (r. 5r5_5oo) is narned lor the portcr
fbr i,,.,, l"rg" c\ttblishmcnts, and at eny r:ttc pottcr siglraturcs xrc still t'w 'nd
whom hc nosr often worked (he also painted for Chelis). He coliaboratcd with ,, ,1t cr atiribution by shapc not es well dcvelopcd a study es paintcr lttrillutiorl'
Epiktetos orr one cup, doing thc cxterior, and hc sharei Epiktctos, admirxrron \(i tllcle rrc 1lo ncJt divisions alld we arc gratcful wherc Peilltcr, portcr irnd
ofHipparchos, but all therc is ofthc oldcr mf,ster in his work is thc corrrruon I..rlos sig aturcs rcpcat oftcn enough, with some collgtuctrce ofsryle and thcme,
range ofthcrrcs. His bcst u,ork sccms to bc on a cup he ma<jc for dcdicatioD () rcvc;l et lcrsr a tcmporery trcnd in the potters' quartcr. A flw olher pottcrs
the Acropolis Ilot], sllowing Athcna bcsidc a vase paintcr, who is parnting ,lcscrvc special menti;n, arld thcir errrploymcnt of pxintcrs Hcrmaros signccl
thc interior ofa cup, orr a pottcr's wheel, ald trrerxlworkcrs. This iooks like i L,,ur cups ts potter tlld his HlftMAlos PAINTER []08 lol llso workcd, probably
dcliberetc dcdicatiol [ry thc pamtcr, or rnore probably by thc potrer, I rlcr, lor the potrer Kachrylion Hc is a good paintcr with rathcr hexvy-headcd
Eucrgidcs, who t1lay havc doDe some Dlctalwork on thc side. The artisan arcas .lccpv-looking 6gures of Oftan physique, using dcviccs like doublc c'dgcs to
werc closc togethcr ir1 Athcns, and both cralts callcd for skill rvith furrraccs. ,lrto;r tops, rccalling Paintcrs of larger pots, cvcn thc Pioncers Kachryliorr
W. h.rvu r.r.,rrd hi, r rccpriorrrl , up l,o r lh( A, ropoli. wirlr p.rrr_r,.het l-i5rrru, ,lrc, crnpltyccl Okos and he:nadc Euphronios'two lircat cups He must havc
lrool..rnd hc nuy rJso bc rrsponsibJc lor rwo remarkablc hemicylindrical l,ccn rn irlfluenti:rl figure to comrrand snch quality.
stands (copying en Etrusc.u.r shepe, but not a dcmonstrably Nikosthcnic modcl (lhelis was anothci inrportant pottcr worki,l!! about 5I 5-Joo, :rnd ekhotrglr
this time) carrying sphinxcs Iio3] ud a winged goddcis with heads ir the lcw signaturcs survivc hi! paillters arc known to havc irlcludccl Oltos alrd thc
round end cotrbininq rcd 6gures, Six and outlinc tcchniqucs. Thcsc arc, lbr Iitrcrgiclcs Paintcr. Two of his signxturcs appcxr on cuPs by thc (lHFLIS
rhis artist, tottts dc .fortt- His othcr cups trc not of thc cariicst no cye cups l',rrNrtr Ii r r ], on onc of which parr of thc Paintilg is by Okos' Thc Tu'rr-ra
(unlcss his early phasc is as thc Dclos paintcr, which l3cazlcy consiclercj) l)arNTen also workcd for both Chclis and Kachrylion, but st:rrtcd his carccr
hc is forrd of enirnals besidcs the handlcs (wirgccl horscs, eriliins, sphinxc$. ..rrlicr. He is xt tincs :I good xrtisr, best on a cup in Berlin Ir I z] rvhosc interi'rr
Exccution hcrc varies from whar looks like rather unskiiJed- copyitg ro c,r..- ollcrs srudies of sclf-lovc by boy and girl, end lovc-nrakin!! hclped out by a
slippL'r (v, ic[1cri bl rhc uirl) T]ris is cxccutcd wirh thc qrcrtest car-c, Lsirr!.
lclicfheir locks irrrl tlckline dillicult posrures wirh ncar.strcccss.
Thcrc rcnreir to bc rrnrccl u fc'rr,, othcr paintcrs, mairly ofrhc l:rst clccadc of
thc si\th ccl)ttt-y, \\,ho wor.k still il1 rhe tr.rdrnon.rfrlrr r.rrl\ eups r.rthcr rhen
to corrsider in thc ltc\t chiptcr. Bcrzlcy was Iot srtrc rvtrcthcr thc E|rr>tor,ros
l)ArNlrir (Jt l-r, I i trl: nuntcd froru ll oftcn rcpcatcd kiljos llirnlc) r,r,as thc e:uly
phirsc Aporl(rr)otros Ir i6 t.9l who lcavcs his uatur, orr tw() cups. It scc]lls
probrblc, tojuclgc frorrr the clistilrctivc featurcs wirh srlrall, d"cp_s.t ey.r, lo,,g
nosc lincs ancl, frrr cxanrplc, sonrc Gcorgc Bcrn:rrd Shar,r, styl" I.,ca.i,,. Sorr,"
lrIL.r' , lnok rrr.rrrl, r,J 1r pr.,l\,jr,ror,. ur po* lr rol. \,,rrr. n. rlr,.-.rrlr , pp.
havc a sprced clouble line round thc tondo, which is lot othcr$,isc rl cilrlv
fceturc. Thc Eu,rvrxos PATNl.LR is anorhcr crrclidatc 1br idcntiry rvith Apollo'_
doros ard_has an oriqiral way ,,virh tondos thc Thcscus-Siris (iroup
end :r profilc head oi thc Moon ot an unpaintcd disc.
'fhc.Anrnostos Parrrr rnn (,if bld hc, is ncver
dull, llcazlcy) nrir:ht bc
crcusc'cl his surrrrlarl, draughtsrnarship for.thc shcer vcrvc ofhis'figrrrcs, rror
rvitlronr sonrc skill in posturc and conrposirion. I show his rnorc sobclr works
a bov flshiDe, rvith lobstcr-pot errcl a slrv ocroPlrs, xncl myth t9_2rl_ Thc
ParNrr.l or rut, At;onA ClHAlnr,{s Cups shou,s a dcvotior to-lr,rr.r,,t t:.u
e,d a skill lt drar,vr,e rhcm *'hich is distirrtrr r. errd.r.orrr,rol ft,r rrrs ocriocl.]

(Jthcrs arc less rc:rdi1y cherlctcrisctl l.rLr h.rvc sorlr.

fl(.r\rn,j pil\\.r{cs elrd
thcnrcs: thc Krss P,ltNrrn Iru3], the parNnrr
1rrj1,',1r" i^r.,,0,,
ParN lr.r Ir z5l. Thc Htr;rsrsouros ]r,rrNrll is a corncdi:rn likc Skyrhcs,
lbr thc pottcr of thc Ncr,v York cup lvith thc wc:uy old Hcbrciv e.r,tlcnr,,,, I !, ,r,!' l,f (l/n\. Hdrlll irJ l,/r./ru. /L ji J

and his dos Ii:6].

A fcrv ofthesc p:riurcrs h:rvc bccn scconcl rltc. Of thc third rltc, llclzlcy,s
' Coarscr Wing', wc have pronrolcd thc
Nikosthencs-prnrphaios workshop,
assccllls dcsclvcd. and ltrcntio..d rhc rllenV Epclcian cups eftcr thc Eucrgiclc,s
Painter. ()fothcrs lirtlc ncccl bc sri11, lcss illusrratcd I u r:Si. Thcy copl,ihcir
I 7,
brrtlrs. qrntrrlTr f,,Jlor,rinq rlru Epiktct:ur rlnuc oi sub.jecri, rcp""ti,ig rrock
th(nL\ uf \rr\'r\ rnJ lr,urhs wrrl) lrots or u,ilcskins, or silglc rvirrior igur-cs.
Ihc Pllrros Parn Ltr erci od)crs reach I dcgrcc of absrrlc:tiou u,ith thcsc ol
Typc O cups dccoratcd insidc oniy, thar has aLnost:rn appeal ofits olvn rf[cr
thc'tlisciplirc of nrost u,ork irr rhcsc ycars Irzt]. Bur tirc;rroportion oircd
fisurc rvork of rhis qurlity is ilr lowcr thrn rhei of bl;rck 6'qurc,. :\ t t ()t! \i,J .l h:t ()1ti\. Ztt\ i

Aspects of the Pottery Trade

Thc sierificalrcc ot thc 'cpoicsor' (,nr:rdc,) l:rd .csrxpscn' (,plinred,)
iuscriplions on vrscs for- clctcrrnining nuurcs of poft"., ui.,.,ur"r, p",,,,".,
h:rs bccn cliscussccl in Alll:H pp. r rl., rnd soruc ti,attLr.cs of thc "rrj
pcculi:rr to rcd liqrlr_c will bc nrcntiorcrl lercr. For thi\ and thc,iucccccling
,s6 Niloi,r.,,( d,,pl.tu l\'()1 d\ (:liih\1
utth Itu .lLild Atl1ill6. IL )7

t?-1,, R(lly nltlvd (I ytt C) hy Olt6

Bti\'l\ nl ,7.hill.: H. ao

jo (]rp r),Oll.i. P\.nld,

61-) l .rj.\ tl 61. t.

i l,dl1.i i(/rrJ 1(),l,dJ

66.i, , Cry irntd by Epil,.roj H. r I j

69 C|p \ilttn

7a Cry hy Ltiktfis Mnbhtr- W t l 7t Atp by Fti]ll.tas

/r ,l ,Ji,n1q dip

7, O tL)y Ltikti:ds.
Htraklts ud anrun:

71 Cttt by 4iknk's

-: Crl l'y lytkr,os

' qr tt l)h(iditt)\

3t Py.\6lid Ly th('Ihdlidtha\ Pn,n(r. W I 3) ()tt ht ttu Boolain Et. hritrn\ l d tn!)

Cup hy th. Dtl.\ I]]t,t4



8t C t tt th( S.lturlft Pdl,rtI

8E C,p l)), .sl),lr.J. Il.rfl.r

i.r B(ll hy th. Hirhyb! I'diltto- H t7

ii(r,J rf sl,f,l/.1
,t9 C,4,
H\1klr t ,1 ht)\thd'

or t.: ( |t rltitJ lt Sl)tlit 9r ,, ,, ()rf /rI ri. Nil.\tltut! ])ni tu- ll' .)2 :
/ rr!1r Jrd S(,,,,

r / ( r,,/r /rt rr. Ni^Lovr.r.\ hlin t. At hu' ! dtuirt ;

it ) tl/t\ .4plb nl tfu tipotl

o: t:tt), ly tlt. t\11tut\ l\ttl, r

t)9.1 , ) Knnthatut \itnt l,y
Nil.n/r.r.J d. f./nl

9,5 (-',j) l,l, rk Nilrrur\ lati n,t.ItLldkk.\r tt.AIL||.tt\

io r'ith t.til fui1

Ly }h F.tutlkh't htxtttt I ? )

q( ()ttt hy th. Ni[rxhor\ p,li ttr LL r(! dit

97 Nildrlir l,l, /r. Nil.vr(,.J 1|,rrr


t r1 L)tt hy tfu hl tliL ! Pii t. I\,ttL1 r,l nltrlr\\lt, t

10, Otp Ly ttu F.uryidt! t)dnnr ttt h1 l fLt^futttt

103 Sta"ti by tht E dqitlL\ I,di kt ( H.,6, t0.6 Cnp ty th( Ep(l&s ])n tur
? ).

tl't\ bJ, th. Pd\intu\ hlrttI

tra Cq ht th. L i.ltLl,: ht ttt_

Hitkl,' dttuIi

1 i, C p hy th. I hdlir Painttt
to8 C p by tfu H\tu1i\'s Pnnna.

Crp lrt ttu ll.r n\i: Pri kt

1to Otl hy tht HuMb' Panlkt Dio )'\,\

ttt C llytlL( h,l^Pri ttl

\ rt I)t tht l+id^,nos PLlitltd'

(ht Ly tn llrlronki\ Prntut

1 15 (:try hy th. EltkLiLat Paott. '1tu\e^ n Si it t i8 Ctp l,y Ap.lladorcs. Thttcu\ and Mnatdh

t 16 C,r lry /1Dll\\l r! 117 Ctp by Apollodorcs t tn (:r]' hy th. A,nbh\ias Prinu )ro C t hf th( Anha'ios l'ni u. HcPhdi\tos
lrt (:rthythc A tltr!\'J /1rirrrr. \,lini., i,,/

t 2, C1p l,), 1tu Prnu ol th l.litn Cl|itir\

lrj Ctt I'y th. Ki!! I\titt., (N t rn\,)

tr1 Otp bt tfu (: tdtlt, l71i tu t ntu u\') , , ,,r' i,t /rr H(:crll/Lrii(\ ltrnr.r (),rl tud ah\ t.tud)

izs Ctp lly h( Srhlr.t l\1i1kt

)'t' t))' tl l\\tiln'1 httttd l\\111it dr L( 1:il ()ry lt), th! l)ttln)\ l\tirrr, ),)rrr dt lr,ir\n!'
pcriod thcsc hrvc bcc,r srlpplernented by a detailcd study ofthe potter work ol.
the signcd:rnd unsigncd vascs, a ficld in which profcssor Bloesch has bccrr
prominent, but it clnnot bc said as yet to have nrade a profound differencc to
our view of lilc iD the potters' quarter. It is clcar enotgh, now that paintcrs, Chapter Three
srgnatures arc iDore cornnlon, that painrcrs could and often did movc frorl]
onc pottcr to another, so an account based oD potter traditions might not rr l
in step with one based on painter traditions. Siguaturcs ofany sort;mairr rarc, THE LATE ARCHAIC PAINTERS
but we may observc that some Jo pcr cent ofEarly Archaic vases with paintcr
sign:rtures also cary potter signatures, while only r5 per cent ofpotterisignccl
vases are signed also by painters (zz per cent, ignoring Nikoschenes anci
Pamphaios: barely two hundred signaturcs in ail are invoivcd). | ,r !1. rrcration ofred figure artists explored almost all the new tcchniqLrc
Whilc several potters etrrploycd both black figure and red figure artists, o:., ,,tlcr. What foilows generally involvcs a simplification of technique,
like Andokidcs, moved from black figure into red figure, ir is;tlblc that rhc , ,1,r 1,,r thc developing use of white ground for certain vases! and is othcr-
bcst potters from about J2o on specialised in rcd figure or black figurc, not . r., , \l)rcsscd by more iealistic draughtsmanshiP in terms of both dctajl :nd
both. Anothcr element of spccialisation, alrcady noicd, is the domi'nance ol
1,,,., ,,,,t ., growing realisation ofhow objects m the round can be depicted
the cup shape for rcd figure work. Tlis mexnt that most full di[ner scrvrccs ,,, r,, ,,lv ii,r"". tryl.. This is accompanied by a significantly new mnge of
werc bound to be largely or partly black figure (except on pioncer-stockcd 1,1 ,,,', .,.,,c. which reprcscnt much morc of a break with the black
tables) until about 5oo when a greater propoition oflarger shapes bcgan to bc rr r,lrrr,,r, rntl a growirlg mxrket for Athenian red 6gure both within Grcece
decorated in the new technique. The reason for this spc,iialisation is iot quirc rrr,lrr t lrc West.
c1ear. It might havc bcen, for instancc, a matter oi differcnt proportion;rl usc oF colour and pattern on dress, inherited from black figurc, now
dernand from the overscas market, especially Etruria, which a"-nirlr-o.r. ,r.rorc ,,,r(. rlthough thcre is occasional gilding and rclief detail, xs for reliet
important source for conrplete early red figure vases. Certainly, outsidc rrr' l, ti irr hair. The relicfline remains important, both for outlincs and for its
Athens, carly red figurc was particulirly weliome in Etruria, which at any Lrr ( {rrtrast with thinDer paint on drcss or anatomy, but the bctter paintcrs
rate tcnded to attract only thc bettcr vases. Other ntatk(]ts, for thc Grceks iD scler:tive in its use for oulline while the lesscr use for thc 6gurc
South Italy, in Grcece itself, and probably cven in Athens, apart fronr thosc l' ''r rrrq ir weakcr mix which produces good black lines but lacks the body
supplying dedications for rrajor sanctuaries, were motc conscrvarive in thcir , ,,1 , r ispncss ofthe true relieflinc. The falling ofin attention to minor details
tastes, and continued cven into the fifth century ro handle more ofthc chcapcr ,,t ,,rrtLrnry (cars, eyclashes, knee caps, etc.), which hclped identify the work
black figurc vascs. Since rhe potters' quartcr was by this time well awarc ofthc r,,lividual Pionecrs, is replaced by a deeper interest in the pose and
value ofthe Etruscan markct, and had designed special lincs for it, rhis trray lrc ,,,,,r1,osition of the whole figurcs.
responsibJe in somc degrec for thc plcthora of rcd figure cups. The pioneer L,rcsllortcning is still mainly conEned to the trcxtment ofobjects (shiclds),
vases which atrcst in thcir inscriptions the close rciationshlp bctwccn thc rL,r ,o\ rnd v..y iarely norv ofheads in thrcc-quartcr vicw (gcnerally with
irrtisrs ofthe Group and Athcnian society, also went rnainly to Etruria, wherc lLrLL, rucccss in this case). There arc some good forcshortcned vicws of fcct,
thc point_of-thc inscriptions must have been lost, together with the topical r,, l,r' rlistinguished from the simplc head-on views, but wholc limbs are still
value of the-kalos namcs, praising current beauties. It -has bceir suggested that ,,,,,r, thcir full extcnt and only r shift in musclc line or knce cxp suElgests
manysets ofvases were ordercd for particular fcasts, where thcy wc'r-e admircd, r r t lr ing other than profilc or frontal views. Thinned paint is sonctimcs uscd
then disposed of through a secondhand market to Etruria. ihis gives more ,,, ,,,,liciic shading, ai on shiclds [266], but the ellcct is not proPerly undcntood'
point to.rhc kalos names and topical allusions, bur possibly the vaseiwere long I lrc tincst dress ii rer-rdcrcd in nrultiple stacks of folds with neat zigzag hcn)-
.public -display
in the potters'quarter bcfore s"rle or choicc for shipnrent, lr rlr, but in gcneral the Patterns xrc less angular, except in thc hands ofthc
and it is oftcn a paintcr who shows aJJcgirnce ro a particuJlr yourh in his kalos ,,,'rrr,rgir,ativ-c. Close-sci lincs oftcn cover chitons, and donc in black p'rint
inscriptions, whcre we would expect nrorc divcrsity ifdifeicnt Drtrorls wcre ,,,r thirncd. Sometirnes they help express the body forms, but incptly, by
putting ordcls. And if thc kalos were thc prtron. we would cipecr longer_ rLr)rrirlg to the tip ofa breast instcad of contouring it On broadcr areas of
lived kalos nan-rcs. ,l,,.rks iincs begin to btcak into long arcs, and eveirtually hooks or'ticks'ttr
.rLqqcst the broken hanging curvcs. During this period eyes opcn propcr)y
88 89
pcriod thcsc hrvc bcc,r srlpplernented by a detailcd study ofthe potter work ol.
the signcd:rnd unsigncd vascs, a ficld in which profcssor Bloesch has bccrr
prominent, but it clnnot bc said as yet to have nrade a profound differencc to
our view of lilc iD the potters' quarter. It is clcar enotgh, now that paintcrs, Chapter Three
srgnatures arc iDore cornnlon, that painrcrs could and often did movc frorl]
onc pottcr to another, so an account based oD potter traditions might not rr l
in step with one based on painter traditions. Siguaturcs ofany sort;mairr rarc, THE LATE ARCHAIC PAINTERS
but we may observc that some Jo pcr cent ofEarly Archaic vases with paintcr
sign:rtures also cary potter signatures, while only r5 per cent ofpotterisignccl
vases are signed also by painters (zz per cent, ignoring Nikoschenes anci
Pamphaios: barely two hundred signaturcs in ail are invoivcd). | ,r !1. rrcration ofred figure artists explored almost all the new tcchniqLrc
Whilc several potters etrrploycd both black figure and red figure artists, o:., ,,tlcr. What foilows generally involvcs a simplification of technique,
like Andokidcs, moved from black figure into red figure, ir is;tlblc that rhc , ,1,r 1,,r thc developing use of white ground for certain vases! and is othcr-
bcst potters from about J2o on specialised in rcd figure or black figurc, not . r., , \l)rcsscd by more iealistic draughtsmanshiP in terms of both dctajl :nd
both. Anothcr element of spccialisation, alrcady noicd, is the domi'nance ol
1,,,., ,,,,t ., growing realisation ofhow objects m the round can be depicted
the cup shape for rcd figure work. Tlis mexnt that most full di[ner scrvrccs ,,, r,, ,,lv ii,r"". tryl.. This is accompanied by a significantly new mnge of
werc bound to be largely or partly black figure (except on pioncer-stockcd 1,1 ,,,', .,.,,c. which reprcscnt much morc of a break with the black
tables) until about 5oo when a greater propoition oflarger shapes bcgan to bc rr r,lrrr,,r, rntl a growirlg mxrket for Athenian red 6gure both within Grcece
decorated in the new technique. The reason for this spc,iialisation is iot quirc rrr,lrr t lrc West.
c1ear. It might havc bcen, for instancc, a matter oi differcnt proportion;rl usc oF colour and pattern on dress, inherited from black figurc, now
dernand from the overscas market, especially Etruria, which a"-nirlr-o.r. ,r.rorc ,,,r(. rlthough thcre is occasional gilding and rclief detail, xs for reliet
important source for conrplete early red figure vases. Certainly, outsidc rrr' l, ti irr hair. The relicfline remains important, both for outlincs and for its
Athens, carly red figurc was particulirly weliome in Etruria, which at any Lrr ( {rrtrast with thinDer paint on drcss or anatomy, but the bctter paintcrs
rate tcnded to attract only thc bettcr vases. Other ntatk(]ts, for thc Grceks iD scler:tive in its use for oulline while the lesscr use for thc 6gurc
South Italy, in Grcece itself, and probably cven in Athens, apart fronr thosc l' ''r rrrq ir weakcr mix which produces good black lines but lacks the body
supplying dedications for rrajor sanctuaries, were motc conscrvarive in thcir , ,,1 , r ispncss ofthe true relieflinc. The falling ofin attention to minor details
tastes, and continued cven into the fifth century ro handle more ofthc chcapcr ,,t ,,rrtLrnry (cars, eyclashes, knee caps, etc.), which hclped identify the work
black figurc vascs. Since rhe potters' quartcr was by this time well awarc ofthc r,,lividual Pionecrs, is replaced by a deeper interest in the pose and
value ofthe Etruscan markct, and had designed special lincs for it, rhis trray lrc ,,,,,r1,osition of the whole figurcs.
responsibJe in somc degrec for thc plcthora of rcd figure cups. The pioneer L,rcsllortcning is still mainly conEned to the trcxtment ofobjects (shiclds),
vases which atrcst in thcir inscriptions the close rciationshlp bctwccn thc rL,r ,o\ rnd v..y iarely norv ofheads in thrcc-quartcr vicw (gcnerally with
irrtisrs ofthe Group and Athcnian society, also went rnainly to Etruria, wherc lLrLL, rucccss in this case). There arc some good forcshortcned vicws of fcct,
thc point_of-thc inscriptions must have been lost, together with the topical r,, l,r' rlistinguished from the simplc head-on views, but wholc limbs are still
value of the-kalos namcs, praising current beauties. It -has bceir suggested that ,,,,,r, thcir full extcnt and only r shift in musclc line or knce cxp suElgests
manysets ofvases were ordercd for particular fcasts, where thcy wc'r-e admircd, r r t lr ing other than profilc or frontal views. Thinned paint is sonctimcs uscd
then disposed of through a secondhand market to Etruria. ihis gives more ,,, ,,,,liciic shading, ai on shiclds [266], but the ellcct is not proPerly undcntood'
point to.rhc kalos names and topical allusions, bur possibly the vaseiwere long I lrc tincst dress ii rer-rdcrcd in nrultiple stacks of folds with neat zigzag hcn)-
.public -display
in the potters'quarter bcfore s"rle or choicc for shipnrent, lr rlr, but in gcneral the Patterns xrc less angular, except in thc hands ofthc
and it is oftcn a paintcr who shows aJJcgirnce ro a particuJlr yourh in his kalos ,,,'rrr,rgir,ativ-c. Close-sci lincs oftcn cover chitons, and donc in black p'rint
inscriptions, whcre we would expect nrorc divcrsity ifdifeicnt Drtrorls wcre ,,,r thirncd. Sometirnes they help express the body forms, but incptly, by
putting ordcls. And if thc kalos were thc prtron. we would cipecr longer_ rLr)rrirlg to the tip ofa breast instcad of contouring it On broadcr areas of
lived kalos nan-rcs. ,l,,.rks iincs begin to btcak into long arcs, and eveirtually hooks or'ticks'ttr
.rLqqcst the broken hanging curvcs. During this period eyes opcn propcr)y
88 89
with thc pupils prrshcd to thc front, and rolrndcr {.ogglc cyes are rescrvcd by | \ rlt, !.ulptor corltcrnporaries. This is Archeic xrt full-bl()wrr. Wlr'rl
nrauy pairrrcrs lirr rlrc fcrocity, mock or_rcal, ofsatyrs and Heraklcs. t,,11,,tr\ r\ n()st:rlgix aDd rhc nrorc sober novclty of Clessicisrn.
Subsidier), clccorrtion chanEcs in chrractcr and inrportancc. l]lack pattcrns
are r.rrcr now all is rcd figurc. There is a snall range of iloral bar-rds for the
larger vlscs arcl occasion:rl claborate cups - circumscribcd palnrcttcs, uprielrt
or or1 thcir sidcs, or sct o[r1iquc1y iD p:rirs. Sonrc peintcrs kccp handle p:rlnrcttc
cornplcxcs on cups (as I)ouris). Some still ettach cxolic lotuscs. Cup tondos
llrr Kl{)ophrades Painter and the Berlin Painter
arc bordered allain now, r,vith nracandcr anc{ squarc patterns lvhich appear also llr, rL rl)c two srcat pot peinters ofthc carly filth cerrrury, ergtrrttrly the
as gror:nd lines or bordcrs otr largcr vxscs end lckytl-roi. These dcrai]s oftcn r\\,',,r,.rr(( rccl figure artists whosc works xnd crrccrs wc cenjudgc.'1'hcir'
probably bcst xpPrecirtcd whcrr
carry valr.rablc clucs to thc idcrrrity of pailtcrs or workslrops.
' \ L r)( nts uud vcr,v clillcrcnt qurlitics xrc
ln thc flrst quartc'r of rhc filth ccnrury rcd fiqurc pl ocluctioll 1t1ust roLlshly rlr r Lr, ,onrpercd and contrasted', irr thc tcrDls of an cxantitliriorl Dtpcr.
hevc doublccl lftcr its siolv ;rnd spccialist stert. Thc lLlll ,angc ofpottcry shf,pcs lt, r.l, r rr lro dcvotcd severxl rnonographs and xrticlcs to thc'111, nltdc so rc
is now dccorated in thc tcchnicluc'. Thcrc arc no inportant new sllapcs, silrply r ,r, , ()rrpxrisorls ofthc Klcophradcs Pxintcr: 'Hc bc srid to Play a
rc'fincrnents of old oncs, such as thc tcat stllall Nolan ncck amphorae, or- I r r,l ,,t I l()rcr)tinc to thc Bcrlin Paintcr's Sienese'; ofthc trvo: 'Thc painlcr of
changcs in proportiorrs. Paintcrs ccrtxinly spccialisc morc and thc pot prinrcN I r , , I I i, r lin l)xirltcrl ancl thc pairltcr ofpower.' Carry thc conparison bcyond
and .up pxintcrs arc distincr elrhough not totally cxclusivc groups. Thc r, rrr ,,t rlr:rLrghtsmanship or mood, to considcrltion of sulljcct, pcriods of
clivisions rnust dcpcnd ntorc upon thc pottcrs ernploying thctr, whcrc silniltr .r.tivity xrld inflncncc,:rnd the contrast ofintcllccturl forcc as wcll
specialisation is apparcl)t- Loyllty ofpainter to pottcr is by no rncens rbsolutc, r , rr \ l){ conlcs the strongcr. So u,e shall consiclcr thcnr togethcr first, thcrl
cspccillly in car)y carccrs, but rhcrc erc sonrc stablc texnrs - Doulis with I r! r l) crrCCIS.
Pyrhol, M;rkron rvith Hicro , Ilrygos aDd his paintcr. If ar.rythiDq, nrost ll,,rlr .rrri\ts \\,crc trxiDed in thc Pionccr School ofthc latc sixlh ccntury
ertists, cspccially pottcrs! rrc lc'ss fi-cc with thcir sigr.ratures, yct rherc arc r ,, rl,l lr.rltll,v bc othcrrvisc - aDd o\\'e morc to thc aulhority ofEuthyrliclcs
suspcctcd encient fbrgcrics of signarures (Epiktctos, Douris). rr ,l l'l r rrr,rr thrrn !o thc n)ore academic and probably senior Euphronios. Thc
ln thc subject-mattcr of the sccncs olt the vascs thc most conspicuous l.l , 1, rr.r,lc: l'lintcr renrrils closcr to thc Pionccrs in borh stylc and tuood,
cl-rlnge is in thc numbcr and variery ofgcnrc scenes, by no nreans confined to r t.r r,r,rr-c hctvy with powcr, Archlic still both in thc static conrposition\
thc syn-rposion and palaistra. Thc myth scenes show lar grcatcr diversiry. Mxny ,,t rrrr rrr rncl thc p:rlaistra, and in thc vigour of battle or darrcc. Thc Berlirr
stock scencs are abandoncd irnd replaccd not by new convcntions but by l' r r r r liqurcs arc lighter. rrorc exquisitely dralvn, with a subtlcr and
original compositions which generally have il short vogue within a wotkshop r l,,lLr,,l Lrst of rclicf linc fot conrour, concentratirlg ou thc indiviclual or
or are pcculiar to sinqlc paiDtcrs r,vhosc own intcrcsts for insurncc thc 1,1,,, ,,ri,r spccitl skill in cornbining two figurcs 1n onc contour, rathcr thirn
I(lcophracles Paintcr and Troy arc nlorrl rcadiiy now pcrccivcd. I , r , ,,rr|()\itiors. The Klcophraclcs Paintcr- sccrns closcr to the Pionccrs too
ln thcsc ycirrs Athcns was scttling to its rlcw co[stitution deviscd by r. l' rrr.rirr pcriod ofhis activity and prcfcrcnce for thc large cratcrs which
Klcisrhcncs lftcr thc ryrannv ofl)cisistrltos and his sons had been ovcrlhrowrl. rlr,, trr,rrucrl, while thc Bcrlin P:rinter has a slight)y diffcrcnt intcr-cst irr
This ch;rnrtc, from tyrerrny to ncar deruocracy, is rlarkcd in art probably only r,r lr.Ll)cs (ircluclir)g rhc bell and colurrn cr:lter) and a much qlcatcr onc
ir sornc chaDgc of rryth svmbolisrtr (scc Chaptc'r Einht). In 49o thc Pcrsr.rrrs , ,, rll( ! \'xscs, cspccirlly arrphorac, or1 which ll-rost ofhis latcr peintinq is
were dcfc.rtcd at Marathon and thc irunreDse popula ty of Nikc (Victory) oD , , ( ,'nrl)iuing rheir carccrs in tcrrns ofsbepc popularity the ovcrllp is not
Athcnian vescs lronr this tirtrc on is slrrcly not unconllcctcd. Itr 4lto and 479 r,, ,l rrr,l r.rrr only ir prrt be exp)aincd by thc Klcophredcs Paintcr's (or his
Pcrsians occupicd and sacked Athcns. lu itsclf, dlis sccrus to have donc no ,,, | 1... " .',,tr*r\,tltv( \i(\!puirrl.
rnorc, pcrhaps, thalr obligc thc potters, likc orhcr cralisnleD aDd citizcns, to l,,lr,,r,cofsubjcctborhs!art,andtosonrcdcgreemaintxill,aconccrrrwilh
rctluild, rlthough we nlay detect a nlyth-bon1 corltnlcnt by x rnorc scusitir,c r rr ,lrtron.ri I)ionysiac, kornos or rthlctc scclrcs, with the Bcrliu Peirrtcr
artist, like thc Klcophrldcs Paintcr again. Therc are orhcr chlnges or novcltics , !,!,r iIt l()rc of his latcr work lo triviel qcnrc occnsions. Yct cvcn itr tltc
in subjcct-ruttcr, bclonging rathcr to rhc ncxt period and only indircctly | | ,rr\ \(crrcs thcre is x conhast, thc Klcophradcs Peintcr's satyrs rrc lustv
rllected by thc Pcrsiin Wars, being rathcr reflectivc ofAthcns'ucw rnood of ,r ,L ,r,r, rt. lvhilc the Berlin Paintcr's rareJy raisc norc thau at cycbror,v, enri
Enrpirc. Thcsc were hcctic lncl exciting ycars for thc vase peintcrs end it is sed , r r, I nrvth thc diffcrcnce is yet rnorc rrarked. The Bcrlin Paintcr rt rr,,
that wc'arc denied nrorc th:rn qlirnpscs ofwhrt nc'w ground \\,:rs beillc brokcn r r," rrLrr llc gocs for thc Olynpi.ns and, in a true blue lvay, for thc Attic
9o t)r
t'_uvouritcs Atlrtn.r urrd Ilcrrllcs, l)cnrctcr arrcl 'I ript<;lcnros, Nikc, rogcthcr r rlr.ri of thc Pi(xrccrs, latcr turning morc to pelikai, stamnoi encl kulpir[s
uith.r liir :.urrlc ofstocL nl)th sccr)cs to whlch hc contributcs clclicecy ()l- I L , rr lr rvork can rcadily bc mistakcn for that of his nastcr, Iurhyrrri(l( \,
figurc study rrrhcr thlrl originelity of narrarive. Thc Klcophradcs Peinrcr's , ;,,, r.rLlr thc Typc A aorphorae with thcir black pattcrn borclcrs lr-:91. tlrc
stock scerlcs:rrc closc to the Pionccr rcpertory, but hc adds a series oforiginal trrr,'Lr |ointed anphora in Munich Il3z], and xnothcr rcccntly irc(lLrirc(l il
studics of Trojan sccncs, mainly from the Iliad, which sccm ro fulfil what ll,rlrr()rcofhisvolutecratersisuniclueinhavingtwolriczcsorlitsrrcr'li.
Exckies had promised in syrtpathctic undersranding ofhow nryth can servc llr l,t\1 \\1)rk comcs rftcr Joo, with rhcPariscups Ihtad dttails,llil cclcl]r rlllrri
as thc rnirror to life. Whcrc thc Bcrlin Paiuter is introspectivc in :r spccial way, ll, r Lllr's.rrrd Theseus and several calyx crxtcrs but thcrc arc rnlstcrpicccs still
allowing us to sharc his plc.rsurc in perfcct line or isolatcd mood, the Klco- Ir , tso',i ind later (and scc thc Boot Painter). His red figurc plttcrn w{)rk is
phrades Paintcr invitcs us to reflcct with hinr on thc dilcrurnas ofrnan and hero r Lrtl((1, llrainly upriliht Palmettes, alternatc oncs cncloscd, or ol)li(lut'
xs docs r1o othcr Grcek vasc painter: a robust intclicctux], a poct ofthe sragc 1,, ri, rrs paircd, with vcry rare lotuscs. Ofbordcr or ground iinc pirtlcnrs lr(
rathcr than rbe drawins-roorn and many would aslrcc that wc coltlc llo: I'l lr. sir]rple key or maeandcr, intcrupted rathcr than brokcn (es by thc
where closcr to thc quality of Ciassical Greccc than in its stage poerry, with its ll, rllr l'.lilltcr) by a box or cross ilr squarcs, and has other favouritc rDilcllrr(lcr
lr ur r rorrr. p.,thor..,xplor.rrro.r ot lrulr.rtrir v rh rouglt m yth. J tr"d rrrot I bcuirrrrt rrg t,,rrr, .rossing or composed of T's [132, 133]. He had learnt to paint bJack
with thc Homerrc pocms, which inspircd both our artist and his coDtcrnporiuy, trj tL, r(x):rl1d uscs thc tcchnique for subsidiary fiiczcs on somc ofhis crrly
Acschylus. Thc statucsque strength of his figurcs has lcd sorne scholars to ,, l, r()frc 1nd on :r later loutrophoros Ir4r], a ritual shape, wherc thc okl
bclicve that he was a Pcloponnesian, pcrhaps a Corinthian, by trairung, but r, I rr,lLrc was lppropriare. He also dccorated in blackfigurc somc Panxthcnric
his carly rvork in Athcns is purely Piorcer, and if he lxtcr gives promisc o[- rr,1,l .r.rc, some stxndilrd latc sixth-century neck amphorxc and perhaps a
what Early Classical sculpturc in thc Pcloponnese will achic'vc, rhis mty lrcan tr.
', rry placluc. A latc cup has a figure friezc round the tondo, an ciabor.uion
no morc than thilt hc rcflects thc birth ofa ncw style, which Athcnian scu]ptors rrr, t ,,rr.rsionally in the work ofother paintcrs (as Douris) as it had bccn ir1
wcrc seldorr to prxctisc, and their vasc pailters thcrcforc ncvcr to clevelop as l,l L, L liqurc.
the artists ofthc Pcloponnesc could. Bur rhis is part ofanothcr story, arld wc
may tu r now to scparatc coDsideration of thc two nlastcrs' carccrs_
Thc KJeophradcs Painter [tzg-qzl is nanred .ftcr the potcr whosc
signature appcars on onc ofhis t\\,o Pxris cups, which are amon!! the larqcsr
cups rvc knorv, sonrc lo crll. rviclc. I'hc fhshior for thcsc cxccpttrnrlly lergc
vcsscls was st:lrlcd lry thc lJionccr-s rvith rhcir 'plrrdc cups'. They :rrc .lrirr
inrprrcticrl, cspccialJy.,virh thcil shrll6q, borvls, a1d tl)cy scc;r ro hirvc bccp
irrrcndccl sinr p1y es ficlcls lor linc dr;ru,rrg, rrd r,vcrc rhcrcfbrc louncl lppropr i.rtc
for thc cxpor t rnlrkct rnci tirr clcdicrrior irr slurctuarics rt hornc. Thc signulu:-c of
thc portcr, wltich appcers tlso r)tr tt Icilst tw() orhcl.v:rscs (inclrrdinq cLlps fbr rhc
p:rirtcr I)ouris) l);rrlcl Klcophradcs' tithcr, Altrrsis. srrrclv thc tintous bl:rck I lrs tiqure drawing has sonlc distinctive features, cspecially in cornplnson
ligurc pottcr/peintcr. This is au inrport:rrt itlcntificrrron of :r lhrrily in thc ', rlr rlrc lJcriin Paintcr. Hc continues incisingE hair contours long after most
pt ofi'ssiorr. Thc l( lcc>plrr aclcs l)rinter'. ,r r\ n n.rnlc t\ rr)r lno\\ n. Ile \r .r\ lur long ,,rlr,rPuintcrshadstoppcd,butnotobsessively.Theearsoncarlyfigureshave
dcscribcrl by schollrr as'Epikrcros ll'bccausc this siqnr!Lrrc rppcarccl nvicc on , .rr()rrq forward projection (lobc aDd tragus) simplified latcr to a tighter
en unclisringuislrccl pclikc I r 4.: l, .rnd rvls so rccorclccl in rhc lirsr prirrrinq t)fthis , rr, li Eyes soon open at the inner corncr with the Pupils wcll forward, and
book; bur thc r,,,ritr'r h;rs subscqucntly bccn eblc to provc thit thc silrnir!urcs rtrc ,,1r, r plirlted as a brown - not black - circle and dot. Nostrils often have a
nrodcrn fLrqcrics, rtrcl so thc prinlcr.rctrrrts to rtnonvlrity. Hc sccnts.t! lny rrrc i, I S curvc and lips may be outlined lending a somcwhrt disdainful expression-
ro h;rvc bccr) a rcticcnt rtrtist, lcirnin!j his lcctcrs 1utc, it rray bc, sircc thc:-c is sorrc llr, rlccp recurvcd hook of the Pioneer collar boncs gives place to straight
touscnsc on iris clrly rvor ks, nenrinE no prcty yonths, but rvrlting kelos or kirlos ,,, on smaller figurcs sometimcs with il distinctive semicircle dip xt thc jorrr.
ci ('you rrrc handsorrrc') erorryrrously. His cithlroclc rcciring cpic thc worcls l,l)l(s xre ignored, the line from navcl to pubis is usuilly black, not brown.
'ls oncc irr Tityrs . . .' issr.rc fronr his rtrouth is cxccpriorll Ii 7,!1. r\ ri, I s lrc simplc hooks, and although he shrinks from forcshortcni]1ss cxccpt
His painting carccr besirls by 5o5, cnds soon after 47j, rnd over onc' ,, \r()Ilach patterns or shields, hc observes well any relaxed stancc. Thc
hundrcd vases hevc been attribLrtcd to llirtr. Thc vxse shapcs hc decoratcs erc r,,lrrlitv ofhis Egures does not render them intmobile although it is morc thc
92 93
L\il r\ . (lL.r. j ,,1 rl)(. l)rorrvsi
" ,, I,
r,,,,;;:;,: ,:l: :::'r "' fr izl r'r rri,'rr ,rppc rr' rrr.rrr ,r1 rigrrr- ,,,,,.
, . .,,r* 1., i,:; I ;:,.";,;li 1,., rrrclLrding rhc l:rccr N,,l.urr lr6ol,.rrrd thc crrl!:rrrphLrr:rc
lll",:ll;;l;:,i;,;:l i;:j,;*li:IT iiil:ll .1,,
,,,, , , .l.r1r jr4i. r.<r..r-..rt rrlrr,.lr .,,, .,,,,,1r.,,.;;;,;i', ot
], ; ,.,1;',,.,"
,,lrr,tr.l,.urtr(,d i, tl,. l.,t\rc,),,r,)(r.,t,lLr.lrrr._*,11,.. .,
Hc prdirr l)rorrysi.rc rpd l 1,,1,,,.
, rrlr. sc,rrc rrr,t .rrtrtrri. l.rrL.r. i ,r, r rr lr,,ii. hodics arc orhcrrvisc rll) Ii:ir frf .t,
w,rir ., i,,,,dr,.*,i,, ;,',,
.;;;;,lli"i1, '',t,i..r'
)(orrrpo\;,inn\ \ro, k,)v(r, \,1.,,(.\.rrc
rr\Lr Lrur
rtr, b.rt l,rrl ,,,,r.,,r,;;, ,.,;,i,..'i
ifr.. ti],. t', rri,,.,, .,
rro,rr rJr, r,ior,c..rru;;;;;r.'i":
hi' p, , i rl .'.r,;.' .,i, ;. 'r,i,'i, l]llllls
i:l'" I hc5( rr\ .,,).1 iJcr.'kl.*. [,rrr
]' , ,
..1 '-',..):
, , t,.r.rl(r..,t ll,t',,t,..,,,rnr
rt\l.r,l t,,i. It,.l.tdllr!,rlr,.or r*,,u1 n.lri r.rll_rr,,l,,lr,,r,
, *
ri.,j n 'r)
.,r,,r,j,,rrJ *c,,...
t. ,1*;",;,;Jl,,lli:,y^o]
rcjcur or A1l)rJ. ,rul,,,,rJ
sc,:r(,. Hi\,,.,r,ncn, i,t rl,(
""" rrr y DC l)l\,'wrr itrr,.rrlurr tlru
, llll'lr+rlbUt.rrdth!.)
llrrlr|111,*1,. hr,lri;ri. krlpiiics, *,en r"ty,fr"i .,,.r,ri,,, ,,i,,,,, t,,,,,.
ruo t.rD lcnd thcntsclvcs to sinuic-figrrrc srLrrlrL.s
A ,:: .
ll r l, r , orrrpositions appctr or1 crarcrs, starnnoi, a clirros,ind,
,,,,r,,.rcr1,cJ,..,,,r.,r',,;;:ji';[:,']"]]:' , .rnd or[, 1. rrr.r) hc ,rrriqn,. Ihc r.rrI ,,, ,. rrrplrorr rvith I brrsy Anrlzononrachy ,r,t,.,,,,11y, ,,,,
rhc.x, lr.rrrgc b.,;..,;';i,,iiJ'i"l',b"'*"""Airx.rrrdHc,ror.rr,dp",,ibt; Irir9J.
n..,o*,,,,ir,,,r.i,r",r],rlllli,'"1#]?'11"i", t? trrt qrcar V,rrrrzro (,rs lt, l,,r.,rls v;rry littlc, wirh neat
lr l,l rrr.rrrrcr, ou his carjicsr work, .rud lorus.s'who"c 1r,iu,"rt", whiclr urc bl.rck irr
'rot rtr.rcll ,1,.,rr.],i , i,,",,1"1'.]-ltyrqd(prrred'r\rr(\(rL,forcor,in.,. '.. ir\i,l. rrrto lcloil_prlrrLrr-, ,.rrrlr L.l,,nqr1j119 ",r*rf:. ..,,;,;.;;,...,
Ir"j.rn worrrrn r;gr'.ri"g i,,.1';' l"rrIo('r'r'rp( 6'*p 'rr - b'rt ,'orrr clrc ,, .,,i,.. f, r , r , ', f,.,.

rrr bv rroj rn'r: l'" o'/v .,,.,q"o,''".croo.

r,i'.'rr,,ll ul,rcr\ i,. bl.r. k vr,c.. rlru ( ,r n of rh,. Fl.rr.rl
"i,J i,i"",',i".-,]lr'f i ,f::'l: I
-_.""iii I urrrrtr\co,r( rr\.uc hv h(.r r,",.. I I ,,r)1, rlrc Euchariclcs aud l)uruit paintcrs.)'p His Nol rrrr, tr,,rrr
,r*_",ri". i"i.t*
'orr.: rrrd hop,.. Acrru.r,. ...p.l6.. grrnd_ .. rrft1\.
ru,,,i,,,r ,*.,i r,.;,; ,;"';;iiJ,:11i,.,,1,1:"::,,l,lo frcr,,.r: rrr..r,,, ,,,o ,,.",,,.,, ' l.. lrorr...rer. .rr,.drrri,t..ltvc. ",,a
,f,, ,,,.,,.,,r,f.i._.f,""r..i ,,,,,
, ,,trtn pairccl, rnd rotally intcrnrprcd ";,f, by b,ru.l X,,"*s)
;J,:'i:l_l,,,ilr:l::l, l;: ?l;1",; rncrr 1 -.:ii,, i lll" l,l, il,, ll; ".
to ..,. ,t,.i, , ,, b;;,;,;,;"
l :,
Jr-on)c. rrd tookrd ba, k trorn S.,t,rni.
rnd nor rl'|u L'' .,"
,1,. t,..'o" oT *,,, '';;'";;';;'i
i'li]]"'ii'vr\c rrrJ\ r(prc\(rir
", no'
't'' n^''
;.;; cd,r.,, pJ,,r(l,A,,,
;. :l ";, ::l: "'.1' l :' ""c^
cvcrt iforri) i,,,,,),t, I;;,,;;;.';;i'l'(iorr'tttov'tts(in('e.i,rrlr,t('dbvLircct..

p rrti. ,hr iy pr", a.

