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Having this course “Nursing Research 1” is very new to me.

first, I thought it would be easy because I already have a background in
doing research papers back when I was in my SHS days. But then, I
found out that there are several things that I don’t know yet and this for
sure will be another amusing voyage for me to sail.

Starting with Chapter 1 of this course, there are already

numerous things that I’ve discovered and learned. First, I was able to
see the different meanings of Nursing Research according to different
prominent scholars. If I were to merge their ideas about the course, I
would say that nursing research is a systematic and scientific collection
of data which answer questions and solve problems that would be
beneficial in clinical nursing practice. Second, I was shocked and
saddened by the reasons behind the lack of clinical nursing research in
the country. However, I believe that nursing research will now be
distinguished as the Nursing Care Group (NCG) of St. Luke’s Medical
Center recognized the first system-wide Healthcare Organization
Research Cell in the Philippines that will help promote and support
nursing research in the country. Third, I had been refreshed with the
qualities that a researcher must possess and that for me is one of the
significant things that we should always consider before, during, and
after doing the research paper. Lastly, I was delighted by how chapter 1
of this book had taught me several unfamiliar words that were unheard
of and for which I/we can use through the creation of our own research

Indeed, many things have changed. – From primitive to

advanced technology, disorganized to systematic approach, and trial &
error to evidence-based research. As we indulge ourselves in living in
the modern society, may we never forget to continue enhancing our
capabilities in discovering things that will help save and preserve
humanity. Nursing Research is a stepping stone in improving the health
care system in the world and I believe that there are countless things that
this nursing research has to offer.

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