*"" n n'' crcek fto,', H,.r,",. o,i. ..
,-l ," rl rrlir, ll Icpe'rftdl) rertttncd..r.w(.rni{hrr,,rh(.
d('5rn,(ri,n :,f , 1r.".i.",-i1."crnr') "r,,,..1
or,Hrr\J'h.inr,r. No orher r;i",.1'
l,llnr,r rppru.rLlr(\,r'.,',r" ,,,,lli'll] iould ,, /t
1h, tsq111,, f,,,i,,,,..r,,, lrardll h.,vc 61611, ;1 6.',..,. "r."
v,r\(\. nro\r "',"1','lt't' r'u\T t'r'drtc([ r'r irh u..rrly rhr.r
*rr;.r, ,u.1.,,,['":"Jlr\ lrrrrrdrcd
rL,.rbour 4\o"rrr,, l.*;i,,i,,..,1r'r,.clrl\ ) belon' tn tlrc rc.rr.;ro,n Jbuur rrrc\,'opy rr\. rrrd Hr. re.lrnrqrre i, rrrrpr..._
r(|tIrI) '1'|(I rl prc'cr''t' problertr' r'' which Joo ' ," l:,ll l.::l,l:,1,,11",
rre,(hr.r)..qu.rbl,..,-rd ll.rwing. rror drv liku trorrn...
i-,,;i]'::]::" u' c'rrr ,r ;r llr.t lll'., lrkc Klrophr.rdL., tsu rzl..l r.
ll,,LlroIls. rr,r u.r,
\rrrr ofd,rib,rrr, ".'.'I':;";r;
,;,, ,_';r; f.,,fr,,,s
*t,i,r, rrrvc i.d,..hor rr. r,-, H.rrr
r lirrcs .rrr rc,rr\cd. r,.trcl
\,,r.,) .rrrf Jror.rc ^;, tt *"'.* ,' ,1,.,,1, a]1 ;i;;,:,. ,., .ir,i,ur U\cd,pJrt.rrl) urr ir,i.,. Lrrt \ (.,(u tll(. rrli,.r lr.rtr rinqler,,rrrrl
.r,d lL.l vrhoi- ,- ,lil 1'] ,l;,il,i:;,1 ,1, rrrlirre of cyelashcs orr rhc
r/.r. /odJ rr,,.,r(y ;,,;;1,,:;';;:i,;111-,1:,,,:.,,1: 11., ur ,r,c\ r,,cr \ orL, rnorc .1"b,r.,,c. w.rrlr, ,. irrri.-fi ,r"
rr'rrrv \^(rc l, rr. rn,k,ur .,r).,rorrv.brf., pr,f..rcr,,, r"r.r", ,",,1,,1.,iip1,t,... ".i'.,..
pic.r.'. hrrr rl,"y.'r.,'.,r
h;.;;,,;;'r: ':' ttor irtttt.rrorr or
rrrtr i. lo.r. arrd',h,.rol ,'rr lronr.rl,. rri.rrrqlc, irr rlr,. lirrr.rrp.rrrrrrr.,l,ilr,*tr. *.,,;,.,1r
.opi,'' .' ,n.r.,i..,", a,., r,,,,,,.',,,'i.': j]'--.1r,.'n-1 .,.,t, , lrrp..,rr,l rr,-rrrr.rchr,
trrdrropwrrcr..l*,,,,,,,..,"t l,l'l',
r!.ii \ \rr(rrr(rv lh r,r rro
wiclr k.rl,^rrrrrrr.r '' -ly' r \poll,'. r,.111y111..6. lr5o jr. wnor,: ti;,,t,, ;;,: ,,iii ,;;,' ,"..
,,,'.t.. '('lrc('rll
Ir" otrri'u * ltcrrru of a".r'"i() "l;"]:': n ott u h1t r' (c'l'rrr)iv hr\ wt'rk' Hi' u clt mrrr.lgcd in rhrce_cluarrer vicw iionr front
,.rtrcrr r1rc .,.,,,,,, ,o,,,i,,u.1, '
.ll i i.]l:i. :r. n,,lr"lllr,,r1
,;,1,-],: 1.., ^- or brck,
ot b(.ll) p.rrr..rrrerrh,.r,iduufrlr(rrrc,rr.rn,,rrr,.rr,rirrt]
sid, of rrr.v.,\..i.\(..
,,,,.,]]Y1" i:"j ::',rrtirtr
'""',-"'S:l zrLr. .rrd (l.rrrvrrr,.du.
"r\tJs. l 'ot lll Ltr(l( (.lrnt1r{\ .rrC u,OrD by t]re wOInett, and thCrc arc 1i.w
H.rrklr.r.rrrd Apollo;1751,
,ro. ,',--,i r)utubrc r,.drl,riorr orsub.idi.,r) , rn(\ tJl dr(\\. I.,rr., u,\ \ lr)(.\ irr I,r.,r,r
onr.u,r,.rr.,,.,n..,.i,t Lrir,],"rj,,rll," .\\rrj)
Lulll rrrrphor.r,...,r,rrr,,*rri,,,,,,,.1'].n','''",,,' 1h... ,,rc rrrrplrorrc: r.,r,.ly tr,,r, let'i :rrd right, o, clo:rks. O,, ;.,11 ;r".; ifr.r.',,. or rlr,.rrr.,rrrrt ,r,rucl,..
\r( haic sr:rckcd folds ro all-ovcr. vcrrrr-.rls or E.rrJy tll.rssrr.rl "'r,.r,l r' l!]lli*.Irn,,,,
rd r rjp,, i;;'l:'r,; ,,,,"llii'il'1'^.,r'n''^h'r'., rrp' 4'tt,rt r.tot g..,"pr rii".,i.rf.
94 . ) .unphor-lr ltat, tajl, Lr rtlr;r lcvcl, if wavy, hcm)inc.
In his l.rrtr s ork rhu rlrcsr iir
",f,..;.,ljv,n" ',.r tlr,.,i,.r'r.: ll,rl,rrl,rtrrr,.rrr.,.,r,,t ,11tr.11(,o,f,".,.r,,,i,r,,,..;.i;,..,..

h------- -.--

119.1 13!lly n"q,harr( Iyr A)[yl" Kl&\n1tdLl(: Pni kt.D(littu(,itht.\ti\tiq'

t rly\ d\ttu by ltu Kl.rplltuAtr l\t,t(r. ll(nnn til H(/r!rivo\. H. lr I

1,9.2 Lrtt\'\l t.9 t , ,. : (:tly\ tntlt ll\.1)y tlk Khrrhnna hlttk\


t) tlt, t lt \tlt,rL I'rit,t l ),h' tNr

*Ji R ('


t.: t l\ttttttlnnttlr\r L),tltt

1\litttr 11. jo \\
t t6 Kn\)i\ l,y th. Klq,lnd(: tatiltkt

ir,,,,,j /,), ,i. (l.i,lrrrdd.r l'd,rn'r.

r i, ,,\ ,Ir/ Pntrrnr\

t1E Nuk mryhou lty lt KlLop)t r'

P.ni1. Rhd,^aat. H. i7
r.l5 Kr/pij r), /1,. K/,rrrrhtuh\ ht i. Atrtd\ d .l A,.rij.ii ,rr.! d,/ KdJrd,/rri, d
l)ti r:A dt. Nfu|?):t1\ trl .\ith'r
, ,E .ll),tn.j /r. l,y r/r. (l.aphraAi Paiikr
tio Ntlk ak\nntd I'y th! K1.\,tlhrl.\ t\1r .t

, t i itlt lry tl. Blni llortt l?). Dutlt ll Ailinhoi

tat l, r'|,]tu \ nq ht,t l ), tlr kL, rttt,rnt

l\tit ,t l\rtht'i H i15 l\nrltuliit d ryhor l)Y tltt
^' Bilh l\ti,t{. HtfuklL\

t a.t B.lly nt tha? ( I yttt .A) ltt thl

tt! l\'lilt L) tlr KltrllIrtlt.l\ti td 11. t2
116., urlly rrryhru ( l ltt .A) l,y th uttlrl htilrtt' 4tht n H 79
t17 KnUi! L,y tu B.tli Prnat.

) t\uarlwlnn anphard I'y tL. B(lh Po"iu. 15r.t Btlly dnphan ( 'I ),p( C ) l'l th( B.tli l\i'n(

t18 Nuk nnphan by thc Bulnt

1$ N..k nftlphord by the Bt t,1 l>dlt1it

I"Itakht a Ara:ons
t tJ l)dndthnni. anpharc bt th,! Bulii lliiltto t5r.z Ruers( of t52.1. Knhnrod(

150 B(11 ilnt hy nn B(lin htintu. Cn tndt. H. .1.1

) \t,h r! [y ttu Irtlh] Priittd. Illiitt t56 Ht.hhhy !h( Ll.tlntP,,i,r/l H.,dIl'J drd r\1!j

,,\ ,\i,.1 ,,41r,/i l,t,,r. B.rht htuno. Ht:ldl

t5J l-olttL trtL\ lty 11. Balh l\tit1u Dondo r t Tti\,lo,1at

t57 IItt'irl,ytln B.rlnt rni a. A|).lLt. 1t.52

\r lr Lrsrr rvhich arc tcrincd'Mxnllcrist'arrd which erc consitlcrcd rrr tlr, rrcrt
llrr choicc oF subjcc!s rcquircs lirtlc furthcr cotnnlcrtt. WIltrc rttrt'rr r'
, ,Ll thc 6qures erc surc, clcglnt, ancl only on thc cxllicst, rrclr l'iorrttr
, ,. iri his), passionlite lrl;]. His syll.rpatllellc trcatllrcrrt ol .trrirrr'rl stLr'li'r'
r,, ,,rrrspicttotts eise\\'hcre in rcd figure cxccPt fi)r tltc fivotrrerl lr"r'st, rt
",, rlrobscrving[38Sl.TLrcsinglcfigurc'sorp.iredfiqurcs;rrcthcrrr()st
I I r )oit Inenlor.rblc \l'orks erc his nanlc vasc in ljcr'lir) [ r;4] '"vhcrc, boltily Iir|
r, L qurc, he combitrcs threc ligurcs in orlc contour - Hcrlllcs h;rstcllillq lr:r\t

, ,'r ,Lrp rDdjug, a s:rtyr (Oreinlirchos) r,vith e lyre turllins au'.y, ir f'r\\rr
, t ll,q lo rhe noisc lttd ttrovcttrcnl erotlncl hinr; aucl e morc fcccl)rlY rcvcllcd
,', ,lrLrrl irr Besel It46] with a rnegnificcntly accoutrcd Athcna on onr:"s]dc
L rq hcrjug tbr hcr firvouritc Hcrakles on the othc-r, in his Nunlber Oncs,
, ,, , tlrc lionskin txil buttonccl Lrp.
\ possibility u.hich urould rcvise or.rr vicw ofhis cdrly cerccr tlrd potentirl
,r bc bricfly discusscd. Miss Talcotr suggcstcd that the cup sillncd by
r,,,rqos [18] wxs car]y lvork of lhe l3erlin Pai1ltc1, and Martirl llobcrlson
lLl,L,r:rtcci rhc argunretrt, aclding dre lirrc cuP Pottcd [iy Phintirs [49],.rnd
t,,Lrrtinrr out hou,: appropriarc it rvonlcl bc if Ciorgos r'r'erc plirrtcr too irr
I rr oithc lnvariablc gortorrcion shield dcviccs which lppcer on bl;rck fig;urc
l'Lr.ttl)cnxic lnrphorer' ;rttributcd (with e hesit:rtion I sh:rrc) ro thc llcrlin
l'. L )tcr arrd his other linc rccl ligurc Gorgons. Bcazlcy cvcDtually ecceprc.l thc
( ,)rqos cuP, not thc Phintias o1le. I hevc not takcn accoullt of this in thc
,,,cding lincs on dre ertist's carccr becausc I find it dilhcult to conbirr. -r
. rs e brilliant cup plinrcr ofabout 5to 5oo with what scenrs to l,c e
ttio Nold n ryh lbytllt:B(tli t\iitt('.
,,rrsistcrlt devclopmcnt as a pot Pxilltcr iD later dccadcs, while thc Clorgos cr-tp
a clcgrcc of subtlcty in narretivc (Mcl1non's trappccl spcer, Eos'torn
,lrcss)not chlractcristic of the l3crlin Pairlter's sce1les, and (as Rotlcllsoll
'rnrsclfhrs pointcd our) Gorgos writcs di1{crcntly (teiling his R's). The crsc
rr'llliliDS Opcrl.

t;o /'l1lr,'/'1 tlt, &tlrrl' tt,t \tlt Other pot painters

Not ill thc rcd 6gurc pot pjintcls ofthc Piorrccr ycars hed bccn qrcat irrj\t\'
ll)c NI(oxqNos PalNtttt wes an adcquetc black ligure plintc'r ofthc Lcrgros
(;roup who misguidedly took to red 6gure, parnting Typc A arnphorac (errd
,,,,.' of Ty1'r" 11, the old shapc rcvivcd now), sonlc of Panathcneic shrpc,
rl.clriai, and sornc cr:ttcrs. Of thcsc thc Panathcnaic arc inrcrcsting tbr ihcir
,,rrruption ofthc usual sccDc with Athcna, charlging her posc and thc otdcr o[_
rhc colurtns {r6zl, or substitutirrg a Hcrnlcs or pricst. His satyr athlctcs ()rr
lr6;l nright also be conccivcd in a ntockirlg spirit (their trliner Lrscs ;r lilrsc
phellos in plecc ofl cale) or rcfcr to a sxtyr play (Acschylus' 1-vr,?rri1rl,k). llc
ir rs e distinctivc rvay of drar,ving chiton slccvcs end sotlctinrcs fails ro nrrkc his

t(t ()i othr ht lht Rtrlin P.ittt

ditpcrv lircs crrtl ,,vhcrc thcy should. Hc wcnr on paintirrq bl:rck fi:lurr, rL, lrrll rlre Typc C rmphorac. His hclds tcnd ro carry poinred, dr()opnrg
iDclutliIlq l).rulthcn:rics, u,hilc his pLrpil, thc Eu(-HAnTDES Parurlr, carricd oD ,,1r, lips. The GERAS PArNrtrR [17g i]il,^ poorer xrtist, spccialises in pcJikri.
scvcrrl ofhis tricks ofdrarvirq in rcd 6gurc, likc thc cars wirh big rorurd lobcs, , I , , r rllv of rhc 'rnodern' v:rriety wirh no frarlres to the picrllrcs. Hc oflils ir
in e bcrrcr stylc rvhiah luns on to thc 47o's. Hc prefers thc n611, popular shapcs , ,,.L,icr.rblc nlrqe of Heraklcs scencs! ncw :rn(1 old, an.l sonlc Llrlrr\!rrl
lt64 7lrcck anrphorac, stamDoi, rnd the revivcd column crater, but has morc ,1,, rL\rl. sccrcs with saryrs. Hls nanrc vesc shows Hcraklcs cndgelliug ()ld
anlbitiolrs work on celvx cratcrs whcre, likc his master, hc rlrly put fiqures ol) \,, L( icr ls). A contcrlrporary, thc MAt scH PArN I r.R, shou,s il nrorc intcl c\U n{
the lorl cr bo,,vl I r 66] es wcll as on rhe straight sides. Thc stylc is still enEulrr. ,r r()ntiLtion oithc hcro xrld dcrnur lr8;1.'fhc ARGos PArNrFft is likc thc
rnd abmpt but his attcl-rrpts on the suLrjccts ofhis bcftcrs lrc far tltolc sLlcccssful. r,, \ I)rlrrrer. I pick oLrr one of the oddiries ofGreek vasc printing frorn iris
(lolumr cratcrs had not Lrccn rlruch in favoLrr in thc lxst qllerrer ofthc sixth ,1. r r.Lrc stLrdy of e citrncl Ii.!;1. And thc SIltl.N PATNTIII offers cxr-eful blrt
ccnlurv, bLrt fronr et,out Joo thcy nlcrcirsingly scrve as sloutcr arld morc ,L lirlLrrc work irlchrding his rather hackneyed name vrse Ir.91] on thc back
scrviccilble rnixins bo\\,ls thal thc othcr crater typcs. The_v erc rlthcr old- rr rirlr ;rrc thrcc oddl), fcaturcd Erotcs (thc lcedcr is cellcd Hinreros).
fashiorecl in rppcararlce, with Lrasc rays, and thc nccks black, or widl r rorv ot Lrc lvszxrt-wrcz PalNlLu is lnorc prctcrrtioLrs [18J 7], rvirh stilFbut wcll-
thin bleck brrds, or jvv, or rarely lvith a row ofsilllorcttc animels or figrucs. ,, rl,()scLl sccncs of r1r,vth, oftcn on larqc vxscs, urhich bid frrr thc narr.rtivu
ln conrnron wirh thc trcrtnlcnt ofsccncs on othcr sh;rpcs, such as peJikai, thc tl r ol, sxy, thc Kleophrrclcs P:lirrter, bur toteJly lack his subtlcty. Thc florels
decorativc p:rnc1 framcs ere gradually abatdoncd,:rnd thc figurcs sct in frcc ,,1 r\ rrnre vese [-rt6l recx]I the hter Berlin Paintc'r (but noticc horv ccurre
ficld or on a ground linc. They do lot gcllcrally irrrract thc bcst r,r,ork. I L, s ovcrlep tcndrils) and sorne ofhis u,ork is Early Olassical. His hcads tcncl
Mvsov Ii68 7zl w:ls:l coluntn clelcr spc'cix]ist. He nray have startcd rr,,itlr l,rq. block-likc noscs wirh dccp-scr cycs, alrd hc experimcnts with frontel
cups bcfbre Joo one namcs Lclqros- His sign;rturc, as potter xnd pailltur, is , ,1 t rrcc-quar-tcr vic\vs off:tccs- Thc Trort.os Panvr* is rathcr sirnilar Irdd
on a snall colunrn crater dcdicared on thc AcropoJis [i68] and sho,,rrng l rlro toncl ofclaboratc dress borders xnd pattcrns, norc livcly, lcss prucisu.
Athene or cithcr sidc, probebly a gift ofthe artisl- Sorne sct,piccc myth sccrlcs I r, lr,rli--open rrouths of many ofhis figurcs look r:rther silly ard onc is nrorc
show sonre originality of thcmc and solid, coltrpctcnt 6sures rcminiscenr ol' ,,, r rcd ior Triptolcmos' b:rlarce on f rEgl then impressed by his divinirl.

Phrntirs- Thc notablc scencs arc ofCrocsus on his fitncrxl pyre Ir 7l ], rvhich is \ 'crrcs ofvases, inclndinq both thc fincr cratcr!, xrld thc conlmon pclikai
a rare illustrltioll of a rccent historicll liqurc alreacly bccoming rnyth; ;r , , \1.lmr)oi, has bccn callcd by l)cazlcy thc SyLEUs SrtlurNt;r a1ld prcscnts
touching srudy ofbewildcrcd old agc in a rcscr.rc of Airhra lrTz]; satvrs brcak 1,,,,l,1crrs ofidcntity with fbur stylistic ruclci which mighr indicatc dilicrcDr
in!! r1p r tomb Ir69]; Hcreklcs brcaking up Ncreus' housc. Morc charac- ,r r. r or dillerent stages in thc carccr ofouc or two:rrtists. Thc D:rilcs arc thc
tcliscic, perheps, arc his mrny othcr Dionysiac, kornlst and athlcrc studics l' L,,,t.r of thc Munich Amphora lr g r ], the Callatin Painter [ -r 9.2 ], thc' l)iogencs
srnallish hcads, rtthcr tieht-lippcd, with slirn sherp noscs. Hc is not alwavs l',,,rrcr 1r93, r941, thc Sylcus Paintcr Ir95 8]. Sh.rrcd stylistic lceturcs xIc
surc about irlatonry noticc Apollo's back and chcst or I I 7: ], and in comnrorr l,,L l,lc lincs on rhe brcasr bonc, paralicl end rhcn divcrgcnt, arrd the invcrtcd
with scvcral othct xrtists of his renk he ovcr cntph;Lsiscs thc spinc rr,,ith u r lrich runs across and undcr thc cross strokcs of thc chcst lbr melcs. Thc
doublc lirc. Wc mav suspccl a conscrvxtivc rcsistancc to new srylcs ofdrlu ing rrn.urcdisclosctothcPionecrsstillilrnarrrrcrbutnotquxliry.Thel)iogencs
and the nerv moocls exprcsscd by his bcttcrs, but his following rvill provc lnorc l' ,Lcr is rhc bcst ofthc scrics, still sharply Archaic in definition ofalaronly
interesting. ,,,1 Llrcss. Thc Sylcus Paintcr docs sccrn to prcsclrt r nc$, pcrsonrlity, with r
A nurIbcr of othcr sccorrd-]ine pai tcrs succurub to dre irtcrcst in coluntrr , rr.r-illtcrcst in a good rxngc offloral p.ttcrns, cap:rlllc cvcn ol1rccellin!a thc
craters, but also dccor:rtc a l'u1ler relgc
ofthe shepcs ftvourcd by their scliors. ll rlrn Pxinrer's lerer work it single 6gures, but with some narrativc powcr
Thc H,rnnow P,rtr,rtrn [173 5] is trrore than orclitarily compercnt, fond of ,,,, rrr :rr-list whosc i111:t!iination outprcccl his skill. llul thc battles on thc fat
ncck anlpllorae, borror,ving from contcmporlry bl:rck figurc the clccor.rnorr I , rrcd anlphorx in Brusscls [196] havc some forcc xnd shorl good undcr-
for thc neck of Ir7-71, which xp]rroxilllAtcs ro Penarhcnaic s1upc. Hc clcerly r r,lirrg of ncrv 1'roscs. Hc sollrctinrcs Llscs lhinrlcd painr xs cycshxdolv for
admired ald rnay hlvc copicd dtc Bcrlin Paintcr. Hc rarely vcnturcs outsiclc ,, r lr9.9l.
senrc scorcs into myrh lnd lhc satyrs in Hcphaistos' forgc Ir74lmly illustrarc ihcSyrrsr<os Groue, mainly of thc 47o's and littlc earlicr, prcscnts a
it satyr play. Thc FryrNc ANc ParNrrn has a more engaging rangc ofsccncs
' problcru-
rL.rr Ilcazlcy took thc Copcnhagcn Pernrcr ftgg 20I] and rhe
I t 7G6], cspccially of satyrs, includins thcir lamily lifc and irrrrodtcrng chilcl ',\r\kos Printer lzoz q)lts brothers 'hard to tell rp.rt', and faccd by rrvo
satvrs to Grcck arr (he is rlarncd from rhc group olnlr77l), and ofsatyrs or r , sl,vphoi in a privatc coJlcctiorl prcfcrrcd to invcnt e third, 'P. S. Parntcr'
wolrlcn cnsaqed rvith phalloi or phallos birds Ir76]. He dccoratcs sevcrrl ol , i, 106]. Probably al1 go togcthcr, thc Ciopcnhlgcn Paintcr rcprcscrrrirrq
nrol-c x.r(lcnric work, lrajnly on stilrrrroi oicllstil]crivc arrcl Lurplcilsant profllc
(broed nronthccl, hu nch-shoulcl ered : liggl), thc othct vuscs, ofrrrixccl rtrerrt
(ircltLclirg vcrv good) ollc'rrng a widcr rrngc. The rumc Syriskos c()n1cs fiorll
e pottcr who r11.dc a krlucklcbonc vrsc (lstragllos) fbr rhc peir]tcr Izo4]. l]trt
thc pottcr Pistoxenos, rvho seenrs to h:rvc spccieliscd iu skyphoi of variout
t,vpcs (inclucling onc fbr Epiktctos r,rhiclr plrccs his cerly cereer), nrade thc
rwo skyphoi lirr our artist ('t). S. P:li11tcr'), and o11 cach wc rcad'Pistoxcnos
S,vr iskos cpoicscn ' lz o 5, zo6l. Thrs is a puzzle- Thet thc'1, erc skyphoi is cnotrgl:
t() irldicirtc th:lt it is llrr'Pjsto-tcnos lt rvork. Was Sl,riskos e nicknarlc, :rn elias
'litle Syri:rn': 'trusty stranscr'? Thc skvphoi rrc lincly plintccl, llrcldy
Er:1y Classicel, but rhc drarvirg bcrreys scvcr:rl fc'eturcs linking thcn witlr
other veses ofthc qroup thc llor'ils (palrrcttcs r,,,ith pointccl cc' trc lc'evcs er)d
thc lotulcs), thc blobbv trertmcllt ofh:rir. A:roteblc sccnc on i stitrrrno\ is of
:l lcccnt hisloricrl cvcrrtIr99] thcrlrLrrdcrofrhetyrantHipp:rrchos(5r4lc)
Dot ln,vth but.r1 :rct f(x \\hiah thc slaycrs hlcl rccluirccl hcloic strlus.
A f!^xtrrre ofthc groLlp is sorlrc odd shapcs thc kntrcklcboDc, thc Ialc scltlilt
lckythoi, hcacl v;rscs, a rourcl arytr:rl1os, :rnd thc usc (es on somc of thcsc) ot'
r,r,hitc qround for outlinc fir:rrrc rvork. Thls ilppc'ers on elebesrra of thc eroup
too, end rclercd is rhc plcntii'ul (sonre forty known) Ciroul or. rHr, Nrr:rio
ALAIASTRA (of drc ,1lto's) with ncgro 6gures Izod], rvhich though simpic, arc
by rro mcans rcpctitivc. It is l nc'gro, rvbitc groturcl, tllrt thc Syriskos PriDtrr
pr,lts or) x hced v:rsc. Thcrc arc othcr, li1er elitblstrl lvltlt Arnazorrs [.zo9l.
l'hc alablstra lcad us ro considcretior oforhcr smrll vrscs, crspccirlly lckvtltoi.
Thc shapc r,r,rs e-,<tremcly popnJrr in black figtrrc lncl thcrc r,es rn cnorrlrolrs
output ln rllc old rcch iquc throlrgh the 6rst quartcl ofthc frfth ccrttry, atcl
t tttt tln & rnryho. b), tht
letcr (,4Bit1i pp. ra611.). Whitc grourd lves used on nr:rny oithc vrscs arrd, i \,,ij lfn,rir ArhLna. 11. q1.s
cspcciall_v rl thc lr,orkshop of thc Sappho ancl I)iosphos l)eirrtcrs, u,c lintl
ligurcs on rhc whitc grouud rcndcrc'd iD t rllixturc ofbilck ligurc:rnd outlinc ) rlrtt dln(r t t(l!)ht tht
techniqnc. Aplrt fiorr this scnri-outlinc lvork rhcrc is somc in purc outlinc, i \,,rJ lt,rnr. Sdr), drri,.r.i
flnkcd by pxlmetes. Thcsc Sidc-Palncttc iekythoi ([z r o] Diosphos Work-
shop) prcscnt x technique rvhich can bc irnmcdiatcly rchtcd to thc outlirlc
drru,ilq on r.r,hitc ground practisccl b,v ,rrtisls otlrcru,isc conrrnittccl to rcd
ligurc, ofrvhich rvc shall sce morc ol1 clrps. Thc associxtiorrs ofthc shepc rvirh
black figurc rctirldccl usc of rhc ncw tcchnicluc upon it. ()nc Piouccr, thc
(; PArNlrR [-zrr], has lcft us tu,o, but of tl-rc p:rintcrs urcntioncd irr rhis
clrrptcr orlv rhc tserlin Peinter fivourcd thc shapc. Thc trtists to Lrc lliurrccl
uow erc in8ucnccd by him. A popular subject was Nikc, whom wc scc rlso
on lck,vthoi end othcr srrrll v:rscs bv rhc Durulr PAtNTTR [:07, ,zi:], a nrrnor
xr tlst othcrwisc morc closcly rchtcd k) thc lek,vthos pNntcrs, u,ho er lris bcst
h:rs somc plccisc chann, lncl a distirrctll, surlrnary way u'ith drcss on his lcsscr'
rvork; and bv thc TrlrroNos ParrLtu rvho hld an c,vc lbr drcss and hcm
plttclni, rnd rvhosc Orlorcl 1ck-vrhos rvith enothcr Nikc is a fittiug cncl pr. cc
lbr this scction [: r3].

1$ L lly nn4'lrw I typt 4) l,y th I'd ri&\ ,r.tilittt t | .l,r,t nrli \i.t td Ll \l)!,1.

r a, (irrir, .?I.r /,t, ,\'Ii,'i,,. .5dr)'rJ

Lntry t t,\ t. LL 11

' .lrrrt nlto hy \1t\ol. Ll Jt

i51 l\iuh d \n!n ht thl
thnnlti Pd d- LI- t,

1$ ()ly\ odlo ltt ttu Ednritltl

l,nakt. Mi-n p lnhill6

i - \ rt ltt tlr lhttnrrl, t'tt,rht


t7t l\ll),t \'llnt t T),ttt ,4 r i,l ,\ll,wr.
Ctrt:r: or tht t,yt, H. s8 ;

t r t'ntrlnnr anphort by thc t?4 Crlhitu oat( L,y th( Hatto Pditer- Satyr tn
tl rt' t l\rntut. Ert!. H. la

tlr-t , Caly.\uait ly,\1),\,at lflln;

Rc\ t,'[Aithr.H ]a-5

tj5 rlytlrid bt th( , Pdi'tct

t r lr-.11/ r1..1_t ltj,. 1..\) ttt. r.rr..( {..,./1x,,.
|, l rl rh plull,t rLlll t i I
t7t BLll) n rylnh i t tt\ C) l,y tlt. Ir! tf,ntt lrt th( c011t 1)ti|1nr
|:lli1t.l ,41t LItalil Lt Ina k rr\.) | ,
, r,,/ /1, Ai1l.t.i

tti l\l1y r tt)ltrt't I t ).l,t (:) tl rlr t:1),j1tr-..1t\(l t a 1\hL, 1),tlt, I i, t,tri l ,,\ r /,r'lill 1,],/r.,{,(.J l,,iilrrr
\, (,,) d,,/.,,./. i L i6

,rr \ ,i,rr,11,),rr. 7 ),r:ln1ri.: /),ri,,/,4. .l)i.DnLL\. l AoN!

,.r1. r .Snr,,r.J l,), r,. .Si,1rt l\titr k t i I I drr lrrn'1. ( 14\u/J rr./ r,.
Lrt r. i,t rrr '/ li:ln'r|i.: l\tirtr. .4t1tu1r tttd li{l1t .qi,rt\

r3.r -r R.ror. i, r,l.r. r. /i.tu1

r.9j /n/lt ,Ur,.,d l,f r/x ly\:kr\tit: I'ainttt.

(),/),j!1r,.t/rrr,,r, lli,rrai,r. 1J .I.l 8

, ti l\ nnlfurtr lTttt .4 ) ht th I'ri tt,,1th. \Itunh.'hllNriir tuu\')

,,.,-t.,.'t.'lr l,.t'- Iu.t.t ltt. '--.' lt-.r..ttll,ll

,.'9 ,\,r4,i, bt rr. Iliiloi 11ni1t.t. ltrtulL ii

, llyltir ltt th Cnllitill l\ln1ttt. 1)anrl

t9o K.lfi\ l,y tlk 'lroih\ Lii td i r. tt\').
li.i/,rr drJ.l,oltr.rrr

t9j B(ll) n 4,lt.111Ly

th(Di\dt.\ hlr a

t9t (ihtmt ttutu hl

th L>ii|tt t\ 1\titttr /,ut
'a, l,

trj .\ntrir\ l,t th \llL1t\ t,,1i ,L1

t dn( t6t). Hurktt!.1it Syhl!
to7 hlik( [y th. Syl. ! I)ni a.

,01 Sh o\ lrt !h. ()p( halo l\iitlo. Tltcttrs and rtu tuIl

r98.1,.2 StatuD\ hl th( SylLlt: l\litto. Htntkll a*l rhL

(:ohtrrt d1t.t by !hl

)) rl.\ Ptilttr. Hthrtt,

't I ofut( arkr I'y th.

.i,rfus.l)rrrrtrr. Ers ard

zoo HydM L)' th( Cop(nhnltot hti kr. Mld.n )ot A!t.t.:trl rn! by tht
.S),rir!.\ l)dnrd'. Lnxr i tr\.
lV- i7'5
-il,* ,.1r

'.i fri .r
205 Sk ho\ hy tht t) S Pai'ttt . : tl,rl\t:t1t t1 tllt CNt| 1, /i,. N,t(r,
1r i t\tnt. llhi!. \r1\t d H. 16,

t llabaston hy rhL t\titrt'r,r'Nrd ).r/r

trtrr t ta! ). Atrr:o
,tr Sidt-,].lltr./tt ltl!ytht i. l)r,Jtn.J Iti,rlJrot. trrliilr'

) 11 lrkythr! hl tht l;tlt! /),r!,/,r. l)r)..ii,rr nr ni.rir., H ,/

:ab ()tt) lkyt,hr\ by th( I,S

l'1rlo. Tht\ \r t Sni\

)1, (hNdM tt th( D,rit

l\tilt.t Artd it H. ia
zoj l )i '\lrt l'y th l\trtit , t.r t.Lkyth..l,t ttu Thhon..
/)dirrd Nal.. H. ,i r
l,l.r, L iigurc can bc rrrixcd and ir had bccolllc coll1Ir1only uscd as a beckgrourrtl
t,,r bh& 6gurc on lckythoi aDd olhcr shapcs. P:rmphlios made a cup wirh rr
l,L.r,li figurc ridcr on thc white ground tondo. Of the salnc date is I cu;r
Cup painters
rrrtr rior with an outlinc l)ionysos facing a black figure sttyr [zi5]. Thc cLrp ir
Through thc Late Archaic pcriod, and cspccially in thc first decade ofthc fifth r, ,.rrly es any lckythos wirh comparab)c decoration, thc style stil1 Pioncct,
century, xt least hxlfthc production ofred 6gurc vascs in Athelrs was accounted .rrr,1 the lttribution to EuphroDios could be correcl, l:ut is not sure Thc Clothir
lor by cups. This is a srulllcr proportion than the production ofthc lrtcr sixtlr , rr1, hecl whitc ground o;tside only [Jr]. The mair scries bcgins with cups of
century, whcn black 6gure artists still supplied most of thc largcr vases, but ,.,'lr, ()ncsinros (Proto-Panaician alld rhe rclated Elcusis P:rinter fzr7] who
still considcrably greater thxtr in later ycars, whcn red fisure xrtists answered ,trll praises Lcagros) ar-rd his kin [zi6], xnd coniinucs in our pe-riod with
all nccds, e)though thcre r,vas a growirtn production ofplain black vascs, and , ..,'tiplcs by thc Brygos Painter [2IE] and l)ouis amorg orhen lzTjl''fhc
cspecially of black cups. ( , )rrr nroDesf schemc is to havc a black border to the toido, solllctimcs wjth a
Thc old eye cup shapc, Typc A, is virtually dcad. The elcgent Type B and ,r,r'lhrthcr in lo flanc lhc flgurc or figurcs. lt bccomcs commorlcr to tlll thc
the heavier Typc C with a concave d1n are the popular forms, and a nrrnor , irL rior with whitc. and the inner line border is thcn normlrl. If. ground linc
varicty, thc Acrocup [275] with a straight rirn and cithcr a shallow or a l rrccded it is usually an ovolo. A vcry few kcep the rcd 6gr-lrc tondo but fiIl
roundcd bowl on a spl:rying foot with a mouldine at its top, rccalling featurcs rlrr zonc round it with white to the lip. Exreriors are usually red figure, solrc-
ofthe black figure Droop cup (,4BFH pp. 6 r i) whosc long career was not yet rrrrrcs all black, occxsionally white ground
over. Thc old schemc of decoration with eycs is quite gone exccpt for vcry I'hesc :rre cxquisite cups, usually avoiding the trivirl in tlrcir subjcct-
fcw cxamples by thc Colmar and Anriphon Painters early in thc century [242]. rrr.rttcr.rnd oftelt intendcd f<rr dedication, showing deitics or liyth scellcs'
Even rhc palmettc scrolls, with or withoul lotus tcrnintls, bccome less cominon_ llrcrc is e distinguished succcssion in thc Early Classical. Anothcr dedicttory
But thc tondos are regularly edgcd witl-r a m:leander pxttern now, soincrinlcs lr,r\tcrpicce is riprcscnted by a cup fragnrcnt frorr-r thc Acropolis (no z47)
distinctiveJy dcsigncd by diiferent painters, and the srmc pattern quite oftcn ,rl,c."ihc lines an<J Egures are in flat, low rcliei all gilt cxccpt for flcsh and
tppcars bclow the lieurc liezes. ,,lrlcd whitc.
Thc adoption of these pattern borders is a convenient signal for thc advcnt ONpstr,ros [zzz 35] signs onc cup [2.:td] made for hinr by Euphronios,
of what wc choosc to call Late Archaic, but thcrc is, of course, no sLldden r lrosc own paintirg .arci'r was by then over. Solnc ten other cups made by
brcak, and just ils wc have had to trace in rhe last chapter thc work of somc l,trphronios ire painred by Oncsitnos or artjsts ofhis studio, so we cln rcgard
plirrrcrs wcll into the frfth century (as Epiktctos), so hcrc several will pr.risu rlrii as a single workshoP or bench within a worksbop While Onesjnros'
Lceqros and declarc thc start of their carccrs bcforc the turrr of thc ccntury. !rvlc is readily dcfinable froll-t his signcd vasc thc callicr stagcs ofhis clrcer
Indeed, beforc we tum to thc more prolific great nanlcs, an isolated mastcr- problematic, silcc his style dcvelops fron-r a 6ne late sixth-ccntury
piecc of littlc bcfore 5oo can providc a link. It is I supcrb cup in Bcrlin [zr4], ,i,,r.rp oi.rp, relatcd to Pionecr work (rccall Euphronios the painter's cups)'
signed by PErrHrNos (we havc a scrap ofxnothcr, carlier cup sirned by him) it""ri.y ."rr" to agrec with earlier scholars that works asscublcd for a
tnd praisiug Athcnodotos, whorn wc shall mcct again- We havc the ncw l';rnaitios Paintcr wcrc by Onesimos, xnd that l-re cmcrgcs from a late si)'th-
pattcrns in and out, a macander echoccl by thc pattern ofl)cleus' Iockcd hlnds ( cntury Proto-Panaitian Group. Thc associations arc still opcD to djscussion'
.s hc grasps Thetis, urpcrturbed by hcr snakes and lion which aftack hi1n. of the Proto-Panaitian cups [zzo, zztf ctrry the ncw nacandcr
Outsidc are lovcrs, more forward where thcir own sex is conccricd. limbs krrdcrs, in and out. Thcy are frcc with kalos natres (anothcr Pioneer trait)
showinq clcar through dress, with a display ofsprcading folds and ziezaE hcn)s r)iurling Lcallros, Athcnodotos (as docs Peithir-ros), Epidrornos and Paneirior
recalling Phintias or thc Sosias Painter. .,,r,<rr'rg' Tl-rc ,tyle is 'reduccd' Pionccr with sornc elaborarion offclturcs
There arc onc or two points of tcchniquc to bc mcntioned bcforc we turn .,,,d ar-ratomy on largcr figurcs, somc drooping nrouth corners, dress ard lirulr
to the lnajor cup paintcrs. Cor.ll-rcd for dccoratior ofbands in or outsidc cups r rrngcmeots (noticc' thc odd Frontal tocs for a reclining figure Izzol) ofthcir
is srilJ uscd, sparingly. Thcre are, howcvcr, from about 5ro on, a numbcr of ,l:ry. Subjccts arc almost cxclusivcly kon-ros and athletics.
cups r,vhich ernploy whitc sround for the intcrior, occasionally for the Thc Pluraitian vases, uainly of5o5-485, rcduce thc use ofnracander outsidc
cxte or too. On thcsc thc dccorarion is in outliDc, using thc same thick and r,vhich is t gcneral tcndcncy io this pcriod, away from the Archaic florrls xnd
thin paintcd Iincs with increasing use of added washcs or red es tirne passcs. bordcrs on itp, a,rd they confcss devorions sinril:tr to lhosc of their ftrrc-
Wc havc noticcd thc technique on lckythoi (but no earlicr), r,vherc outlinc and r Lrnrlers to Lcagros aDd Athenodotos Tbcre is a robust narrativc
stylc hel c,
r32 r33
\\ irlr lr rh(-rn{ tr{rr(\. \kLltrillv (ollrposc(l encl b:rlanccd oD thc brorcl arc ()l
,l r
T , ,, rlll-v avoiding nruch nryth. Thc llonn Pxintcr [2J7] stil] irrcises sorrrc ll:rir
l1l.,..,l li_r] r\ rtru b(\r rr:rrrrplc rvilh pairs ofThescus cDCouDrcrs oursiclc, ,,L rlrncs:rndhassomcOltanpro6lcsanclHorrls. l'hc(lolrnarPtirrrcr[.2i6,:lfI
.rnn t ,(,r,lu ,,\,ri.. \\ Ilr vorrr,,: llrr*.r,.,rrpporr_,1 br .r rrr.rrrrrrr rl.l.,r). lr rcr ()ncsinros' afcclion for Lcagros ancl I):rneitios lncl solllc ofhis lltcr ctrP\
ri.(r\t'rL rlr( ...'r,tr_rrot.r A,r.l,lltritc. ,rrr,r {rlrcrr.r
\\.r\tr.r ltrL,r\, rd rlr, fr,lr ,-.irr-. v,rid,lltpr\\\to ,,t l,.y,.rrd. Lt( *nLtJi.\.. ,,,i h:r vc bcen decor:rtcd for thc pottcr Euphronios. Both pril rers (rrlcl Llcez lc\
, r

.rrr rrr.rlr.rrr.rr|r ,,.rrirrq,,l.' ll( L'ullv\llrrnr]. ,,1 r.rl rirrrrc uhi,h r.,rh..r r,r .r\.rrrr,r \ !\ rot surc ibolrt separetillg rhcrll) lcllievc e ccrtain prcllillcss: nolic(. tllc
L)rrr- rr.rr.nrrrr,rrr.rr,r 1,,,,,t.r. ,i,t.i,., ,,,.,i.,,,,,..",:i,
.,||v .,rr-ll l, lrnrirlq, llorels aud circunrstanrill dctlil of the dccr hunr on [.2-771. 'rrll
,l:ll:,ly],: ,l. ,.rt)r\. lv( lri, fi,,rrrr,.rr, rL.l\u\(..rr( ra,, lr , Lrkc cxprcssiorr if dtrll clrcs on [,u;.9].
::l:,' r\.Ir.r r,, rlr..rr fi.r,,,r.,,1,, ihc ANrn'noN P,lrNrEn Iz39 4-3]isarlorcsubstantiil figurc, nenrcd firl tlrc
\\lrn IrrIILIII(.III lr,r. { r. rnrl]i,.rllr ]tc t,t,,\(- .r! .r\. 6., ) l,to ,.cr
,,,i.,,, u, I (i\ {)l xrl uDusr.ral slcnclcr srand l.:391. His work rcsc'nrblcr thc Pantitlll hrrt
clc'ar li,clr,lc,ts ,,f,r,,,st .,,rti"J p.,rc,,, , t.,von,,t.-
vicrv, u,ich clistnltivc brokcn V shouidcr bllclci
,._Ar. ir",rlr,,* ir"af. r, r.rvicr, duller, sorrtetirncs silllply cruclcl aud pcrrlrits us to lpPrc( irt(
."."..,;r,". iir.,',i"ufrf" r )r( \inlos' clclic:rc,v rhc bcrtcr. Konrests, rthJctcs aud rvarriors arc his sublcrt'.
spinc'. Hc is bolclcr u,ith frontel f:rccs "ra.",r,"rr1r,r."..,
profiJcs us.allv ir:rs. suiky drcDpirq linc
[::7j therr fri, ,,,'1,- ruyth, and he sharcs t,ith Oncsitnos aclmiratiou lcrr L,vkos rrrd
rroutl, .,r.n"rr. fi.,"frr._r".,, "rrafit"
",, r\rr\t.rrchos. This, lnd his trsc of 'rccdr'!o interrtlpt rondo nracandcrs l.:43],
1, , c his./Jorrir rvidr trrarurc Orrcslrnos ir1 lhc 4llo's. His figurcs hlvc big heads,
,, .ur:rtont,v chrll but pJlusiblc rvidr tor sos split lcngthrvisc by I bleck (brokcn)

L rerhcr th:rn clividcd tt chcsr levcl. Olcl-feshioncd are his occesional ttrc .,f
,,i:iorr ro outlinc heir, u,hidr otheru'isc oftcn looks curly rvirh:r hclvill'
, llopccl cdgc (en cfcct cnhenced by e borclcr ot n ot-clui tc-r clief trlobs of
,r r .r proliiic arlist rDd thcrc arc Itlany unassigncd cttps in his lllrllncr or
1 rtcrl to his rvork. Thc (lat;tt P,qtNrlt c:rrl bc 1larIlcd bcsidc hillr [.2441.
lh vgos'si!lnalLrrc as Potter ilppcalrs orr ovcr I dozen cups, on rhc cclgc ofrhe
L\c o) on lhe plain undcr-haDdle. Altlrosr all wcrc dccoratccl try thc lllvcos
rl)d at lilst
x qirl's brclsts are shou,n prt,pcllr : rhc ourlinc
runrrutq rnhr thc arrrr l'\rN1Lr 12r8, zq5 6tlor artists ofhis circlc, thc ll1:lstcr l)cinq thc rlrost pro_
observcd ltaturc Izz1r, ,r5l
1'rit is lrrr i,cf.,r. rhc p..,i,f. : fri..,r, ,, ,, Lrof, ,
"i,t,- .I.hc Durrsl t l rL rv ith rvcll ovct rrvo hu uclrcd vascs toN attributcd to hilrl. Hc dccorilcs lc-$
rvcrc irnposcd on thc body utrrcalisrir.rlly.
L_rouris) on rirc girl,s , ,Lir cr shapcs, inclucling skyphoi [-24d, z5 g], hcrd kanthrroi :rrrd rhyta [.2,5 7, z5 t],
.r.p,'rr [.,zrJ ,r.rrlurlrrr rlor,.pruLrbll1,.,.,,.,, , r\L flur. i,,,th,r,l(r. l,ig k:rlathoiclj:rr *,ith a sPout l.z 6r I arrd scvcrel lek,vthoi [219]. His crrps arc
r(.rlrslr( oLr\crv.rtruD o1 notebl\r in body hair aDd gcrritils.
Thc vascs I r;.cs l)'s and Typc C's, thc lornrer intludiuq sonrc rvith I disrinctivc conc
u,]uch arc asscmblcd around Olrcsirnos, sigut d
r-up Jrra, ,i,r 3rl aiff". t._r, 1,,,,r. thc l.rttcr usuellr, ornittiug rhc nlaculdcr basc linc. Arourlcl thc tondos
thc tor rgoin,; sJigh rlr. rn ,rylr. su blcct erd drrc. p"r"iri"l
ir"ilf i^ior,'t r,, ,,.,* rc nr:rcrndcr is usurlly sropt, oflcn intcrruptccl by cr()ss in squere or knobbcd
r\o L\rio\ ..,r(i tt,,ll,.|l . M.,,.rn,l..r Lrnrd. t.. . rr \n||t,.r.l !\ drn1,p,.,r, \, \ Hc pxirlts a ti'rv r,vhitc eround cup irrreliors (l:r,!]: cxtcrior l2i6l), :rrrd .
riL,i,l:l r"r rrr..rrrrl,1r.l L,r ..e.rtr. .,,r,r1,..r, l:1 rl ,,', ,k,.,, ., ,' lritc grorrnd lckvrhos.
:'r,.,... ,r,r,.1,r.
r ( \(r\ .. D.rtft. DrL..r,
f.rl,L r\. ( ru\\.\ (rr ( II...III,.r ..1rr.,r,.,. R,rr,rr lr{ \.. n,.r.... ol Flis st-v1c dcrivcs iiorlr th.t of rhc early Onesiuros, end his rrr;rirr period of
tuacanclcr arc prcfcrrcd row to thc sropt ((r,r\c
li,r"..u,,n,,r,j t,,itr. Lr".a"ay. Lrrk lics irr thc 43o's :Irrd 47o's, thc latcr vascs beinq tttainl-v snrlll cups rvith
Lrr rh,.Lrrrl \ rrvr subjcts has u.rrc<l, ard ii,"1, r.","pf,,_a 'r
I]]: l*:',,, rrrd,rrlrl,r.....,rer.rl rr..rrrrrr, ..\(.r\t\\
l'\'ttor\,tt(tr l,ri trlres irlsidc only:rncl thc lckythoi. Thcrc is wcakness iD his lercr rvork, but
,..r1\\t.,2_l'. llr..ficr,r,* riris prinre his vigour ancl ittvcntiott arc unp:lral1c1cd. What ls somcrirrr'r
thultt\r'lr(s. cr tD tirc ,1[1s. 1,,,)1, ]lt,rrc bovish, with slirtr _fiaau 1l1tclc up lor in cxPrcssivcllcss of
r.,s, s,uell f..eturcs rissccl in subtlcry of linc is morc than
Lr('rrc,rlh LrLr\lr) hrn{ctl h.rir Thcrc is:r lightncss to
thc iccrrcs rvhich llcvcr ,',Lllrrcs ar1cl ur posc. Of all Archaic artists hc dcnlonstl :ltcs best thc ncl cour-
bccorrrcs nrcrcly trir,ial, Lrut rvhethcr this crin rcprescnt
tirc 1"r.,r".i.*i,, rf_r" 'rrnd of posc brtscr.l on obscrvation lnd quitc indcpcnclcnt of thc stock
l)roto-Prnritien rr.list r.cnl:lins dililcLrlt to rllinn "i cpcrtory offigurcs in lclion or quicr. His is'onc ol thc firsl, orlc oflhc only,
Thcrc rre sontc lcsscr artists to bc rncntiotlcd bcforc orrr lcxt
nrlstcr. Thc ,c.rl childrcn in vtsc peinting' (tsctzlcy) [:,s91 eud jn nrenv of his sccrrcs.
LIoNN ard Clt,vau parr.r;rrc carlv, rvorking fiolr bcflrc loo i., if.r"
,lr, +f,o,.,
ti'rrrr,r.1.., r.rlr\r.r.,inr,.r,r.rrrlr,,i r,,ihr. rlr.:i,rr., i,,.,,f,i.,*.r,.1.,,,,p",,.,. l..rrrc end myth, wc r:etch rhis srrrc clclincation of rhc vlrtyine agcs of nr'n
.rnd u,onrcn for cxarrrplc el1 thc 6gtrrcs orr thc Prianr skyphos Iz;rSl Fot thc
ti4 I3J
Sappho on rhc bila spoutccl.jar (r vcry larc rvork, if lris at el1) hc cxpei|rcnts ll !gLIrcs, though l]r'y.gerr,.rr.'hc:rvicr sct, thc fi'xttlrcs oftcrr rrrort li!.lrtlr
wjth r thlec-qunrtL'r ficc l.:611. Whlt qreatcr paintcr.s )ikc thc Klc,ophraclcs .1 r, lrcd (str.righ r. not rrchccl br or,r,s), but clrclullv obscr vccl ertd \\,c hil \'( q( r )( l
l);rintcr:rchicvcdthcycxccr-ltcdill:rr)L,r<.rnr\unti,, t.ltt,r r Ihisrrrihythc ,,r,.r ot outish lor,crs,,.lir1r:rvc'd roua's, l)u\orlr *,cnchcs lz6-;1. llc t['t,rrlr
llr_vgos ['rintcr is lt his nrost ch:rr:rcrcristic in his irvourirc syrlrposiorr or ,,, .,[ .rnd body h:rir, rncl on lz66] :Lncl l:6t] rvc brvc ntrc crrrrrPlcs rrr t lrn
;rthlcte sccncs rvhcrc hc coulcl c)icrcisc his colulltaDd et Dortravill oathL, cvcrv-
dev qcstulc or situ;rtion.
1, ,,,1 oi shirding. His synrposii hrlc rhc spilit oithc lilgos l)irirrt(r. l)rrl
k islrgurbJc that Grcck art rrcvcr.iuitc rccilptulcld , , I .rrrrl porc urc oficr origi)ll. Hc t:rkcs ln originel vicu ofrrrytlr too. llrt
rhis ticshncss. His hcuds erc not casilv tbrsotten thc fltt tops, hiEh brou,s ovcr- l'.rh.lp! r'clllclllbcIcrl bcsr lot ltis dcpictrolr of ar:Ltt\l11cll lllc b,rrrrrzt
rlilrrow cvesl io:rq nosc liuc. The rtrouths lrc elr,"ays cxprcssivc, bcllc,$iu{ , L ll,rrrrr' ,,r'orkshop fronr rvhich hc tirkcs his rrnrc l:6-u ], rvith rlrc lirlrr,rc
sonq, pu1i.:cl at thc pipcs, or risht-lippcd. His nrcD erc oftcD b:rldirre, .rir.ll , ,q stokctl xnd l)lo\n (rlrc bo,v bchind \\ith bcllo\vr. thc strttrc esscrrrLl,,l.
hairy, ;tncl tvpicelly Brvean irr-c thc srul)blc hcad ercl bcurcl ofthc scnilc. His ,l ,)1r thc otlrcr sl(le rlrothc[ bc]n!l s(:rlrPcd do\\'n irrrcl firrlshccl. Atrothcr v.l:t
rrsc oi thinnccl pliDt approrches rcxl piulting, end qoes bcvoncl vericd lircrr ,\\ s .l rr.rrl)lc rcrLlptor. u rlchcdovcl br Athcnr l:6;1.
cilicts. C)r hb vescs encl thosc ofhis companions thcre erc scvcral cxrnrplcs of Irvo othcr tirllou,crs o1_ Bryqos ll-c c-\acllcnt rrtists btrt llrck tlrc nlrtt,:r't
shudrne suggcsting thc rourducss ofshiclds: l:1d] cl. lz68l_ A fi-rture oi..,,,r. . ,iLr 'llrilLl Ilry'gen llcirzlcy cellccl rhcur. Thc hc:r,-ls ofthc-ir-6rrtrrcs:rrc
()nLlos is thc sphyirrg compositiorl oFrwo-fiqurc sroupst
l2+ 5l ci l'u,5-t]. lr,:lcr cvctl, bllrrclcr. rhcir- irttiorr flgurcs sccl1l rchcilrscd lrlhcr th.tll
l.,, in thcir trrovcrrrcrrts, rnd drc sccorrtl of thcnl il1 pitr.tlculrr i\
,, rrous ir his ttsc of brokcrr liDcs itt clrcss, so:ttctitttcs discord:rntJl :rnttllll
'l,r.iirlly (nr l.trgcr frgrrrcs). soll)ctirrrc\ rfli'dcclly biJlo$'irrg. Thc first is thc
i,r\r:1\ PArNnr l:70 .;l rvho likcs thc u'ing slceves for his d:rrrcirrs nrecrrads
' r| .rncl rs gcncrell,v tbnd ofsccncs l lrh u r)rncl1 xl vtr joLls clolltc\tic occr\iurr\
lr' r r.rrrc vrsc ollcrs .lrrothcr_ oF thc )rovcl \,lcws of thc Ilild, so poftr lirr ill lhcsc
,, rrs, \\itlr llriscis lcd i\\'i,v lionr r sulking Achillt's l.:70]. Thc L)otrnAsta
at '\r\ rr r l-rZ+ 7] is gcncll11l'quictcr sti1l, prclclriug ir sk)ak lrrrgc ofkonros
,rrr's lrd sttrdics ()a )1)Llrlg rncn with holscs his rlrlllc detlr,cs ltrorll rhc
ruill jrspcatlo) of cxvxlicrs rDd tllcir lltoLttlls conduatccl bl rhe
r ,rLrrrcil :rnd rppltrcrrtll showrr ()D his rrlrrrc v:tsc, lvhclc,i sal it)c is prcsctrt.
His ruvdr sccr)cs lrc cqually oriuinal thc Lrnique dc:rd Alex covercd by l,,tll prirrtcrs dccolrtc litr rlcr v11scs loo. Thc I)oklrrrlsll I)eirrrcr is thc rrlorc
Tckricssr fz46] end .r vericty of othcr sccucs cspecially iDvolvinq Achillc:s rlcrcsling with l\\.o srrnrrloi shou,irlg I sPlritcd slxuiihtcr o1_()rphcns b,v thc
(llriscis, ant1 thc cluarrcl ovcr his arurour l:471),:ls wc1l as rhc lirllous lhrrsorn I rr,rciln u,ornctr l.::zl, rnd:r lilrc celyx crirtcl ill Llostoll rvith thc dceths of
ofHectot on rlrc Vicnne skyphos [.21d] ln rhu l)ron,,sr;rc qttnrr rhr lltil hinr- \g.urcrlrrlon rrrcl Aigisthos on cilhcr side l.z71l. Thc Agrlllcllltloll, rvilh lhc
scll- crllcrs nrorc irrro thc spirir of his rr-oupc rhar) trsual i.rrq ('rvclopcd in u clotlt. rcc:rllr Acsch,vltts' !rc;rlltrellt oi thc story, but on
[:5-l]. Ou l:5:l hc
;tppcars,,.,,rrily on lllc sccl)c of lris s:rryrs'lttcnrptccl rape of lris:lnd Hcr:I. Iris ()nvcDtiorrrl rlltilrg rlrc vlrsc rs citr]rcr therr thc plodtrctiorr of lhc ,-'l(,rrr.rr,/ra//
rclir's ou hcr rvinqs fot cscapc: Hcrr on thc cliplorrr:rcy ofHcrnrcs beckccl iry ;li rr r ) :rrrcl \\'c \llolrld thclctirr c supposc this vcrsiorr oi thc story to Lrc thc
Hcrukles' borv. Thc- satyls :rrc brilliant studics of lust, ovcrt ilud steelthy, of \'cnti()rr ()l .Il clllicr poct. Ilrc 1)okirrrrsi;r l)rirrtcr.:rt lc.rst. is $orl'irrq slill irt
surprisc, ofc-.rpcctcd satisficriorl- Thc itscriptiors, so irr as rhcy irrc intclligiblc,
both labcl lrcl cornrucrrt, und on othcr cups orrr piintcr's figurcs arc sccrr to 'Ihc l)arsrlt or l.ouvtr Ci:,65 is rDotlrcr rrrild (:rncl lltc) 13rvgen, but
sjD!l ()r cry out u,ith rcal lcgcncls. SLrrprisinely, keios inscripriors lrc cxtrcnrcly , psh,rcl l-:7o"]. rn(l thc I)r\ OIr lrrr l'\rl\Llr,ANl',1^, ITY rll^r( \'i{orotl\
r-arc, bul the peiltcr rvas nor siugJe-rlincicd il hls choicc oflovc thcnrcs. L,r prolilic l:79,.:801.
A mrurbcr of othcr cup pliltcrs arc of rhc J3ryeos l)lintcr,s Circlc, sornc Thc prirtcr'l)()uRr\ 12.9/ .;ool eppcers k) hivc bccrl ,lt lc:r\t ls P)odll(ri\r
no lcsser rltists th:rlt lhc llllstcr but lcss prolific, lcss influcntiel, lDd tlrctc can r\ tllc llrygos Piuntcr, r'lth sornc lhlcc hundrccl vrscs :rrtributcd to hillr. I Ic
bc littlc cloubr to u,hont is owcd thc contrlotr stock of, poscs ald \rqDs thi, t\--rrinc vil\c! ls Pirintcr, or)c ()fthenr arls() Js poltcl, ltlcl etlotllcr lts
subjccts, cvcr) nruch of the dcreils oi xtriltoltry and drcss. Thc,rry i)ottcr rloDc. ln crrl,v c1l-vs hc \\1)rkcd for l(lcophrldcs and, it sc'cttts, Eu1.1.."
l)atNrln |.26.: 8l ':rrrcxccJlcrtartist:rvirhhisfbrciblc,sonrcrin)cscvcllbnrtxl. rrios, but throughout his circcr Ir- rr,'rs n,orkinq fo: drc potter P; rhorr, r,r,hosc
stvlchcolicncrluelsthc13rygosPainrer'(Llerzlcy) hrs e disrir)ctivc pcr.sorlelity. .Lrnrc irppcilrs irlonc oD thc pliiilr srclc ofthrcc ctrp licl. l)ouris' llelnc wrs oficrr
rJa) 137
lakcrl in v:rin. or very popuial. Wc slrv ir r.ritcn or1 dlc ctlp crrriL-d bv u girl on ll l-r.i.t 9ll Tondo borclcrs IloN .rrr,v thc clistinctivc Dorrrien silrr:lc
a cup by Orrcsirros Izz5]. ancl thc Oerrellino Painrcr. writcs it on I ticket orr onc nr:1c1rndcr lrl)c1 sqLrrrc pi1!lcrns. I hctc is comrtrorrly e pllrrlctlc conlPlc\
vusc encl ou thc dtcss offiglrrcs on otltclr; dtcn dtcrc is rhc ,farqcr-y'ou tltc ,rt citch ctrp hlllrdlc. :Lrrd lvhcrc rhc londo ltes e qlourlci linc lhcilrcir l)clow
Triptolcntos Puintcr's crrp, y('t to lrc lloticcd. rs Jcli pllir- Hippotlarnrs is thc'firvourite kllos tr:ttlc- This is I)otrtis rt
I)oulis r,r'rs u p:rirtcr ofcorsidcr.abIc cfiicicncy, cllulm lld cltrlluess. Somc lris 1rrost chlt.rctcristic lrrcl rccognisablc, though rror:rt his bcst. Hc lovcs
tinrcs his slirn, distincrivcli round-hc:rclcd liqtres carry an aur:r of Archaic tirll crrrves ol tlillrsll;rlcllt d pcry- Thick lr]ack hclrllirrcs :rrc prcfi'rrcrl
innocclce and onc canlot Llit tdntirc thc errcrsy and rhc itnparrilJity witlt iur(l \\.c t)cgnl to scc tllc liltc pettcrDillq ofgrouped lirrcs oD drcss H'
rvhich hc visits but rarcl,v errheDccs ct,cry gcnrc sllbjcct klo\1,n t() thc Littc bccu thottghr rcsporrsiblc f(r-:ur iltcrcst ill bxck vicws ofsvnlposi rstr
l-u9o] but hc is Iror othcrvu'lsc pirrticrllirlly iuvcntivc in poiltlrc.
Archeic lrtist. In his hrcr lrtrrk his pr cftincss bccorucs nrcrelv slick and rherc Thc
sccnrccl rro rc:lson whv hc slrould cvcr stop turniDg oul his rirthcr mcchrlrical sYnrposiorr lcgiirrs its Plilcc xs :t Prlnlc sttbjcct, togctircl with studi, s .ri
lud sh:rllor,r, pliirtiligs. His lonq clrccr runs fronr about 5oo to nclr .+6rl xnd \\':llriors :tlrd of youths irt school l:E9] (inclrrding I1r)rrhicll lltcr, with
ltis mood rrrust hevc cirirlccl rvcll rvirlr thc ncr, Early Clessicrl. llcrrklcs xttdckirrg his tulor Linos lz96l: Doticc lll:rt thc hcro, lhough
voLrDg, is irlrcadY fict cc-c1cd).
\r Lr9-5 Zl Thc lrrc vescs slqrrrl e [cttr]n ro thc orll;1rc. Thc torrclo irordcrs
b,v nou, h:rvc tu,o rrrecerldcr clcnlents trcl\t'ccn thc sqLl;1l cs, llot ollc' :rlld
,l\ \\'cll r\ lhc heDdlc plllDcttc wc scc ll()w lllolc lolltscs. LrslliillY u'llh
scpilretcd lcaivc\ \!hich sccrrl csPcciallv l)otll-iilr1, lnd cvc'n HorLlttls
blossortrs ir rhc iicld. Most ofltis srudics of u'olllen scclll letc. L)rcss hes
thc grotrpctl litrcs urorc olrctt. with sinlplcr hcrlrs, :llld on lrlxlc\ thc
hooLccl coll:rt trotrcs arc sccn tttorc rarcly.

.t- Ilis nr,vrh sccrrcs eppcrr lhroLl!lhotrt his career, will) no Pcrccptiblc Plttcrn.
llrcrc urc sonrc oclclitlcs, like thc clresorl rcgtlrgitllirlg Jlsorr l:,981 u'idr the
,,lden flcccc h:rngitrg beyond xnd Alheni wttching with hcl owl' This is 'r
llcrzlcy clistinquishccl li;ur nrain pcriocls in his,,vork bv critcrie which l r1(luc vilri:lltt on tllc Argollltut srorY. Hc clccorxtcs I li'lv orher shepcs His
sumnr:rrisc bclorv, adding obscrvlriorrs on ch:urgcs irr srvlc alrd sLlbjcat interr,st: , ,rlicsr signccl work, probilbl) bcfotc 5oo, is a rotrucl erybllJos [26:]. C)f his
I r thoi, onc rvhitc ground cxanrplc rcacntl,v recovcrccl cerricd irn cxccPrion-
(l) lzEl 7l This sccs Douris er his bcsr with Do lcss pronrisc lhan C)ncsrrrLos 11v, exccssivcll. ornl!c Arll:Intl | :911, still rurrrrirrg though in hcr Strndly bcst.
bcsiclc *hotl hc rney hrtvc set. Thc're is I tcndcncy to thc orlatc ill thc lhcLondonpsykterlzgg]isdcscrvcdlylenrousiorilsvcrsltllesxtyrsxtnplrrly
vrrictics ofbordcr pitrcrrr, includins thc p:rlnrctc lriezcs u,hich appclrcd ,,h-ollr x silt,vl plx,v (ollc drcsscd :I\ Hclrrres). His litcr:rc! is lrl.tll\ sidcd: 6on1
on solrlc of tllc l1reat litc si-\rh-ccnttrly cups, arrd t,,vicc hc adds I fisLrre rc cpic vcrsc ol thc scroll in the scllool sccnc [,2691 to rhe lovcr's whisPcr nr ]ris
lriczc routrcl :r tonrlo. Soruc toDclo contpolitioDs anLl nt vth sccncs hrvc a
's in a
t.-lsc siluiLti(nl 'kccP strll'[:97]. l)otllis u'ls irlflucnti:rl in thc Eerlv
quality of rrr ouu nr cutality rr,ltrrh rrourld r)or hj\(, LI\rjr.l(cd rhc filcr i .lersicrl pcriod. Vcrv ciose to hinr 1n his lrtcst rvork is rhc ()ttrrr'us PatN tlt,
pot pirirltcrs of thc dry. Ilis mouths :rrc per.llaulxrly cxprcssivc, oficD ,r 1r,.rsc nrnrc vllsc I sho\\' f3o t l: hcro ;rtrd sphirrx rvidriu, I slryr hrrlil,v orr rhc
rvilh sh:rrplv clorvnturncd lowcr lip.r (notc thc corrrrlst on l2d-ll). In rhis, ,,Lrtsiclc, rvirh:r child pcrh:rps bcing chtstcrrcd for the enlPty r','rlrc jrrr b.rrrX
end thc lcxt pcriod, Chililcstr:ltos is lhc flrvotrcd krlos nlmc. i.\tcd oD thc left.
(ll) l":8,s 7, 991 Tirc dccorrrlvc srrlirr rhirs rnd rnost tonclos h:rvc r)o l)orclcrs
'Ihc TRIlrorfM()s I)AlNrliR Iro2 7] is:ru ltcconlplis]rcd erld vcr-satilc rrrist
norv, but tbr rilrc cxpcrilltcnt wjth vrrictics ofsinqlc rlrcan,:lcr clcrnents n ho strrtcd as ] cLlp peilltcr [rtlt sool trll L-d to dccorltc thc lit]l reDqc of htgcr-
altcrrrxtjrq lvith scluar.cs. Arr ocLl fi'etrtrc is thc n,ltv hc rrorv bcqins tcr rcsscls, cspcci:rlly pclik:ri, strrlrnoi eDd collllllll cratcls, t:lvotlr-ccl bv Illrjr'r
qivc;r bold hook to thc jnncr crcl oicoller boncs. Gcncr.allv rhis is .rn puiutcrs ofthc clly. k is li>r rhc llrgcl v.iscs tilll hc rcsL'rves his studics ofnlyrh
c,irlv fi':lturc brrr J)oU:is cntplr.rrirr., tr lLr(r Il l)l\ t.rrccr (rltt LJrvsor .rnd Bcrzlc,v :rdmircd his ' nccorrrplishccl. stro11g, purc , c\plcssioll of I irlc
l):rintcr rnd his (lirclc, and M;ikron i{rored it). Sccucs u.irh vorrr}rs ericl Archric urt. His clrps, including soltlc \vith ro[]tlst crolic sulr.lccts l.7o.u l, h:rvc
..r'rl, r,-
"..r rrorr 1 r.r t. r r r d rn rl,. r..rrlr,.r .lr rrrkr.rr.: 1..rr r i. . lorc of I)orrrl! rhrn thc llrygos Pllir)tcr ill lhclrl. His cllrly rvork rlcccl hudl,v
r38 ru9
cletc c,rrlitr lhrr rhc 4so's. rnd rhc Edinbursh ctrp rvith (irecks frghrine
l)crsiel]s oD tb()t .ll](] horscbirck (dtc Eestcrtrcrs shooritrg 6!m thcir iloLlllts.
cvcn ro tltc rcxr) llrllsr jllustrate l.ccclrt Arhcnliul sLtcccsses [30-;]. His leter rvork,
includirrs llost ofhis larscr-vescs, is alrcady E:rrly Clessiciil, of:rbout,l7o. Orr
;rn rrlrphoril of Punathcn:tic shlpc Athcua is acting es scorer irl thc, garrcs,
rvith srylus errd $,rirnrs r:rblcr opcl [.7071. ()thc,r nry.rh scelcs a,rd fisurcr,ray
be as latc bur rcnr:rin sobcrll. Archaic in rnoocl end cixccutj,r,,; ,,, yr,.:.i.:rl',, ,,r,r.
like_rhc ranr 1:rbcllcd 'Patlroklos]' fbught ovcr bv Ajax ancl Hetor
Iloth p:rirrtinq ard pomirll link hjs work rvith l)our-is :rncl a cup th.rt hc plLrnrs rs
siqned as though printccl by 1)orrris. T'his is rot:r casc ofidcntity of:rrrists. nor
is it v-crv likcly rhat rhcy hld rhc srnrc n rnc. Ir rright hu ur .rrr.runt ic,l:cry
withiD thc u'orkshop, or I conrplil)rc'Dt paicl by thc senior pailrtcr.
MAt<toN IjoE /,91 cliliuls sonlc rhrcc hundrcd rrcl litiy lttriburcd v.rscs,
drc nrost prolific or rvcll prcscrvcd oirll u.rrl1 rcJ ti;ur.c rrtists. Hc si;Lrs orly
oDc,.possibJy two, vascs :ts ptiritcr, rncl sc,ents to hevc rvorkccj cxilusivcly
fbr thc pottcr Ilicron uhosc siqnxtLll.c:tppcitrs ol) ovcr tllirtv ot' ltrs vascs.
usuell,v inciscd ol prirtcd orr rhc hrrrll,:r. Hrr rs r f.rr rorrqhcr lr.,ni rh.rrr I rouris,,
his lrqurcs hclvicr, but or) soDlc of his bcst u,orks espccirlly skl,phoi
-;o9l rvhcrc hc is cerchrl too, tltc ellct crrn bc iltprcssivc en.l r-tlni. His hcacls
tcnd to I lor.r, br-ou, lucl flat skull, lncl hc is lond ofhair in scp:rr:rrc locks,
slrEgcsting bruDctlc or blonclc, fbt borh Dtcn rtrcl lvortrcD. ()D thc bcst vascs
hc lovcs clctaiiirg ciccorltion, oticu 6eurcd, orl frrrr)it!u.c. drcsscs lnd skins
l7o9,.ii rl. Hc is bcst at wonlcl's drc\s. r\prc\\rn,l rh( Lrrlin,.vrnc hrlds,,n cllnc-
carc and vlricry- (ionrperc drc nrlctads' clrcss on his Bcrlin cLrf
l-;i rl rvith rhc
clull prccision ofthcse dctirils on r)rLrch corltcnrporery r,,,ork. Fot lup r.r,rdix h"
rdnrirlccl onlv thc rcgul:lI nlircll)dcr rr b,rr.l,.r \^nl(.Lup Jt.rndlts {ct r ir.ilrtrc
\vork of rcscrvcd-hcert pilllucttcs, solltc plLts spik,v icavcd lot,,r"r, ,r. ln
,1j.t ()ttt li,rr(Llb), t)tithno:.1\'ILts and tItrt:
occlsiourl ivy trr:urch benceth thcnr. His cerly rvork is lcss iirll,v dccot;rtcd.
My rh cllrms fi-rv ofhis vascs, and on thcsc thc l rojln cyclc outnunrber.s :ri1
othcr'\, brrt thcrc rre lo ruarkcclly original cotnpositions, cxccpt fbr ilclir,iclual
flr:rrrcs \vhich hrve e ccrtairr casual c:rs.l. M,,rt ,rl'1,i, ,rtlr", ur.r,.r1rs ,rt
nrclr! wonrc.D end yotrdts, cl:rrrcinq or pessinu thc rilrc of","r"s'."r.y
cll,v togctll.r u,,irh e
rrrtnrbcr ofthc uslul I)ionvsi:rc, symposion and;ithlctc Arnu,,ta
hc rnurcs Hippodanras mc1 Hikcrcs rs kalos, nenrc.s firirlli,rr fronr lfotrris,
latcr.crrccl M:rkrorr rves l yoLllllcr-rrr;rn, probably r,vor-kiuE ind rvorkirrs
haltll rrreinJy in thc 43o's:urcl r lirtlc llrci.

"o t

,rr ':il 11' t' -l rlttittt

,, t Cul, Ptun)-l), ritir

,16 (:rputh. N tol'
tr 'ti a!.\rtd

:ti Otp by rht L|<tsit

I \t it t(. W h; t t .\\\\ d.

zrt Oqbt th( B'y.r.!

l,tihkr Whit..t,o d 5..
---'Lll, l'l' '
: ) \'itI)'t).t'r 1tl

t ,,tt l),'t.' tt.,-... t. t|ttr-.L.

: . .Il l,) t)t1t t11,,,

2)J., ()nt\i& i, r:J r /l,,,,r,r,,r/r .\[itr n t PMht\tt\

,r6 ()Ut hy () ttit r\

,,7 1, , Ctq hy (t16i' o\ /tt c, t t )-, ,.1 .,..,. H.,r(r -.. l!t,. . t ,tl't,t.t.

22r ,)l' ,r(,.,/ /rl !r,,,\I ,J

)i, aq hy ()ntsin \. Athill.i kills 7 ftil,'\

,29 ()tt by (rr'\it r' int\nr \!N t ) tr t ltt 1),()tr t L1\

zit (hp bt O .\it o5
,)j Ctr lty O .\n o!. ll1tittu

I:t,t) l)y ttu Coln Pnt tct

,)a Ky h.\ l1),()n6r o\. R?.l'X. H to J

,tq Statul by ttu Ant\*a

, j6 Ott by th C.ltn hlitto

,.17 ()tt,lrtth(Bo pai ttl._ Dt,.ah t

,jl Otp ht llLt A titr)tl l)ri t0

,15.1 Cry hy th. Bt),ro\ ]\i'n(. I'hrili.\ n d Briail

)12 ()tp ht tlk A 4nvt thi lu lf . .11

,1j (: l l)) lr lltith t l)'tiltt' ,1a Cup L)y th. Cn!( l,dind (a t !t,) t. ) Ottsitl. t)| ,15.1.Duthttl l'rit"
,16 Skypha\ lty tht tttYr.!
Pdid.r. Rdnlon af H!.tat

49 L&lha\ by th. Bt),ra! I'dnt.r

!1lLttu,,ilt iphldstnn- H. .J1

46 Cp by tht Bryrot Pni t0. Ajrx

,j7 Crt hy th lltyqo\ 1)rr rt ()trrtut .kr ttu ot an nt Adti t\ zao Cup l,y the lhy.eo\ Pdilnd. Klytdit k.\tr
,51 Cry l,y nk Btt.:{o! I,nilt,l\. run (: trith lt. alttk rl Afolh)

:j1.1 J (:rt by lln Bt)'. r\ l\r" (. lf.3,

. 5) t ( :tj) hy th( Bt)'.::n\ 1\1in... Sr\..\ nlr(k H\ r tf ]7.,


,52.2 R.rtr\' il 2:r. i .!,/l^ drr.l ,l/ir

,:1 Cup lry th( Btt.t\i\ hti! t

,55 Cry h), tk Bty.t:os

i / l:'6 ?'&,:;a'"$
ttli),!o ( uk)hy th. Brylo\ I\tittt.t ,5it ]<h)\o l uk) hy tr Bt).qo! Pdino-

,5ti Cry lrt ttu Brylr' lrni t.t. Dittiy!)! S( ,1it l ir\ill i, \l )t/r " l) nr Bty,to 1'tint,t ,!r t'ryLy ni' FrI-q,r /',ntat
t,) t ()il ht tln L:ol dry l\ti n l"r"n r.! )
t l, thr^^,5 n d 1'hni\

| | t\tttidt il :6.!.1.
. ,ir!,. i/r)rlr/i.f I'tl. ro 5

]6i Knl.lhril tr\ lrt ltu B'y!r\ P,tiitttr ,lln \t\ r Ll Srpph.. H. ,5.J

'fil -::
,6t Ory by th. FrL rl

,61 Crt by tht I:o nhy

,65 Cry L)y th. Il.n dtf

t t ( )tl'lty th. I:rndry hnnu

1 t ,tlrtlb( hy th( l,ltllt.lry PLlittltt.11'h'tL
i t,l |Yohr yit,wtr. H.,, ,

,63 Crt b), th Fo tlry Pnnn(

| ) t ry l)y ttu Funlt),t)rrtu (?). Iht\tt!

27o Crt by tht Bti\ti\ hlltn.r (nn k ns(). Btiyi\ l.t liotl Athill(!

,7! 1,, {) p by t| Btistl\ hin(

,7, ()tt lty tli L i!i\ l\tn1tt\ 271 Ctp h), ttu lttist:A l\|nltu. ll/hit rtur,tl 271-1, , CdLt'\ tntlr l)y tht Drlli1rt\it hti tLl 1) th ,'l Aqdnon an; Dtatl ol lli,qistho!. H 5t
,75 t. ( |! IAnndttt hy thl
I)nl.i t 'Bt Pn| t t H t]-:

\ ( )ry l,y th. I'd tt1 of Lotrt( C ,65

) ()e L'f tfu Pn n0 t'l tu ht^

| .t\\rnoturhy Ctik d tl P$it s

,tt: Crt by tht Dokil,ldlid ,8o.i Cry hy th( ta1i11t0 al tht hlti\
(iildnk nalty ( a,(rn\t). Pasid dndti tt

277 SnM oi l,t tfu Dollina\it ,\..i Orriil. ,r'-rdo r Coli /.Dn,!i,sd,)
Pdi (. Dulh..lOryhu\
,Et Crp !ipnLl hy Douti, ,85. t Crp sillt.l l)y Dnntl\. lhitt.q lLt tlk ntnon rl
A.hillL\- W- t1 E

2E5 2 I'tltit\'\)l ,ut-1- Odysar: rcttrs anan ol AtlLillt

,r, h)lall\ i.t|, tl Ly t\ ru,

,66 Cltt \it ul by Dortr

,ili Crt I'y Dotti\

?d7 al,/) Ji(r.,/ /,r DorrA Tlk\!u\ a tl ttu Krcn"11lt ridx J.rr ixl S'rii

,8iJ Ctp lry ])r"ri\. Jn!,t .li'ror!!d q tu ;Athoa.Lr 10

,E9 C|p !i.qn.d l,y Dauri\ *haal ,9) Crt \i,qitd hY Doutis

29J C p Ly Do ril I t(!tthr\ [y l)o tit.

r9x (ar,/&r)J 1rl,t. c' iiq,r/
l) Dotti\. lltutkb\ r t A R;o \

,95.1 (:lry l't D.|ti!

l\'rtuth(r did Hul

2q5-2 Ortsi& t)l 295 1.

Rt r11 \tl Hcthri\h:

,oo r. r i \llrr1 \,(,r!,1/f /r,,r.

,9( (:rt' by Drri\- llu?l/,! d,,11-,,,f

r ( )q ir tltu rtrt.t ol t). ti5

rt tht hrul rl1h. Su
ta1-r ()tp l') th( ()ilvt\ Pthiti .to.j., Oitlit| ol 3o.t.). ()'(lr d,, P.rii,xr

.10L- lt .ior ol 1a1.1

()itlqu: ni tu Syhut.t

to1. t Strrto\bth Itiptifu r!Poittr. Nli\tn h Athill.\

10, Citt ht lt liilrloh)t l\rt tt to1.l Crplryth Itiroh a!l\ nd. lo.,r..? R.rtr.,..iJ0l 1 Ain! kl Httt\
.1ot Ctt by ttu TriN.tor^ lr,jnth.t

ta6 Cnly.\ thut' Ly nn

'l'tithtlorot P,ti't{ Dnt ntl tlt

iiJ., .Sl),/,roj ri(,.,1 /,I .\7akrot t'dt^ lLttls Htln rad.2 /l(r(h.,, lo.e.r. Mori a,s rt'r'otrs

Jo' t r,nL lh , nnryh\ tr I I tln

Tnl\ 'h o, I'rit tt 1th, r ht l trl,1,t-
H. +ts

1a9 Sly|/ror ly }Ialut

1o7., Rtrt^. ol ia7.1 Athtit,
ot! bt l|1nkj1tt.J .qo,. t ttpari\

ttt Crp b), l\lnktu t. Wotltip t)l Dirity \

11.1 Cul bt Mdktuu

j12 C p by Mnkrot. llt. 12.5

t | ()q l,y Nldkto . SdLyt tldylr )t5 (:nt [y Mdkra


lr , not possible to rekc thc f'ull ntclsttlc of drc E:trly Classicel stylc in rccl
I rre il this book, bur mc[c]y ft) introdllcc it:rncl to studv thc llst throcs ol_
\,,lr.risrn bcforc thr.'rlid fitih ccltluy- Thc pcriod is onc rvhich sccs I con-
i,J, r,ll)lc incrcxsc itr ectivity ill thc portcrs' qllilttcr, witil lllorc llulllclotls
, l,t)rts to North rDd South ltlly (albcit lirvcr to Etrulia eiicl thc dclcet ofthc
I llLrs.arls i1l ()u:nlc by thc (lrccks ofsyrlctlsc lrrd (lunlrc lll :lbotlt,+7'+ B(),
,l st],listl.rlly a grorviDg dcpendcrrcc- on thc cx:rrnple of ltlljor peintitll; irr
( rrk sil cturuics anci public Lluildtngs. Wc havc cnlcrcd thc pcriod nLcrl
l, Lrrrtcr s rvcrc lbr thc i_rl st lilllc t' ar_lisls
ill arlliquity butstillnotthcv.rsc
l,rrntcr\. Thc rcrv tnood ancl thcrlrcs of thc Early Cl;rssicel clnrrot bc lirlly
Lr rllcd hcrc lror thc cilccls of nlljor peiuturg, bur sonrcthillg oi tLrc rrcrv
rrr.rnr)crs irl dr:rrviDg carl. A1l rhe groups prcscntccl dcperld, in varyirlt clcgrccs,
rrU l\l , i,) 1r,1,r,,r Er,,tu lL l) ()q ,, r thc Archtic. Thc Menucrists itrdulgc tllc Pltlcrrrs ofArchric, withoLrr il\
117 hy ltlak ,l
r'.rrt, with thc c-\ccption oforlc rl)llslcr, thc Pan Paintcr, arld the pot iiDcl ctlP
l, riuLcrs choscrr erc' pupils, ltlritators or
follorvcrs of thc qrcatcr Lete Ar'h ri'
Lrri\ts, l]or thctttsclvcs Dlilstcl-s, bl-1t bcari[q sul]icient i:rclicetion for us ofthc
. r' .t) 1.. 1,, rtL r prr.ri'ud Lr.rtlr.'r..

l'hc Err'lv Clhssictl st,vlc cxpresscs rI ncw cthos ro which Archlic dclight il
l).ltlcrns ol rnirtoltly or drcss collrributcs nothil1q, b t rvhich could
build on
Alchaic cxp.:rinrcnt irr subtlct,v ofposc ancl colllPositlol to rctlclcr tlrood or
,nrotion. llrrt thc ptttclr)s of Archaisnr rvcrc tlor qnickly abarrdoDccl lrld
!cntulics lalcl thcy could srill infcrrnr :r viqorous sculprtlr:r1 st,v1c. Ll thc,17o's
lhc cxh;lustioD ofArcheism and dlc protttisc ofnc$'stylcs lcft.rtists with :l
r'hoicc bctr,r,cen cornlllitrl)crlt lo thc l1cw, or lllc colrtillLlilticlIr ofrhc olc1, lvhcrc,
u,ith thc hcart gonc, otrly thc trlppirrgs could srill clltclliiin. All thc olcl 'rrri'r'
\\clc:lffcctcd by the changc and bccorne'sub-Archaic'in thcir lercl work,
nor:rbly thosc rvho hrd bcst cxprcssccl the Latc Archeic noocl, cven thc Ilcr lin
Peinter. C)rhcrs, end thcir pupils, rvho rcrrtairrcd colnrtljttcd to tltc olcl hrvc
bccn callccl 'Mrnllct-ists' bccltsc sotlrc oi thc c1u:rlitics of lhcir rvork erc
rccllJcd b,v MltrtrcLlst rilovclllllltls iu orllcr pcriods ofart. PhysicelJy this srrb-
, .,1tyb.ll.\ L), lttl! \t l).y\ ltittt tut dwilt\. H r19
t lit.1, 6.1

lr , not possible to rekc thc f'ull ntclsttlc of drc E:trly Classicel stylc in rccl
I rre il this book, bur mc[c]y ft) introdllcc it:rncl to studv thc llst throcs ol_
\,,lr.risrn bcforc thr.'rlid fitih ccltluy- Thc pcriod is onc rvhich sccs I con-
i,J, r,ll)lc incrcxsc itr ectivity ill thc portcrs' qllilttcr, witil lllorc llulllclotls
, l,t)rts to North rDd South ltlly (albcit lirvcr to Etrulia eiicl thc dclcet ofthc
I llLrs.arls i1l ()u:nlc by thc (lrccks ofsyrlctlsc lrrd (lunlrc lll :lbotlt,+7'+ B(),
,l st],listl.rlly a grorviDg dcpendcrrcc- on thc cx:rrnple of ltlljor peintitll; irr
( rrk sil cturuics anci public Lluildtngs. Wc havc cnlcrcd thc pcriod nLcrl
l, Lrrrtcr s rvcrc lbr thc i_rl st lilllc t' ar_lisls
ill arlliquity butstillnotthcv.rsc
l,rrntcr\. Thc rcrv tnood ancl thcrlrcs of thc Early Cl;rssicel clnrrot bc lirlly
Lr rllcd hcrc lror thc cilccls of nlljor peiuturg, bur sonrcthillg oi tLrc rrcrv
rrr.rnr)crs irl dr:rrviDg carl. A1l rhe groups prcscntccl dcperld, in varyirlt clcgrccs,
rrU l\l , i,) 1r,1,r,,r Er,,tu lL l) ()q ,, r thc Archtic. Thc Menucrists itrdulgc tllc Pltlcrrrs ofArchric, withoLrr il\
117 hy ltlak ,l
r'.rrt, with thc c-\ccption oforlc rl)llslcr, thc Pan Paintcr, arld the pot iiDcl ctlP
l, riuLcrs choscrr erc' pupils, ltlritators or
follorvcrs of thc qrcatcr Lete Ar'h ri'
Lrri\ts, l]or thctttsclvcs Dlilstcl-s, bl-1t bcari[q sul]icient i:rclicetion for us ofthc
. r' .t) 1.. 1,, rtL r prr.ri'ud Lr.rtlr.'r..

l'hc Err'lv Clhssictl st,vlc cxpresscs rI ncw cthos ro which Archlic dclight il
l).ltlcrns ol rnirtoltly or drcss collrributcs nothil1q, b t rvhich could
build on
Alchaic cxp.:rinrcnt irr subtlct,v ofposc ancl colllPositlol to rctlclcr tlrood or
,nrotion. llrrt thc ptttclr)s of Archaisnr rvcrc tlor qnickly abarrdoDccl lrld
!cntulics lalcl thcy could srill infcrrnr :r viqorous sculprtlr:r1 st,v1c. Ll thc,17o's
lhc cxh;lustioD ofArcheism and dlc protttisc ofnc$'stylcs lcft.rtists with :l
r'hoicc bctr,r,cen cornlllitrl)crlt lo thc l1cw, or lllc colrtillLlilticlIr ofrhc olc1, lvhcrc,
u,ith thc hcart gonc, otrly thc trlppirrgs could srill clltclliiin. All thc olcl 'rrri'r'
\\clc:lffcctcd by the changc and bccorne'sub-Archaic'in thcir lercl work,
nor:rbly thosc rvho hrd bcst cxprcssccl the Latc Archeic noocl, cven thc Ilcr lin
Peinter. C)rhcrs, end thcir pupils, rvho rcrrtairrcd colnrtljttcd to tltc olcl hrvc
bccn callccl 'Mrnllct-ists' bccltsc sotlrc oi thc c1u:rlitics of lhcir rvork erc
rccllJcd b,v MltrtrcLlst rilovclllllltls iu orllcr pcriods ofart. PhysicelJy this srrb-
, .,1tyb.ll.\ L), lttl! \t l).y\ ltittt tut dwilt\. H r19
t lit.1, 6.1
Alchric M,rtrncrisrr Dl:ty bc r.e:rdcrcd by sllrlnrer ligurcs, sntrllcr hceil.,, r l,r1\ lhxt IScezlcy's'sub-Arcllxic' llls not wo snpP()rt- Hc w rs rv"rlrrrrl
c\egscriltioll ()l qcstLllc, cxploitiltion ofpaftcrn i| cL.ess lor its orvrr s:rkc wirlr of Arcltaic coruposltioll .trrtl 1'-rttcrrr tl'' r'
)ittlc rcgerri to rhc rilrturxl lirrnrs r,r,hich hacl inspircd rhc Arch:ric schcnrus; rrr
', ,,lr bl.ebotrt 48o, his treetntcnt
thc Mlrpessir vese [;36] L:rtcrlrc rlirres t'r tlr'
;, ,1, 1,' rethcl Prccious, as on
nroocl it is rcndcrcd tr_v rrivialitv ofsub.jcct, rvirh e touch of rhc thcatric:rl (rrr
,l, ,,!i.uv pattcrns alld llorals of Letc Archaisll), rlotirbly c'lc'1it rrr lx)t'lt l
thc nrodcrn scnsc) ir thc trcatrncnt ofrnygfi. Thcrc rvcre h-accs of Menn,:risrrr \rrlirl
ln thc' work ot'sonrc xrti-sts alrcady bet'brc 4llo ancl r,r,c c:rn sec, n,hich worksltol, 1, , r' ancl cleborated lotuses includirrg thc ncwly rcvivcd str'riqlrt
, ,, Lr. rnd lrc givcs sornc pelnlc'lte lcrves spincs. Thc ovol() t(x) is bv rr"tu '
brcd its nrost devotcd adhcrcnts. Thcsc rvc considcr 6rst. Onc nrajol xrtist, tl)r.
,, ,,,,,,", borJ", 1r^ttcrtr. His best sccncs heve a turiquc thc;rtIi'rlllv rlr ll)t
Pen Prinrcr, nradc a virtuc of Mannerisnr, :rud his work is in a roLrllv dillcrert
class, but it is a syrnptoli of lhc sanru lrsr tl,rurrish rri ,.vh:rt , prrrbrbly rlrr.
l, . ., rsc, bcitrg en jllPr()vclllcllt ou lifc. Yott cen alnlost llc:rr-thc htrrtl' ''r"l
rllost lrrritflrl rncl c-rciting pcriod ofrcd fisure vesc pairrring in Athcus. distiDctivc. Proportions tend to tllc slirrr' l)trt Ir()l
',,, , 's vivid. His dratving
.. Ihc Mannerisrs rrc p:rinters nlainly,,i tolnltn ,:rrtcrs. ptJtk.Li .rtrd hyrlri,rr
(kalpides). On thcsc rhe sccncs ilrc gcncrally lranrcd with thc old bllc.k ivt
, . .,,'ivclv, encl rhc Archaic Pattcrrrs of dress arc vericd btrt sclclorrr ill'rgicrrl
,r , , tolcls crrding in cr1 \\'11'v lincs, rlot Tigzags. His hcxds arc slll:rll' roLrrr(1.
pafterns, aDd rvith rorvs ofblack buds xs bordcrs, on cretcr llccks, Ur "r65
,r rlr iirll chir s. sirort noscs, thick nccks, bcecly cyes. Hc is circfil with lrrrrtorrrv
bctweeir thc hydria hlrdlcs. Diolysi:rc or konros lncl sl.rnposiol sccr., , 1, r Lr1, o ficu addrng cxPrcssivc cxlra lio es alld ercs on arl1ls iuld nccks
'fhc Ir
:tccoLlnt for rlrost ofthciI plrirllirlg, with a ferv, old-irshioncd, nr ytl,, ,, rrr' coller boncs is sonctitlres dct]chcd. Fissurcs itl rocks arc clclialltly
Thc shapes, prttems and rlrilny sccllcs are lhose of Mysor, end rt hjs bcnch tlrr .rr ,.cLl [135, 1141.
carly Mrnncrists ieentcd rhcir crafi. Thc prc pAtNl !R t z tl ts onc of tlrc
1.1 9
first and Bcezley lound il nor clsy ro sly \r,hcrc hc, bcsini aud M1,son encls. For
l dcltonstrarion of Mrnncrism look at thc illogicrl u.,avy borclcis to the nre,,.,,
himetion on [3.2o] and rhc boy's proportions. Noticci his spccirl rrnphorir
shapc j;i91.The LENTNcIAD PATNILR l-j22-61 ciul menrsc nar;ltivc bettir Lrrrr
the ernlciation ofthe ligurcs on [.;24/ is riv.rllcil only bf rhrr ot rhr ,,.tsc irsclt.
His v;rsc rvorkshop, visircd by Nikai (noticc thc swiDs of thcir clrcss) lrtl
Athcna is an inrportart sccnc, not lcast for thc worlral ;at'tsrlJrl rr thc risht
l 1:3]. 'No_r l) itvcragc day in thc Manncrist workshop, rcruarkcrl l3e,rz1'cy.
iplopos of thc vasc shlpcs, brLt derails of shapc and clisposition of patcrrr bcll cralcr ill Boston, ntusl hrvc beerr pxintcd il1 thc 46o's,
I lis rrarllc v:lsc. a
sLrsgesr dlat rhis is a nrN;rl-\,asc studio, \\,jth cltisinq arrd ril.lmg i, p|og."r, by a rustic idol to pursuc a
1,,,b;rb1-v carly Ir,,-5]. It givcs us Parl, inspircd
Thc satyr cebinct-nrakcrs on [325] probably illustratc Acichl,lus, saiyr phy, ,,,1"1,. n"ru r,-,b.j"ct, 1l conlpirativciy ncrv gocl lbr Attic art Obscrvc thc
thc ThaltwLtpoiLti. rlrr,:e hcrds - rrortal booby, anirnll divinity, poP-cycd synlbol of country
()thcl c.r1y Mlnncrists of yct slightcr qr.rllity rcprcscntcd hcrc arc thc
ir .r1tcrs. Nolice hor'r, thc artist ttscs iris brush thc cap, goatskl cloak, Pan's
At;nrc;lNro ParNrr,u [327, ,2d], OTNANTHL pArN'Ir.r encl plnslus
Ir29] 1,, rtl. rocks. On thc othcr sidc Artcrris thrc:rtcl)s with hcr bow es she swccps
Parrrur[;;o] r,",ithsonrcpicccsLnlxttached[11r
l,r\r Akt:rion, torn by his dogs, an lru flung up ir :rliorry. Thcrc-hes
4]. Sorrrc of thesc u,orks musr bccn
bc rs larc as thc ,15o's and thcy have \Lreau\s,,rs! ro rh( uncl ,rt the tcrrtur v, not
,,,,rhing in rhe convcntjons ofrccl6gure to lcad us to belicve thxt such a mood
consiclcrcd lterc. It is iltclcstinq ru rlrrfi.r rh.lf rhc lound.l \uL,ultcl
,,, cornpositiorr wts P()ssilllc or cvcn adDlisslblc But, lbr allecration noti'c
rrrarker in Italy (cxccpr Etruril) then ilrost ofthcir aorltcnlporarics.
rl,. slirrincss of thc gocldcss end tlre tiny dolis; col)lr:Ist thc sr:rckcd nrultiplc
llesidc thesc drc P,rN P,rrN.r.ln is a parrqon [:-;-s ,1q]. Though with sorllc .,riz.t!;s of Artcrnis' hinr a tiotr, with the shakcn-out folds oIher skirt, with thc
prcfercrcc for thc Marrnerist shapcs lrc also dccoratcs thc f;llcsr possiblc
r..lo.king hook lolds on Aktiion's cloak, :rud thcn recall the sr'virling
rensc of vascs including nrany lckythoi (sorne whitc ground), clrp;, sor)rc patrcrrr frrr
ilrlrphor:1c alrd a serics ofculr loutrophoroi. His ratigc ofsubjccts is unrivallcd
l,rttcnr ofihc boy's clrcss on thc othcr side of thc vise. This is
l, rtrcrn's sakc, but divc: sc arld subordineted to figurc end thcrnc' Wc havc an
all rypcs ofgenrc, |tyth sccDcs ancl fiSur(\ r( or rtrvtntcd. Arrronrj thesc , ulicr lrcatn)cDt ofthc Akteion story by our irrlist 1337-r], rvherc hc givcs rhc
rvc rnay pick out scvcral of suc:.ificc [340] or.r.,,ith religious thcrnes, bur our lrLrntcr a dccrskin bocly-stocking lor his clogs to worry and tclr-
irtist is ro puritan [346]. If Myson's followcrs havc lcnirhe tcrrn .Manrlcrisr'
The Athcns pclike with Hcrtklcs Frqhtiuq the scrvar)ts oflSusiris [3;t6] nrry
l pejoriltive ncaning, rhen the Pen Painter dcservcs some othcr epirhct an.:l it 1,, :r little earlicr tharr rhe Pln vasc, llrcl is Do lcss clrerDtlic iIl mood Novcl
r8o rilr
I Ktlpi! by tlt L,: i !rt!] Pthnt t/d| lItllJDP

ita -\,J tuth,rrl\th, p4t', tilt,.Tln,

\ tn,,. H il
,t1tl 1\
J,a (:.htn M1( by 1lt pi.q pai ttt

t2t (:tlt it t'dtt' l,),tht l,il t\r1ttut r.ra l:r4,rj /,I rr( L.xn1(rnd Prin( 1'npilh5 lKri 'r')
t22 Collr ndtu I'y tht.LalirytuLt l\titut rrl Nuk anrylnr'|t)v ttu I'"rytdl Pdi'ttt1
"iikt n lttutluYl. H. 50
Ird llrilr l,), rh. i'trv,J
l\ no. Hnn. H- 20

.J,? Krli5 by tli lqiantu ltri r\.

H.nrt5,Ar!.\n t1o

t,tt Knlpi\ b),tu A.\ri.q1tu l,dntk1.

t29 Krl,it ht tfu Onldnth. t\tith,r

-1r, l\'1itu, ),1r &'i5t. ,4.ltillLi t.irt! 4r d kati

1i5.1 lltll trlto'hytht Pt r L\1i1tttr l a trn\') hr ntld b'y H'l7')

jt) {)rlr ItLhntt,Ll. ri),t ()ltrt ,lrt /)r,!rf\)r l/..i().5 L(lytha! i\1d 0in H )9.2 rrs i R.roJr./ir5.r 1r!t i! nn,l .4ktrit)t


1.16 P.lik by th( Pd Pri ttt Hodkt.! o d Br\ni,

JalZ 1 llaLrt. oak\ by thc l\111 lrai n\ Art. ti! r d Aktdjon

irir /l,rr,! nl tt/-.t 1)ir l\,:r tlia t i1E-t,) l)i,kt(rby ttu\'dnPdi to. ANLIa li.Chl\ Iddjji'r M/{"Jjd
1io Colunn (db hy ttu l\ ]\titt

ttl Oi oJat by tht Pt ht tttl

lhr.t\ d l ()tuithtir

: tj Lltll .1(t l')' th' l\t|P'rn'tua l)id')'n'J

tt t ,)tti|i h)'tt( h l)ri ttt

119 Nrl,l rtqnnrtu lrl tlr 1\u l\tifitt 1a, C.hon mtu hy *( Pdn Pa" (
Z\:n lCity \h
l' Nalr r lhan l)y thl I'd Pa" 't N'tuitl
irr lri-
,,1,,,rvrtion rlliun - thc btld, circulncrrcd Africaus' ancl inclulgcncc 'rr'
i,r rr r.ll pattc;lr on rhc lltlr. (lcstures lre cxxgccr:ltcd no- hrrthcr tlr 'rr

,,,1Lrr'cd to dcmonslratc thc barba;lrrlr' dltrlr'rr'' Ctrrlll' rr'rblc qtr'lrtics rlr-c

,1,. ,rrihlc il1 other acliorl sccires whcla Ar'h'lit vigour lr erllrlnrtti
hv rhis
L , l. sophisricatcd llair u'id-r linc encl dress-
llis l'ntcst work lacks bitc (es l:+t.:++' 3161), thc sharp relieflirrc is less
,,, rlrrlv ust'd and rhetu rs.L rc\elsion to nlorc formal Archaic pattcrn' but
, L ,,,nirious no\\ iltld nlort tlul\ mannclcd 'Thc Paintcr bcgins:rs I tuln_
., r\r. llrd crlds es it ltrtlnerlst. Bctu'cen hc is rnol c' (t3eazlcy) Thc M:lllll'
r istr

eni ection in an Athcns wherc muralists' v'tsc Pxinr('l!
',"i",tr.t" ofp"rtcrr-r *"." workjrrs lowards the ncrv Clessical idcrlism Hc
, ,1. a;;", .lolpi,rr,
,, l,f fr"r" fi,ll,r*'".s of qt,^lity ilt such a clitllatc bttt il w's 6tljn!5 thit lhc
rrr grcrl exponcnt of thc Archaic \{:r\ :rls() one of its lnasters'

l'ot painters
i16 Dtb\ l)y th( Pa Pnttlt
bcci iln ilnportant \h rPr in the flrst Lltlrrtrl ol the cn lury
( xnd
I L,, srennos hacl
rJrrnl.rirr'\n.rltl ollgh lll.U"l 'rrll'r'ttlll prelur th''l'rrgur'r'rtLr''rllJt
;,,', .""rit .tfror, if," ,''i' of lru 't:r rrr rro' t r b"trrc lt 'rt It rl\ 'r)olessicrl
\ \crv( d t
r '

,,,, ,l"a;.^rr" j,ff.r.,,t p,-,rp,,"" from lhcm. [350[ is I finc Early

,ui'L,i .,. '.,1., *Lr 'i"''t h'rrc buerr J Prrprl''r llrc,Ucrlrn P'rtntr:r'

of thc Pa.INTtilt oF MUNI( 11 241 ' Thc L hr ld Eri' h rhonror' r forrndcr

,, ,,,rc'vasc -l

i ;;il;; i, rift"a Uy Mothcr E'rrrh (Gc) irrro thc rtrrrr of Athcna'

fr,u e god and by irotes poiscd on thc tcnclrils
by thc vase h:rrrdlcs'
r r,, -oa o..rb"frlv Ucph.tistos, rhc donor father ofthc child (born fronl scnlelr
, l,.i:'; I;;;.,'r'i,,,ilr- ,r" t<la" 'rrr( rrrprud rrr( or Ath(nrr'i'Jrosrrirrthc
lll ( '- r'rl ( )l\ I I] pl'l'
. L\!,\\.ot \\ |l rt uu re\ oqrrt.c.t\ rhc I rl l1 t il.r*ii rl irl 'crrlfl
tlr., rrrorr'
' ,u.i,:l,r .,rlr. bodr irghtlr 'hrftcd on Irr urr\ l(): hrrl wrtlrorrL rrnrts
, ,pfr"ii. f"S.r.rrri,-rg o, p"rittitivc lorttho'tcnirrs ofr'rrli'r The posc
by light
, , ,]ir,,-.'a pl"rtibi - ai that oFthc Eros bchrnd hiru rrrd rcudur'd
,,,,irrrt aain""tlon of anxtonry in prinr uhi'h rs unlhrrtntd bur.rpplicd irr

: ;,. i:.,;i,; b,. ,..r..,rc ',-[... Drt'rr c.rrrtts rhu 'wccuirrs hool' ''nd
.,..| i,,"." f"r1. *i,i.h ', 't 'l'" lr' rricr dr'rp' rr 'r.d p''plo'-rtc'rinr 6grrrur
(\errl rhc-cliJrrusl brcek
,,i l."riy Cf""i*f in sculpture too md *Lch Icpl
arc widc, livcly' in good pro6lc vicw witlr
,' ,rl, A..hai. pettcln. Thc: cycs
.,,,:"i*irl,,rry*iia, its top cclge nrarkcd, but the pupil sti11,r;rinly circtrlar.
'-ii" attist HETMoN^x
Er-i.l-r,f*rni"t v^.. w"s-1o"g to"sidered tbc work of the
*rrrg di"n' t'tr it rr''w"rrrd lor 'rll rl ' trrrri-
rr ..ho1,.r., *,11 l!q.rzlc1 ' bl'
little irr Hur),or)rx to susqe\t th'rt hc wirs
l,;;ri";-;; r;;" rhere is cnoug-h
.,..,b1. oi rlir' .tL'.,litv I i5 r al' Hc ii"n' f'rrnr'rnrn"i fir''
pclrk ri rrr'l r ' rrl''
t,f, tr..|.
'i."", ttt hi' f"t'or'Iritc shiPes - 11ot thc big.cratcrs erttl
""rpt in rilu:rl loutrophoroi
lrc clecoratcs sonlc sllul]er vases as wcll as a spcciel linc

lt7 L.kfthas by tl l,dt P,ti t.' t.jE Ltkylb\ hy th( Pn 149 l)tli/|. bt tht H Priittu.
/'j,rnrd'. Nilr. H. J! lri'lJr"r rf i/r.{.l.(.,r.i,,,
grlvcs al)d dedicilliolls otr rlr, \vrrrior
'1.'p;;r;;,' [;orl' pre<urn'hl1 for dcdiL]tlon
cr-Ittillg oll:r forelock Prr)vidcs
(h( p'rrr1t''' '
with filllcrxl or wcdding scerres for honrc usc : roi ,a;'pr.,r,,f ''"'""' uhr',h \(rrr"rrorherol
thc Acropolis. Beazlcy salv him as a pupil ofthc tserlin Peintc'r, lnd we r',rtr J\k'rln',"n tlrc hurrtr"rr
glirnpsc the rnood of thc master's cool figurcs cspecially on thc Nol:rr);rrrr
,,, r..r\. Ihr Nrxur l,arrrrnl{04-ol r'.rrll, '(;lrukorr v''st' H' h'rt bu'rlirrg
, ', ,,j.,i,1. t,,' ,",t., ' ""nt L'''''o' on Jrrolher
phoric, but not, unforturratcly, his delicacy of rouch llrhough dctrils ,rrr'
A,;1, ,.;.,',:; rrith lr 'rphlr'r"rr i'h'p' 'u,.n""1'l'r'rt'nt I *J \r(rur\
iopicd (c.g. ankle rnrrkirrgs, lotus types) All thc ncr,v clcrails ofEar)y (l)rtssi' rl
drllving arc hcrc thc hook folds, grouped lincs ol drcss bur with straight 'rr
,' i" r,L L,' ,r,,1 J,,,r. s r.'"",,iiili::i:,Iil'
"', ]::',:i Jli[';,i]:::i
I, I r th, 'i rn thi\ qroLlp rrleludc \oll1c
at least rot zigztg hcns, opcn eyes. Florel friezes are bcccltning popular rrg ritr, r,it l,l '1" \:kun l)rinr.r' thoru' ch'erlc't.oIrhu "ld''d
laurels [352] on pclikai end hydriai, xnd an occ:rsional revcrsion to thc ol(lrr, i,.ii ,;:;
straight-s1ded lotus rypc, rlnd solnc looser tcndrils. Aprrt froln :t rarrgc I'l
I,,::i* :.:::l:,]. +;:'t :m*:::jl:::lii.:i:'L:,',ili,1l:Xi::i:l:
ordiirary konros and Dionysiac sccnes, r,vith a snrall rarrgc ofn yth, his spcci r lit v frorn Troy (co'nparc
seenls to bc the Olyrnpixns, notably Zcus, logcthcr with xrr:Illnost cxcc\\i\r
I , lr;-ti ;. : [i, o,' R'n".'' rcscuc of Anchiscs prrr' rrrsorrrhL \ol rrr'
f , '.,,|,. f,rt'll f',,'.bc'rrcb*'v'd-rh'"ilrcirourrdli'rL t'mc,'rrt'ltort''tttt'
fondncss for pursuit scelrcs, sccular or divinc (Eos llter Tithonos or Keph:rl'rr,
Ilorcas and Orcithyia fj5z), Zcus ald Aigina [35r], Poseidon [::-i]). Hc rv u
,',t,"'..i.."*,nf,t, tho'. rr otrnd cup torrdt': rrrd th'rc
rntr\l b( Ilr( 4r'o \'
workrng from lhe htc 47o's probably to thc nlid ccntnry. Thc namc vasc ol r
,-.f. ,f,. v.r'..1lrc lr'1d''r ror thr' wlrol'' iroup
follower, rhe PAINTEn oF THII BIr{TH oT ATHLNA, prcscllts J Pheidian thcrlrr',
but thc rnidget Athcna bursting from Zcus'hcad is still Archric [,rJil. IIr'' Cup painters
florels arc;rtrociotts, thc 6gurcs little bettcr. cotllttrtrc irl I wcrkencd forttr
\ lcw cup paintcrs workiDg n'illh ilr thc 4('o's
Thc Bcrlin Painter decorlted a numbcr of Nolan amphorae ancl lekytlr"t soltlt Mlnlrerist flourishcs. Thc
rLlf trirditlons of Latc Archaic, ,,ot *,th,,ut
throughout his clrccr, notably larcr. Thcsc are populer shapcs lvith nrrlr'r of l)ouris is rcc'rlled by stverrl ;rrlrsts whos( rcPerrory
Etrly Classicai arlists aDd e few mly bc mcntioncd hcrc, cspccillly thc'first,
't, I rttcnrton orrll thc Axt't"-
whois secn to bc a pupil ofthc Bcrlirr Paintcr- l3eazlcy fek ablc to call tlr' *o". b(\L,nd rh( L)lun\'rJ('ot rht loirro'' l)rsH PAIN,F. l''7r'
;,li F;;-r; ar;;i' ,r,n sun"'"i I'ArNrLr lJTrl; rhc
PRovr)F.NcE PAINTLn an cxccllcnt artist [356 9]. Altcr the Archaic wc clcrrlll'
have to look ior othcr crireria ofcxccllence, yct solllc thc precision, bel:rrrtt 'l.rnlro,..'sp..r',lisilrrh('I(nrnl',ddish.h.rpr.llo((up\:JlldIll(EUAlitN or sonr'' rrrrrrr -nd n urc
and prttcrn arc apParcrt still in thc major Early (lltssicel artists likc tlr'
,'. ;,, l;r;. ;-, r-41. slro i' ' nroliGc rni'r ol lri''rrr'rll-hcrLl'd 'lrrr'
-r., .1,..r.,1 l', ,,,,,od "lrh.'uqh ih""'r.*t1
ruiobid and Vill.r Giulia Painlcrs, who arc not collsidcrcd in this book. l lr| ::]). :.':i.l'; : ,:,,"i, i. ,'. i:' r,.",rr Ar'h ric \trb(l.-rv o{ ( ornPo\rrinn irr
Providencc Paintcr is ncar and unprclcntious, not obllvious to Pltterns ()l introdrr'"
drcss ard body and rcluctant ro brcak with Archaic poscs although dct;rils 'rl
i l:i:: ;:'1.',l,j,il, r,'i"" o.,irrtur ofrurr 'orr"rirrrur
ll;;,li;|-:.,;;; li',. ro, ,,, "p'igiu-'"o'nsul.' erorrp' ,rr'd hcotrrsrd( 'ld
drcss and drawing, lrnd so[Ic sobriety of tlrood, ere in thc ncrv ntllllet '
tl bordur' firr lo'r'lo' rnd the grorrrtd lrnr\ ' trp\'
,',f -r'',.ty'p,t,.,,,'
Nolans er-rd lckythoi ollcr no oPPortulrity for elaboratc scenes:tDd or-rly ott ( )r scvcrai cups [ry parntcrs rrlcnu;;cd it this
sectitn wc find lotuscs srvollcn
some slunnoi and hydriai do wc scc groups ofgods or minor rnyth Hc liktr lt"itl.'"p"' well as oldcr varicty u'ith
,,,,1 sirnolified into knobbly
pursuits of u'orncn, indced most of his wolrcn scclll in a hurry' carryirrli '"y
ernrour [;581 or in donrcstic sccrlcs :l bustlc to whicl-r cvcn his Arhenas llrt l,lLrrnp.r11r rlld long ':cntLc
1 hc follorvrng ot Makr on rs rlrrr'rr;rlly morc robust' erld this' conlbincd
not inrrune [3571. l)ctails ofdrawing rccall his masrer cycs, curin!5s, xnk]cs fbr ltttt"or" Thc CuNtr; Parxrut []76'
rr ith lo littlc Mannctrstll, cen tlrlke r I rrr(''l-
sonrc florals. Hc workcd in thc decadcs bcftrre and aftcr 47o and pr.rrst' rrt 1'erlr'rr" rlr.r( ('r)rphr,c thrrr hi' rrrr\l(
,,' i ':""rp'r' n'r'rtd t''r 'n ''ryl''rll"' r' l"rri'
.,'1.r,o,,,1 Lrrr , q,'.'cl ,,h*,u.r. H' r'
Glaukon on scveral vlscs.
(lthcr artists rcscnrblc hinr. and hlve the s:rnlc illtcrest in thc bcaury ol .,.,',,'r,",,,,",f,,,,
hotlr u'rth'cltps'h'rtrutn{ url tht rvrll' Lrltl 'L
Lrlrt-rrudy o1_:r
(llaukon. and of Charmidcs, Nikon, Timoxenos and Hippon. Thcy arc lcsser 'hotrnir sttrgctv t,or': *r'rn*crcd rrr thc p,.o-
nlen, pcrhaps, in choice of sul'rjcct-matlcr, and lcss prolific (the Providcrrtc
,irr'.;r ilr;l il T''-'u"o' l'awrr^ lJ1618rl is
his ircss' but cen bc.confidcrrr errtl
oortions ofhis figurcs atrd sonrct;;1cs in
Pairter ntttstcrs rleerly x hundrcd and fifty ertributions). Thc OttlNc>tlt trs rlot withour rvhat Bcezlcv calls rr's,rilclcss
1,:,.,ff,,;:,; niJi;"o ''ua','r,o'
P,uNlnn [360 -;] displays sonrc viqour and humour w]rich carr rcca)) Skythcs'
il:ili#:."ii;.';; ;"L,,i'i,, rapt,re scizini. Tirho.os ir dte
Thc Dionysos and sltyr [362] rchearse all old thel)te though in ncw dress, btrt t*.- t"u" thi'roughiy e"ig"'atit sttu"
,1., frirl "
thc Pcrsitn ([360j fighting r Grcck on thc othcr sidc of the vasc) rcminds trs "'n.,., "tt""'a', t'y old"' yot"g and a warrior silcnt
rrrcDt and scerch corrcllrctccl ""d 'it""'
ofa nclv thcltc for vesc paintcrs inspircd by rcccllt cl-lcountcrs in thc ficld; arltl r95
bcior,,,a peak. It has bccn associated with thc srory ofthe rcturn co Atircrs ot
ij o..r /),{ii1./ rio r
thc dcsccndants of Kcphajos, r,vhosc nante is that both of Eos' othcr swcct
hcart rnd of lur Attic dcruc-hcro. T'his is orc of tr,vo ofthis peintcr's cups sigrrc,l
by Mlkrou's potcr, Hicron. On othcr. vlscs Licltts is preiscd, a lavouritc ol r

tirli Classicel :urisr, rhe Achillcs Paintcr. Thc.rrp J-rdoj prcscrrts an old thcrrr,.
but rvith a nclv usc tirr ll_vinq drapcry and noticc thc nrlnnered florlls, tlr,.
racquct thYrsos.
Finally, thc Boor PATNTER, on whosc cups Bcazley lvondcrcd whcthcr rv,.
sce thc latcst work of the Klcophrades Painter. Thc figures undoubtctlll,
havc a ccrtain stocky prcscncc, but if they xrc his then thc grextcst ol rl)(.
Archaic artists had an inreresting old agc, brighrened by thcsc figurcs ofrrirk(.(l
Lo)itas and thcir big boots [382]. Thc rhcrn.rnc ch.rnge is rntr:JligiLl,:. rrrcl whcr r.
mvth is showD it is hlndlcd with confidcnce; thc stylistic chxnqc is admissiblc,
thi' r. chc r,,,'rk ofuitlrrr I young rnJn or .c.ond .hrldh,,od.
, .\n",,!J /,
), Hr,rro,r\.

-jjo-t Str nr!hlt/.I\ri tL\ tl:\lini& 14ttllt lt u\.)_tli hol F.tuhh. itt!

1:, Irilik( d hy Hu .ltrr t)j L(ktthr\ hy HtnN a\
Brh$ nnl Oftitlifir Po\(m. 11ur k,t. H .16

n nr')
JjJ l).lil. l,l lr l\inltt ,'l th. lttth 'l lthtnn lr

.tt1 5tLt,to\hlHl hiitl\ l\ ltrl t)ttrhtu)

158 l,(kytha\ l,y th(

J5( LtLytho\ hr th. Pn'ridtlr( \)Lt( lldi tt. h\\idn H't.1 161 L'kj'tha\bl ttu Ot'lntkl'\
.t6o Nala a1111)h a hy tltt Oit
P.i .t- H ar't

(' r ,/
t5q dnDhn

ll.rnta. Dio ylt ifi

{, Nolt allthori by 1.Oio akk\ Prittt't' j6 r Nrli,l tnllut bt th' Oid ll.J ili,,rrl
tq Noh n ryhon I'y th. Ni[., lk,rrr. to9 t'ttlt Lt tht I lt l'ttrtt..\tlnttn
iad C,1, /,)'./,.,4l.Jr.rid.r Pd'"'r'

i65 tr(),t/e,! r), /r. \ll.rl

Pri .it- lyhik.qtuntl. H. 12

161 t d\nn bt tk ClNuridt\ Pii t.r

J(6 NrlL id \'lNht l)y th Nil,,, /,,/nrl,, 1t ''. t I t"''t' ll -"tt t "ttt
AtlNk t'i!lt dj)h|,N
.25 P),:i! ('I.yp( A) ht a.lilla \a 4 Douti\. Lhsl]/id(. H. 1a

J7t Ditlt L'y th( Di\h Paid(t. _4ntnit t7, DtJt Ly th, Dt h I'a ntt

II C t, l)), tltt L rnh , t\r kl 176 Crp lry lhe Chti. Pri'l|t Htakk\ dl1tl Dia ltL)\Jion

(:lirit I'ointt t l|i\

t- t |)tt 1,),tlt, Irr lrfl,t Cltri It-9 ' )

Pdiit .rdd L'r,/r /') /ir, 7, l, ]t t l''tttrtt

JTit Crp bt tht T(l.pho\ (na tu rd\') 1

.i9.1 Crp hf th. fcltrhr! hlntu Eos rnd Tilto .\

.J7q-2 Out\ii( t'l t79.r S(dth Fnl

jili ()1p I'y lfu'li'lL'tha! l\nt!.t

18r.) 2 ()ry by tht ll{t l\tittttr

Chapter Five


The lengthy discussion in AIJFH Chapter Ninc obviatcs the ncccssity for

detailed re-study ofshapes, names and uses, and thc developmcnt ofmany ol'
the more important shapes has been considered in the course of rhe chaptcrs
on stylc. Some recapitulation and con-rment on new or complex shapcs wiJl
Amphorat. Of thc belly amphorae very few ofthe old varicty are still madc
besidc rhc rrcwer Type A with irs angular handles and steppe d foot 18, r 46, r 7 t ).
Type C, with rollcd lip and plain foot Ir5z], has a limited vogue in Archaic rcd
figure to about 45o. Neck amphorac less often follow the standard late sixth- Vase-NewisrhebcllcraterwhichisrePrL.)cnrcdonearlyredfLgrrrecups.but fr'"
century scheme [t49, t64, jt9] but the small 'doubleens' with doublc-rccded k;;;;;.;;r.."1y froln about 5oo on Ir5ol' Some cartv ex'-,!1.::'::
handlcs and concavc lips are made chrough thc Latc Archaic period Ir 64]. Therc r,l* ,r,a ..."rrl h,rue lug. 17151 nor loop handl(\ rnhrch rrc lrtcr rcgul;r'
are Nikosthenic survivals [56], copics ofthe Panathenaic shapc ft5t, t 6z, t 7j. ;":,;;'no,g;; ,;;;',si" fr'-ir,' t'' wooden ve'sel'' wc 5rc (he old dino{
'n tobecome
3o7] are particularly common after 5oo, and pointcd versions resembling thc .hrpc on 1Ire'tanrno'prc'cnt'mrrrorshrpcrarr'rtions rendrng
l.1u l.
plain wine jars ltjz, t96). Thcrc arc a few special varieties as well as diffcrent .i,,i,n"rr,,;n,"p.,'re'112. iaa tqS' 1o4 J5t' J54l A'wella'rhcu'u'l"bulbous
, ,Af , .omc oi rrhr'h hrve ':an 1'tring
holc: fur lrds)
forms ofhandlc ridged, rceded, twisted [138, J24]. Morc important arc thc "," l:d "n"
small, high-necked Nolan amphorae 116o, j6ol, introduced about 49<:. "'rl,.r.ita.
i,,i t.,-.frrp"a toolcr with hpour l:6r l 1hr ordin'rry P\yk(cr ' lrle r\ J
Pelikai become very popular after 5oo, cspccially with the Mannerists [142, Dott(rv \hJpr I' Troln thr 520 \ lo lbout 460'
r79, t8o, etc.l. Neck pelikai are rarc [383]. ""'a,,,'iii. a.r.l.o,n.,i of th" p,.'n''p'l v'' r..tic' ha' bcc, dr* u"ed'lre rd)
'P'''p'h.,iot rnd Pvthon mak' Clralcidising
Hydriai. The sixth-century shouldered type has a surprisingly long though i,, in"'*.t'."''", c'r; il,;,tt'
:76) C,p skvp!:''
tenuous existcnce to at lc.rst 48o lr 75]. One-piccc kalpides are far commoner
with thc figurc scenc tending to spread off the shoulder and round or-r to the
;;;i;-i;;;"J;*u.J (.o-p"" 'arni:rrg
.o',1."u"'.i,r'tr, ..r"r]rble1et'' bl
thc- corntnon
frgtll c fi tpe zo' : o6] rnd thcrc
'tk stcrnmud vrrietv' sL<vphoi
bclly of the vase Ir89]. ;;';;;; ;;;;,[; .;p, *irh th' fl"'ing bowls of tirccorrnrhian kotvle of which
Oinochoai arc easiest summarised by outlines of thc varieties decorated in ;"; ;"i1";.;;i;;iigt t w"lls (deriricd from the
Archaic red figure, giving Bcazley's classificatlott (see next page). See also for ii.l- "r.i'""" o. r*o ctse imitations in red ftgurc Izo5' 309])
Type r [z-rz], Typc z [zr]. Typc a is called a 'chous'; Typc 8 are 'mugs'. ;;;,;;x;., and its carronical lorm after 5oo-h"t o""which vertical' one horizontal
commonly appears
oflife in 6fth-century
Cratets anil coolers.'lhe column crater has a new lcasc i'r""i[. ii rt ,r."""a"ys called a 'glaux' efter the owl somc r bcak and
red 6gure [t69, t7o), its handle platc supports now wholly columnar. The .r'i,l r.f,. J"."."ri." latcr (thc handlcs h'rve Ll\o .uggc\tE d to sides (Type A)
volutc Ii54, i8r] and calyx [zz, 24, 130, 188, ctc.] craters remair-r favoured for ,rili. ilr" r",r,n"..s, with upright handles, may havc strarght
the most elaboratc work. The former is often left with a black body; the latter's ,i'"r."a flrifi" i"a figun 'hrpc whi'h mry rl'o be stcnrles'
height comcs to overtake its width in the 47o's. The Syriskos Painrer has a "1"."..t,,.
.-l ,o.flt.",'di'rlt.vlretyf,'ourcdb'Hcr'rkle''
fhckyrllro\drpprr curvr\'\
r'o ifl. q"o.lz;41. .,nd ,. ft..,ttt blrcl
volute crater with figures on the handlc sidcs, as there had been on thc Franqois rh'rn rn ftgurc'
Oil.flasts. A lcrv early lekythoi have the tapering or swelling profilc ol The stratifrcxtion ofthe Acropolis dcbris is confused and confusing' althottgh
lrtc black figurc but latcr:r11 arc cyJindrical in form [zlo, 211, 249, 294, etc.l. *rc concentration of Arch:tic vascs should cnd about 479' ln the Agor:r clcercr
The squat lekythos appears by about Jro but only becomes really populer\ Jllribulcd lo lhc:r ycrrs Jre Totrnd. but thel arc ruhli\ Ptr"r rrr
latc in drc fifth ccntury. Thc spherical aryballos is still madc fz8z, j771, as tr ;;;;6;;"; ,"a ngut" pt..., .,td do no more than confirm thc susPc'to(l
rcfincincnt of thc Corinthian shape (in usc on 14, z4.j]), and thc alabastron '.i1ue,,cc. A,,d
.i,,.. ih"," i' .rlwry' tlru put'ibrlity rhrt orlrr'r oi' rsi.rr'
ororrptcd rhc filling.-,f'orrrc Pir' end well' whilc'Pur'tan \ack ciulrrr\
1208, 2og), often white ground, recalling its original stone form- The askos dangcr of
is new, from the 48o's on, with shallow (Shape r) or deep (Shapc z) body, inlfd. i,t"rrtif,.d bi rhc apparenr date ofits pottery, thcre is-serious

basket handle and oblique spout for careful pouring [;r6]. The shape recalls .-ira'ul^, Th" ,l"riratatio,t lcvel at Erctria nray wcll provc mor'irr

the wineskin with a tied orifice, whence its narl-re (not applied to it in antiquity). i;;,;^ri";,'"s wcll as furthcr study of ostraka from Athcns potshcrds witlr
nr"fii,o ,t"rrr", uscd in voting for ostracisn Thcir re-use for
this purpose is
Ritual shapcs. The lebes gamikos will become important again only later in
.,.1,,,r.,u,r", date"blc. Fo. e*"rilple, two frJHnrunt\ ot vrses b1 tht K1'ophrades
red figure but the loutrophoros is decorated ofterr after Joo wirh funeral
sccncs [l4r] or fights, occasionally with weddings. There are no cxor(', ij"iui".."rrv Mcgaklci na,,,c ^"d 'o rT tl'r ltt'e bccn p'rrrrr':d' rnd brokcn'
decorated funerary shapes; no funerary plaques in red figure. Votivc plaqucs tr"i"..'u"giU.t ,i"s osrrxcised i1r 4116 B (l (though they might be from a possiblcin
s.'-lrJ or,'r^.irn in thc 47o's). Thcevidencc of kalos nllnes we ccinsidc'r
arc still madc, howcver Ir8, 52, 53].
Othcr shdpes. Lidded pyxides arc coinrnoncst in thcir Typc A form, with (.hiDrcr Srx (under Inseriprrolls) and syn-rbolic Lrse of lnyth at thc start of
L h rprcr Eighl. A I'.rn P.rrnicr vr5r shows thrcc hcrms, which tnay
bc thosc set
concave sides fu75], or powder box (Type D) with slip-over lid. The plairr
cylindrical (Type B) and Nikosthenic 197] (early) are also seen. New arc ,,p iri tlr" t,, .clcbralc' thc capture ofEion in 476/475 ]l (i' Thcse comPlc-
stemmed plates and dishes. Figure vases, usually in the form of human or rnent rerhcr than confirm thc Posited dating'
animal heads with lips dccorated in rcd figurc, arc madc from about 5oo on, lr-) Vascs detcd b\ lheu corlluxl wlth other objccts for which a chronology
and rhyta, copies ofEastern pouring vases with 6gure additions, from aboul [.,. b..,r u'rrblislr't]. I' rro joy Ircrc 'in'i thirr i' r]o (nrrl'lrrpor'rr]
47o; but thc whole class, wcll reprcsented latcr, is bcst considcrcd elscwhcrc. ,"ri.. ,rf,"r". .ir1ra, prohic cr-rough or wtll cnouqh stlrdled- rs rhere. hrd bccn
Phintias madc and signcd some cockle-shcll aryballoi, and therc is the charm- d:rtcrble than vascs'
c:rrlicr (the Corrnthian series), andiorns arc no rrorc closely
ing astragal Izo4], and odd sphinx stand Ir o,J]. Representations on vrses suggest
the cxistence of other, more fantastic shapcs, oftcn with phallic acccssoric' \1) V.r\*or'ryl('d.rr'dbstylr'ti'cornl'"ri''r''uirh''rh'roble't'rortvlrrlt
1284, jo5l: cf. ABFH fig. r77. . , t,.o,,ot,,*y l',.,' l',c', "'r.rt',1,'h.,1 thc "hvroL'' '"rrrp"ri'on' rr' rritlr '"rlp-
i*" ifr" ,'"ii"f, ,rf th" Siphnian Trc:rury rt DeJphi' Lrrrdc.Lttlc before 525'
.l,r'.1, ,,,.t,.1, rlru c.rr ly ArrLluIidc' l''rrnLir' I hc pudrrrrurrt'rl "rrll'tL r' oi tlre
Dates i:,,rrji. ;; Apollo .rr L),.lphr, of rbout 5ro, is 'Pjonccr'' Tlrc drapcryArchalc 'f the
ir ..'ir,,,.ia"r'c, .r,L Gl)l+l'l hrs thc looscr lolds of thc lttcst
The relativc chronology of Archaic red 6gurc dcpends on the clcar stylistic dr.rrving.
dcvclopment which can be traced, cvcn within the work of a single artisr,
rcinforccd by criteria ofshape and ornamcnt. [n such a closely studied field
doubt may linger only over problems set by thc lcngth of time for which old
styles or thc working life of old-fashioucd artists might continue, or ovcr
speculation about how carly some innovations may havc appcarcd. So a
stylistic scqucncc may nor bc an absolute orrc but it is ncrrly so, end rhc
warnings given about tl-rc chronoiogy of black figurc vases in .4BFH p. r93
rppJy hcre too.
For absolutc dating r,vc can look for thc samc rhrcc typcs of evidencc
considered in ,4BF-FI:
(r) Vascs or srylcs dltcd by cvcnts. Part ofa Late Archaic cup tondo bordcr i:r
thc Marathon tumulus (49o) tclls us no more than thxt the new border patterns
are established by that date. Athens was sacked by thc Pcrsians in 48o and 479.
Inscriptions are paintcd rn recl, rarely whirc or incised, otr the bltck backgrotrrrtl'
fhey h:,rc oft.r, losr thcir colour a:rd thcrl can only bc traccd by carching thc
Chapter Six .lullccl surfacc rn rcflectcd light. Thc red figurc artist was as arbitrary rs thc
bleck 6gure artist had bcen in his use of them. Thc best are oftcn silent ;rbout
GENERAL DECORATION thcir ide"ntity, rhc poorcst vocifcrous, but we havc luore rcd figurc llxlne\ th:rll
black figurc arrd a fair ranqc of pottcr siljDatulcs Nonsense inscriptions rrc
rarer :rftcr rhe carly 6fth cclltury Gencral captions, such as werc seeD occa\ioD-
.rlly in black 6gure, are rlot found, but lcgends issuing frorn the figurcs'
mouths arc mo.. popul".:rncl rhe Pionecrs'vascs arc solnctil'ncs quitc noiry'
Conversations r"iiti",, however: 'Look, a swallow', 'Yes, by Herakles',
'Thcre it is; it's"r.spring aheady'- on. Ptonccr vese close to Euphronios
Chaplcrs Elcvcn to ThirtecD irr ,4 BFII covcl iluch thtt is relcv]nt
xlSo to an y
discnssion of the dccoration of red v.tscs, .Lnd irr rfr. ..,r..rfrairg licspoke inscriptioirs, as for dcdications, are almost urkrrown, and mcrcrnrile
chapters of this volurne I shall avoid_fi:ILuc
nru.h rup(tition r\(,:;r ir, ,tr.'rr*r"., grelliti far fer,vcr than il1 lhe latcr sixth ccr-rtury.
ofpoirrrnls our difll.rer)(e\. chrngcs or innovxrions. ft *itt UJ.,rr.t.*ri.roa Kalos inscriptions praising thc beauty of contcnporary youths r(:m'rirl
D) rcli ll,jlrru I ret(r ro thu Ar.h. . penod (overcd in tlI. buol. popular, with or without the proper nalnes, or ailirmatives (karta, naichi)'
fhurc rr.r
sienificanr latcr dcvclopmcnt of 6gures and sccncs, both The significance and thc dating value of the kalos namcs wls discussed irr
n"rr." ,rrvtlr.
"rr.l ABFip- zor. hr recl 6gurc florc cal] be plausibly idenrified witlr Athcni'rrrs
othcrwisc kr-rorvn, bur still fcw arc chronologically usefui l mclltion sornc of
Conventions thc more interesting, naurinq thcir Pxinter-xdnlircrs in brrckets' Lcagros,
Iconographic coltvclttions weac ncver morc stcreotyped in
Crcck art than in
tlvouritc of sonre biack figurc xrtists arld the PioDecrs (Euphronios, Euthy-
Athcnia.n black figure. Marry pcrsist in rcd figr.., brt nrides. Tbelia Peinter-, Kiss Paintcr, Elcusis Paintcr, Proto-Panaitian and
.t rt
ncw tcchniquc is the frecdom ofcorrrposition which ir "...i".iri;.-ui
" This Oncsiuros, Colmer Painter), was I contemporary of Themistoklcs (born
offers. has.r srrikinq"
cffccton thc errangenrcnt ofstock scencs rnd pronrorcs.r _.liipi,.i,i rbout 524) and plausibly kalos about 5ro-5oo. His son Glaukon, bom rbout
49o and a gcneral in 44r/44o, was kalos tbout 47j-46j The
oncs, bul I numbcr of newiy rnastercd poses rhrrn"elv.s ecquii. Hipparchos
a'"or"" ot. (Epit,"to9 is probabJy not the tyranl bur husbrnd of his niccc. Megaklcs
canonisltion aud can be rakcn as hlllraiks ofthe Arch:ric "
r"d fig.,.".iyJ"
(Phintias, Euthyrnides) l-rad a nlost probably your5ler sislcr born, it sectls,
its various phases for instance thc frontal_with_profi)c 1egs,
posus dcsigrr,:d to .xhibit
.--rr.i f"gr,
sro jto, and was himsclf ostracised in 486 Miltiedcs, thc Mtrrthon
Sror,r ins conrmald of io.csh,,.te'r.ri,,e. Aii". tlr" "bo.rt
,.rrchrrc pL'rrod ncw inspir-rtion rs drlwn lrom rnajor painting, victor, and his brotlrcr Stesagoras nust havc been boru before iio lnd wcre a
noi considerccl
h.rc littlc old to bc praiscd il carly red figurc (Plsces and near the Seking Peintcr
Thr nrorc rr-.rlrstie qcstrLrer ot rr-d figurc mean that we hivc ofter) respcctivcly). Oltos' long allegiarrce to Mcnlnol] rnight sccnr to call into
l,rttct-d-ry uxlLncn(e oI rhc fhrrfrc or our nore thcarrical
to trtrD to
qr-ristion tlic short perioJ in rvhich we assr-mlc 1I youth rcuraincd popularly
coDtelDporilries lbr
c-\plxnation. Facial cxpression remlins iimitcd k;rlos, but Oltos nriy bc dclibcrltcly rcxctirls aqrirrsl thc usual prtctice and
n_r.,.i- ,r,or" ,,
rnanagcd by posc and gest.rc. Frontal and thc rarc threc_qu"rraa praising thc hero Mcrnnon, slain at Troy and markcd out ls handsonr('by thc
fia", rro,
lor grorcrqucs likc- centaurs lss.z, ts9, )/.a!, or rr'1,,jr.11, po"r.. bn a contcrnPorary vasc showin!5 Memnon's duel hc is callccl 'k:rlos'.
:.:::1":1 ,*h.llr
brt,lrcr) l:5. :-. pip,.rs so the idce wxs fanliliar.
)rl,l lr5l or hclmcred lre,d, lrra.3r-.,,1. ,,nd ofthe typc
L,(,'ontr u\ud ntore ollcn ro inr rrc rhc \tc\\cr \ \)ltpilhy Lericr shapcs arc norv uninformative- Ionic forms end spcllings
vicrirrr. lr.i. t t:.2.2--1. Nil.r jyadl. ,hc,,pi.,l [ygr I o, ,,r,cnr,on fanriliar to us ftorrr rnodem prirrting (ofcapitals) become incrcasingly conrnron
l)t'firrrri,,rroi.,ir hv lr.r.l .rrrd po.q i, r,ru.h rrrrproued.'rlr ,,,,.i ralth the filth ccnlury end the lcltcrs square up morc, losins thcir Arr:hric
uhrtc hcing r-rsrd ro rrdiclrc qrcyrrg heir. Tir" ni,,r, ,.,*fl"r. slaDting forms.
ror rr1\.lncl poscr Lrur t)ot yct prup-rrcd to forcgo thc
nf li,r"
paftcrn coDvcDtiolts ofhis
l,qltrC, t th- 11r1,.1q,1..rf r erc r.,,,lir-rr.

Florals and Ornament .l!lrltlal dokiln.siil. Pcts arc prorrrirlcnt, l lrc ltere eucl cock lr:rd eppc;rlcd 1l,rlr1

gif,. 1373] but thcrc rrc cxplicir sccllcs offightirril r*rr"

Lr"i"t" 'ock
Late bl:rck figurc floruls and othcr bortlcr prttcrns appeel still on early rcd "t'i"t"
,.a ilr.',.,"u r.;"" fr"".",,r" b"i,,g ttt t1t'wn sltlllrcsts coursing,['18-il l)oss rtc
frgurc, beconinq lcss conrnolr rvith thc st;rrt ofthc tifth ccnturv exccpr or) r,,"rtcrrs' fi)xcs
shepcs morc cornrnonll,;rssociltcd rvith thc old techriquc such s arrrphor.rc Lrl ',',u
."rr,,rr;,""wi,rr rrr"", ""a *"i"t L,,cls' witir wor'rer" whilc urrlr I rrrr"rrr'i
,,,i, i f r,"f, rnd.r l'rr tlr(r-('rb l r r-l rrr rk' thc:" rlPrrr'rrr"
I)enerhcnaic fornr, lckvrhoi or colunrr crrtcrs. Rccl figure prlrnette friczcs. thc It \]'r'lrt''' llr' ''"'rr lztcl 'rr'l
flou,crs circLrmscribccl arlcl scpirttc or in scrolls, or in thc filih ccnturv sct lt) '.'i"r i,',, ''',",r,.- -,,;a i'itl'""n
'l'r'I'l tluvr"
u"'"'l Therc erc ler fervcr of thc
obliquc p:rirs, ere tLscd ibr rim :rnd border pattcrlls ol thc firrcr vascs, or irr ,i:.';r;l' ";"'i,;,iia' 1."" "' rnimll strrdies-
orles or grolrpcd b,v tnany cup handlcs. Clcncrally this orrlarncDt {jcts rnorc
tlvins brlcls. sptcc hihlrg or lrs ollrclls Otr rhc r'r'holc' thc best
sparsc in tht' early fii_th cclltlrry, rcviving in thc sccond quartcr rvhcn tlrc
,''i,.,,,,,fr.: f..''", '"."f i"1 Lrt'll'ls':rrl ''r' 'll''JiorLrr
rrrrel \\rllr'' rr\aru
laurel rvrcerh, r colnnlorl rim pattcrrl in latcr red fieurc, bcgins to:trakc:r ,',, t;.,',.- Lul,..,, d,lc.r rorrllrr IUror \\'rlr nr h'r"r'' Tlr( '
rcguler appclrlncc. Fro[r about S].o a ne\{, lotus typc is rttachcd to p:llnlcftc h,,r
' lr 8rl rs crlcptlolrrl.
scrolls, with sclu:rt springy scpals and.loD!i ccntre leaf r,vith various palrnctk.
;i;." ,r1";;;;';; l.rll Iorn frrour es ldcpcnLlcl)t nrotifs' but cqrs
*,,*,"i xncl qrrllrns r't.lr1Ll b! rhc handlcs of sotnc cerly l6z' 9i]'
lcavc's filling. Not all painrers usc thcsc llo\\,ers end thcy hclp dcfirc hancls,
ill.=,."m" loses hjs-Archrrc forchead knob and' after Joo' acclulrcs I sptny
xs \vc hrvc seerl. With thc sccold qulrtcr ofthc filih ccutury thcre ls ir I cvcl sion
,:,;.:';il ;-lr;; i' still riddcn on earlv rccl figure' t'd oncc thc
.,i""" lro^'rl. Thc dolphins riddcn orr l-r6l nli\ rcfLrol-toE'rtr
to thc oldcr lotLrs ty1'rc with strlight stiffpcrals, oltcn col)tbinccl in a fricze u,ith sonru DrLrrlrtlcry'
pxlnrctcs ilr thc olcl nrtnncr. On fcr,r, rcd fiqurc vascs iuc thc llorlls of mlrch Grc'k 'rrr 'rr'd
u irr,ld d.,ir-,lr',,' ,", ,ll ,l'. "'''n1 " ''''t1 'n'"'"'t'
irnportlncc in thc dcsign, but therc arc sonrc with florals orly, norebly thc
L't 'l't"' L''" ''" "rru 'irt'r rlr' tenJ'rr'r i' r"
(iroup of rhc Floral Nolens. "r.ili,i 'lr '
tlr" cxotic'
l1lo11stlo!1s arrd
Tlrc squat lotus wes derived from Eest Grcck florrls in thc fbrm rvitlr "-*pr',r,ga
uhich Attic bl:rck figr-uc plintcrs hlc{ tlso cxpcrimcntecl- Frou thc slrre
soLrrce colrle thc rnaclnclcrs rvhich incltrdc parrcnt sqLurrcs uscd to trordcr c[rp
r()n(l()s xlld irs basc lincs from about joo on, ancl rvhich had beeu uscd
sporaclically in Arhcnier bJ:rck figtrrc (Antinrenes Paintcr). Norc holv sonrc
rrircaDdcr p:ltfenrs cilll bc'rcad'in a reservirg, rcd figlrrc nrxnncr', Thc ollly
orhcr inlportant lcd fieule pertt-rn is thc ovolo of sl-rort torlgucs, f<rr b:rsc lincs
or lips. Rays at the bescs of thc l:ugcr virscs bcconlc vcry r:rrc irr tlrc fililr

Animals and Monsters

A irnlJs virtual)y ccrse to sclvc ls rnajor clcnrcrrts ofclcco:.ation irr red fiqurc.
Thc occasional black r,:rsc - lckytiros, hydria or slalrnos has :r snrell enintll
clcvicc wirh or witltout llorals, and isoletcd anirnals mav be stetionccl bcnerth
hendlcs on othcr shlpcs. Silhoucttc animel lriczcs lppc.r still on shepcs witlr
e strong black fiqurc plst, notablv on lips or necks of sotlc colutln cr.atcr-s.
Shicld blazor:rs, usuallv xnirr:ll, erc elso silhoucttc as e rulc, rarcly rcd 6qLrrr
[-26]. Wc nrey singlc out the 6ne bleck crows orl rlrilny shiclcls, about:rnd et'ter.
joo, llncl good lions, soruc outlinc drrwn on carly viscs- The liorr rcuullrly
iclopts the crouchiltq, bottom in-eir, otrc-palv-raised posc, rvith srt:rll heacl
end brisrlinq lnarlc, vcrv dilicrcDt Ii-onr the crc:lturcs of uniru:rl friczc black
Special sccrc-s with aninrals include scvcral rvith horscs bcing groorncd
.nd conlbcd [z;9], or rvith their n):lstcrs [z,u8] rnd bcing illspcctcd at rhc JJi,r.lJ'tlilt ]\litttt 17 t1


rrlns and lcgs, is rescrved forThrici'tD wolrlcn nursesorkillingOrpllcrlsl:7:l'

frgurc wlcn i1 corrres
Rcd 6nurc nxturally prcscnts Dorc problents lhxn black
j.;:";;;;^;;:.^i,],..r" i" I'Lrt tlrurc 'trrrr r. lt 'rrl' r , rl
;,, ""tl'r'c l:o8l I \l\\'rrr r\
Chapter Seven
.;:,:,J;;. ;J.1"-,;.r, Toi.ign"' 1''o 'rol' 'rnd thr rnr(orrrv 'rr
p.op..l. ,,Lr'".r.i, lz58l l.rr pl5nric' 'r'd l r--l' 6gurc l41l
Thc fountain housc'scencs, as rn black figt''"' ^ppt"' in-red
SCENES OF bul alc somc sh;ing grouP bathing (Dot nrixcd
R EA LITY li"tao- 5oo, thcre
"ft., "Lr.rrt bc. onr..s, \rry .ornnron ,uLjicr, c.pecr,rllv irr llrc c.rrlr
lrlr. prrr.rre.rblurior, (h'rrr onr'' virl "r
l-liii; :;;,;,r:;;t'.., .',,,a.a lrvcr 'rnd genur:rllv rru more
li ltool. llrcr' rlr'rnt brthrrrg wrlh uorncn btr\\
',.,,,f, f,-ra..l"tf.t*
.rrrd arc 'cune'
Observatiol oflivc forms rvas still sporadic and did not yet lcad to full under_ iri,fr ,1.i. irz+1. or $ith boot\ lr6:l rrrd ''rrrdrl''
Thl prtntrt' ttu
th'' but 'rrc \l'rw l!'
.r,rrrdingofho,,rrh,.vtun,.lio .butirdrdcnh.rrr.ccl)rllrwtrr(domotdrirwrn$ ,f,',',i-rrrnn ,,,.,,l.11 (f', b.cck lrtl ir)lerc\r rrr lernale nLrdc
., notcd A.un.rber ofsccrcshavc
and rnay havc contributed to frccr usc ofevcryday and ger.rrc sLlbjects on vases. ;"'i;J.;i;;,J t.jr.,r", pt"u,utv, we h^ve
Intcrcst in the bchaviour of his fcllow rncn and wonten was [o novclty for a ;ffi,, ;inJ;;;;'*oiLi,,g *n"t fzoT' zsj' J/ol' esP(crrllv.'rft(1,-l-'-: T1"
wrtlr 'Pl'ryrrrg 'rdc' i' J-rugulrr PIcce ot lLrrnrllrrt'
''ict .k rirtho''
Greck artist - think ofHomcr - aird I doubt whcther Athcns, ncw dcmocracv w''ol
" -l5.,.*i.'"r"*r"ir-trrr",'rt
by bolr wirh hoops [:36] (as clailtl much credit fir th" wrsc painter's widcr repcrtory sincc a simri-rr ii dc,,t",,n,r'rrcd
lcaf sails
frcedom is apparenr ir1 his use of myth. A rcsuk is thc creation ofncw stock r.-C"lry-.a4, bird cages 15t':2, z4l rnd toy ch'rrrots whrch havcor nrher-
scencs, but also a Jooscning ofthc o)dcr iconograpbic convcntions. rrr8l: lnd lherc rre qrrl' orr '**''t* [1::l Ar'hir'icur'
"f dorrr'\trc
|ii;l''; :";;,;;"'. *:,,,',,,"v th.," i" iil"ci 6gr"c' with at the most a tokcn
rr' !cvu"rl schoolrsccnes
.;li;,r- ;; t;tiP of Doric cntablrtr-rre I z74l Therc
Everyday life r-ding from scr'"1ls zjg]' with
;;;;;; in flp.t, ry." [38,328] and Iz3a'
Evcryday drcss in rcd figure is as it has bccn dcscribcd for black figurc (,4BFH *.itii'g i"t't"", ha'ging on thc wall behind The tlilric
pp. 20J-6) brt the ncw tcchnique admits more dctail ofall but suraace pattcrll- "0",p-"ril;".rl,iag
on [3 77] is cxccPrionel
ing (cxcept early). ! omcD arc more ciaborately drcsscd now. The ihrton rs
still prefcrred, btrt the pcplos bccomcs increasin!!ly cornmon and detrils oftlrc
pin or btooch fasteningj ar rhe shoulders, over bare arms, may bc shown_ Thc Fighting
hair may be bound in a clotl-r (sakkos) somctirres with a rail hanging frcc Red figure is no less explicit about arrrour thur bleck
figure h:rd bcelr- Thc
oftc'r but tlrerc- rre slill sonrc
bchind and in early rcd fiqurc the forehead and templc rinelcrs rival those ol' ;Jr".:;i" iigh-crestcd helmcts arc sccn lcss Iz]
the marble korai. Othcrwisc fillets or diadcms arc worn ind occasionally u i"li i.""tl , ,ii",,a lransvcrsc Thc str.dard hellrct tyPes are
srnrll loose scarf [294]- Therc are far nore detaiis ofjcwcllery carrirrgs, ,,i .1',1, i:1"'l'iai"' rvirir rouuclcd chick picccs lts' s t' tsl'
precc' to u hrch rs rddcd the
armiets and bracclcts, ankJets (one leg ouly as a rulc), but not fingcr rrngs. ;;iJ.r, a3, 5o. r, i35.4 *it}r hingcd ihcck
Noticc thc seals or anulcts ticd on to thc limbs or round the nccLs of nakicl "rd
ii.".i"tr *", t-rloi. pointtd croul, oficrr witlr e perk lDd elaborxtc
" arei hcllncts aPpcrr' sometitrcs with rclicforn:rnrcnt
woncn lz7] and (latcr) cl.rildren. A br:r hclps those who lead an acrivc lifi, J.J ,i** t ; r sl. I )ccor
(Atalanta [369] and I:+4). h.r men's dress, we may noricc towards rhc cnd ol' rt."J hrit rrnglcl\ [:E5'z], snakcs, lcaves as ofa crorvn (compare
our period the hunter's boots, with hcavy lransversc stripcs for thc lacing """.
aiir.,,"- o" .oi",) b.,t fei"e' *iti' tl't ho'nt or flathers r've sarv ir'r black
rather than thc stiller tongucd vadcty of earlier days or the sofr boots witlr
lappets. Thcsc are often worn with chlamys (short cloak) and petasos (brimnrcd t i" 1,,r",, ('or\(lcl, $ :rh 'hoLrlder Pr" " ricd 'r''rn't tlr" hest rnd wor endrr !rt cr
har) and, with rwo spears, identify a huntcr [347]. Bcards and moustachcs rnay t#;.hn;;irr.,, 2EIl, sool.t *ht'iJy t'pltccs
"i"".r",i." .f ,,i* niii, cc,rtu.y is tl'c
rhc rigid.bcJJ
be worn, not moustaches alone, rnd thc hair of younger rncn is norc ol'tcil Uoal cor scJcr [36r l' An rrnrrsuel
shown cropped in the fifth century. Nrkccl, both scxcs show all thcir body ;;;;;";; " a skirt ofhcavy greavcs rr.ratcri.'l [zoo, J6r].somctrrncs lolll )'rrhout a
hair, cxcept under arrr, l:ut there is thc odd scenc ofl worraf singeins olfhcr io.r"l.,. ffr"r. arc thc usu;l u'hrch rrr"y bt tl'utun wrrb rhcir steld in
pubic hair, and a loving couple arc oncc rhreatencd by a lallp in that quartcr. *.,,.' lrlo. zo -tl 'rttd ''re uorrt prddco rr-rh' rrrklc' lF'r''ri'1'r''rcl'
Foreskins arc vcry rarcly wirhdrawn, even on erecrions. Tattooing ori lrccks, ",.,in*
we st'e sotrrc l'rtsrrrs
Aplrt t'ionr thc hoplitc shicld and its Boeoriln variaut lz.z righr, zd5_zl. trblcs r,r,ith lbocl on tl-rcll1 arc solncti1llcs ()lrlittccl lrow but
bclieved hcroic, wc scc thc crc'sccrrr-shapcd pelta in thc hlnds of lighr-anucrl ii,; i",r;;;;;g, .pPortuncly pl,,ccd hrr othtr pr'rL^p''rs':r'rndhnrp't'r''l'lrr:l
troops, some Arlazons, Pcrsians f36ol, evcn saryrs l3i, 661. Thc kopir or ilr" ,r., *f"t iiidc or rrotllirl!4, 'rrrd irr thc fifth crntury trkt r" tlrick trl
t,tt.,:t lor thclr hair, likc srvett bards Nakcd boys frll tlrcir
rnachaira curlass with curving bladc is rethcr cornnloncr now ItE6l, besidcs
rhe usual straight sword. In conremporilry hop)itc practicc thc thrusting spcur.
...',^,,,. f"ii, ",,,t .,.t. f,', th*rrrt'i l:18 rr;hrl Cirl nr'rr rlr* r.r' I rrl
is thc besic *capon. Not only Alllxzons nlay carry a battle axc ft 29. t, 36ol- ';;;'l :,;,,'; ;t"; fi1'"' o- ',' .,rr rlr(' cutr'hr' "" "'"'""' (lr'' ,rrrr' l lr' r r'rr' lr
Thc Thr:rcian pattcrrrcd cloak (zcira) is secn, cspccially for horscmcn [26], - ,r-t ,r. , ri.r, ztril, encl grrl prpcr I Lrsuelly havc trngirt chirons' Yct
',, 't'-i,, rJt.'.,,,,,t
and the Thracien fox-skin cap (eJopckis) or its equivalcnt ir clapplcd hide IzzEi, ' '' r.lrrrrrr'ld lor thi 'rll-u"rrr.rr P'rr(rc' \u(1r irr
"n,,'l"i'. and rclatcd sccncs includc sevcrel
rvorn ir Athcns as fashionablc or appropriatc ridine gcar. Other soft caps rrc ..rly -a'n-g,tt.', f rr, -;8] cf. Izz:] lncidcntal
tlrc lrielr-cro$ ned or pointed Scythian Ilz, 13, 17, 15,77, ctc.], worn still of yoLrths ivith v:rts or cr;rrers, prcstlrrxbly clexning theln in preparation
with the usual Oriental pattcrncd costlrmc of archcrs and Amazols, but also thc fcist.
a morc closely fitring vcrsion, and rhe type with a looser crorr,,n which is worrr i, varied and usurll) supPliud by thc prr ty-5oun wh(' plxy'
by Persiaus [30-i. r l. r,,",,'o, b ,l.rrr. rr rg rrr,'1" * itL ilr.'i loo | ''r rr hrle r rdrrr; l ine'L'rr'
'i, .-,.. rr., g,,lr. korrll,o' i' pl rlcd bv ' '-'p' lrorrr rh'.fr,B'r 'rrd
Thc cornrnoncst warrior sccnes rernaiD lhc lrming [d6, g-i, zd], ctc.l end ,rlri 'l 'p'n"'ng '.''p
thc departurc fronr homc [45], somctinres widr a liberion pourcd or enrrails dirrctilrr lh( dlc{. ur \\llrL'.rl 'r I llil('l " "''d fl''ol. lhe ge'rtrre l38 ro5l' brrt
mry r..onrpJrricd b\ J
,,,, lr,.i.,r*,,.,J.1,'*' ,'n.,, "' ihi' rnd
inspccted for onr cns It zg.l ]. IJcsides thc usuel fiqhting scenes therc arc somc ol' pc'"'d bc
f""" nrtl'L'' ir-Provrded bt rtrobats
rvarriors crouching in arnbush [r67]. Archcrs test thcir arrows by looking '',,,t Pro6siollil cntcrtaillnlent, "p'ir
rrc rr-r'rL'il
along thcnr to sec that thcy lrc straight Ilz], and sontc string their bows, ,,"rt,.tr. L,r'tlrc t,t l r'ri,'tt ,r d "'''-' l'L'rlorlrl(J I rr''ilrly Ilr(r br
bending thcrn across thcir rhiehs. Long hair has ro bc rolled up oD a krlifc or .."t.1 rt,1.,,,,o".,r,'i,' [,, *.rr pl ,1rrr,r'l rppun'lror''l'') lro8' 2Jrl lrrtlrcrloil
1,.itr,,,r,,,,,,.',, ltr, r r l. t h.' PrP(\ ' r\ uirlr tid' po'l''r ("r lh( rrrutrrlrPri'('
sword to tuck into a hcimet (cf. [zdl]), but thc cutting oflocks is also sccn, Do
donbt for dcdication ljjt. j6rl. Trumpcts are blown, anglcd down ftrr ,..'.,; ,,,,;,';."'l,",.,1 o,, l'''ru rr'r' 8l' llrup'rnr''r'd' r)"t\hrrr too
k norrr
nltl(h wlrle
testing l4J], up for summons [66], and a conch 193]. Fewer ch:rriots appcer. dcscribing lllc cxcrerory or ll:lLlseotrs rcllef'r b'rtl1 scekr 'rfrtl
c-\ccpt irl myth sccncs. It is doubrlul whethcr rhcy had any warlike applic:rriurr
in Grcccc at this datc. Rcal cavahy is ro be distinguisired fronr thc mountcd 'I r,', ,.,',' rrt,rrrrq ''rrit't'' lr-"r;1 'r'rrr'r'rL'rL''rr'\ "r'r tlr''rr lr'rrr'
sit'rrcs. fr'rtrt, rb(tut l20
hoplitcs lccompanied by squircs. Morc werrior clanccs (pyrrhic) :rre sho\\u rl :rnd sornctitDcs c:rrl,vi,,g l'ltrsols, LPP( rr i11 \ur11(
onc holds a iyre
lcd figulc, accompanicd oD thc pipes Ir 27]. orr. On a Klcophrai., i'"i,""t v"s., *itl' sr'tlt frgures lrSr] end who
1,,b"11..1 An"k..iorr, thc Iouien poct u'ho canle to Athens ill about 5zo
this drag pcrforrnancc which rcmairlcd fislrionablc lor
,rr1, fr^t.l
Entertainment. public and private ""roa".ecl
iil *"' for' :rtcn i. Lvc{ia but coLrld onlv
;;;; ;;;. l.,"^Ja'"', suitabic
Rccitals, with thc soloists standine on a low platform (bcnra), are shor,vn as irr ";;
tr"r'" Lr".',,
'."g"ra"a ls r:flelllillittc ir Athcns Alekrcon's poctic vic\\'oithc
,oor1 trntc (cupirrosvnc) rs vcr'\' lnncb ther ofthc rcd fiirurc
svnlpositrn- Hc-
black 6gurc [,1381, but in these carly ye:us of rhc history of the rheetre rrr
(lrcccc it is hardcr to idenrily stage scencs or playcrs, aithough the popularity Li.j n,f,. ,"t.,',1 .rttcr M'rr'rrlr"rr' 'rc'l ''rr'hr-frru' ' h''k"l b1 'r sr'rp( Prl\
of solrc myth sublecrs rrisht llre:rdy owe sonlcthing to dreir trcatntent by "''it s;rid.
playwrights, as bcforc by pocts- The satyr play undoubtcdly attr:rcts thc rrrlsr u"ricd sccncs ofscxutl acllvity' rilhough no doLrbt Pr()rnotcd
since inritation of his favouritc humanoid is rrvolvcd. and we shxll rctum to "-,rr""y ".a
f,r..i,,,,1i,,.p'rt',.,ru'',rcl1 'ltou't rtr''
tpt'if'' 't"'po'"'"slllrne rlrhutrglr
rhis subject, but drcre arc norc scer)es of satyr play, dirhyremb or draltrari( o.d' r.rt,rii,r,' ,ii tr-.i llt''ru t' rro i'ller rt'ord "l rrr'rt' tltc lov'r rrr 'rrr\
choruscs on lxtcr vascs [J-r-]1. There are a fcw rcd fieure additions to thc black ;;;;.';r;;;.,,rt or pcriod of Grcek art; firv to rival ir irl the histo'y ofarl'
fisurc sccncs of parltorrime, likc thc dolphin ridcrs [5E]. orrL,,l.'lrt'r',. ll,. ..r,rrrrrg '.er,,' of bl'"I ftrtrrlorrrtnt'i lst'2 ,t1' tz6'
Thc symposion drinking party rcccivcs its classic expression in Archaic ..;;i";J,',;",, ,"-t,.i,.,o'.'^"''t rro\ l2r4 z:zl rrr'l rh'
l1* rr'd
All rhc l'r'ii p'r'rtiorr' or lo\r-,n Jlrrr{ Jrc
rcd figure- Thc sctting m:ry bc outdoor, r-noving frorn house to housc with .rrdcll, .rle 'rot rrcglcct.d lr"Sl
cups, pipcs aud eirls, or thc clining-roon1 (andron) with couchcs, o1lc occasior- ,r-rJi n ton rr. t t,!', 2 t q. Jo', r4i wrr tllr"'peci''l prclr r(rr'1
rro\\ tll"r' uJriont
ally sccn eud on fzgo] sirrcc thcy are set alorrg thc w.lls of small rcctangular :;;;;;l;;l;.; ol"ot"t"'t'" ^iv"'tage' ofdrc sta'.'di.g cntrv frorrr
'",',ti..a z7z, zgTl Aids rney bc- clothcs hengirrg iiotrr
roo1l1s, <l1) which c;ur hang lyres, baskets, pipc cascs. Thc thrcc-lcgged sidc i-i",U, i"";.."a c:rrlier, es ltE,
the wall lz33], urd cithcr parrncr rnay wicld a slipper to arld piqu;rrcy: Commerce and industry
Ir rz,
zjj, z4r]nd cl [jo]. Note thc i[scribcd injunction onlz97]to,k..p still,,
Ihc rnosr iufbrnative workshoP sccncs sho\\' art]sls poltcrs alld p'ilrtcrs ;rt
and the splendidly irrclevant praisc ofa handsomc youth;n [2r9]. Mal(.
thc rl'hccl Ir or l, with brushcs, or Ittovin!! to tllc ki]n; mctalsnriths Ir ol' cf' r 711
nasturbation is shown, and oncc cvcn female I I I z ]. The Grcek wiirc amphor:r
with its narrow cylindrical ncck and pointcd toc is an uncxpcctcd aid [o; both (and more prot:rbly so than potters ol thc Clpltti hydria [323])-; sculPt('r \ irr
men (at lcast, satyrs I73]) and won-rcn (squatting on the uptrrncdjar). Honro_ t.lro,.lr.'[2621, t,.,"rlr]" 1r641, wood [71]; c:upclltcrs lrz4 cf' tgzl;:Irnrolrrcrs!
cspecialiy with hclnrc'is l8t, 2621. Thc Prcscnce of Atllclla ru sornc of
sexual activity is cxclusively male and hctcroscxually sucking is rriorc ir.r ordcr
.,.1n", 1ror, 264,3231 is a delicatc sclf-corlPlirllcnt by thc artist, xnd rcflc'Liorr
lhirn Iiclrrrg [9o]. t hr' i..r n)Jr'\ \ orlJ.
Modcl phalloi arc oftcn showil, cven x two-ctdcd onc [99]. Sornc arc ofhcr ftnlctioll xs Erqal1c.
sirnplc dildos, :rnd so uscd [7r]: othcrs arc largcr and may be c".ii"d by *orrr",, We sce far lcs ofih" rcliil tr:rde no wcighing sccnes now xnd only onc
or_ kept 1rr baskets []26,312]. The knob is oftcn decorared with an cye, rs or two butchcrs in ear)y rcd ftgure, or sornc lxtcr Pcrfunliers on pclikai Thc
other objects (ship, which havc to 6nd rhcir way. It would be casie. to belicv(. (()Lrrltrvsrclc is m;uD1y rHuorcd, wirh a few yokels ridiDg a goal [/60] or ram'
that thcse objccts wcrc being uscd for somc religious, fcrtility purpose, ifthcy'br Prn ltls.rl, rn.l rncn ftshing l"g, S'l+l (and rccall Paris' whcn
.il,o.u,, *,itl, hi. flockion Ida beforc the Judgcmcnt [3ro]) For an occxsional
wcrc cvcr in thc hands of othcr than naked womcn or satyrs. With the phalkrs_
hc.rdcd bird I r 7fl wc are taken into thc rcalm ofpsycholoey rxther rha; myrh. vintagc sccnc we tunl to salyrs. Thcrc arc no t1lore inporratlt ship sccncs'
Thcv appe:rr hendlcd by womcr, ridden by a satyr, cven as shicld blazons. i,, th" service of nyth (Odysscus and the Sirens)' ln sencral the scencs
to bcirotcd ul.lcr this hcad show a rnlrkcdly rnetropolitarr and altistic intercst'
r rthcr narro\\,er: then thc rcpertor-v in bl:rck figurc'
S port
'['hc nakcdness of yourhs cxcrcising at the pxlaisrra
couid wcll havc becn ;rrr Religion
rrnporraltt soLn'ce of inspiration for the Greek artist who was beconrirrq
incrclsinsly awarc ofthc possibilitics ofreprescnting the physiology ofsubtlc
'Ihc commonest scencs erc extrenlcly simplc rvith just onc or two lncn or
balrncc end lnovenlcnt in painring and sculptLrrc. Athlcte figurcs on vases or rvomen by an altar. Worship ar hcrms is sholvu fairly oftcr-r, and somcrilrle\
irr nrar blc fron-r now on scrve as dcrnonstrations ofthis new skill. Thc rangc ol .rc scc .r,r"11 voti",e plequcs I-ringirlg in thc frcld :rs from a trcc 1278, j64' cf' jjol,
sporrs shown on vases rcnains thc slme as in thc sixth ccntury, but an in6nitcly rs also hauging by iir" ir'r.,,".. o,., iz6z], r'vith masks. On.[34o] mcf,t is '()okcd
src:rtcr va.icty ofposcs are chosen for dcpiction in any onc cvenr or act, suclr on a spit oier'thc altxr where thc boncs and far burn aud a libatiot is porrrcd'
irs throwing thc discus. Of ptrticular evcnts in rcd 6gure wc may pick our tbr.. Therc arc a fcr,v morc elxllorite sccnes ofprocession to an altar, with sacrificial
rrowing popuJarity ofraccs for anncd men - thc hoplitodrornollZg,62. 2301. animals and tl'rc distillctive openrvork baskcts bcing carricd [zi l] The ekars
Thc cvcnt was introduccd at Olympia in 5zo and seems Irot to appear rrry conrmonly have volutc tops, ind the rcgttler rcd marks ar the sides arc thoughr
carlicr on Athenian vascs. The pankrltion (:rll-in wrcstiing) is shown witlr to be wipin gs t'iom thc bloocl of victinrs : x lz 4 5 z, j j o! bt tlyth scencs we sce
sorrrc dctailnrg ofholds, lcgitimatc and otherwise [26;]. Thc picks (sometirlcs o...rlo,r-"1 cult statuc [135.r] or tripod [215.2]. A mask of Dionysos on a
clresscd pillar mey bc thc.el,r." for a vinous fcstivrl involving rrecnad
only ouc-prorrged) shown in sonle sccncs uc for loosening thc ground for thc,
long jump, impcrsonation by dancing priestcsscs [;l r], and aPparently winc tasting' A
cvenr in which the athlete is assisted by hand wcights
(heltcres) [85.:, 286].^r, spc:ciai act is the cltrail inspcction as a warrior departs Irz9 r], ancl thcre are
Traincrs carry long stal1i or cancs Jt, 971, and sometimcs Llsc rhelD. Thcv ,,r"rry r..r,", oflibttion, pouriug inro and fronl e phialc or cup, for errivlls
rtlxy 1lrakc Dores or lccord wins on t.blcts: [2-]Jl cl [-707]. Thc athletcs are nekcrl ancl departurcs, olten bcside lltars and evcn by gods'
but nay wcal excrcisc caps [227, j6g]_ The oil bottlc, spongc ancl strigil (f<rr Funeral plaqucs are not tnadc in red 6gurc atd prorhcsis (the leyrng out
scraping down) is rcgular equiplnclrt sccn hanging 15r.z, zjo, z6ol or of thc bodyj is iccn only on sonc ritual loutrophoroi I r 4 r ]' Votive plaqucs in
bcing.carried by r child attendant [rSS, zSS]. Thc thick oil is bcing shaken our ,"d fig,r'" ,rfthi, datc arc few found only on and nc:rr the Acropolis' They
into the hand on 14 zq.jl. Some men practisc infibulation, tting up rhc .rrc oflcn ofhigh mcril atrd show Athcrra [52], gods, rnyth, cven croric sccnes
forcskin with a cord for modesry, protection or to discouragc the ciisti:rctior ol Ir6]. Thc chariot marri:rgc proccssions ofblack figurc disap;rcar'
an crcction [24.i ]efi, u;o]. Athlctes providc thc largesr sir-rgle class ofcveryclay
lili' sccncs in Archaic rcd figurc.

H istorical figures
The vasc p;rintcrs rvcrc as quick ro put Pcrsians fighting Circcks on thcir vascs
1279, joj, j6ol Acschylus was to put Pcrsi:rns on thc stxqc aficr rhc PersrJl
Wars. Thc dcld of Mlrlthotr u,crc trcatcd :ls hcrocs, end Dear con tenl por .rrics
ChaPter Eight
or rcccnt c'vents had to hivc a hcroic status before Grccks would admir th,:m in
thcir elt, xt lcast et this datc. Wlrich is r,r,h y thc 'lrarlsvcstitc' ligurcs arc SCEN ES OF MYTH
Anakrc-ontic rathcr !h:ln Anlkrcon hirrsclf(scc rbovc). Srppho end Aicecus
[z6r] wcrc Jons crroush dead (over fil'ty yeius) and wcll cnough honoured to
qualify (and see .4BFH fig. 3rr). Thc rnurdcr of Hipparchos (5r4 Lrr) had
lhe s'rlnc new
brought heroisatiou arld the honour of x st:rtuxry group to his slaycrs lr99l Thc sccncs of nlyth on early rcd figrrrr v'rscr rlc 'rffclrcd bv
.nd night bc tacitly cquarcd with thc cxccution of Aigisthos. Oroesus' defeat wcrtr thc genre
conditions and possibilities offercd by thc rrcw lcchnicltrc 'r\
aDd thc story ofhis cscape from the pyre (546 tc) had already rcceded into coovcntions for episodes are soon brokell' or
s..,r* Sr..L iionographic story Many trcw
r-nyth history [17-t]. Thc naming ofcontrnrporrrres rn \ynlposrr \n'-r\ n.rturally .,rl.ia"."t tu air".tiici jn tl-re intcrcsts of telling morc of a
exempt from restrictions obscrvcd in rrorc formal scencs or scnior arts. ."fri.." ,t.'i",t*lr..d l,Lrr rr i' still po"iblc lu Prcscnt thc hrrrrilrrr sctrrc' f'r from
;; nr.,kc full usc ofallusive dciail Eveu so we are'a , irll ",r;
";.'.;;;;;lt pr.lorrJl \r,r(crrr.nt "f rn'rn) stori's or crrtt r r'rttonic'rl orrr irt
,.]rrrr.k nlost fully known to us lrom othcr sources' A1r hlsrotjcal
i. ,fl" a""clopmcnt of myth in lrl is xs ilnport'nt es it is ill litcrlturc'
Thc sorttcc of the new sccncs or cycles is to bc sought largely in tbc
l1lore litcratc For thc 6rst timc it bcconcs
',.-"-;";;r,; in thcir nurnbcr Dow, ilspiring
thc choice or ncw scencs' notxble
-tr"i,rg ncw or olcl, are
ilr" i",.'*:li ;,r Troy in thc early fifth ceutury' Thc nerration of mYth orr
th" ittr"rri"r't sragc, ancl thc importancc of thc trew murxl corlposrtlolls 1l)
p-u1r1;. lruitdingi als'r plryed thcit. P:rr.t irr irrBrrcncing
.^".i.,".i.t i'
;il;;;; ",ra
fiit:., but thcir cfcct rs h-tcr' Auschvlus 'r L'Lrt Archaic
arlist too,",r;but it is eavcr to rccogDl\c lhc inflr'rcnee of thc-uovtl lhcmes of
;;;rlri I r t'3, 3z5l ti'"' ar'ry
srrvr plays special versiorrs of cPic stori(:\ from
'.nl ,-r'ofi",, possiblc to idc|tify accuratcly in e'rlicr poets'
1,a,";;i.;';";,,;', ",',".,,''Jr'.i'r ''" p"'''""'d.'liL'.rrrrlvbttorc L'l1ov'ud'
w.j trrrn to
One or trvo geucral iconographlc trLnds lnry bu notcd
rithcr thal)
d.t"il, i*pp1.,rin,ing the account tn ABFH ChaPtcr Thirtcen hunrrni"c
Gorgons soon
t*."iig ii on" is t"hc rcjection of thc monstro!1s: the detoratrvt or
rfr".i f- fcwcr hcto-vcrsus-n-toDstcr ducls although
"rri "r"
;;;i;;:il"irphir1xcs is nol forsorten' nor of coursc tht utterly p1a.sible
c;ntaurs and ,"tyrt, dr" Iattcr bclng rl thcir n1o\t vigorons,rtl
thu\e ycars'
;;;;;;;,;;y i, to ..,,.1"' deit-ics ;,rd hcrocs vouthlul' bcxrdlcss'
ilr;, at ifi-crcnt ratcs to rlmost all exccpt the ackrlowlcdlied lerliors
iik. l;.,;, P"oscidon, Hcphaisros, or fathcr-figurcs like Ncrcus arrd Priem. At
sorllctrn)c\ Prtroklos'
- f'r.-"t temaiu beardccl cx(ePl ArLilles arrd'
colllrlliJllt t-vcntt-of rht day' or
ifr" ttr*"la or allusivc usc of nlylh ro on
a"f,L.."ii f.flii."f promotjon ofrrlyrll renlrrrl brrd to drlect lIHer'rklcs
aD^rr.) rrloe:lrs ls erlolhcr wt)rl1'rlliscl [)ut h( is lll(xl corrlrrr'rrlli rlr"rrrr rr
thc hcro ofPeisistretan Athcns. thcrr Thcscus is ofthc new dcrtrocracy This is
r,r.''.i.. iliti, with his slstc:' l'hc llcrlrrr l'rrirrttr rirrt: lrrrrr 'r
dcnronstratcd clearly enough on vxscs and clscwhcre, cttlminating in Kimon's "u'rrrqerl rrrpod lur ",,a.f",.
r)r\Jnrrnc\ 'r'r'r'lrs l' Hi'rill lr '' r" '1" 1 'r.rrlr /rt1"
recovcry ofThcscus'bones for Athcus. Aftcr Marathon thcrc is a grcxt sPlte
,,,[o.rtr,rck-d llrcrr rrrrrtl-cr lcrolr/'rl Oi' ''ri" '*'
t {1r'lt,' lrrlL r"'* I l'r'
of Nike figurcs on vases rvhich surcly alludc to thc victory: nol dirccdy 1-ol. Urtr..irr, who prcfcrrcd the bclo
to rht god T'h' qrrl\ l'rrlrL,l,l(r(lr()s
becausc thi' contcxl is vcry rarely nri)itary rarhcr than rcligious, rnusicel, 1"'"
i:i.i";,,i-';;i ,;.-i;P;i;;'""rsio. [;7ri]' "ul'il" s*"n thc otlcr
sidc or'rlr('
athlctic or vaguc, but military succcss may havc prornotcd a l1ew intcrcst ilr ;:.,;., to i'.'t"t"'l" A Lov-'idi']s ^ o]l sonrcc'trlv
her cult ar-rd spccial association with Athcnt, end so grearcr attcrltion to her
;..:;; t;;j; -i. -"tr"lly
whonr hc
r"J [-.,t. trkcr for Hyakitttios' Apollo's firvouritc'
function in other contesrs. At Artemisiunl in 413o thc Persi:rn flect was scatterec{
rllos.'cl to ridc hrs srv.rrr chrrrol'
and dcGatcd by the North Wind, as it had been rwclvc years carlicr offAthos, ' 'ir*rt"r,-.tinti,ous Ir1 sceles u hcre othcrs take thc lcadi,g
roles'-har still
and accordingly thc Athenians hotourcd llorcas and built hinl a rernple lt l'r' rh( 'o\\ l/ 0j r:-l' Arr"'
has been suggcstcd that this provokcd the ncw intcrcst in scencs showing
fi ,,'.if," ii'.p.,r.t' ,'r,1,.. "t bv H;rr ro {u'rrd lre''d' 't in bl''ck figrrrt' llc'rrrc:'
Borc", Orcithyia, wbo wts,tll Attic princcss The artisls who ",. l,arlr llrll (,I l]\i\ Iro\r r'rth('r h'rr rrio
is sho..'lr b'v the Brvgos Pai.tcr' thc
introduced thc sr-encs :uc so obscssed by othcr scencs of pursr-rit (Eos with hcr
ll;1,"::.:;:i., '"11,;;;p"i;;,'' ''r"/'' edull
youlrg mcn; Zeus, Poscidon, Thesctts with various girls) rhat wc should bc irill-*a i.".*.a u'it t'u"'nt"""g baskcr fz5rl; and he is scc, as arr
cautiJus in attributing spccial imPortance ro Borcas. Fron about 'l7o on th'
ith c.rtle, pJ.r1 irrg .r lyre Ioo l'
Aigina, whosc island
r'-jrv ,ceds dwclii.g upo' Hc is co,monl'v \vith
girl chased by Zcus on vases is sonrclinres identificd as Ariedrre' but hc.rlirrcs
hi, ;;,.,;';i;;,;;:;J ,.',j"n"d', "ft"n wirh his consort
iistinguishcd itsclf at Salan-rls ill 48o, but was thc barlc of Athcns bcfcrre and wilh other gods i,cluding thc
aftcr, sullcring defeat in 459. But is it Aigina on thc earlier vascs, and did
;";;;; ;;il; ty.nposio, also' somctirnes
Htphat'n" to O)vurpus
anything poliiical or nrilitary popularisc this othcrwisc unirnPortant slory?
,rr"-.r"a ff*"U*'l;Zf] ffi' pro'c\\rorlil Rcntrtt.a'l-
:l;,,ii;";,,;,;;,,,i ih"i,,"1'v' zo5':l M'rkror^h'rr"shi,r'r' ''hilocrrri'd
Spcculation in tiris subjcct is hezrrdous. :.: i:li. 1;i,,."t,,,"r,,,,,'.t',q Diorrt..r''' 'rrL1e' t rc'ervcd ror
r"l fi;trr' r'tlrc
'ii;lli i,,,,r, ti"* Pinth"'s t'v his mothc'r and l.rer rrcnzicd
It should bc remarked that thc lppxrcnt popultrity of sonrc srorics in red
figurc only aftcr about Joo nlust il1 part bc duc to thc restricted Productron
:J":il: ';'iii 'i Arrodlcr
urd shapcs irr rcd figure bcfore th:rt darc.
::;l;:X':;''i,;i,: ,'"'v r"" ["i'"" ro us rronr Euripides Bdcft'7'
titatttt lrl' r'
r.,1.' Irtrt rritlrout tc\t Jlltllorlr)'' l'ol Ill\ \'rt\l\
"!t Ht't 'rrrd
r'i."' n,i,", ' i'r.,r r' u,r' trr'rrrr blrck rls,rrr' rrr rck
lllr,.ill Jllli" r l)(ru rrl
irtn rrtd l\ 'rtrr''l((11 rgJrrr'
The Gods ,,,,'U"..,. L,ur.'l* *h. r. Ir'' p'1' thc pur'''lry oi n rl
rlrcrc \\r\ Jrlv c:rllolllc
lr.rt b, a"r'tt"o., ll;91, so wc rn'v doubt whcthcr
In rccl 6gure, cspecially eftcr 5oo, thc OlyrrPiilns lre sccll lllorc oftcrl xl ;;li'"v *g"*r thil as logic:rl extcnsio. of satvric bch.'io.r
independint studics or involved in stories Pcculiar to thcnl rathcr thalr to any ii:Hl;";t- a

prot6g6. Particularly conunon arc libation scencs whcrc dcilies alonc pour thc litdr cerrttrrl' br'rt he is once
'from Hpptrarstos' ianrcncss is not cmphrsisc'l by
a phiale, or arc scrvcd by othcrs (Zeus r,vith Iris or Nike, Apolkr r'virh a'-i* ['rzol' proLr'rbty orrc of hrs orvtt trtrrvcllous
Artcmis. Athcnx with Hcraklcs, etc.) in the rjtual of grccting or dcparturc
;;;t;;" "'*"'r"J welrs short working drcss lorlgs or x
irr"",i""i. Othcrwis! hc -Jnd-crrri(\
lr9j, zozl.
' 'Znr, '"'rr. irr lri' l'orF' \usF(\r I \'rI\r phv lr,-41'
it a far comtttolcr figure now, often in quict grouPs with othcr ";;;.;;t
".",,1 be Aithra (uho bore hrrn Thcscrts rrr
ticities, as [55. r]. 'lh,c Birth o-l'Athoa fully arurcd fronr his head is still for long ".'"y
shown in thc oldcr scheme, r,vith the diminutivc and precocious figurc ^fhirqrorw)orAmpbrtritc.ft'a"'''t*afrshiclentifyhinr[59]'whilcbodr
atlcnd thcm mav holcl fish . '4riymorr'
il;J;;"'";; ,1," i'"
crncrgenl [-i5J], but sooD to bc shorvD full-grown bcside hcr sire, as on thc '* ",pL'- "a'o
Part]rcnon, though it is l lcss colnmol subject than in black figurc Ncrv arc hcr o, vases othcr women he pursucs arc
rcpcatcd scencs ofZcus' pursuit of a worlxn and. of Cattyutdc ['So, :s9],
ir.,,r',rr" '*i"it r-,s 'cct-t'chasi"g
shown as a youth, olten with hoop and stick and holding a cock (a pct or lovc
.,honvrtrntt\ [r;11 Anr' r(l]l''lll\ 'r llL'l)enllly hcr ''tg,r'-hrl'rlrt'
gift). On thc idcntity offic wolnan AS Aiginall5tl, scc abovc; but ?hctir is
AIill\A l'n,rrtrr'rllr th' ltr"'t popul'rr'qod(lc's.t)r' Wu 1t''1' 11'1qd Ier I'rrrh
,',.""' gt J""ttr' t' ';
" , .,,,r, i.r,, ,t,,ot,J,t .* i.I -r'. i' nr''ir11 errF rsud 'rrpPortrrrs hcr"" ''r "r'
l''r11 1''1
also.lrascd, a lnatch xvertcd sincc hcr son was fatcd to be stronger then his
fathcr.,L'rroira with chc Zcus bull [r+z] is particularly popular in tbc- first
i;,]i";",'r i..,'i piot*"g6 Hrrrklcr lrlo -rd6]; in
civic tasks - cscortinq or cltcrtrrrrirlq h"t
quartcr of thc 6fth ccnturY. 225
dcmocracy's hcro, Thcscus, ovcr lhc ty:arlrs' hcro; and in lhc pcriod whcrr tlrt
scttirlgs recirllirt{-: hcr role es goddess of thc Panadrcnlla errd its garncs [307]; stil1-flouriihing black 6gurc arrd thc ncw red 6gurc ovcrl:rp, thc ptour'''ssivi
rvith Nikc, rnd holding :rn xphlastol) (ship's stcrn) to celebratc :r victory, ertists arc qtticter tn t"k" ,rp thc nc$' trcnds, so that it is ollly in clrrlicst r't tl
presunrably Salauris or Artclnisiuln 1249, J66l; xttcnclilg thc r'vorkshops ofhcr fillure thilt thc black figurc lnood is maiurainccl. Bur thcrc arc scvcrltl rrcr'"
iitircrl., tl.rc birth of llrldrtftotitts lj-29, -rJo], thc Athenian hcro ;Lnd hcr .,'crr.r irrrolrirrg rlrr lr.'ro ro cllrurl rin tl\.
fbster-child, handcd over by Earth (Gc). The lest tppc'ars onl,v after the P'rrr'lr t o t o1l
W c r:,rkc the lalronic Labours first. Thc e ucour, tcrs with rhc 1- iot I l '
Wrrs when Atlrcna scems to bc'coll1c rcspccted nlore lor hct orvn sake rr.ity ancl witir,4na.:ors lS, ,g, ,+9,298] retaio nruch of tlrclr appcel thrortghotrt
godclcss than for hc'r patrorrtrrc' ofhcrocs our period. Thc dciivcry of the lJoar to tcrrilicd Eurystheus l'19], thc frght
Thc vulncrebility of Hcrl aud lris to thc sul>hunran has bccn nolcd abovc' witlr'Ccryn, [26.:], wiih thc Hydm l196l, wifi thc llall, thc' rcrlovel of
[-{nt.t is shou.n in varjous Olytnpi:rn gathcrings, distinguished by sccptrc and Krr0rro-, frolu Hedes [16], ancl the visit to the /{'ry(/idc-r and Atlls, arc nor
crorvn. Ilus, u,ingcd, is thc corllltcrpart to Hcrnlcs and may carrv a hcrald's wholly lbrgottcrr, and there arc cxarrplcs wid-r as much or morc expllcit dctail
ceduccus, bur olicn sinrply xttcuds Zc[s or pours libations for him [zoz]' than bcfore. Thc rcst arc virtually ignorcd. Somc intcresr, howcver, is
Shc is readily confuscd rvith Nikc cxccpt wherc tllc larlcr is clcarly cclcbr.rtlng taincd in subsidiary cpisoclcs. We scc Herakles in his Co/dcn Borr'/ l'7ool'
victory rvith phialc, olten by an alter [.2 i3 ] or iuccnsc brrrncr I r,s9]; carrl irrg provided by the Sin; ihc wrestling with Ncrca.r discovo thc routc
a tripod or hydria p zc, lyrc l3;rEl or wreeth lr6r]. wcst, with'Ncrcus wholly human now (one cxception) eud cxhibiting only
Dtirrrrln :,rrd her chughtcr carrv lorchcs or cars of corD aicl wcilr lorv slight nutlrliolls, but clullc of[cn accollpanicd by his daughtcrs.ol cvcn Triton
crow:rs, bLLt thcy r-lsuall,v appclr on1-v ro dispatch Triptolcmos rtr his nlissr'rrr to witlr
lttic f,glrt witl, thc fishy Tritolr has disappeared); lhc ddnking.pxrly drc
bring lgricultnrc to ctrth Ir54, -rdq,3o9]. His rvhcclcd throne is nor'v r.rsually i",-r,",-ri prul,,-, bcsidc the open wine pithos, ancl thc rcsuliant 6ght with
- bv rvingccl snakes. .
ct:ntdu. 172]l.
Aluloorrt [55..2] cnjoys no spccial sccncs LrLrl makcs a good show rr rhc Son-re ,rot all of the other popullr black 6gurc episodcs recur with thc
(Hirncros lnd
Judgcnrcnt of Paris [;io]. Ettos, or a nlultipJicity oF Erotcs sxlllc forrnula: thc match with thc giant .4rl/'rior wholl-l Euphtonios givcs
others Ir84]), bc'conres suddculv populer frolrr rhc 49o's, usually in singlc
rcalistically bxrbarixD fe:rtures [2J]; thc attack orr thc slecping giarrt '4l&yorrcrr-t
studies I i 73, 204, 3r 6], cat rying a lyre or harc, or pursuing a boy ; and hc servcs upon him; rerely, tbc Kcr&opcs b:tggcd
Iaz, 95], wrth Slecp (Hypno$ pcrchcd
irr nryrir fzg4, J 08, -,, r o]. At t ltr'tts supcrviscs the kilJing of Aktaion bv his dogs
by iisrl; lfr" rcccption olKing Errrllos ancl slaying ofhis perfidious sons [2.;i];
l;-;,s.2,.;J:.r l. Only latcr is thc hunrer's transfbrnlxtiol) inlo x stag indicetcd in. hgUt ."itli KyArros l6j] but now withoul Zcus ir.riervcniug bclweclr
,,.i.lcd lro.r,s. Shc is morc thc archer-huntress llorv, bur ller plinlirivc firrm ls
Hr:raklcs tnd Arcs. or at rrlost his thundcrbolr; and thc best ofthc 6ghts with
r rvingccl Cloddess ofAninrels is 11ot cntirely lorgortcn lzrzl- thc Egyprian I{iug Brrslri-r 175, jj6l md l.ris follower-s rt thc.altar-whcrc thcy
PaN started es .ll-goat. In thc fifth ccntury his body ancl limbs arc tntinly i,',r",, ,,, sacriicc Herakles, which ollit intcresti:rg srudies of thc artists'
humer, but despite thc favour hc lbund in Athcns aftcr his ]rclp:rl Maredrorr, dcvcloping vicws or d1e physiognomy end anatomy of Africans- ,
hc is not much shor,vn in the first l-rllf of thc 6t1h ccntury li35.l]' To win his bridc l)cilnira Hcrakles fought thc rivcr god '4drrltros Oltos
Thc gods sit or stx[d tosethcl often still, cithcr in counci] on OJynrpus or is unique iu showirrg hin with a fishy body [5a], ralhcr.tllll) bovinc, hut
obscrvirig thc birth ofArhcne, the lrrivel ofDionysos. Tllcir action togethcr, sccDc;emaits ,"r" oilr"a*ir" lllonslrous, xs does thc slayilg of Nrs_ro_t who
fighting il.rc Ci art-s, tbllot s rhe schcrncs establisircd in bhck figurc, oftcn with rricd to rapc thc girl Irzi]. The quarrcl with,4pollo ovcr thc tripod [4o i' 91]
rrrore cxplicit or novcl detail 1t87, t96, 28o, f7l. Thus, Hephlistos now has l ren,a.k"blc'i.,n o I popularily j ust through our pcriod but uot latcr'
hurls his burniug coals et thc foc, and l)ionysos'vinc is sccn treppil)!! a gi'rrrr lvc sl-rould pcrhaps look fo. , specill symbolism whic-h susraincd it irr thcsc
lzSo.zl; in black figurc Hcpheistos is hc:rtirrg thc coals and L)iotllsor is ycers. Thc cotnplerrrcnlary disputc over the dccr is still rrrc'
:rssistcd only by animals. Poseidon's islarrd missilc rrav bc trickcd out '"vith Arhena's ,peiirl .olc as Hcraklcs' patrol naturally renreins iluportent lt
eppropriatc wild lile. hrtl been so long beforc aDd outsidc Athens. Thcy aPPeirr oftcn togcthcr' Ilr
()lynpus 15o z)
.onversxtiorl. wlth libarions, in lclion. Bnt ]IIis ltttrcdttctioll nt
by hcr, espccially by chariot, falls frotr favour, understandably ifit had sorrc
H erakles t ttory'
cr r"nt svn,bol,sn, .rnd d. sptr, it' pr"prlcrv r' part ofthc hc|o
Thc hcro rvho dollirlriccl thc nlYtll rcpcl lory of Arhcnitl bleck hgruc hrd e The ricu H.r..rkle' t.cnc' rnr olve his childhood, onc or two trivial tclvcrr-
rcduccd rolc oD thc hlcr vascs. Various f;Lctors arc rcsponsiblc for thrt rures, and possibly reflcct stige thclncs. Sorne appear also il1 contelnporxry
grolinq lvcrsion f_ronr thc ntonslrotts; a qrowillg prcfcrencc for thc tlcw
latc bhck tlqrrrc. Thc Ilcrlin P:rrnter is thc firsr ro shorv hinr wrcsrlinlj wirh rhc -fhe Minotntrr story rcllleins vclv PoP1lh1, wlrh thc bcest collilPsiDli ()r
rrd,!.J scrlt by thc cvcr Llnfriendl), Hcra while he wls still it his credlc
li55l. bcrng clreggcd lrom the palacc-leby: irrth: l l l B], ci [70]' On thc r'vay to -( r' t'
Hc rcatcd prcdicrabiy badly ro school and killed his rnusic tcachcr 1_lros with
Tl-r"i.'.,, hJ bccn challenlrcd to Provc thtt Poscidorr rvas his fathcr, :rrrcl :rficr
his lyrc [:96]. He rcccivcs his baby son Hyllos frorn his wife. Hc clobbers or.
corlrcs to tcrrns rvith pulry Gcres (Old Agc) ltS:l and destroys thc vir)cyrrd ioo rvc firld versioDs of his d!'sccnt to the ocern-bccl, supportcd by Trit"rr'
visitinq thc courl of Poscidoll and AnlPhitritc with thcir sca nynlphs, xn(l
Ir 95] cx homc 13631 ofSy/r,,l-r ,,vho cusronrarily c,_xacrcd corv6c fronr p:rsscrs-by.
(Thc Syleus scenes all fall bet'a,,cen 49o and 46o_) Af-ter joo hc issccn rnorc lccciviirg a crown fionl AfiPhitrilt'[22-i]. Herc Athcna may atcrrd On his
oftcn with Dionysos than hitherro. Thcy rnay reclinc toecticl [.;76] end retum i;n1 Crcte thc abenJonrllent of thc slccping ,4r'iarlar on Nixos [2691
is occasiorraJly showrl, cvctr with an indicetion ofher itnrninctlt discovcry by
satyrs oftcir :rttcnd ; or Hcrakles is ak>nc with satyrs. Itr black figurc hc,is shown
l)ionysos (Eros alrcl thc virrc). Othcrrvisc lhcy arc shown slcePing toliethcr or
capturirrg thcnr, and whcrc thcy appcar robbing hirn of his anrrs rvhile hc
he is icd tl-o:n lrer, alvtkc. Thcre may elso bc the rcturrr to Alhens'
slccps wc nlay suspect a satyr play thenlc-
Thcseus hed oncc carricd off Htln lj4. tl and his seizing of the Amazolr
Thc Herakles of rccl 6gure is lcss iltcrcstins thu he hacl bccn ir thc sixth
,.1,/ri()p. appcers ea:-ly, as in black ligurc. At thc erld ofour pc'riod arxl lrrer
ccnrurv, but his rival in thc painter's rcpcrtory, Thescus, rvill nevcr metch his
pnl,r'l u il) w rl) 51,,r-\ -rcllur, irr po..rry or p.rirrr. thc'rc'tre somc scenci ofhim thrcetcnillg a woll1all, ollcc ll'lncd (by Mekrorl)
:rs Airhra, his mothcr. Thc occasion is no! il l_ccordcd onc, or clsc
thc ruscriprion
is a mistakc (Aithra for auother; Thcseus lor onc ofrhc Dioskouroi?)' I"herc
Theseus erc rn;trly sccrlcs ofhilD chasing unicic[tificd yolulll wo]l]cn, if al1 thc yortths
dressccl as Thcscus arc hc-
Thc cyclc of scercs dcpicting on thc road fronr Trorzcr, Thc pronrotion of Thcsclls es thc Athcnian hero sccms lo lllvc l11ct with
Thescr-rs' :rdvcrrtr-rrcs
to claim his hcritagc iu Athcns only lppcar conrmolriy or r,:rses :rfter about j ro
lirnitcd succcss wilh vase Paintcrs, bcyorrr:l thc cyclc of pscuclo-Labours, :rnd
and mev bc inspircd by a ncw pocrn. Thcy are e pallid but clcliberatc irnirarrorr
ofHereklcs' Lrbours, and sitrcc thc Hcrakles story sccnts to havc becD rsccl by nlorc i.'spccirlly thc Minotaur story (fivourcd long bclorc') :rrrd thc llull
cpisodc irr Attice itsclll He rlr:ry hevc iired Lretrcr orl wxlls alld i1l vcrsc'
I'L't,r'tt.rro..rnd hr. t.rrrrriv. ir i. r,.rrrrr rl rn iirr.l ilr, rrcrr rj-.rr1c i,voqrrnl .r
rivel. Thc rrvo hcroes' rclationship in nryth, poctry, syDrbolisru and rcliqior) rs
cortlplicltcd, nor hostilc. Oivcn thc opporturlirics thar rnyth provided ir nray Other heroes
irc siEnificanr rlt:rt no confrontarions nrc adrnittcd in thesc yceri, alrhough thcir
Prt rus, r,r,hosc major rolc is in thc prclitlinerics to thc Troj:trr cyclc (bcloB)'
c:lrccr-s nxy bc comparcd (as on thc Alhcnien Trcasury at Delphi) lrld only
is sccn wrcstlinq with ,4tul,rl?t,r [62], rn cvcllt al thc flmcral galllcs of Pcli:rs'
l]tcr, ltr pliy aDd lrt, is thcir associetion agail prescnrcd. The Thcscus srorrcs e br-a, bur not llw:rys lll
Shc is shorvn naiccl but for art cxcrcisc cxp, panrs
are trctted rlrorc as a cyclc by artiscs then Hcrakies had bccn (although thc 'nd On Douris' lckythos
thrce, and therc:Irc scveril studics oihcr alonc l369l
Klcophredcs Pairltc. puts t'bur Labours in onc fricze), rvirh sir.,elc u"r"..ror,rc-
[:g1] hcr swili-footcclllcss is lhe thcrrrc, ancl pcrhaps thc lovc intcrcst
tirlrcs illustrating scvcrxl cpisodcs. Frort PL,riphttcs (or Korynctes _ ,club
bcarcr') hc ecquircd a club. Sirir-' challcngcd wxyfarers to hoid dorvn:r pinu iio,.'9 ti", iu tbc ibot racc shc sct hcr suitors. Shc htd elso bcc'n at thc Ol)y-
donian bolr hLlnt, but rhis ls rlot a story to illtercst Archaic rcd figurc artistr 'ls
trcc, benl to thc grotDd, which sooD splxng up to catapulr eld rend thcir
bodics. Thcscns clcals rvith hirn in like wty It rJ, 206, 28i]. Ski,nn nraclc folk
it hrd thc bhck figure . Wc also lose sight fbr a whilc of l)cllerophorr'
Mcclusa or bciug pursuccl by hcr (iorgolt sisters was r11o!t
PEnsrus killing-figurc.
r.r,esl-i his fc'ct, thcn kickccl thcrn ovcr.thc clilf to a tortoise/rurtle waiting ro eet
popular i11 bleck In Archaic rcd 6gure wc scc t vcry lirv scc[cs of thc
therrr bclow. Thescus topplcs hin l9o, zz1] lnd sonrc scelcs itclude all tltc
parrphcrnalia - clili, loot basin, turtlc_ Irro&ru-slts loppcd or stretchcd his p.rirtlit (.i l,::, :+d) l>trt the hcro's eirlicr lili is now xttcndcd to The
victims to fit his beds. Thcscus cuts hirn down to size, and thc wood axc and i'riptnJ.irros Prinrcr slrows his mothcr Darral;, visitcd by Zcui goldc'r r''in
[;ofl and hc ar1cl others havc thc chcst bcing preparccl for hcr voyagc witir
bcd may be shown [137, zzj, jrgl. Phaia, thc savage sow of Klonrnryon. is
i.,"b), l'c.r",-,s by (with borv drill) watchcd by King Akrisio-s Ir9'z]'
kiJled [zE7]. Krrtlor ofElcusis, is wrcstlcd. AnJ hrcr rn Articr ThocLrs fights ^.arpcntcr
Tl-rcr" orte or two othcr vcrsioDs of the scclc rvith the chcst, a11cl llrter its
thc Marath otian Bull l z o t l. Thc hcro is usrally iislttiy dresscc{ in shorr chiron ".c
rc.L,\ cr) L\ ll.l)-rlrlcr'.
or r,vith chlanrys oniy, wcxriDq a petasos travcliilg hat. Except with the bull cup ls illr
hc docs not usuelly cnjoy Athcna's support (an rntcrcsring omission), br-rr in Jasor disgorgcd by a scrpcrrr bcfbrc Athcne on thc l)oLrris
othcr nnlanonical ipisicle lrorl1 thc Ar!lorlaut story lz8.!l For Mcdct's rcluvc'''rri"n
s()n1c scencs she is oltcn showrr.
spells, vesc pii,rt".s sl,o* a rarn bclns boilcd lzool, which in thc tcxt' is 'L
dernonslration of powct on1y. Thc spcll is cast for .Prlla-r bcfore his daughtcrs, pocm, plus thc nurnber of motc clonrcstic cpisodes shown by thc lhygos
and forJason's 0rthcr Acson (given hr' son'r n-urrc bv ntist.rkr in l:ool), but Paintcr and his Circlc. It rcellv sccnrs thet nr this ficld choicc ofsubjcct is lrcirrg
is rarc. fir morc often detcrmitrcd b,v knorvlcdgc of x tcxt. This is a p: cltr':lc trr
OIDTPUS, conlrontirlg thc sphin-\ or1 rock or column, is sccr rnorc oflcrr orr litcrar-v iDtcrcsls oflatcl gcllcr:rtiols ofpaintcrs, lnore opcrl to in6ucDcc iorrr
later red fisure l7oi.:1. ()rrntus, clutching his lyrc as hc is tonl by Thrlcr.l) rhe sta!lc than cpic.
womcrr, bcconcs quitc r common figurc aftcr 5oa Ir7Z, j5ll. Thc rveapols \)fhar fbllor,is is :r sumnrery of thc scencs shown in Archtlc rcd f-tgrrrc,
rre usuxlly domestic spirs, rocks, bLlt a sword nry bc uscd, alrd t sicklc to fbllou,ing rhe orclcr ofthc cpic cyclc, as in ,4IJFH pp 228 J I I hrvc aslcriskcd
cut ofl'his hcrd. Thc youths solnctimcs prcscnt wcrc his auclicrrcc. (*) those srbjccts whosc iconography is in esscnce dcrivcd fron thc tarlicr
Thcrc arc somc'1l1i11or pursuit scc'ncs to sct llcsidc thc Olynrpiur. Borras black 6gure tradition.
ANI) OnEITFTyIA lppear first at thc end ofour periocl f34t, 3,lz] (on the suggestccl Kvpru.r. Prlrus t)tcsll(s'l'h,ti\* l,u l1.l], vcrsatile as cver, but thc l'l/tdtliu,q
synrbolism scc thc stxrt of this chaptcr). His hair is shaggy, somctirrcs latcr is nor,r, shorvn ts a foot proccssioll with the briclc sonletinlcs lcd itl thc ritrtal
frosted rnd spiky. He is usuelly winged, as r,vinds should be; and so is his son, nranncr, hand upolr lvrist. Thc r/rild,4rlrillr's* is brought to Chiron for cduca-
young Zrplryros pursuing thc yor-rth Hyakinthos or flying with him in his rrnrs tion [-s61. TheJrid.grncnt o-l'Poris* [3r o] has thc hero now as a youth, 11o lorrger
(but thcsc idcntificrtions alc lcss ccrtain). Eos (l)arvn), norma)ly also rvingccl, .cl.r.t;,,ri, .rith tlr" rustic setting on Mourrt lda tnorc clcarly indiclted and thc
pnr-sues eirher I(cphalos [zo3], rvho is gcncrally sho\\rr as a huntcr (rarely es l goddcsscs differcnriatcd, Aphrodite oftcn with ettclldant Eros or Erotcs' 'Parl-r
schoolboy), lvith brirnrned hrr, chlemys end tlvo spcars, sonretinlcs with his ir',tds Hrlu arvay 1308. r], but willingly, it scetns, es a briclc (hand on rl'risr)
dog or dogs; or Tithonos {3791, a handsomc city boy for whonl shc nc!lotiatccl rathcr thiul viclrm, atrcl his rcltrnt tLt Trof is showll- Ou thcir wey to Tro,v the
immortelity but not ctcrnxl youth. The lavourite pcriod lor thcsc pursuit Clreeks mistekcnly ettackcd rlrc kingdom of Tclrplo-r. The king is woutrdcd by
sccncs is llom the end of the Archaic orr. Achillcs rnd r,ve scc hirn seeking rcfugc at Agxlllcl-n1ron's court in Argos lr78],
A fcw scencs of about 5oo and just afterwards show the arning of thc onl,v htcr seizing Orcstes hostagc. On thc Trojan plain Achilles' pursuit of
'.lioilos* with hii sister Polyxcna llgol rcmlins in thc repcrtory, end lhcrc is
SEvEN AcAINsr THLBtrs. Thcrc is usually :r ch:rriot (for Arnplriareos) arrrl
conrnron fi'aturcs arc rhc artcnti(nl paicl to hair, holding a corsclct, ald.rqrrt nlorc dclail of Achillcs drauging thc boy liorn his horsc by his hair :rnd
of dcjcction. Parthcnopaios is narncd on [3;i] to idcntify the gtoup. Tlte prcparing to dcclpitare hinr bcside Apollo's akar lz3zl, but lhc w'irrrrg in
rrurder of Arcrslnos by Orcstcs, with Klytaiornestra (rushilg forrvard r,vitl: rrrbu.h..o poprrLr in bl.,ck 6grrr,. i' rtow t',Ltc
;rn axc [.250]) end Elektra, has the victim seatcd, somctinlcs with l lyre Irq.t. hno. Tirerc is far molc artcition in thc early fifrh century to ePisodcs
z7q.zl. Only thc Dokimasia Paintcr, as a pendent to rhis, also shorvs lhc imrrrcdittcly conncctcd wirh the pocm's thenc, thc wrath of Achillcs Wc scc
nrurdcr of Agamcmnou lz7q.rl, tr:,d in a ncar-Acschylcal tnanucr already tirc girl Brirrir scrving Phoini-x (Achillcs' rtrcntor [za5'r]), lcd auay frorn
discusscd. Achillcs by thc heraicls lz7ol, dclivcrcd to Agamerlrrrolr' The Mitri'rn ltr
Athitks 166, shows thc hcro dclectcd, scetcd, hced on hald ancl t:loak
over his hcad, bcftrre the appcasing herocs. Thcsc includc Odysscus' sr:etcd
The Trojan Cycle clasping his kncc or standing, Ajax, old Phoinix and (on vxses but rlol irr
Conlparative study ofthc popular sccncs tiorn thc Trojan cycle in black ficur',' llonrcr) I)iomedcs. Achillcs is silent, as iu Acscl-rylus but not Horncr, brl 1l is
and rcd figurc is rcvcalir-rg. Afrcr 53o black figure can stlll dcvotc as rner)y ftr from cleer that Acschylus irrspircd tl-ic paintcrs rathcr than cpic' Achillcs
sc.^ncs to it as docs rccl figurc clown to thc nrid 6frh ccntury, btrt the bhck tcnds a wound of his cotnpenion Patroklos [50.1], rnd dispatchcs hitn to thc
ftgure rotal is due largcly to thc continrlillg popularity of a vcry fcw oltl fielcl of battlc B'hcrc we sec thc 6ght over his body. The figurc of Arhillas
favourilcs Pcleus and Thetis, Judgcrncnt of Paris, Troilos, Aja-x carryrrrq r,orrr ttg eppcars in scerlcs u'ith Briscis led away, in thc Mjssiolr aDd orr lxtcr
Achillcs, Mencleos with Helen, Aeneas and Anchiscs, Polyphcutos - whilc rr u"r". *ir.ri i.i. u..0, is dclivercd ar-rd he is rnournitlg Petroklos ahnost
rlunlber ofother sccncs erc following thc lced ofred 6gure. On thc othcr henrl lrcrlcric studics of thc tragic bcro. Achillcs' arrnins ot rcerrting by Thctis
rcd figurc morc than doublcs the nutrber ofsubjccts choscn. 11) so aar es rr)y i33z] is to longet an irnportanr thclnc but there arc scvcral sccnes
in thc
prcfcrcrlccs arc sho\,vr1 thcy arc for Achillcs, cspccielly in the 6rst clurrtcr oftlr( +io'. ol T/rcri-. u,itlt! [:6z.rl rccciving tl-rc ne\v irrnour' Of the dut']s
6fth century rvhcn thcrc is solncthing of a boorn in besic Trojan sccncs. ir Trov we scc Ajax I,. Hector* [30.1.,ul, Ajax r'. Acueas (ovcr Patroklos),
especially from thc Iliad and llioupcrsis, ancl thc rccorcl of tLc formcr is rlis M,r,chos r,. Prrii. Diomcdes r,. Aeucas (witl-r Athr:na cucourlgirrg arrd
proporliorlatcly to the l{leophradcs Pairltcr's appxrcllt intcrcst in tlrc Aphrodite rescurng Ii86]) rnd Achillcs r'. Hector* followcd by the PLrr\rLir
230 2jr
rtlilLrd, (u\\ Jr.l' tnc Cr' , kt M rkr"rr lr'rt P"/y " 'r'r lud lu \-r'r rfi(,."
f'rr rlr('
ror-urd thc wrlls. Thc KJcophrtdcs Paiutcr shows the exch:tngc ofgifts bet*'ccn Ouvsslv- Thc poern is allrost igt''rcd irr Arehrie rcd Ii{trIc r\L'Jft
Ajax anrl Hctntr ancl possibly rhe excherlgc ofrlmour beni'ccn-l)iomedcs end frorlr PolyPhotos*' rhc Sirlrr'*
s.",r.s ir, ,tr. old i.^r,tle, of Cilrci, thc cscaPc
Ci1:rukos. Thc drlgrring ofHccror is not a subjcct for rcd figurc bul lhe ransorn Ir84]. Sccncs rvith Pcnclopc and thc suitors comc lxter'
is, with Prlan anJ ittc-nclants bringing gifrs of nrctal vesscls xr)d boxcs for thc
rich robes rrcntioued by Holncr for a rlonchalant Achilles, Hector strctchccl
out below his couch, a sroup lrest statcd by thc Brytos l)eiltcr [248]' Othcr Other f igules
episodcs from rhe lljad ere thc atrbush of .Do/on by Odysscus and Dionrcdcs. Scvcral rrinor pcrsonificatiolls, sonle llovcl, appear m Archaic rt.d t-i5Llr''
*it1, I)ol.rn in his outlandish rright-patrol gear [276]; and wingcd S/rr2 attrl l)ikc n,,ht ,4rl;lLrn rlurri.', .rrrcl lnlrr'ticr'r rrr r.(l fiqrrre rrrr 'rrr urrl) brlirrgtr'rl

Dlatlr carryirg ewiy the body of Sarpedon [zz]. chrrre ulr,h h.,d .rpp, rr.d y(l urrlrcr ('rr th( chc'l of Kyp*lo' 'rt
Alrutorrs aNo LIrrrr ILIAD. The fight bctwccrr Athillts atd Puthrilm* ts disc likc lsis or
i.i",,. t,fr" laoot,) ipp.ars with hcr chariot, crowned by atlpinik"' l"'rrcr
remenbcrcd; and that bclwccn Achilla and Mtmtioa* rct-ttlins ilnportallt ,r.fl ,r. ^ ,t, lru..rd irr"r di:'c orr thr So'i s cLrp l5o' I rnd rrr
or, fot Acirjlles, I,",rit. irr.,.lc rlsu oci.LsLonrl ? r/totr-r, isolatcd [zr7] or hclping Thcseus
[48.r], whcre they ma1 be sccondcd by their divine Dlothcrs
Athcir:r. Antilochos, Neslor's son, hed bccn slairr by Mcrnnou, and is shor'vrr
.r"i", *.,- [zz3], ancl Ncrcicls rvith fish [56, 6r, -r'r5]' no-t occupicdin by al)v
with his farhcr and with Achillcs. Thc P-slrlro-'la-rla* of the Jivcs of Achillcs and ;;;;ih; ;;;;y: ii* ngl," of pv.snrics and riarrs h:rd bccn favourcd
Mcmnon Ir34] rcmains tnorc popular tiran thc lliad's wcighiug for Achillcs bt.r,k fisrrr.. $irlr thc plqrrriu' r\ (rrry rrrcrr Ilru ltryro'Prrrrl'r
hs rlr(tll
lnd Hector. Eo-r* carries dcad Mcnruon fiolr tirc ficJd [z9z]. rcrlr.ri. pltrlrp dtv.rrl' l- s81. Irr lh( Lrrrd(r\\urld \r''ypl"" trurrdlL' lrr' 'torr( trP
Ajnx urryutg ,4drll/t'-r*, dcacl, is a f:rr lcss populer thcnrc now, brrt thc i"x ;;'1.r,,'" pur,t.j ,o h,, rvhcel o,'r :r lcrv vascs: subjects leter ignorcd on
scquc'1 is,,ot. Ajax a Otlysscus qtarul lz47l over Achilles' arllrour tlrd arc
is shown, bcforc Athcna, witlr
p"ite.l by tlrci. .otlpairions. The l,o/lr,{ [?8,5.,] ^t'f;:");::-:,,j ere cxtrcrnely p.pular with as full 't r.rg1c ot 'rrrnr.g [43]
ihc Grccks piling thcir pcbble votcs rnOdysscus'favour and thc heroes lcgrsrcr- ,r j ir"."J.' ,a,ai* as :rrc accordcd n t"'o"' Tl-rerr 6ght" rgrinst Grccks
l,,g pprop-.iatJ di.,,ray and delight. Thc Brygos Paintcr-shor'vs dtad '4fa't. his (othir rharr Hcraklus) only beeomc rcally proli6c ir-r rccl figure aftcr-thc Persieu
t;rrg covcrccl bv Tckrrrcsst [246], laid on thc fleeccs ofthc rlnrs hc hecl W.';,,y.,r', dr,*.ctl .r'.rrdirr',ry hoplrrc' l13l or tn E''r'rr.t r:rrb 't,''r'h'r'

sleughrcre-d bclicving thern, itr his tnadncss, ro bc Grecks' Odysscui and lzot- or tn rr(.or'rtr\c turri.' l9l. rh'':rr tunrinirriry r'rrcl" bcrlq rdrrrirrcd'
Diorrrcclci ,.rnoral ofthc Palladiot frort Troy is anothcr latc cpisodc in thc t.r',.,.i.-,,rt
"' b.'rtl, .,rc. or.rrc ltqhr-rrrrl,d wllll (rc\\('nl pclr'r'hrtltl''
rvrr Ild5]. Makron shop's thcm cluarrcliing over it. Thc sccnc of '4dti1lr'r arrrl i,lrrrrt '""a thc fight with ccrtaurs will rclnain inrPortant sulrjccls
,4lari pllying a boxrd grnle [z] is not forgottcn but hrrdly survivcs thc ,h.;;;.;,i" ci"rti."r pcriod o. Archaic red figurc the fight with drc
Archeic pcriod. l.,roiths. occa,iorred by rhc cunlrurs' unruly lehaviour at thc
wcdding oftheir
Ir-roulttsts. Most of thc strndlrd scencs of thc Seck of Troy wcre cslilb- tiri*, it'.r *l fr-",l" rrtirur thrn lhc rlisrurb;rncc xt thc wcdding ltTo' t96' z68l'
lishcd in black figurc lnd irnprovcd rxlher lhan altcrcd in rcd figurc: thc jnvurr6llbtq Kdillsx-r is shorvn bertcn irro rhc
io'ii.i f"pi,l,,
xncl thc
dcrtrh o-l- Priatt*. sltr,.,ck dow,, by Ncoptolctros o11 xr) oftcl with his "rmccl xlixinst thc centau's nlay havc hclpcd cnsrrrc rhe
'ltxr, ;;;Ji;r;i. Thcseus'help
g.:rr'rdio,r'. body rn cvidclce ltj5.z, 245.2\; the rdy ol Kaswrdr'r* by thc
i"p"i"t"v "i,n" ,"bjcct in the carly fiftir centtry' but hc is seldom explicitly
Lcsser Ajrx et tlic statuc of Athette Atnta: rrsrrtl4g '4rrrlisrr* with thc
rdrn I fiurl.
child Aianios lr; Matlaos r(orcting HtlL'l1*, thrcatclinll her rvith I Saryr. arc thc lnost crlgrging rllventions oICircck art'
ncvcr nlorc cnterlaln-
srvord f3o8.,u l, lcadius lter a\\'ay, end thc 6rst ofthe sccnes rvith )rirn dropprng ,",j';;',,, i; ,h. A..ha,c-p.:,iod :'c1 on rcd fig.rc Thcy providc *usic play rnd
his srvorcl et sight ofhcr beauly []JEl. A nerv figure is the Trojan wornrtr, wlth contpaniorrs Thcy
a"lr." fo, I)ionysos, xlone or their macnad
oncc nrmcd Airdrorrrechc, r,vho fights b:rck with.l Pcstle Il-ii'Ji;ltrd I ncw i)^i"".i"-* ,ti.rt i"irr.l thcir cups (at which thcy have spccial advantagcs [299])'
story for art, the rcscuc of,4/t/rra lt j5.j, t7z), Thcscus' mothcr rvho had gonc .t- help at the vi"ragc Fot thcir rolc-irr nr y-th wc sce thcln
,o Troy Helcn's slavc', by hcr grarldsotls. Shc is sirown sonrctitnc'i with "."1"-.rt"f"ffy
.ir.or,irtg U"ptl"t*os io olympt" attd ass"ulti'lg goddes:es Silcnos'
thc only
.ro1]p.i h"1., as iD Pol,Y!IDotos' plintirrg at Dclphi, or as thc 'vicillc :tccroupic' to King Midas lt would bccasier to- belicvc"iari"fill"i t",y., is lcd captivc
Gixlrts if
of thc I{lcophradc's Pairrtcr. Thc grouping of scvcrll cpisodcs on onc vasc to i-lr"i *ryt, i , ,
I 66, r 4 ol wcrc prep-aring for thc war against the
providc a penoranra of tlre Sack is a noveJty, lllost sr-lblly rnaulgcd by thc ".-"J -.;";;r"s
;;;..';.." of tlc"r f'ghii'g bcsidc l)ionvsos' Morc cnigmrtic;rrc
kl"oplrr"d., Paiilcr IrJ5l. Thc same artist rllty also shou'thc rescuc of irnt"i"a r."rr"t of them dcstroying a tomb Ii 69] or chopping up l hernl'
Antcior who crmc to be rcgxrdcd as a Troj:rn traitor for his cotrciliatory 233
The end ofthe sixth century sees the beginning ofthe satyr play in Athens,
with actors dressed as satyrs, shaggy trunks holding on erect phallos and tail,
fore and aft [Jr4]. But our artists often ignore the costume and almost always
the masks, in depicting what must be satyr play themes, the earliest of whidr
(from about 5ro) seems to be their robbing of Herakles. Many of the new
satyr scenes on vases, giving them family life 1t77,jot.t), as athletes [163] or
involved in parody of myth, may derive, directly or indirectly, from their ABBREVIATIONS
new stage role. The best ofthis comes later in the century bt ov lt6j, t74,
zqg, 125, j6i may be inspired by satyr Plays.
The maenads with whom they dance wear animal skins over their ordinary
clothes (as may any Dionysiac attendant), holding animals l4o.z' zoTl ot AA Arthdologi scher An z e iger BSA Anxual oJ the bitish Sthool
snakes (and a snake hair band on [zl8]), or wielding the thyrsos wand, with Athens Annals of Archaeo-
at Athens
AAA Cotpus Vasorum Anti'
its knob of ivy leaves ltjz.z\, which may also be held by Dionysos or, Iess logy
often, his satyis. The maenads only undress to sleep. Some perform a winged ABFH l- Bo::'drr,ar',Athenian
dance by holding the cufii oftheir loosened chiton sleeves in their hands I136, 'Bta&
Figure Vases a Hand- Hesp Hespetia

z7 r, 3ai]. Theyire often molested by the satyrs, but virtually never suffer thc hook Gy+) HCVP P. Arias,M. Hirmer, B. B.
S}refton, History of Creek
expected fate. A satyr's sexual release is generally self-administered.- For hinr ABL E. Haspels, Attic Black'
jgwed Lekythoi (tY6) Vase Paintitg (\962)
th; pursuit is the thing, the excitement ofthe dance, the touch ofthigh or arm,
the impossibly heady pleasure of discovering or uncovering a maenad asleep Beazley. Atw Black- ldr lahfuuth des deusrhen
ABV l. D. -ar
&iio I o gi s ch e I In s ti I ul t
lttj, i571, but not the consummation. On the vases only mortals make it figure V ase-Painters (rg 56)
lo nal oJ Hellenic Stud.ies
with theii women. The satyrs act out mortal fantasies, mortal dreams which At ogiko fl D e lti o n JHS
ADelt Min henet Jahtb ch
eha io I
MJBK det
always seem to fade before fulfilment They illustrate the timeless frustrations AE Atchaiologike EPheneis Krnst
of the male, affiicted or blessed - with permanent and unquenchable Amer i afiJ o rnal oJ At thae o-
A]A MonPiot Monwnefits et Mifioites ,
tumescence (they even infibulate on occasions), enjoying all the apparent logy
pleasures and frecdom ofthe good life They are a more than adequate answer to AK Antike Kufist Mofuuryet WincLehfianns-
ihose who bclieve that the Greeks wete obsessed by homosexuality. AM Atbenische Mit\eil ngen pt0gfafi?n

Ann Anorario della Scuola olh lahreshefte iles 6stct-

Archeologiu di Atene reihisthen archiiologischen
Itlstituts in Wien
Arch. Class. Archeologia Classica
J. D. B eazley, P arulip omena
ARV .1. D. Beazley,,4/lic Red- (r97r)
firurc V ase-paint?$ (1963) R,4 Revue Arthiologique
BABesch B lletin Antieke Beschavittg RM Rdmische Mitteilungen
BCH Bullelin de Cofiesqondance
Helltnique VAmer J. D. Beazley, A ic Red'
fiptred Vases in Amerkan
Bostotl L. D. Caskey and J. D. M serms (Lgrg\
Beazlev. ,4rai. Vase Painl-
ings itt'the Mu'eun oJ Fine J. D. Beazley. Cteck Vases
in Poland (tgz9)
Arts, Boston

r\nd blr.k figlrrc Atsl:H 1qt-. (iorhx cnp CI,',4 Cdha i, 5,r, pls. 4tr, 4r.
1K Bcihcft ia. 8rI l'n,rc.r
1'}io,,..r black
hl.,.l< ligure, ck : Euthlrrrirlcr:
firnre ctc.: EL,th!,)ri.l. w qg
plaqucs [5;2, iJl, iil, ,lRr rJgl], Uorrdr!I). '"
,lRr rJ9ll, ///.s
l\vLNlloN ANr) r,xnruMr:NI lxxli. tro ri b.l
lxxli. iio trjr4 (l(
b.l plaques Akr. i, iio
Perers. I1,rd.r. ft.lianpnatot
Ptuiianpha@ Jo,J6, as EUPn(),"(*i
Euph(),,i(*i ?,

I jor\'h.p,,r,-:{.M'r$,
l. Bl", '. h. i Hs 1....i. .
better ELrthymidcs)i Panithenrics Akr. i, Do. el r

,,//r \ v. /rrt: K \(h,,r 'hurA. /di y\\i. 1'tll: (Peters, loc cir.i lltl r8)i PioDcer r.l phquc\
NOTES AND BIBLIOGRAPHIES (.,r1I. on idcnrity), lxrx,9.u tT.; (;. Szihgvi, Bal/. rtu Al.- rr. r,.. roq U. ,, .JH( lx\vi. j:l
.1LJ. IId(roiJ. xxviii, r l1I. i 8.n., iii, I Ti D. von
. JIIIL,.L.1I'I, .\rr. Urr' {\r\. o {.:A Li.'rii{- CrNntAr.
l(ollrc, Mrllrr r97tl2.6otr. (frrgDrcnt, nQr: P. Hrrtwig, Dn gi(hirho Mtillu{hdLot (t89i),
tlcl P 3i6l l ABI:H to5. imponant carly study of hands rnd groups: H.
(;ENERAL tsOOKS .rl r . , ld r ', lrrrrr, . .p., , ,.r .r,..t r...1r,,. Blo.s.h, I'orl,., liti{]w s.hdk (re+o), pionecr
Tl ." o ('(1.r1 8../r<\. t.,..t,L M,r r,t.,i.,, t ) rt 6t G. M A. Richter, ,4J,, xxxviii. j47fl1, stndy oi shapcs; ,4RI,' t9l, classification of cyc
J l, u, ,,t
'. .4/?l r., .,r I l,n. ot p r.r, r ,nd rh( p,'\r$rr vuhI L\ ije dr( Lrc\l rlv, j87ff i H. R. W. Snlth, r\'.ir , ./ rr. cups; E. Hispels, Aa-'II liv (r9ro) ::r fl, paradc cups;
,''dt \,. ru Dror, rj.Ir I r.. Ir\j ...,* Orho publi.rr1ors of inrportart cotlccricxs or'mt \ldto Pdiltkl (.1929)\ ALtl- 77 (con .ctn,r wllh Itl.,i,,, ,4.(.r. xii, 9 r l, Typc C; corrl-rcd, gildmg,
slrpplcnrcDr.d rr /|nr. M. RotrorsoD 5 tirurc lith rclirblc tcrts rrc: lir.r aftists)i ,4BirH I()6; S. P. Uggeri, N,ft. . ,4,r. rb.l., ,v : , rd \. u.,.,o. ,.1.\l l,\\i,.
rcvicw rfticlc ol l/lt/ !) JHS lxr\v. 9o,L is I Ir d.../t....rlrd I J, r.,.{,\ t,r i /r..a, r
a-'ldJJ. 1972.33fi: D. (1. Kurtz, forthconug 3r5li toDdo coDrpostron C. ltollcy, /tl I97r,
1r.../l !. l'l,r.r ,.rrt .ji( dr..J.,orl C M A. lli.hrcr i,rd L. F. Hrtt, /tid r(r,,,i
nr.rn\p.iintr^ rd sn,r p\. Athulnn h1\$ it ! Mtircpatitn'1 ,Vrrir,rrr ,y' . t,r C. Roebu.k. AIA \1;ii. 46jtr.t lloardnrau. JHS OLros
C. Lrfl .r;'., .'rr |. R.r...t,, d, r-.",,.,.r,. lrrv, rs+i rnd ABFH to6. A,. (lrcifcnhrgrn, /r. F. P. JohDsoD, A lt\lhti't xi\, j.]TlI : A llruhn,
(rer6). Oror (r94j)i nr;1'1' 3 zol
I r. th,.1,",.. I iir \t,,o r.:r....,1-r.,.rr,r...r..,,rrd L-l.n!- /.t,ti.,t1 .1., L..rx, r.,./...,.., r,,i../ ttuli u Mr\\\t iii, r r71r .nd forthconring on thc
w g plxqu.i D. C. Kurrz, forthconring.
Il,,r-,rio,, o,
. v.-c. 8 (ir.e"r',lF lti,n/ D.,.t-,ttt.-.t t.. r_,.,.t-, Akr.ii,no. ro4o,pl 8, (.roricplxquclrEl)ino. Iee,
J. C. Hoppin, A Htllt'ook ttl Ch,tk R&t Fi{ fti )lnlt 'h :n )th, n l,Aktt 1+ Lat W. Krrikcr, J./I xliv, rarlii
1.r..,.,',.tJr i;r,,1 rr,J.orrr. pl. 9 (r.l with coml-rcd br.kgroLurd)i i, Do. 2499, M. Robcrtson,JHS l\xxv,99li (lrtc work); HC t'7']
rrrritrurLd \.r pl. Io2 plaque ivith rvhitc brckgroundt dre : ryil: tsorrdmrn, forthcoming.
1 Pl tl. \ 1.,1,.. t t,,tLt rx...,(J., L,.. r,?, r!.. I. INTRODU(]TION other sidc b.f.r,4tst' io6).
Lr,inprLlr(n!\ L !r \ (), uurdJr.J
Phcidrppos W. Kmikt. ,4M Iv, ro;tL
HijJr. lr M.,...1,r,,,r.,r./,x..r. /rilr..,.,t, rj aloluchow l'rirltcr t?ol rr,I. R. l). l]lattcr,,4l
A I(.. f.. t/r/...- ttrt t,t tttn,...r,.i1. t...k... M Rl .c ,. ,r, B |-. r l,tt- r tl, | ,| t 1.t 11i .-..) ts71,117fl'.
rl ,rrIll\ J -r,.ibcdr- r..,"I $iLl,\cr\ .,,,.i (1e63). L'A.\'| 21f I E Portlcr, r],|orPnt ix. r I jtl., \. 49ll. i
J. l). Bc.rzl.y. t\h\ rnl t\ti ttt it A itlt Atht : G. E. Riz7o, r'l,Lr,Pi,, r\, ror$li ,{irl, jjtr (b t
r, \4. A. ILlI.r 4,tt, R.d-t,_itt 'r, , \r.r,l (reaa). plaqucg.
r.,.\/. t.'o.l , ,i ' ,.i r )rr..riJ. :rr,:r.rl o - r:-ro, 'o... ob. r,, .,. ur Lrp ,r.... .t It\r,.., l',Anu 11tr.\ Bcrrlcy, Prtu n d |11i1tt.r i A ti t
,r d \ l.,t'r,.r', ,r,d pI r,- ,rrrt, .... , EurRc]Dtrs PArNrrR
rt. J.J. ra r r.:"r, I'.r'.p.,li,ru \,1 .t,,,1R,, I ,4rrdrJ 19ftr.i A. Cr ci lcD hagcn. J/, Bt:rlitttt Mt!t\.t Bcxzlcy,JHS xxxiii, 147fl.i ,4Rt'I63r (? l)clos
W ,ll p.,r,' ,' : l,"cnUr, M N..r,ot . / .r /. .,r.d J, r r\. ro- \Siirkru'l'l."i.l.V. ,,rrl..4A "r' ' l'.): l'. \or llo lir.. r. /),4 . r-:. 'rrr (,,;
\4. lr^1..,',.,r. e,.. / /,'.xrir(
\ rirr,, .l)i0dl.r, (re7o)i Elnrill M. Mcltink, l-l..1
v. !.', r.r r,.\ (Sniikros rnd Euphronios); Boin, ii.,1l (Phuvlld);
s ith ./ll ( ul,,u r r1rrrur.\
lxxiv lrrvii M. Ohly-l)unnn. forthconrnrg.
LJ l{.\h. ur ,H,,1'/'ru,d .,,^,,!u..
1,r.,.'rr,"',!r,t.i. Hirrrr-r.,r,.:,. ;.,.,..".."._,- Thc r$dcr s rrvitcd to turn ti) lRt'e1i.l P,& r;, For comparisons with Epiktctos takc ,4Rl'_ r5,r, 37
drc liLllcst bibl;oamphic\
olpantcr s rnd r:rscs. I give F. l'. t"I,r., 1,, i.-P L \.11,r,1.
B,/rr,x \r\. (prol,xl,lv hi, ind,{Rt/ 76, lJ4. Bctter than u$rlis
llll YIrllI,"k,:,
r.,.a.tt1,,", ru . .i t,.,P(. rcicr.nccs to u\eIul d;scusuons or rtlLsLrxrions, !o .\l,u/i,r rlr, rn', rl\ir. irr 1, "-l , rrr,.: I
CI,',4 BryD Mawr i, pls. 3. 4; ,4Rl'- r47, r8.
, rc..trr Norks rnd ro $,Ic pirr;.!hr r)on,ts raisc(l ,'lK viii, .nd D. Ohlv, rvrBK
',1 M llr-,,r.i.,ii11r,r./.. t',.r. J., Vcrnrc!lc, 34ff P,rdik. Al, P.,.r.'J(' {a/ ror a
t-,t:.t t ., h,.t, ,/.it 1,,..1 !-.,n r.r. ,,o5r.;ls r .t xxll. :29fi: (Mlrrich .ratcr u,ith Smikrot)l I). von Henrrior I'rint.r
!7. Kuikcr,,.l,.l 16jl1l
1,.,r.J., ul ..\,r)i.h,o'1. 1ror, (Mrjr,.n d,,l',, r, .\I r' V, B /1 \s), r{:J M.r\rrri . Apollodorcs M. ohlv l)un1n, ,\,U,'lK \xii, 7fi:
f.,. ',1' -h. d. ti I,t .1,-,..,. .,r.,. II, TI IE FIITST GENERATION AAA vi. 299fi=. (inrt(,nv)i Hal t'1) 3-rr 6i l) von (Elpmikos P.).
ur prr (1i Jnd \UhicLt. Bothmcr. forthconrnlg Arrbro$os Plnrter - VAt \ 191.
IL Mct4lcr givcs vrlurblc Ltcnniat sLrrnmaric.s of THL rED rr(:uRri lricHNreu!
cr!1, r",,.. rrr R-,- rl, Lt,d. l'],Iurrv skci.h - P [. Corb.rt, /./-1.S lurv. ( L, l. 1/ aj", r\. ,fl : A. ( ,'(,ri ,'1,. , ,,.J/, III, THE LATE ARCHAIC] PAINTERS
{rdt( -,, sin.c r960. I6fl:-R. D. dc Pumr,,{Jl lx\ii. rjr-; (Mrkor. ' \1,r0 r{. Lorl IrCI P rrrt
I\i,ar,, , ,'(s ...(. ot r'ujj-. r. t.. d. \o,Ld r, Rclieflxrc - scc B.x,lc,v's dcscnprid,,s m u,)vd, .n.l TrL KrEopHR^r)!s PArNrrn AND rHE lJErLrN
.',,.ir...'i t"ijj ,F.r,,lr.o rrr.h {\t rtr .\rr..uor. (- rl Oxn)rd EurHYMr)Ls
lv.n Zihe,nl (. H,,ppr.. l'.tt.) , t. .utl ltt 1'tt.'', t1."'
lr,l.r. ( J.V \.,t11... /r.-t- 1,\q,,. .tp.h.,.-,t :| ,.r:HLi/ KrEornn^r)r\ P^rNrflt
l-,r 'l', o,. rr',' . u|,', , Llr r. .r. ri. ,t(.qc. . . ,t
,ui ,, \t wl (ir!(l .r *c M lt, o,rr o.,. H.r,.) .,
-4ttl l\ tttt), I tt 5) 'r"*.,, c1 lJ ,/l('.1H.\ x\r\... Bozlev, JH.S \xx. r8ll., 1".4,,o'4o 4, i-lrr KTro-
SrphnirD TrcrsLrrv R. Lulltes inct M. HinDd, l16 ll. yh,-d hn,n 1" 4 ..rrC,1A,. ^ \:l:. M. A
Ciil'l lr, (CaDrbr qc, r)?j). Cr..[ .S.i4r,r Phintirs Hoppm, op clr., ellI; HCt'P-lr7 I9,a/,a"l.roolT(lprltrr,'ll, L\r1,. rr.,
Cr,,l publirhes,res ot .,ll d..orrrcd (;.cck
(r9r,o) p]s. 4ii-Jj i l). voD Bort,rrLcr.
tlir- Mri. llrll. x\iv, roN roi !. Llnqlotz, H\pi\ HoppLD. ltiI , ,rx-,' ,{rr. \i.47ll' )i R Iull,r.. ni,
vases bv nruscunl. Most s.rirs rcmx;r iD.orrlrlctc Zitl'.rnrn tt 17tr. sr^i.s l.rnttr ( l l l3lrhn I. rl 49. 5o. s11.1.r..1Jr ... dt l\l,r t td, \,r../, , L ..,r,

46 237
A tt 4rt,,,,..r(1. //,1, \r\\, :oli.
Artip|or) Prirrr.l
(A1ho,\ir.): U. I(|r,r!.. .lt/ j\.\\1. r;: rirh.,. llhft.r, .l .l
I.l. r)r lr.d,)ic, l *r(r to7 t',
t1t.)t H(;l l, l:N tr: A (;tr (;tr.iiifhrr,r,
iii fhrgrir. \ir.
\,,,,, \obil.. // /),/t,!,, ,/i lilla it96t)
l.' lrr l( ht x i rt t ! dtr :tr o.!h)t ti li l lt i
,tr (,e7i) : Ltorrdirxl,. Bry(;()\ l)^rNr,l lnht l']rii,l., l. /iy' jTi.llllr 8:L it t i 1

(;dty illt\ll, trr,rrl r. ..j..t rrsr. l:rrt. l'IDrr Nl, ,.li (1. M A ttr.hLc, ir Clrdrrl.j (F.\r l,t! tntl l( !l.i.h:.iti.rut /Ji,,vil ( e:(r:
l'.1.,r/ V. SIIAPES ANI) I)ATES Ath.irs. ALorx Athaid /1totr \ir, ls.tll ii),
t:t1,,, I'tr-, A M,,j,..., dcpositsl Athcns. A.ropol( W. I]. l)i,i\i,),\)r. t )t_|. ,ttA., I1._ B.y
,t./r _.n ,r,i.r,j .an, t',.-a tt ,,.'. M W..,.j,r /,,r H.)..,,.\t t._\ S'r^rr\ lr{ \\\vii roilf. l-lhr,.,rrr. .'1 ,,'. -. t,.,.
/,n.,,, M.r,v r,, r.4,. .it,./." .\,. l\,t.t)
I tfl. )Jl (i. M. A.lli.lrtf ,d M J Milrrc, .!rdl,r5 d,, r\i",rJ rrrr I l. l. ('. i.r .r, . /1., , , .11. \ ,. t,,,r
l( i- 1',rI //.../t,",. / ,.r., ,.. r :M t{,,..,-l FouNDry l,ArN r r
,r',.lrr.rrr l ,r.j (rr3i),,r uscfully rlJu*r.rtcd guidc. ostrrke
" A. (irolenhrscrr, \i1tr. lilr!,r,,,rr.. r.:l:
,.///.\1.\ -.r /.rirr',. l/.t.. {(,1 ,(:.,r...r, P A tl, . t.ur ,, t . t. I rt Lr Ltr,t end 1). M L(vis, ldrjrlrr /dt. l)/(r. \i\,, I a.
,1,,,.,,', _ ,1 p U..r.,. ti..,..t .p,",.-;, i. i p Ii..'/l \. L. p,.ni t.t -t _, t,),.,,) I V Nolr1., Tlt Ttlhti,ttr'! tlI\tiitttl AtliL I\tt1('t
.,,'11, .,,': l| l l.l."r'.,,, lU {. \r. - '. . lr, .,. ,..
H.l.llr-. il .rv. ar,l ri .o. ( t.t rk,.r!,. 3r;\cis l)riDrcr lt./1tut nol .t.r,r xii, tar bhck shrpcs brr Dost r.1.vrlr VI GINEIIAL DEC]O]IATION
lA''r\. ,d. Nu,.i..\.^..H Uir.,...,.D.., .. lr,kj l',,.,,r L V rj I t/.. ,,,,,, LL G.ri.kc, c-,r;i jd,rJnrhoryo atil .tt trrn, (r97o)
-lr ,." r, t(.1!l-...t., rio/.ljr\..r,, 11u,,.,,',..
!r. rr r)
|i UrI.,d. /{ . .,. :. aflt r. ,,. r., _, 1;,,, ._7, I'rnrr- oll,rris Gis.nn))Dr.h), I,.l,xr !,{a j,,r, ,1..,'l'l'.\.1,(,.... J-L..r'. ,t rl rrr-,,',rr (;cstur.s (i Ncnnrinr, Oc:ro utlCLknlu ltLy",)1
r4r i. M. \ hDrJr, torrh.,,f,rnS ,,n l,;ql (; M. A. R;.lrtcr, I\'r\,ttit! h Cruk &td kot d
Orr)r ror | 4,....,- ,oo: t/,t'j., ..t{,./t..\. /H\.\. .. Sec,.lIJIH :171, rrldmg: An I t 97o).
!ArN r.!Rs
.rr.:HLl/,{., r{:tt t,jr.iol,,t. i,, /,.,,. tt..r
AhLri*ron U. Knrgg.. ,ri1 lx\ix, roeiT.i K.
\ l, \.,,J 1,. (. 4.. .hr /r\.t\i., _j,, ..r,,
,' U'\..\r, r,,-d. .r.,r(,1 rr.,..,. . \4 Ur.-r,(r. S.h.,ucnLn,rs,././I ll\xvii, :: jrfil
| .1rr,, r\1.. M llubr \ur,,t/l l\! i rt]
lr,rr Arrrthorr, L,clly R. Lulli.s, lI( !ir, 8ifi:: Typc A. L,./l \'. ,r ..1.. ^,) \, r.. lr.,If', . J \..
',,.,,,ri.t. t,,i rLr d,./.r /r\ tIi. _ - ,jj.t I
/Jl\/,r, iii, i i TyFc (1,3.Jn / iri. r6i Cl',1 LoulrL'v. i li,.,r ' ,lr - ,l'h ,. r .r,. h..r i., , 1..
.r -t... L{,r,, .ti M. t{.,t,. .or,. /,.r,1 TRrPr(r r,Mo\ l,^rNrrn Muri.h iv. London 1ii .'.:rLU...llr .\p,.. .: !,1 r1jr.: \\\..,.
8 v1,\'.t.,rt.. t.t!\rtt t\..,. r-,,,,r, ,.1 Anrphoh. rr..L ll.'i,lc!, ll.Sl \viii. 2r7fi-.r ^r\,.
lar fil i -\:r1x. 47 jfl r xiv, jgtll: i li!, I rolil I 1\rii.
M-v!rr t'lrio 4s tt HCI'P :t1). : I r< k....r, fr.,\/J/r,.. /. Nohri. l.l/d'j7l , /1,\/,r, i;, t9l (47or: CI'l \- I . \ . .\ ' . I . \ . - ,a:H ln'i,i.,s.l,i pr r',..
I i
\,. ,' i, ' -. \,( ., M'i j L l, r.d. rr. r

!,.r,.$ l, I.J iJ.,/t.\.-///\ ,,\! :r ..r,r I il,tt tt r \-t tlrt (t\)7],\ i .otrrprchcnsivc studv
,r, r, .: . ..oi,,,.1 |l..r.. t,.r ^,
IFliiDS Aric(lrnrI)rinrcr 6,)vo, iii. r6i y. 1,",' r r,!,1 ro,r . r1..,/.f\. r/r . \\. irod..
A,vb:tllo\ Llcrzlc\'. B.Sl xrix,
Kalos nrmcs l). M. Irob;r\or and J. Flu.k. .4
/i\r..rr.,.,1 .,,tu.," rji ro,: HLt/, rNTi-., re.tll.i S,nl/ ttln t,r,,L /.,r \.'rr.,,,j ,.J K. I',rr...
T!./I . $r- j,.,.r. 1 B("/,.\. ,4/ I \s. 4an .
1r .l Hrslrds, rbid., rr6lU on carrymg. Athoti, t 1\rprrtud I:d 1ili J lt97i)t lists !r ,4/tl.'
Askos Ilcirc,v, ,4/,4 x\!. rtr.,ii (;. Srr1.j(lrr, IjJgn: aDd lrdri joj El
Troilos P.i,rt.r I)crzlc,v,JHS xxxil, r7trr'., llil IV. MANNEIIIS'fS ANl) OTHEIT\ .\r,morfr. r9l.r, l.1E-.
t61l , ,, .r. L ll 1, ,., ir. ( : ll,.,r ,l!,r ,..,. FroxAL! AN r) ORNAMTNT
SllcfjScq!d).c I',4r,d.1:,66i1i.&,n.rii, !r rrj A. B. Follnrir)D, D. Pn tlnlu 5ol l'. Jr.obsthrl, ()flfu,14tk \tiuhi{hu l.'d\t\ 1t917):
M. RobrtnD, .lL \iii, r3ff (tor u1)irv) Irl lr. /.' 1,r.. t; t't\t$ ttt. t,r.
,,1 1.,.,,t.1 (lrircr, c.rlv\ C. &)!rltcr. ,4K vi. 7r. D. (-.. Ktnt7, Athotit t Utltik l,.kyllNi \1ei\).
tirrLhcoDrins (lrxio. .olunrn Cll,4 VicnDr ii, BologDi i.
\',,.(^.Gro,,L t',1[r,.1 , ,1 I'l,rt t.p.^r, /r. L ,, rrrr..l P ,, . I tr ( , .. r. ///S .\, .,. , volut. LJono, ir, 8.).
(lrxtcr, ANrM^rs AND MoNsrrn\
l',. .\,,.i,,., .,.i r. /,,r.,, r,_t. r,\ l, r,.r. (\. \ rud," [.,?rl) Cup icc biblrcgrrphrcs lbr orh.r .hs i CL',4 l)ccr F., D.r Huj.h tu /rliih:1it (.t96q.
Ncgre Ahbasffr Il. Wurncftkl, .4,\i xrv. 4r ii i Viclrr i, I-ouvrc x, 1lcrltr) ir, iii. Adrlr i, Fl{)r.r.. l)okinrisix H. Ctrhn,R,4 rrTr. tll:
A l) F,r\r l/l \\\,,, arrt tBt roir. B -.1 /1) r\\ .,rd t t..,.. t ,. u,t..t, iii, iv, ltoburson Coll. ii, Bry. Mrsr i. l)olplr.n aJ. r, I u.uhni, r. 4 1 t)4/..,:n
I l.,l,"r In/ r. *Il .,,,.t.r,..r H\dria ,,Jt,,r ii, 9l ( I1)lln,rnn, of Fclnr.s W L llrowD, T/,. Ir?,!.d, I-4,)/r (r96lr)
I/11 r, +r I I t-,. \/,..t, " ., .i .., . A tt. tJil |ri., .r.,4rU (kilpi, i al t'.t P,ris vi, ML,,)i.h v,l-orcloD v.
l)ur,rt l'. r'r(, IJ(.zl(\. /HS\\r;,, ,,r,1{ /),.-/rr,..\/./,r ,.. .,:t . ,., t. ._..t{,..,...k Kaladros 1:(. T. WilliiD\, ,l( i\, :7fl: Foxcs K. S.hruo,[rurs, M-\\xvi. 47t
lrhnr,A PJr rU I l4i,;,ri I(aDtbaros il.n., i, r4 rr. iii, r o1_., jrl:i I). Hor..'. ,rrl Hrr"rr" J K. A,i /1,r.,,,
P,' !.,,,i-.
"1.4 idrrL\
,, 1 d:,.,. r.r/r. a tr\. I 4r
rl) !Jrr,
Fc}lniiDs,,,i,rL Cl,rji. xiv, Ir4iT. (Typ. (l)iarl,,.l ()1\k ttot\' Id nh lt,)(,l)
). MrltcDs B.J/., iii, :9
Sr gcncrrl bibliorrrptrv u hsr ctr.prcr. Acrocup I-ekythos l). ('.. Kttv, Attoirt l.l/hil( t,(kyllri Mrxcd nronstus llorrdnrrn.,,lrrlrarrCrr,!Crrr
,ond, ri. (r975): W. W. llu.lolph, Dt Brr.r/,,lf/r.r (r97r): (r968) roj. rj,t 7.
67. l)xiutcr of MuDich 14| I,.l ( rrJt (I (, \ '
H., nlo.rx). c'l'.,'1 l']rlcnno (Mornrnro) ,. I H J-jji"f... .1l.r,r r". r,. .. ..rl
Onrochoc .l It. (lrccn, Br11 11t\t. (:ld$ Lith
I \\.' t+ , {.a. i-/, . \ :n . lrr ,.d p ,,:n., \i\, I*li K. l']ctcrs, -/dI Ixxxvi, rralr (.horri
A l,l.n;.1. P I ,r-:. ,:rt rrl..rn,,r, I 1,.. . r::t l t'. l-l .j,r,. l/ t\,\. t .i,r(1. (-'1".4 Muri{h,i Il.rlin iii
J lr M,fl,i.. H ,\t,rt ,'r., /7,r/ .r\\. lr -, il : -N \I(rl'. u(.H .\< I t,,,,an. C'1.'l Vicnna ii. LouvrL' vi, Atl)cns Scc IBIH:.1e.
r7ifi: (EuphrcDios?). I ll.,,j | ,. \/.." rtl,t R. t,, I t. ri. I i ti M.
\hrin,n, tnrrhL,,, rDr Psyktcr Follnrrnn, op crt..:7t
l',,.iJ,r,. P.,j.r Skyplios F. I'.Johr$D n) Srn,n,J R,'/,n,.,l),,i,96fi1 Drcss h.ld far b.f. l, (1. Cc..hciri n) srn/i MiJ.
I .r, \ v t t' , 1: tpt 1r t.: /r. .,r. j t-t ,t t ,.1.,. ,,t_. .rd .4/ I l.\. r,,r l)p. B) , I .l V,.ri.' r. xix)i P. U/oltcrs. I:ado Md K .t(t dlt Ar tldt\
'.- ./:H(,tt 1.,..H. ,, i..k.. rr,,,. la, Llcrlnr ir. LoDd(nr iv. A. l(rug, B;rhr nr /.r.qr. K,,r-r (r9.8).
,r(,jJ."rr 4\:fl 1.lj'r.r!, lM.,nr..kt StxDnros CI'.,1 Mtr,,;.h v L.ndo. iii wrrhnrr ll. (i)o!vas. Bd/dr?rlll (re62).
,j. hcDri.ylnrdri.rl D von llothnler, Rl
Eurior) lJanrcr l,A r\ ti1t.: l.pnl 46t. SraDd, Scc-srlv /n\0, iii,48l
2J8 Toy chfi.,r! Bc.zlcv. A.Sl xxix. r87li o. Irr8].
r\,,,vn1o,r. F Brommcr, ,'1M ltiii/lxiv rTrR:r Scvcn rsiirnr Thcbcs UcMl(). 'll l lL\' lrJr
S$olh oi) ll lji)nr.rNrlr ir s,,r/i,r { /i,,,,1 Sr.riii.c :r)(1 crnki.g (i. t{i,,r. .,1,,. r\\! ri al M A. llichtcr. ,4i,4lxxi!, 1.1'll.
i, r7,l: r)Ll ,1r\ \!1, r1l. a'.,',r,.,r. q*. ,. ii.-, I \ ' r i"''r'' ' l/ I l' '
(lficxturcs V. Zin\crlirrs !) (;, l'd',,, (lt(rt(r.k) ll!ri,rl I). 41. K!rtz,rnd.l. lnlrd]n0,, (;r(&/n,,ril ,j v tr.,',.'. 8,]H { r,, jraH . ttt"' ttn t
j7 r ll: C,nd,rJ (I17I) r"l,l,tr,-,;o, B ro Dr nrcr n1 (ll irin'j (Fcst LiDglot'z) i". irzit L. S.hnitzl.r. /.tt!h' I ul\tlt. Voti!c phqu.s tlorrdDr.n, BSI xlix. rN6rtl
,rrLc.,i;r./. (;rJ. \\riii. 54|:1. Akr. ii. Dos. ro lsll: TH. TRoTAN C\(rLF
H,\,,)r,, Ai , rr,,r, \
N rrr k F l.h;ns.n. ltu llinA Ertlv ()n|L An lr)(7)l
. i.t., t<. .,',. .'.4 r.r,, ''u,4\x\.--d rr.l. Ri schcrcr, rtu l-"rold\ ol t nt (teot)
A M. Snodgrrss, At \ ,l At r\r il !1t. (]tutk\ T. Hi!1s.h.r. Or. l,li\t.ridrl,tldu dLt;. nl t. l,lt' ,ua".',.,'r"rt,",, .t l-inro,rr.D,./',, x,it','
(re67)i idd f;L b.ll. P. A. L. C.ccnl,rlg|, //ll
()1\'t! a"li11, lteil) oD horscmcn rnd chrrior (r971): lk \vii.78il ((jr..ks r. t'usirnr. iil'ill)-. p n,h; ..,ith,\,. 1,t-a" il,,i.;p., x"" , r,"' r ('.w.s',r,.ii./.,,,rpir'.
,r,,i, ;., f. l' .nrns_Brr'J^\"r' Jdl l^\\'r ' ra ,lr lua a,ti "i r.,.'; ".'.' I t1 L. 7t n'
Hclr)ct\ /r,,jr,!r ii, ]o (dc.orrhon)r B. Schrt,dcr, t'., Lti,,,;:n a,. P .nril. i d.t !r. A,x ' r" :\
-/,// xrvii, I,7l{ (lrrr.iri). VIII. S(]!]NTS OF MYTH
r,.r,*1,-.ilfp"l".,, Thctis E. Haspcls, BCHliv
I)rcss A. lloron, llCH krrvii. j7ri. (P.rsier)i Scc :1/ii:H trr9 4r fo ,,rnY r.t.r(rr((\. ""d
LI. C)hn, R,] r97r, rjt (Thrr(irn)i W. vrn lngcrt, fcu oi*hich rrc rcputcd h*c Llrcifcnhigcn. (;ri..'is'ht I:-'atc lt951'
I lah\,1lst . C/rss. /']iril. xlvi. I6r (rtron)i llorrd-
A i,,r,,,1,". .,, n ., ',- "rdHL,r, t,".Ltrr.4it'
F. llroDrnrcr, l,',rwriinr, :,, .tr.,j.r(.r (re7.t) r,l,,Jro' 8,n". ,,. ia' i I . Li' 'rilrrr' '
nrri, C/a.s. Qudrnt!y r973, r96i (hrif)r I(. t-or iirllllstsand bibliognphl, q ithortcortmcntrty
SchiucDburg, .1rr ,,1 ll.,rdl,unl xx, 88lt i,r.l in.l.xcs to ,'1RI" rDd /rrtrr ED.).lop..(lr.r
rr.,,,,,, a,rr, r.. a ,., rt ,. h \.li U.r'lur:' rhriirrcJl. l)rr ,\'Ir /1,,r I d, n,.i '/ld' ( ro7r )'
(l hri.irn). W. H. ltoscher s /-.xior h ..$ rlii..'i,..*,i r'r),\' L,L/. \I"'/'t'r\'
-r , ,.,r1.,\. i \,lur ,, P { rr) . .:'r.: N. K'ir' .. h. 4 I
M.chiiri C. Irou\, ,4K vii. 3otl: Iiti,dr Inttalmthiiwt MIfi,/,)(i.x' (;lriJl.d, r\ i?Ll;1l'lf M sch,,,idr n1 op,,., \hr,i/.'
T.\tir!!vr, bows IJ,\nrr ii, r8 bcnrs rrcpircd)j xrd nbrc rc.cntl) /i,r.i./,)/r ,/i, r
i. ii..,,,,,,"., tvl ltryt lh. K,,r/'lrisj xv' r snl (Fesr.laDtzcn)^n,r",
r4rfl.i B. l)dhlc K/r' rlix gott'
l)anc$s .1. l'jolrsat, B(111\cii, iiolll rlLll ,4rrL anrtt (rrjl 66). 1-.rilo, ht nlnlt tt(lt HeDhr$ro' ind Thuri\ &'v''' lo
(r96j) ir.t dlc ().\'/arl (-/,,JJi.i/ Di./n!ri/l (r97o) \..'',.. L, ll.'r.r,, ,r.
llcd 6gurc icorosraphv his bc(n stu.iicd l,) i ii,:;;;,,,.,. H.'*t,'. \ ).t) r,,,,.,r ", rr, A.i1rr-- l'e', 4.4 r',o
A. Pickrrd Crnrbridgc, Ih. Dtd ntn h:tinl! il scholrrs no lcs tlnnolrqhl)' thir drat of orltr i ,."',,' n. rt,.,t,tn .,r,d P. l'"\ 'mr\'/ H4'tl/' ' ii rlt; Borrcirnrn
,,1/idJ (r96lt)i M. S(huridt, ,4( x, 7oll. ((hon"cs) 4 ,r r,i i. pr i. , .,j I h' l;ll.s'r' l, Rtri/ (rr^o)
.rL,A 11 rlorncdcr r. Aeocas - llono,
l'. Ji.obsrhil, 'S-\nrpo\irki ir) (;;t/i,t(.r 1,,!, | .
d.J;"rr.rrr' r.,41 Urr'irfi v'i '' 1'
Ano,l,, Ctttr \,h^ttkt Att Rl 1-
r.. , rr,. rrt tl, rrI rrt rln r". , L,'rr, c. Li 1 ', r,*,:r,*li'i, E Sinon. Di. C(bn lu APh^)dik
(,r,r. ' lri'.n l.ll.'rrM,J. /{,,. /.' | {'''' \r' ' -i
Kottibos B. A. Sparkcs.,,lrriraroi.qyxrii, :o:fii rbo!c Arri.1.r .ri.d in ,411rH c not sc,,c,ill.v
rcfctrrcd h.rc, $ o$.nrrics ir..ithc, olprin,r, il\ . i;., ., ,, tt,t',i, 1r,.,. ", ztt't.1 . r'l.,, :d . I ro. {'. t v 'rr l- 'r' I {B' ''' \r ri\'
A,,rlr.(,r /n)n.rii, jj 6ri l).(l.KLtrrzil.Borrd- r I i,,tur\t, or nrorc r...nt thrn lBlH. il",l '. ,stl u../!\.n rB'''/rx'r! "vr' ''d r26 8.
mrD. l;n.j nr (l,,rtI ,I1i^. iii. riRl , ,,1 Il..u.rrdb A. I in'rrrr''..!,(r'. \'x' J" '.1'"a' r. Mcrnnon - Bono, it. 14 19.
l,),,,hi. Poursrt, loc cit. Tirr (;or)s QnJrcl ovcr rnnour.rr)d vornrs M'
l)ivics '4K
,t", (/,r,i/rra,/rvralirs ;ff.
Musi( M. W.gncr, llt$ik.t(\tltul . h Biltuht E. Snrion, l)n. Ciitkt du (llnlki \tt69) J x"4,1.", r. Inornnrcr.,4K Bcihclt vji. ;of
(re64)i U, (;),,,,,,Jirirx lxxiv, i.trrI (hoDr. ',,"Ji"ty.,, rlcxzl.v, Apollo (Sulcnro) iiiiiv' Atrr d.-l M D .r . 4,\ \\ ' ''o{': IJ ll'
BrL.rncirg BojI,,, ii. ]6.
t))tLukl Oiitut (r9ir), or librtionsi (;. Bc(k.1. ",1,b"a Sh, rr,,i. R,l r,)rr rolft
Cd.rrrrriJnir,/ (r9ar) I fl_.
f<.ru ui Krs,rr,dL.r nfrr,xiri.,,r
Lovc mrkDg al Vorl).rg, (;ioii,n"x Erorin,r, ; ","kcs O Brcndcl ldltlu. Ie'fi' 5

(re.)i)i lL, Sino.(thnltu ()trltttl,tnd: ZtNs I Sylcus F. Bromner,J/I lixi lr' 6efi MJn.l
'^. "r'J
H,l(r I t 'hrlrK rnrl. I '' " ''1,
(re-ri ll)i E. VcrireLrL, ,4( xii, ,fl. (lnxmn) rn(l A. l]. (ir)k, tnt\ 1ii1 l\e1a.{o)r l) Achlr. ,,,,,tt,,1!, ttrrt, d HiLl, (re5))
.4J{ \rr.J.rd llu. J -,rir/x' l, ".( .--trt,:'i Khrriri/rr Zi,r (tr: t). i r,lv." r o I nrr. n.'fcrrMr\ r'" r' t t" *" l) -

,, P/.ri!n,y (StLrdjcs Hrwk., I l6t (iuv:rrcdc ljoiarrii. jr 3t ll Sr.hrcrnrnn.l/r i,. (l Du2rs and R. Fliccliir.. 7l1.ji., lrrd!'1 R(irJ \ftr:\ da;! t'a a titttu (te6s)
ir,)i8):L Du!-L\, R,r.Ir cr l't' Ltf "
I']hrllo\ l)irds ll. Hcrtc. ir l'.r!l,v wi\\orr s v
'lJhallos' rTr4iiG D.vcrcu\, /HS x.rii,4rl. Pur{r.s Th.tis lJornr/ ii, asl: r',,1,,,,,,', l'. ','ub'r 'l' llt'' t d'a
,1.1.,, '!r,r/, (rrr r) lj".,"nin."t;un' F. W. HaDrdort, Cr' K"
,' ,rai,,.,,,,' r. Ut" r.r"' . {^ IJ('h"r: \rr' ill tt rt (t')t'+)
E N (;rr.1trrcr..lrl,/r1i.r (l lk A1 t.ior t Wrt ltl lt 9 ta). MIp.ssr Llcrzlcy rr (;/rarirrr (Fcsr. Linglor, I Sinis- G. Hxfircr,,4l r966 r51ll: rn,r,, I r "..t , ,,", ,\ ...r". l').,,ir.,,,,1
ll A H.rris. St., n, alrutL and Rut lt97z) chrscs wooran Bos,o, ti srt: 95f[.
B.jn,, i. r3 (rrhlctcs widr fillct5)i ii, lll (x.oDn\tt. H!lkirdros I l. Si(litcrr,n,,,,Jill l\\i. 97fl] i,ii. i-"" c sourvmotrnsand JH's x'i, ealt Sclcnc F. llromnr.r, ,4.4 r96l,68ott
(i)Nr^1rirt.r rNDir\ ntY r{ rrNlf\ A,,i",-* Il von Bothmcr. A nz' ! tt C tk
^Nr) P Z,|J1kct, Wddtl nd Htrtt5,t:(:tnlt il dt rttinll t
ArxlaDtr E. SiDlon, Mtkdru Atdld \197a)'
Cloch(. /-rl.rL!.j,
lJ. IJ titi^, h thtit lt9lt). t u!1 rId i (te6t) l,dscus- K. Schrucnbure, l'dlrrJ 'tttd (r960)' L:.rt.L.r, P V. I BI rl'"txr' '' 4't tn' 4''
Portcr-v (;. M. A. Ri.htcr, t ht ()'tli al Athnitll
ir.",i. ,'lu.,u, ii. r tli-S Krrouzou, ACH lxr. i'')r' /i''l'
lrcnthcus liostor ii, t .t36fi1 un.t ,lia airi, l6fil: T. P HoNe, '4J'4 Ivii'
s.,irr, t. l'',r" S,)', 1\r',r-' rld
S(ulttLrr. ll.jn,/iii, 74i -t ,,.,rr;,1r ,- i,. -r .trr ri1". r' " _'r "Pnr"" d-
Mctill Vrscs J. Il. (irccn,,/Hs lxx\i,7l thpc oill.ra rrd Iris ,48/- roi A (lrDbiiosl(trr. ,,,," .a,, t i"'t, ' -, .ti'rri" I rr'r re'r' 'r
'Iht lJrylr\ I\1i tu 2a 1- ,r,"r,.,', S. l.r,ir.?' r',1- M.',rt"r. .Dx''l-
Ihsti. dress ti.n., ii, 4El; jii, i6.
i,i .,.0..,',rh"' x,,r,r l''rii' ro'", :M '.hr 'I. u'", B, r-rd. .{/r ,\ elff \b' iktrrE h' rn' orrr[": K
,{N Llcrh(l' vii, ./,ri. Schrucrburg, l/i lxxxviii, t1I (at tlist)'
l-org. R. ll. G.mpcLcr, ,{,( xii, I61, e".",n .,a o-irl,yi" - E. Srnon, '4xril' rnd Mrcnrcts l't.-W. ndrvards, IHS lxxx 78fil
,1,n.r, li.J/, (r9rr).
L. I)culnr(r, SileDos and Mtlas F. Bromnrer, l'( Bc'hctt vii'
H.rnrs tt. Lrllics, ,Dn' 7 ttt H. .lt]]t): Ab( dldnd xi;i, \1t tl. r
P. l)c\.rnrbcz, Rl I968, rrgtt_ U. Hc,n,bcrs, Ddj Bil.i.1'J /'](\.tr/,),, (,e.)r). t,, ...j ,r K(., ,ro , I'h,.i ,., n . r. , | , )i 7.
Muni.h, Airikcnsxmmllxr- L(,rdoi), lJ,irinr Musen,,, F. 87 Romc, Villi (iiulix M,,v,r,,
gcn 24rt, Vul.i. lRI" 8. ,'lRl 6l. s8. 5oj9o I/ r6r, \
I-orclon. Itritlsh Museun E 8ti Piris. LoLrvrc (i r,)..'llll f.l.
Romc, Torloni. CollccrioD 3-/RV 7o, 3 3.
71, tiorr Vulci ,4Rt'30, 2. Arlcshcrm, S.hlrcizcr (bl- 89 Ronc, Vilh (;iuh.r Mut ui,,.
Aftcr ,4rril. D.nkfliill i;, lc(tioI. ,4.lll.' r7lrr. 6 lis. (l(rv.L$i. ./l1l I'8r-
aronr r

p1. x. 6ll Obcrlin, Allcr Art Museunr 9o Romc, Vilir {;iuli.t Muse u:t:
L IST OF ILLUSTRATIONS fondnn. Bflh\h Muie0nr l. 6-7.6t Pdrd 129. tL Li\- :076(), troDr (lc.vctcn..4/l I
:j5, tron) Vulci. ,4RI" 3 r, tr. Baltin,orc, John HopkuN 83, r4.
46 Brusscls, Mus6es RoyiLt Il UDiv$sity, frorr Chtrrsi? 9r Pfis, Louvrc (lA ri-:7.lro!tl
3jr. froDr Vulci. ,4RlrI, 7. ARV 7j, 56. Tx agra. lRl/ s3, I:.
Lo don, British MuscnDr E Athcns. Nrtionrl Muscum, 9: l,xris, Lonvrc (i I.] ,'ll.t l.'
767. froDr Vul.i. lR / I r, a Akr. 68, fron Athens. ,4Rr
from ARV 16, tS. Ait$ Furr- 9l (lastlc Ashby. fronr VLtlci.
Cor.r Clistle Adrby, r l Ncw York, Mctropoliun 48 Athe0s, Agorl Mlrselnn P 7t,62. L{rct Akr. Vd\.";i-
Vnlci. ARV 77, t)2. Muscun r4.146.I, llogcn !v:insler Rci.hhol.l, pl 63. 24t r 1, i_ron AthcDs. ,4Rf Lcningrttd, HcrDitige Mu ARV 124.7.
Fund. ,4Rf 8. 9. Boston, Muscum oi Fnrc scunr nrv. r46I I, fron Bcrc 94 Rome. Villa Giulii MLrscum
/ilrJli!/i... Ncw York 14 M.drid, MLr$o Arqucolo- Arts 1o.22r, lro Orvleto. 49 Athe s, N.tionxl Muscur zrn. ,{RI/ 7r, 6.). Bexzlcy :zzro, ftom Todi.,4RI;
,e7r.,t.,o. Sec .lso [,2l. gico r rooli, fronr Vulci. ARV t6. 14. I628. arom Trnagr..,4RI/ r24, 8. A[tc, Hoppxl, ii,
ARI/ 7, 2- Alr.t CVA- Are,zo, MLrseo Civico r46j. zj, r Aftcr Pft1h1, ftg 386. 7) London, British Musclrnl 3()j.
rr Pr.stum. Altcr N.,pulr, // L1 Swirzcrland. private.,4RI/ Akl/ 1t, 6. Aftcr Ftrrt- jo Bcrl;n, Musedr r9:9 tr rr.r, fro r sPlrr gjMelbournc, Univcrsrty
ti I)r d,1 1rldtd,. u,inglcr-Rcichhold. p]r 2]71i, froDl Vulci. ,4RI/ 2r, ARL'7+.35. I7lo.4. frcm Vul.i.,4RIl
r : ELrali. Afto ,4J,4 lxxlv, ft Bo(on, Muscum of FiDc 6t 2. r. After Ptuhl, fis. ar8. 73 LoDdon, Bntish MNcum
pl.6().2il. Arts or.8otr5, H. L. Picrcc 3o Romc, VilhGulia Museunr, jr (lothr, from Koli.s. ,4R/ E J5, fronr Vlrlci. ,4Rr74, 96 LoDdon. British Muscunl
Athcns, National Muscurtt, Fund, from Chtrri.,lRL' froDl ncar Vitcrbo. ,4R / 2a. Atuet CVA. I Il. E 8r j, from Vulci. IRIl r2j,
from SuniuDl. Aftcr aCH 163,6 t5, I t. IScazlcy dnwinus. j2 Athcns, Nationrl Musellm. 74 CopcDhrgen. National Mu-
viii, pl. t4. t7 oxford, Ashmolern Mu- lr Bolnr, Str:rdi.hc Musecn Akr. :59o rnd Oxford, Ash- seun tr9, from Grccce. 97 Rornc, Vilh Giulia Mu-
Dc\,hi, Siphnian TrQsury. scum I1o, froDr Chilsi.,j R r/ 1966.t9- Pdra 323, 3 l'it. molcaD Muscun I927.4602, ARt/ 7t,59. seum 20749, fronCervctcri.
Boston, Mtscun of Finc r6t, li. 3-1 llrusscls, Mus6cs Royrux A fron Athe,rs. ,4lt L/ rj98. 75 London, Britlsh Muscur! ARV 127,30.
Arts or.8oj7, H. L. Picrcc Athcns. Nationrl Museun, 7\7. Akl/ 2a.1. Aft$JH.S lxxvi, Pl.2.L E .]8, froni Vtrlci. ,4RI" 72, 98 BcrliD, Strxtliche Musccn
Fund, lroDr Orvicto.,4ltl' Akr. ro4o. Aater,4lr. raJ., 3l Munich, Antikcnsrnlmlun jl Athe s, ActoPolis MtscuDi, I6, 2324, tion Vulci. .4Rr I26,
1.7. i. gcn 2J07, froD Vulci.,{RI/ Akr. rol7, fronr Athcns. 76 Oxford. Ashnrolcan MLF 26. Afrcr I'fuhl, fig 32r.
-r tlcrlur, Storlichc Musccn tt Adolphscck. Lrndgmf tr6, r. Aftcl Furtw:inglcr ,4RI.' r'i98. scLrn itro. IRII 76. 84. 99 lloston. Museum of Fnrc
rr'i9, from Vulci. ,{RI/ 3, I. Philipp ol Hcssc 29. /Rr Reichhold, pl. r1. 54 LoDdorr, Bntish Muscunr E 77 London. British Muscunr Arts 9J.61, Gift of E P.
4 l'aris, Louvr. F ro3. ,4R/4. rr9. r. Aftcr CI,7. 34 Munich, Antikcnsamrrlun 417, ftoDr Cervctcri.,4RI/ E r3J, froD Vulci ,4RIl 78, Warrcn, lrom Vltlci ,{ /t t'
r-l. Orvicto. Frnr
Cotlc.rion scrl 2309, fronr Vulci. ,4R I/ i4' i. 93. tl2.
j tludxpcst, Muscunr of Furc 6r, from Orv;eto.,4RIl r r. \) 'I .r rq u rf i.,, Mu,ro NJzroD.Ll. 78 London. llritish Muscunl roo Atbcns, Nrtional Muserm
Arrs jr.28.,4Rrl r 6r7, Ij, 5. 35 Romc, Vaticrn Mucuns G RL , xas, lruDr 'I rrqurn, E I37, froDr Vulci.,4Rr78, Akr. r()2. fiom Adlens.,ll< r
i,rd ts!/1Mrir. Hd,It. xxviii, Cambridgc, Fiuwilliinl 71, frotri Vulci. ,4RI'28. r4. ARI/ 6a,66. 9i. r6tr5. Aftcr,4[r. I/ds., ii.
Muscun G 16l. fronl 36 Tlrrn, Musco di Artich;ta j6 Piris, Louvre G l. ,'1Rt' j3, 79 Ncw York, Mctropoliun ror Athcns, Nrtion.l Museunr
6 Ncw York, Meropoliian Arhcns. ,4RI/ Io, i. 412t, fronr Vul.i ,4RIl 28, Muscum 4r. r6tr.lJ, Rog$s Akr. r 66, frori Athcns.lRI/
Musclrnr 6.1. r 1.6. Pulitzcr Ncs York, Mcuopolittin r r. ArrtJHs xxxv, pl j. i7 London, British Muserm E Fu d.,4Rr I6j.6. 92,6+. Aftct Akt. l/d\t ti.-
Bcqucst. l']drd 32(), 2 lJir. Museu r, Be- 37 Wfs.w, N.riorul MuseuDr 2j8, froDr Vllci. ,4RI/ i4, 4. 8,] London. British Muscunr r02 London, British Museunr
7 Switzcrlucl. private. ,'1R I/ qlrest ofj. H l)urkee, Gifts I423J2. ,{Rt/ 27, 8. Bcazlcy j8 K!1qs Point, Schinlnel Col E 6, from Vulci.,4RI/ 166, r920.6-r3. r, Irom ClPua.
3, 4. of l). O. Mills rn.l C. R. lecrion. /tr, 126,7 i)ir. ,4R/ 88, L.
N BostoD, Museum of Finc Love, by Exchange. Sce also 3ll Munich, AntikensrDDJur j, CopcDhagcn, Nation.l Mu- 8r Prrls, I,.rit Palais 3s2. iron ro3 Kxrgs Pomr, SchinlDlcl Col
Arts 99.531. H. L. Piercc gcr) r4rr, froDl Vulci. ,4RI/ seunr irrv. Il4o7. ,4/tl' i9, Athens. .4Rf 8r, r. Aftcr lcction Sc. R,4 I972,81ft.
Furd. lRt'-4, rtr. itl Prfls, Louvrc G rot, fronr 21,7. 57 KleiD, Lt'l,ln,.(strri.r/l/i., 88. roa Maplewood, Noblc Collec-
9, Fain. CollcctioD, Ccrvctcri. ,41? r 14, 2. l9 Krrlsruhe,BadischcsLrndcs 60 oxfotd. Aslinolc.n Mu- 8, Ilrunswick. Boudoh Col tion. Pdrd 330.
l-ronr Orvicto.,4Rf 3, i. 24 Bcrlin. Sraatlichc M$ee. nn'scurn 61. rcj4. ,4R I,' r7oo, scrur i I6, froln Vulci.,lRl legc, from Ccrvctcri. ,4Rtl roJ l'tascl, Antikcllmuscuu BS
A.ftet Corclld C tu|. 2 r30. fron Crplu. ,4RI/ r3, 63.92. lfi. ARI. t47,16.
1c, Ldrdon, Bntish Muscun B Tarqutuia. Museo Nrzionulc 6r Castle Ashby, tlom Vulci. 8r C.stlc Ashb,\,. ARV t72,1. rc,6 Mrnich, Antikcns.DrmhnL
r 93, fronr Etrurir.,4ltI/4,8. 2j Munrch, Antikcnsammlun- RC 6841, fro,r TrrqLrinia. ,4RI/ ii. r8. lJ4 Brusscls, Musics Royru\ R gen tr6r9A, fronr Vul(i
rr Munich. AntikcDsaDirnluD- g.n nv. 8rl j. .4RI/ 1619. ARV 4, 2 &)lognx, Musco Civico 36I, 1j9- ARV t69,7. ARI/ t16,2.
gcn :102, fronr Vulci. ,4lt I/ rToti Pdrd j2tr. l ais. 4' from BologDa. ,4R r 6J, 8j wiD.hcstcr Collcgc 4:. rlr7 London. Britirh Museuttt
6, t. Mmich, Antikcnsammlun Vulcl. lRI, 2r, ARV t1o, r. B 668. fron Mtirt,r. ,'1l( I'
rtr Lc.nrgr:td, Hcrmitagc Mu- gcn 26:0, fron Vlrlci.,4RL/ Ptuhl, fig. I li3. 6-l ' '1. Antikcrnrusc!tm BS
Llrsd. 86 Mulrich, Arltikensannrl!trr- 98, r.
scum.,4RI'7, j. A ltcr PfLrhl. 16, r7. M rich, AntikcnsaDrnrluL 45, lLtu l:7. jo /)ii. qsr 2t88, from Vulci. ,lR t'- ro8 CaDlbridgc. FitT$,illi.r,il
Mnbftl ulLtl nr flg. Lerihgract. Hernit.gc Mu- gen 2j9o, froDr Vul.i..4Rt, Forrnerly Arlcshcrr, irl:, Aftet Furtwinslu-
-2. ML$eum GR 49.r864, tlorrr
34,1. scum 644, fronr Ccrvctc . S.h$clz.r. ,4R r t7. a2. llcichhold, iii. z4o. Vul.i. ,4Rf Ir r, 14

ro, London. Brirish Mn\,rr,l I urtwilrritler Rcichhold, pl. r4, lliscl, Antikcnnusch, tJS Irr , Louvrc G r97. ftorr tn$k,r. M!s.unr of Fn,. 2r3 ()xbr.l, Ash,rol..,ji ML
E r4, tronr MrrioD. ,,1/ll' ,1j3.,41?I,' r614, 3lr rir. Vul.i. IRI/ 2jlr. r. Arts rj roo, froD (ich? scum r9r7.iS /lftl .trr), r,l
Iro Lcn;.erad, Hcrnrrrgc Mu
CrDrl)ri.lgc, Fogg Art Mu rjo Prris, Louvrc C; r7j ,l/il Lordon, Britisli Muscunl l/il':47, r. Aft.r B.J/d, ii, Bcrli.. SLrxrli{ ll Mu!! !
\cunr r9iro.:r6 ,4R r r8j. [4j8.,,1RI,'r]9, ra Pl. l4. z:79.llorr Vnl(, ,l/li'| \.
scum 647. fiom Mrrur. ]I, rjr MuDich, Artikcnsarrrnrlurr 8.rlin, Staatliclic Musee
AI?V rrc, ). (lopcnhrgcr. Nationttl Mu
t73 r9l Lc.ingr.d, HerDitrqc Mn
ij I
gc,r 23r3,IrornVul.i ,4]l r , r6tr. lioDr V!lci.lRrrTl, scuD, f-rom Ket.h. ,lRI" B.r.'$ (i,llc( tio,, (N.\
II' Munich, ADrikcDsxrlnlluD- scunr nrv. rjt6j. lRll rtii, 248, r. llce,lcy druwffg York L.rr7r.)r) S.. //,/r
ee. 2589. fro)r Vulci. ,4R i/ tjr Nc$ York. M.rroD.lirI, Crkdnisscttc, irom Srbu- t91 LoDdon, Briti\L Mus.unl rrrl Snil. (-'n,!!. i'jril. l\rv,.
r3: Muri.h. ADtlkensanlllun MuscuD,' frc,,, cnrx. Il,rd lj4, 39 ,iJ Scc E tr6r. iioDr VLrl.l ..lRl,tr48, r7 r ril
I L2 llerixr. Stlatlichc Mu\..f gcD :144, t-ron) Vlrl.i.,41tt,- No1.. lll I' 197. r. Bcazlev Nrti(,ril Mu\(uIl
.]rJr, froIll Vulci. ,1R i,' I rl, r E2, 6. driwurg. Miplclvood, Noblc Colle.- r95 Copcrnreg.n, N.tionrl Mu Akr. 43r, i;oI) ArhcIs
7. Aticr CVA. Trrqr;nir, Mu!eo Na2ioDalc Iil MuDich, ADtik(DsrDr.rluD t(,r, iioD Vulci. ,4RI,'-:76, scun rrv 3293, fiom At<r J32,27. Afto A/ll.
r rr Bftlin, Sta.tliche M!sccD ll( 4rei,. frunr T,r,rurDri scn 2r rr, trorr) Vllci. ,4R l ' Orvicto.,4R l'i:i I, 36. Aft.r
it1\- J42. ARV Lt7,2. ,4Pl ruj, r, rt iionl Elcutir Musclrnr
I ta Lordon. tsrirish Mu\cnnr
1.)7, 176 Paris, l'ctit Pihis -i()7. I{or. /rr.r/. xi, pl. 5o. 6r 8. 6om
I ],N Ptis, Bibl. Nrr. .]8j.,rd I54 K.rlsruhc, Bad$chcs Lan d.r Crpua ,4/tt":7r.2. Brusscll, Mtsics Royrli\ E]cusis. ,4Rr I r4, I.
E 4l.,4RI/ r8, rj.
I IloDn, AkxLlenis.hcs KuDsr- muscunr 6E. tot. Potd 344, 177 tlostoD, M$cunr of Fmc lt lo3. lionr V!lci. l/il' Murch, AntikcDsxnrmlun-
r r5 Munich. Artikcusammhr, nruscum r43. from Tr- 98.18r, froD (l.pLra. 249' 6 gcD :6.ri, from Vrlci ,4Rr/
gcD nrv.877r. Scc M/B,k quiri.' l/{| r\.,.\o Ijj I', Lo!vrc G r9r, fro
IJcrzlu\ , ARV ,.79.7. Llctrzlcy dr.\\, t97 Peris, Nirrchos (iollcctrrr I7 r, r j. S.c.lso [2j6]
rxii, rlli Vulo. ,{R I/ ro8, r6.,. i,)e. IRI/ 250, r$. Londo . llritidr Moscurlr
I I6 FloreDcc. Musco Arclco- rli Nrplcs, Musco N.rzio,)rle I56 Londor. Bnrish MusL-!, jr Pfls. Loulrc al 22o.,4ltl' Palcrmo, Musc'o Nrzionrle E8r6. frori) Vul.i IRL:trj.
4:rr. lRr r2r, 22.
logico 242:, froD Noh. .{Rr r89, E r6r, fron Vulci.lR I,'ror, rlJo, r r. Bcazlcy driwiDg. V 76j, fiom C]hitrsi.,4Rt' tr. ll!'.zley drrsDg.
1r7 LondoD. llrfish MNcrnr 74- r6J. | 71) lldtor, Muscnm ol Fn,c rj r. 34 MLnri(h. ADtikcnsanrnrluF
]j j7, lroDr Vulci. lltl, r::o, rl6 Bascl, WilhclD Coll..rioD, gcn 2(,36, froD Vul.i. l/tr
ri7 Ronre, Vxrr.aD MuscuDrs. Arrs 64.2111r. ,4RI/ z8J, 2a t.)9 Wiir zblrrg, Mrrrnr von
lioD Vulci. ,.,i /t I,' I 89, 73 . tiom Vulci.,1Rt 2o9. 6r) r Wigncr Mn\cL1i)r \ I i.,'1llI/ I t7, r6. Aticr llrrrwig.
11ll Oxford. Ashmolcm Mrr r-t7 LondoD, llrirish MusNnr rjE VieDnx, Kunsrhist(r'sch.s P.rls, Louvrc G jr6, f_ron rU.irtu1r./,dhr p1. ri. r.
scuDr ro3,lroDr (lhiusi.,4It l' frorr Vulci. ,4 /t I/ I87.
E 44 r, Mnsculr 74 r.lR l./20t, r o L Noh lR 1" 2N6, r4. Londo , British Muscun Brscl, CahD Collcctrcn.
rr9 llosror), MrNcunr of Fnrc
i7 f'ftc CVA. Mu,ri.h, AnrikcnsrnrnrluD- E r6l, fronr Vulci. ,4/t t'rj8. lRf l 16, l.
rjri LondoD. Br[ish Muscun ti9 Prlorno. Museo NrzioD.l. gcD r.]8r, from Si.ily. lR l' London, llritish Muscunr
Arts or.lloi:,I, H. L. Picrcc E .:7o, fronr Vulci llU,' V 66r, lrom Gch. ,4R Londo,, Ilritish fronr Vul.i ,1/tt,3rN,
Fund. from Orvrcto. i/tl
t/zr r. Muscunr E 4a.
rll3, rt. 1118. Ro,)rc, V;lh GiLrlir Muscunr E 44r, from Vnl.r.lltl".riT,
t13.9 139 FlorcD.c, Musco Na,ioralc r60 S\vitzcrland, privatc ,4Rll :2]
rro B.rlnr, Staitli.hc 4il23it, ftoDr aldvctoi. lRt' t- I']er$, Louvrc G ro4, lrorr
MlsecD 4rrlJ.,1/il/ r9r, ro:. Ncw Yo,k, privrr.. lR l' (l.rvcrcri., I' 3rlr, r.
( 2]71, fron, Vutci. Hrrow S.hool jj.,4Rt/
r61 Bcrl;r. Staathch. Mnn$ rltl Lcnrngncl, H$nririg. MU Uruscis. Musacs tto,vlrx
r8l. ir. Arter /ils x\x, rrl t96i.\.
34i, rri4 riJ.
Pdrd scum 614. ,4Rl/:81t. , llologDr, Musco Civi.o PU A stl9, lionr Chiusi. ,,'lll l/
rr r London, Ilritish Moseunr 16:: llostoD, Muscum ol Fnrc LoDdon. British M!s.uD

zSl, iionl Orv;erc l/it' 129, r3().

F,42 ARI' r74, 2a Par1s.Louvrc CIA ajr. froDr Arr\ 9r.r9, C. P [ 44o, tioDl Vul.j .4/il,' LlrLrDsvick, Ilowdonr Co1-
r2: Perknx
AdlcDs, Agon MuscnDr I, Atticx. .411 1,' r84, r2. Ftrnd ,4R I7 r:o. i. Ilorlc, Vilh Ciulir 866, lcgcI9lo.I ( fr. givcn by
:4ro:, fronr Athcns. ..1ii t' Bcrlnr, St.xrli.he Musecn 16r Munich, Anrikcrsrrrrmltrr- rtlj Stockhol.r, Mcdclhrvsmu- frojji Falcrn. ,4RI,'rrJ4, a)7. l). voD Bothnrd). ftolr
-:170, froDr C.rvcteri.,l Rl,, gor r38r, fronr S ltaly. scct r963.r. ,4ltl' I61l, I\ivit.. .l),trd lj l, L Ccrvcifti. llt I/ .]28, rr4.
r:r B.rli., Sra.rt;.hc Mtr\ccD r8j.2N ARI/ 12r, t+. Pr;vi('. l),r? Iit, r. Bosiotr. Mrscu,I of Fmc
r-:r6e. tioD) Clhiusi. ,4R I., Ktrnsthrsrorirchcs r64 tlrusscls, MDsa$ Ro),au{ A lloston, Mun'Lrn ol F!)c LoD.tor, llritish MuseL,D Arrs 6l.N7l. P.n 36a, 14
r14 LondoD. tsr;rish Muscurn
Muscum 37:5, from Ccrvc 72t- ARV 226, j. Arts 97.161, lroni Vrl.t E 5ro, iionr Vul.i. lRl'
terr. ,lRI/ ro4, r09. Afrff r6i H.nrburg, Muscunr fiir ,4RI'r9o, r. A[tc, 8,)Jnrr ii. 107, lt. At_tcrJH.S {xxiii, fl. MDDi.h, AntikeDsJnnnlur
E trr, tioDr (lhiusi. ,,1R I,' l,tirhl, lig. j7o. I(unsundCir'werbc r966 34 qc. tr6j7, frorr Vulci. IRL'
t-79, t. Llcrlnr. St:r:ulichc Mu{.cn Pl 36. t)

rr5 Or).cLondon, Mrrc|ellatol

]\ti j17,8 t(. London, l}itish Musotrr LordoD, llritLfi Musc!Dr
trr6,r, frorr Vul.i. ..1ltt'r96, r66 l']xris, Lolrv,e G r6t, tionr E r6j, lronr Vul.i.llt t"r94, B 674. trom Tenrgra.,4RI/ Puils, Louvre G tos. frorr
lc.t;oD, lrcn) Grcccc.,4Rt'
r7x. \ AakrJHS \r,. rl. r-1. l4) WnPburg, Mtrrti, vor
C.rvetcri. ,4li trr7, r::. Vulci. ,4Rr l:4, 6.].
r:,, NL \\. Yn,I Mrrrop,,lrtrn
r67 CiDrbrldgc, Fuzrvilliur INS Cop.rhigdl, NatioDrl Mf - Nc!' York, Mcropolitan Kugs Pomt, SchiDnrel Col-
Wxgnr Mrscuri joo, frorr Muscunl GIt r8.r937..4Rt' scun r16.,{Rl7ir97, rr. Muscum rr.rlr. Cift of lectioD. ,4R I/'-129, r2j [ir
M rnurr 07 r8,,.47, lrncch Vul.i ,{R t/ r97, 8. )l1,16. rtl9 Ncw York, McoopolitaD (1. M. A. lti.htcr.lRtl 169, 2lo Biscl, Anrlk.,)nruscum BS
Fufd 4/{l r7j Bas.l, ADtikcnnuscunr llS 168 Athens, Nxrionrl MNcunr Muscunr j6. r?r.Jl, Iilct.her 439. ,4 Rl" 32l, j6.
r27 O,).c Lu,dl markct.,{RI,' 1i6. ARt' rr4, lraft j4z. (lanrbridgc, Iogg Art Mu- rll Ncs, York. Melropolitan
rl6, Akr. lJo6, liom Arhcns.,41< I, Fund, fronr Vulci. , I,' r97.
ro. Museftn r2.21r.2, tiom
r-:8 ::4o.4:. Attcr ,4lr l,'aor scunr r9]j.3o.j r. lIl l' 3{)2,
tthodcs, Archacologicel Mu- Ortbrd. Ashrolcm Mr Lo,ictdD, Aritsh MuscuDr Cffvctcri. lRl' l19, 6.
scunr r33tl6, frorD Camirus nt')r t9tr7.,rjcl2. ,4 /l L/ 21o. r6e l,rrr, Louvr. (lA r947, fror)r 99 7-rr ,r, fronr Vul.i lRt' Bosron, MNcunr ol Finc Artcr ltichtcr and I Iall.
ARI' 139.21. Alict CfA_ ,4R l/ 2,{o. 44. 297. 15. Afrs rl.r9j, fionr (;.1e. Pcrugja, Musco (livi.o ti9.
rr9 \iyiirrblrg, Marril voD Muni.h. ArtikcDsr,)rh h,,,- r7lr Nxpt$, Museo Muni.h, AntiIc,rsxNrDlun ,4RI,'ji, r. tioDr Vulci. ,4Ill, l:o, N
Wrgncr Mrscum J07, i;onl gcDirlv. 8766. ,4lt I,' r7oo, 2,t i o. nom Ruvo lRt,rj9, go rlol, froin Asr;gcDto. t'tis. Pcrit Prhis I rj, tionr Aftcr I-lart\vig, M.ind-
Vul.i. ,4Rl/ r8r, r. Aficr lR f -:4s, r. Noh. .lll l/ lo7, r r.
244 245
lhscl, Anhkcnrruv rrrrr ll\ Wiirzburg, Mirtur von B$lih. SI..rlich. Musccl M!nich, A,)tikcn\.!rDrlun- E.,!, ironr V,rl.i. lRI,'468. ll7 AthcDs, Nitk!).rl M,,\,rr,
Wrgn.r Musc!))),t79, froll ge -1646, lion Vul.i. lRt' Akr. 7.o, liorr Arl,.,,'.
44o. ,{RI'':l-:6. 86 1,ir: /lr,r zl09. frorr C.pux. Pdrd t7tr,
VrLl.i .4RI: r7:. tz. 417, 1211. -tlli ()xti)rd. Adrnrolc., Mu- /RL sir, tro. Ati., 'l[,
I'ris. Bibknhiquc N. Lcrn)shd. H.rnriLigc Mu BosroD, MrsNDr oi Fnic r9r9. r75, Iiom
llerlin, Smrtlichc Mus..n Arts r97o.r3l. IRI' lR l' 48o, l17 llti Murich, Ant;k.1)s.rrrr[,,F
(Ersr) rr2r, tio,), V!1.i. tioDulc j76 ,4/i I/ l7 r. r,t. 6ll. /4 R Ir 4I t, 21.
sctrn) 44,1.
lry CrrrbriLlge, Fitzrvillirnt gc,r :4r7. fio,r) AqriSdr({)
,,llt/ 129. r i,t. Munich, Artikensrmnlun- Znrich, UDivcrsiry Mu
llrusels. Mus6cs llovaux A Muserm GR rr r917. lRt' ,4/{.'jj6, lor
On.c BerlDr, St tlichc gdr 2645. froD Vulci.,4lttl s(um. /iard 371, 14 riJ. i:91
j6i,.t6 BostoD, MLscunr ol I:i,rc
Musccn inv. J r-19, fronl r71, r5. Scc .lso lz,El ()xtirrcl, Ashrrolco Mu 7r8. ,'l R I'',145, r5r). .13 9
r99 Lon.lor:, British Muselnl (llcvelind MuscNn ol Att Arts ro ,84. lronr Sucsmli. IRI/ lrr. 23. Altcr n57 Wrrsxw, N.tionrl MuseL!n scllm 3oj.,4Rr4r6, t.
24.r97. Mrs L. (1. Hrnnr ,4R L' jJ,]. 19.
Pfirhl,Iig.4rl8. ,41t/ 382. r8J. Aficr rf./ 27t) Ilonl.n Dr.,kct, from Vulci. E 768. fronr Ccrvctui. ,4Rt'
(;iti. lRl/ i64, I8. Naplcs, Musco Nrziorrlc,
:\6 O\aoid. Aslnnolcrn Mu- Lcninsricl, Hcrn)irigc Mo- ARr 4tj, 1. (lcrhrrd. ,41,
(lrmbridge, Fogg Musc0n fion Cumxc. lRl'Jir, rj.
se!1m Joo, fronr Chiusi. rcurlr 679. ,4R l,' jl2, rN8. pl. r66. Ronrc, Vrti.rn Mllseltrns, .1: L

/R r of Art 6c,.J16, fronr Agri- A ftcr P{nhl. iig.477.

ARV 3t7.6t) 25t tsosron, Musclr)r of Fnrc Pxris. Bibiiorhaquc Nr- lrom Vnlci. a49, 2.
.l4l Lon.loD, British Muscnnr
Brscl, Antlke,rmuscum BS Arts ro.r76, korn (ircccc. rrmalc i7 t, fronr Vulci. I Romc, Vrticxt Mnscums, genk). ,'lRt'563. 8. BcazlcY
E j r r. troDl VLrlci. lRI,' jJ7,
237 -to
r ARI'ttt, t- ftonr Vulci ,4RL +st. t
4r8,lrorr Vtrlci.,4RI,'li r, ll. ,,1R 38r. r 71.
Txrqunria, Musco Nr- Bosblr, Museun of r2i. AficrJHS \xxii. Pl. 8.
Prris, Louvrc (i rjj, lron'
23ll Oxaord. Ashnrolcxr) Mu- VlcL)., Kunsrhistorischcs
B$hr, Startli.hc Muscc,i
VLrlci. ,4Rr rcum r967.3lr4, froD Vulci. Muselrn 1694, fro Ccr- z;onxlc, fron Trrqumir. Arts ro.r91. ARL/ 569, 41)
15 5, 15.
l' Aftcr &Jnrr nr, Pl. 8i. ( ilrv. 1106. t-ronr
B$Itu. Smatliche Musccn Al? Il 378, 131 veteri. lRI,' 4:7, 3. Afto AR 1,67 , 91.
Mihn, Torno Collcction, Erlfil. ,4Rf Sjr, ro.
2lrj. frcDr Ponlrrico.
( MuDich, Antikcnsxni,rlun- Furtw:irgler-Rei.hhol.l, pl 3lr1 Edinb rgh, Ro),,1 scottbh
Mnscum r8rl7.2ll. fron fronr Ruvo. ARI' :7t,73. Prlcrnlo, Musco Nr?ionilc
,4RI'3jj. r. gcn ,416, lron Agriscnto. 51. V 77i1. from Agrigcrro.
,4RI/ 18j,221r. Atli.u, Nation.l Museu,I Itily. l.ltl/.16,1, 44. ScTJH S Lrtrr. pl' t,,7
Baltinore, W:rllers Art Gzl- tRI,-i5o, 2.
Suitzcrirnd. privatc.,4RL- ML nL.h Antrkc,r:nrnrlun-
le,y 4lJ zr r J. /Rr 316, 16. Bcrliil, Smatlichc Musccn TE j56, fronr Athcnr. / 3'r4
Vienn., Kunsthistorisches
t6r,7. gcn 21trr, iiorn Vulci. /4RI" 144
Oncc Muich, Aodt Col- .1194. from Vulci. ,4RI/4oo, 376.2T bi! Mrs.uDr 1717, from Ccr-
lcction. ,,1 R I/ Ji9. Ji. 2tl3 Bilr;nrorc, Johns Hopkn)s loJ ll$hi, Stutlichc Muscctt
Housto., de Ma11il Collcc Lordon. British Muscunr UDivcrsity, lroft Chiuri r.rqS, frorn Vul.i. ,4Rt'r64, Boskrl, MuscLrm ol FDc vcteti ,4RI,' j55, 18.

tion. ,4R t/ r646, lt5 ,i\. E 7lJ, fro,n Vulci. ,4/t l,',lor, ARl 4+2,2t5. j2. Arts 03.788.,4Rf j7r, 7j. l4i S.hwctrr Musc n I ro,f,
106 LeniDcri.l. Hermitrgc Mu- Atier 8drror iii, pl 86. lronr S I Iv.,4Rl' sJl,
211 Bcrl;n, Stiutliche M!sc.! t. rlt,t Romc, Vrti.itn MLrseuns, Adrcls, Scrpicri Qrll((tnnr

)ror, from Vulci ,4RI, 316, MuDich. ADtikcDsrnrnlLnF l-ron Vulci. lRt'427, ,. scunr 617. troDl c$v.tcn. l:6 LondoD, Llritisll Muscunr 146
r9ro. t IJ.3, fron CrPua. (Vlaito), 6 onr Athcns. ,4 R l'
Scn r6io, fronr Vulc'.,4RI/ r8j Vicn!., Ku.sthistori\chcs ARV 360, t.
Lonclon, llritish Muscunr Museulr 1695, from C$- r07 Munich, ADrikens.nnrlut- ARI' 5jt,79.
Iror.j r,t. r, fronr Orvicro. 26j Cxnrbridgc, Corplrs (lhristi. lRl/ 429, 26.
vctcri. gcn ,3 14, fronr Vulci.,4RI" -tr:7 llosk r, Mnscunl of fmc 3+7 Ilosron, Museunr ol Furc
Arts o8.4r 7, from (laPur. Arts r3 rr8. F.
,4R L' 148. 2. ARI' 4o.. tz. 2ll6 D.rscl. Antikcnmuscunr 362.11.
lRt' j79, 84. A[t$ tsoJn,, l)onrtion, fronr (ich. l"
PIis, Louvre Cl r.j2, ftotl CInbri.lge, Fogg Art Mu K:ippcli 42J..4RI/ 4jo. 3r. 3os Boskm, Muscurrr ol FDc ,'1R

V!]ci. ,{RI/ 169, I. scum r927.r,l9.,4RI/ 287 London, British Muscunr Arts I3.r86. F. llxrilctt iii, pl. 86 i57, I I3
DoDation, from Su.ssuld. t2ll Lo,1don, BritNh Mus.utll l41l Oxford. Ashroie Mu-
lhrcss (lollcction (Ncw E 48, from Vulci. ,lRl 43 r,
E r7r, frorr Crnrirus.3Rt' scun I rr, tiom (;c1.. ,4R t:
York L.6e. r r.rj). Pdr, t6?, Loncton, Bitish Muscunl ,4RL_458. r.
l) r l. l.roD Locri ?,lR I,'4o1, Itonrc, Vatican Museums, l09 London. Ilritish MuscuDl J79, 117
Mnnich, AttikcDsaDinilur
London. llrirish Muscuni ftonr Ccrvctcri. /Rr 417, E r+o, from Crpux.,4Rt' 3.t Loncton, British Muscum 31t)
ScD iiv. ljTrj ,4Rt'ii4, 3j.
Munlch, AntikcDs.mmlutr 4i9, t. Er sr, fron Vulci. ,{RI' Jlro.
E 49. t-roDr Vulci. ,4R I,'j.r9, r r6.
gen 2640. froD Vulci. ,4Rl" Bcrlur, St tlichc Musc(n rro Bcrlin, Sharlichc Musc.n lio Munl.h. Antik.nsxmnrhuF
tr29r, fi oDr Vrl.i. IRI/459, llcrlin, Startlichc Musccn g(n ,4r1, fr,,nr Vul.i. ,4RI
Vioni, Knnsthistoris.hcs r2Nj. lrom C$v.tcri. ,4R I
:r72, fronl Etrurix. lR I,' 415, r AlrLr Frrrt$:r,'glcr
M!ruDr nrv. l7ro, l-roDr )69 Trrclu;rir. Mureo N.zionr1. 43 r, 4ll.
j8r.4. Rt'ichholcl, pl. t;.
(lervct.ri. ,{R
t' j30. r7r. llc sr9r, fro,r Tfqrnir. London, Britirh Muscunr I r r Lletlir, Stardichc Museen t

,4Itt' 4{)5, r. Aftcr Mo,. rr9o, from Vulci. ,4R1"46r, ilr I}rscl. Borowrki (iollc.tion. liL ttoDrc. Vriicrn Muscuns,
Aftd Furtwinglcrltcich E4e, fron Vulci,lRIl4-l:, Scc :t/,4 l-sxiv, :: Llll lronr Vlrlci.,'1li I,' 4E4, 2 L
hold, pl ll4.
(iiulir Muscuttt London, Britlsh Mtscuri) Ironrc. Vilh Ci!1ia Museum,
New Yotk. M.topolirin London, llritisli Museun Londor. tsritidr Muscurr 3r: Rornc, Villa
fron Ccrvctcri. lR I/ +ilt,
MuseuD trj r89.r. lrom E 76,lroDr Vu1(i.lR L'406. r. E 54. fron Vnl.i. ,4R I/ 41.. jol96, tiom C.rvctcrt i E 363, from C:rnrirtrs. ,4Rt'
,4lt I,'46j, 82. jE6, l6
Gcl.. RLr 3il4i :r r. Londo., Briridr M$cum 96.
Bcrlin, Strrtllchc E 7j, {r oIn Vlrlci. ,4Rl'406, I,irris, Louvrc C Irj, fronr Irl Mu,rich, ArtikcnsamDll!tF 113 Bascl, Ariikcnrrrusclun BS lj3 Prler o, Musco
gcr 26j4, fronr Vulci. ,4Rf 4ri. Scc ,4K x, TotL V 67:, fronr ,4/tl",l9o,
(Er\t) 23or, rrom Txtutuioii ::. Attcr Hrrtwig. Ir'iJr.F Crpur. ,,1R L 43,t, 7,1
Ilcrin, Smrtllchc Musccrr 3.14 Llostor. Muselr of Fmc
ARL'378, 12.). zt)3
Arts I r.199. Brrtllrr FuDd, 3j,t Pirris, Louvrc (l 4r6. frorrr
i:5 Romo. MuscuDrs, Oxlord, Aslnnolcm Mu- 2:8e, fronr Vlrlc;. ,4RI,',tlL 3r4 Mtn)ich, A,rtikcnsrmnllun- F.
Noh ,4R 1" 484, r7.
tionr (;cli. ,4ltI,'jtiil,
fronr Vulci. ,{R L'169, 6. s$nn r967.loj, lron' (lcr- 9i. gen 26j7, fron Vulci. '4ltr 71.
.ll5 tloston. Mlrsern of Finc ljj Loncton, llritish Muscunl
r52 Londou, lltitish Muscunt vctcri /l? f 4olr, 17. ClcvclaDd MusND ol Arr E 4ro, I'roin Vul(i.,4R t'494,
E 65. tio,r Crpur. ,4 /i I,'170, 213 Ruvo. Musco Jrttr rj39, 66. r r4. L. C. Hrn,rr Bcqucst. .l r5 LrllsxDnc, Privrtc.,4R l',17 r, Arts Io.r85. Iton Ct!n...
fronr Ruro. ,4Rr 4o8, j3 18 j. r4R f jio! L
London, Bntirh MLrscun) lJostor. Muscnn o{ Fnre Pxrls. Bibliotha.luc Nx lrr Brunswick, Bo!v.lon1 (lol- 336 Athens, Nrtion.l Muscnrn lJ6 Oxford. AshDrclcir Mu
lcgc i:1.3o ,'1/t I/ .!lio, l l9. 961i1. tionr Bocoui.,4ltl' seuDl r9trj.68, frcnl Gch.
E 68. fto r Vulci. ,4R I,' i7 r, Arts 6.]. !r46, W. F. Wardcn 542, fi 0. Vulci.
24- ftnid. l)drr 17.1, l4 .liian r. .4R l/ 4.18, 1rl. lr7 Lonclor, Brrirh Muscunr

IJ7 Oxlord, Aslrrrrolclr Mr 366 L,)doD. Brir;sh MrscluD r76 Lon.loD, lJrirish Mus.l,j j
s.u,)r r77.llo,I (icli. 1/l I' E 299,lioDr Noh. ,4R r6jo, E 66. lroDr Nola. lRtlNos.
636. 22. Bcrzlcy drervirg.
3J8 Paldmo, Mus$ Na,io,,ri( '
167 llostoD,,ll oa Fihc 177 Paris, Louvre (tA rrsr
V 676, t-roDr Gcla.lRt,6lr, Arrs 76.46, lronl (lxpul. ARI'811.\)6.
8J ARI. 651, 11. Aftcr Borror .178 llosroD, Mu\cun) ol Frk
Loudor, British Mrsctrnr ri, pl.4s. Arts 9E.9.1r, t_roD Errurir RTISTS AND GROUPS
E 3ol, fronl Ccl.. ,4Iit.616. 16ll lhil nrrrkcr. I)anr 4r7. ARt t,i7. . Aate. /i.Jn,,
4. uerzlcy drrwnrg. 169 tiarr. Lonvrc CA::s9,1ionr iii, pl.88.
tse.lm. St.xtlichc MusccD lRil Prnciprl page rctcrences are bold. Figurc numbcs erc ndl;iJe/
(Erst) :l t r. .4Rr646,7.
Kcr.h. 797. r17. 17, Iloston. MuscuD) ol Fi,r
t7o llerfur, Snadichc Musccn Ar ts 9j.:8, tiom Vrt,i
J6r Clevclerd Muscurn of Art !/t I/ 7rj, roo.
iDv. I r426. ,,1Rt/ 8r6, r Altcr l,iirtrt. I'}. Prrnter; (p) : poitcr
28.660, Cl. W. 37I (lopcDhigcn, NrrioDel Mu ttg 4+q
F!Dd, fron Italy.,,lRr 64N, s.lrnr nrv. 6. from Noh. .l80 lloston, MuscuDr of FjI.
37- ARt 7t7, 3. Arrs 9j 3o. ,4Rt7 t!rr, ,14 Agrigcnto P. Itloi J27 E Elrusis P. r3j, 2rl i ,i z Kachrylion (p) lr, 56.61
ItcrD, H;storisch$ Musctr,n 17: Lcr,ngrad. Hernnragc M!, Af-tt.8oiro,r iii. pl. 9r Akcsrorides tr. r95 i J6E Elpnrikos P. 62, 2]] i rrJ Kares 9
r22r J, from Nola. ,4.iit/ \cuir Etrl. IloD Noli.,4RL, -t8r Lc.irgmd, Hcrmir.gc M!- Amasis 9, r4, r7, J8,9r Epclcios P. 6r.62: io5 6 Kiss P. 62, 2rl: r2.l
646,3. 787, i. s.unr 6j8. l-roDr Orv'cr() Ambrosios P. 62i rr9 rr Epid(,nos P.62i rrJ ,4 Kleophradcs P. 9. 90, 9r-4, 95,
l6l I']aris, Louvrc G 2ro, fronr l7l OxLrd, Ashrrolcan Mu- ARl 8tt.3. Ardokides P. r5-r7, IlJ, 5J. 57, Epiktebs 9, 15. 56,57 9, 6ct, 19r-6, trrr, 2r9, 22U, 23o li
C.pL,a. lR r 647, r8. scur) j 17. ol l:Ir. t)o, 92. t 11, 2t1: a,r , 66 7E
Boston, Museunr ot Furc
14,R |,', 7Nj, N. lllz llostoD. Muscu]n
Euai.hnc lr I95: J 2., (p) eI, I17
361 374 Oxl-ord, Ashnrolein Mu- Arts ro.j7i:. /Rf N2r, j A dokides(p) ,7. 58,8rJ Kleophradcs
r6l, L. T. Cl.y Giti.
Arrs 68. sctr r927-7r. ARV 79o. 16 Aftff /rdJn[ iii, pl. 87. AntimenesP. J7,:r4 Ention P- lt)Sa 369 70, t7t Kolchos 9
I7i London, Dritish M!\c!Dr Illt Fcrreri, Mus.o Na7(nr,tl. Anriphon P. 35. 132, r35i 2tq Euclrarrles P 95. rt2t 1b4 ?
l6j Brusscls. M!s6cs Royaux A E 77-:, f(,1 AthcDs. AIi I,. L.agros Croup 36
diSp'r)x T.867, fiom SpIr.r 43
Iorq. fronl Ererria. ,4R I,- 8()6. 90. Altcr Furrlv:nlill.r Apollodoros 62; r16 rli Eucrgides P 56, j8,60 r; rro I t.eningrad P. t 8(); Jr?-6
,4R I,'2oJ. r14
6 j2, l. Rcichhold, pl. j7: Argos P. t Il; rdj Euersidcs (p) 60 Lydos 9
Euphronios 9, irl, 32-3, 31, Lysippides P. scc Andokides P.
Bcrlin P. 12,9r 5, rrr, rr2 14, 61, <)t, 1 tt, 21 3t ronisp., r, Jo
179, 193 4,22r. r+J 61,3u1 Euphronios (p) 9, 12,,33, 137 Makron 9, 90, rj8, r4o, r9j -1.
22.).232. Jo8 18
Ilom P. I34 ji 2_17 Eudrymides 3c2. 33-4, lJ 6,
Boot P. 9j, 195-6i i82 gti 2tlt 33 7i 52 l MJtsch P. rrl; rE,
Euritheos (p) lz, j6 7 Meilon (p) 17
Bowdon Eye P. J9i 82
Andokidcs Panrrd (p r6),{Rrnos.za6,2r,J,zra,8.e,Euphronros(,4Rrnus.t/,ir,),r7,rr, Briseis P. I37: 27o .l 7, r8, j6
Mid,s (p) e
-.Iurh)mrde,(p. l4l ,,tR/no"r r.l,4. a\(p.i7),4Rrnosolsi,s,..5.ooripili,i",ip
r,]) Brygos P. I33. 135-6. r17 9. Mv,9
Attv n9\:l: r(. oJ. rr. s,..Kl(ophtude. pnnrcr O. s.t,) ,4Rl no,. rol. ro;, o, r, tsertD p;,n,,1 Mysor rr2. r8o: 168 22
,p. ,Jr //?l
225.23t 3t rtE, r4S 61 Flyurq Angcl P. r.t2 13. t76-8
r. r/'r'. r,,4. r,r. rl);: O-(,.rno.,p .J4. 4Rlno. ,,. r4. .. r07. -4. Bry!.\ Brygos (p) e, eo, 115 P. 116 7; 262 P.
P.,in,s /p. rr,,. *. .t.. d8. r. .24. .2or. Do,ri. rp irsr 4Rr no, i;. ry a,'r,., ia , r,.,,, FouDdry 9 Nikon r9J i J6i 6
1Ef no..
P.,rn,,rfp r8r) {I?l N,kosihcDcs P. 6a', 9J-6, gti
r. r. s. t hc rr,grrr,rrr oD p. ror\rn rh". _rhor.,,"ll,, Cagc P. rjJi zli Nikosrhcncs (p) i(ts8,60,62.
Carpentcr P. 62r ,24 (l.1cs P. r I41 2I I 88,

Cartellino P. I38
ClallatinP. rj i i92

(;cras P. t r3: ,79 E, Nikoxenos P. itt 12: i62 3

The drawing on p. 2o9 is by M:rrion Cox. Charmidcs P. I9r i i67
Golrchow P. 9.29i 2]
Cheh P. 6I; r r r (i.rsu' (p) 15. IIL: lE oidip$ P. Ilgi Jdl
I)rmcDsions ofso re colrplctc v.s.r rrr S'vc,) in;,Ietrcs iD rhc c.ptions. Chelis (p) 6I Oinanthe P. 180: ,29
Lir"up ol Florn Nolin\ 95.rr.r
Cl:j\tc P. 195. 176 7 Ciroup of Negro Alxbrstn t t4i Oionoklcs P. 1t)4 5: J6o 3
fhu .,rrrhor r,d tuLrlnrr B Jrc du.ft) qr.,ret, ro thc n)rnv n,rseums aDd .olectors nrmcd nr rtr. Colm,r P. 55, I12. r34-s,2rl: Oltos 56-7,6l)-r.2rj i J4-6J
1 ,'.: ll, r,",1,-irki,l.\L.,rt.rl\ ,cp.r.,o-:rrp)r..,r..,iu.r,,,,1,t..1j rt,(,,, 236, , t8
Ciroup of I'r;dikos Allbastra 6' Oncsimos 9, r3l-4, r3J. rl8,
Il":11,"'..:,.'r,,..,,u,.-,.r,h....r,1,r,.-r,r.o..r.,r.rr v.,.";;o$,,r{..r: CopcnhagoP t t3 t4 199 2a)
MarH; sfJ. tl,rt t, 26, J2, .14. Jit, qo 1.55 6,66.72 6, go. r32.,|i,,a,. raa,,5o ,, ,51, Orelbclos (p) e
157, 159, 1Ia i, iEi, 19r. 198.218,2r, 1,2r2, r15. r56, r61,26E,260.26t, zgz j, zq5 6, z9t, l)ciiiades (p) lj HIrow P. rr2r r7J J
t12, -t.13,31J..115, t5o..j5.i i,.l8jli l,rofcsso, Bloe!h l,r7lj Protc$ur Trcri.,llio5t: (;qrrx,, l)clos P. 59. 60: E, Hcgeslboulos P. 62i r26 Prjdikos (p) e, 6r
Flcnna;os P. 6Ii ro, L P of, '.:. l: .:. Jrdl. Pt,.r., R,r',^/,pt.ri p,t,r..: r,.-,-, r,,.,.iril'.r., ,r.r. Dikrios P. 35. t6i 4J-7
HcnnoDri 19l 4i JJ,-,
Agora Ch.irias cuPs 62i
Diogcncs P. Irt;9r 4
iiorr the tscvlcv Ar.hivr nr o\f;rl Diosphos P. I r4 Hicron (p) eo. rao, P. ofBirth ofAthena I94i JJJ
I)ish P. I9J; J7, 2 Hihros (p) I7 'e6
P. of Louvrc G.26j Il7i r78
l)oknnasia P. t37,23ot 27 i-7 Hischylos P. t9. 86 7 P. ofMunich Amphora rIl; rqr
I)ouris 59, 90, 92 3, 95, 133-4, Hischylos (p) J8 e P. of Munich 24r3 r9l;15d
t374, t1o,1z9t 99
Hypsis I jt 4J 1 P. of Ncw York zr.It oq
'El P of Paris Gigdntomachy Il7;
l)!fiir P- 95, rt4]' 2oZ, 212

248 249
Prnphiios (p) j6 8, (,o. .:. NN. Sosias I, l?,36, tl2,:3.]: Jo Hcraklcs z2i.2ri,,7 u,2ll +i
r33. 2o9 1',1)t(tsl'jru.ritirn r33-4, r :]j,2r3l Soshs (d 3c,, la. 16 rlj d, r88,2r6; nr bowlolSuD Medusr scc Colgo'rs Poly{c,rr -itr. rrr: v1' I r,)rl,n
Pxn P. r79, r8o-r, r93, rr r, tr:ji Sylcus P. rrtiror-E iori lvith Dionysos - .176i Mcnrron 2l2i JEi with Eos l'oscidon tr:r, .rrj 6, r:ri 5r,
3J5 49 I'tov cncc P. r94i JJ6 9 Syriskos P. rr3 r4,:o8; 2o2 4 ir)trodu.tion ro OlvDrpus - Joi
Pxrcrs r8, J8,2rJr rcrT l) S. P. rr-l r4j 2oJ 6 Syrrkos (p) e, rr1 sxcrificcs d: wirh sn.kes - rJJ i Menelaos 23r 2; with HclcD Prianr :tr-i. 1rri d(xrh ,r5.
P.rsiades P. 6rt ,o7 l)ri.\ r7-r8, 3j, J7 8r r I rj sc. undcr rdvesxrics 158.3o6.2
Pt'si.dcs (p) 6r l,ythoD (p) 19, 9cl, r37, 2o9 TclL'phos P. r9J 6i J7.9 Er Hcrfrcs 22j 6a 61.2,88,96,25 t, Midas 233 l)rocrnstcs trrili t 17, 22.), )11)
Thali, P 61 2. zr3i rr2 scc Argos and /,drrn, MiDotrlr 229i /r, ,,E Promcthcus .ag:.t
Pc;thirros 132, l.]Ji ?r? SaltingP. 62, 21 3; ,2J Thiliarchos P. j9; dr Hcspcrdcs :27: Ps),chostasia 2j:i r r.i
JZ-5 Ncrcus 2rj, 227; /j6 Pygmics rll;2JE
l)crsclrs r 8oi JJo Sappho P. , r,1 rhrax (p) e Nerclds 2ll i 6,.,, rrj
Phcidippos 591 79 Eo Scheurlco P 59i 6.r Tithonos P. r r4i 2rJ Hyrkuthos ::'i..u 3oi id8
Phintias 9, lo 2, 35, 16. j7, 6(], Sidc Pal ette lekythoi Ir4:2ro Triprolcnros P. 1t 8, r39-4o, Hydn :27; r98 Sxrpedon rl2;.ror,ijf., 22
<)1.132,2t3t 18 42 sikanos (p) e Hyllos,8 Nike tr1,I, 126; 159, 161. 21-1.
Satys 225,22iJ. 233-4; athlctcs
Phintias (p) lr. r r r, 2ror ,9 Sikclos 9 Troilos P. lrJj r8d 9d 1-{ypnos 2::7,2t2 /t,Ji it lurq( r7;;witlt Htr,,.
Pig P. r80: Jr9 2r Sirc P r13; rE,l Tyszkiewicz P. r rlt rEj-7 Odysscus rlr:i r EJ. r, r85; lris 25?: rt tomb roo; rnd
f istoxcnos (p) e, j9, r ra Skyrhcs 9, r.,,59-6oi 88 9r Idas ljd mour of Aclillcs ,6Ji sct'
t ithos P. 62; r2d Snrikros 9,29, lo, 13; Jr ? \ViDchcsrcr P. 59i 8t Ia 3r7 Sclene :31
his 2r4-6i rjg.2o2,25r 2 oidipus 2lo i Jor Silcnos 233
Ixion 213 orcithyia scc 13otcas Snris r28i r r5, :?06. :rE7
Orestcs 23o r: 27.1.2 Sircns rti;r8l.r
.lason 229 3oi 2oo, 288 otphcns 23at 27 7, 354
Sisyphos 2i3
Kxirtcus 2.]l; 126 Sylcus r28: ,9J, J6J
Krsaudn :3:i rii Peris z:r; wjth Helcn loE-r;
lndcx to tcxt ofChaptcr Eight only; and sclcct ligurc nunlbcrs irdli.iJrl
Kcphalos z3o;;o; Jrdgcncnt 3ro Tclcphos :lr; JZ8
K*bcros u:zt r6 Patroklos 223,23I: Jo Thebcs (Scvcn) rio i JJI
K$kopcs z27i 18/ l,eleus 2i:9, 23ri f. Atrhntx Tlrcscus z:4. 227-9\ ,2]. 2691
Achcloos ::7; 5.1 l)ionysos 2i:5 6. zz,\, l),2:].,6, Kerkyon 228 62i /. Thetis ir4.r scc urdcr rclvcrsarics
A.hil1es 223, 2to :j child J6l Argos 12Ji I6J, j27 1t, 1to, 215, 255-6, 31J, t6r, Klytrinnrcstra 4ot 250, 27i Thetis 23r; 2d2.r i see Pelcus
rrms JJ2i plays Ajex 2, An.dnc 22J,2:9i 269 J/6; sce Gi:tDts and tdJJi,, KykDos :27: 6j Tidronos 23o:.r/9
,nisrlon 766,J01. r isee Trollos, Artcnris :24, 2.26t 2t2, 371: scc Daloi 232t 176 Tityos iz25i .1,
llriseis Lapid 2ll; I96, 1,6 Penthcus 22j:26 TripblcDros
2261 151, 1u9. 309
Adikia rtl Atalani )291 62. r91, 169 Elektra 23o 227,2)9.2131 217, 221.1
Aetcas :3 r-z; with Anchises AtheDa 224 6. 229, z3t 2', wttll Eos :lo,2r2i 2ar 292, Lnros 228i 296 Trollos 23I: ,9d,2J2
tJ5 rphlaston 249, .r66i birdl Ericlrthonios 226t 129. 3r'o Lion. NcncxD )2-1: 7. )0, 104 Phaia 2:8;287
Eros. erotcs 126,2lrj rZr, rEJ.2.
Phallos bird 22oi 176 Zephyros:to
AgamenrnoD z3o 1: ,71.1 Phonlix 23r;2rJ.r Zc\s zaj 7: JJ, r9.i, 202: scc
Aigira 224; JJr Mlrpesa 22j i JJd Aignri .Dd pdiJn,
Aigisthos rlo; r{J, 27,?.2 Eurysthcus I7i 8q
A;thr^ 225,229,23r.t 1r5, i72.2 Iloar. E.ynranthian r27t 89
Ajrx 23r 2i f. H$rot - .r0.1.2i Borcxs r24,2lo; J./r, Jj2
r Odysseus :47s derd .216 Brisels 2311 57, r15.1,270 Gmymcdc z:,1; r5a, 139
Bull, Crctan zz7
?,ktaion 226a 3.15.2, 137 l Bull, Mxrathonirn 228i 2ar
Alkyoncrr 2r7; t2,9j llusiris 227; zJ, JJ6
Anrrzons u:7, z33t ij, 2o9', r.
Herirkles - 9, 29, r19, 29E
(irrnts ::26. rliT (Arh, Zcur,
Anphitritc 225, :29j 2,?J Crlydonirn boar z:9 r96 (Ath.. i'os.),280 (Dxnr.),
Ccntrurs 227, 233; /. Hcrrklcs (l)1(,i.), ire (DioD.)
Anchscs see Aencrs Z2.r: laith lrn tj9; ig6, tz6 aiorgons 22j,:29a rJJ, Jr9
Andnrnra.hc 2j2; ,JJ Chiron :j1i Jd
Hector 2lr 2: lt, 304.2; rai-
Dmac zz9; 9z, jo6
r Helcn ::9, z3r :; with Theseus
Dcianin 227; r2, 14i scc Menclaos, Pris
Aphroditc 226, 13r i:i J-5 l)emctcr itr6; rJr, Jd9 Hcphaistos 2:]1,225 6.2 j1,2ll i
Atrollo 224 5, 227t i57, tZ2.i. l)ikc rt3 2o,262-1t foryc ] 71 rcrrn1
,97, J.r8; /. Hcraklcs 4d, ,4; DioDrcdcs :3r 2; r. A.rcrs '
scc MJrpcss., Tityos rd6j wi.h p ladioD rEJ l'[en zz5 6., 2o2, 2j2.1, 2qj.1
250 25r

(k) : karos

Anakreon :19, zzz Hipprrchos 2,,; (k) 2rJ Peis;st.atos 90, 224, 228
Artists foreigners - 9 ro, 29, J9; Poliirs 30,34, 16
Ife - 29-30 62,136,213
Bilirguals rJ-r7, jJ, j 8-9 2t3 Satla plays rrr. 2r8, 223, 234
Bhck 6gurc rr-r2, r4-rj,jj 6, Kimon ro Sculpturc 14. 17,30 t,2r1
60, 88, 93, irr t2, 1t4. r33, 2t4 Shading 89, 136
Leagros (k) lo, 3a. r32. r95, 2r3 Signatures 62, 88

MaeandLJ borders 93, 95, rt2, Technique rr 16; cor.l-ied

Dokinasia r37, 2rJ r35, rl8 40 r8, 30, J6, r32; relef figures -
Mtathon 90, 2ro, 2?2, 224 j6, 60, r3 j; reliefhair 30, 3J-6,
East Creec. 9, 29, 2r4 Megakles (k) 36,2r3
J6, 89, rl5; relieflinc - 12, 89.
MenDon (k) j7,2r3 r93; Six r8, 36, 60; white
Miltiads (k) r8. ,r3 ground rj. r7 r8.36,6r, rr4.
Florals 15,31 2, JJ-7,90,94-J,
132-3, r39. r80, r9J,2ro
rrJ 14, 1383, t8r, r94 J.2r4 Tr:de
Foreshorrc ng lr, 7, rr,60,88, r79 80
Panathcnaic amphorae rrr-rz,
Glaukon (k) 2r3 2r4 Will painting ro, r4
Athenian Recl FigureVases: The Archaic Period
John Boardman. 528 illustrations

The qualiry of Greek parnting and the intrinsic interest

the {igure subjects chosen for depiction were never
than iu Athens in tl're {rfty ycars following the invention
of the'red figure' technique in about 53o sc This is

period covered by this book, a sequel to Athenian Bldck

Figure Vases also written by John Boardrnan'
Professor Emeritus of Classical Archaeology and
Art in
Oxford.'Once more one is grateful to the author for

master\ organization ofthe material, his light touch and

his appreciation ofthe needs ofscholars and students
alike' (TheTimes Literary Supplement) 'Admirable
full of penetrating, often clever, observations' (British
Book News)

Thames and Hudson

rsBN 0-500-a0l,rrl-

96,00 i.. , u$lllltiluililfi

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