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Now a days we can see the approach the digital marketing has for the process for

business in all around the world and we see how has been effective traditional

marketing can be but, what is better?

The moments can see digital marketing shine is on the small business and thanks

to the promotion of the product on the internet, is getting a better option for the

small cost and risk we have here and even when it comes to the target, the digital

marketing is useful for the costumers comes to you. The digital marketing has

arrived on time to see how the campaign can be updated on time while the trends

change by weeks as it is getting faster while the time come along the competition is

more than before on ever product and service. For the traditional marketing it

counts the risk and effectiveness this ends by business already create trends for

themselves and the costumers are defined by the brand like coca - cola for families

or forever 21 for young women who likes what they se on the experience when you

purchase a product. Now a days the experience that can give a traditional

marketing when you receive a product or service is very attractive like a little note

or a t-shirt where the brand is the protagonist is very interesting but the investment

is more than digital marketing that is why the small business cannot afford if I may

say a risky campaign base on traditional marketing because as the article of

lyfemarketing says: “ The recurring costs in traditional marketing can prove to be

a huge investment that may or may not give a good return”. So that’s what I think

that both are effective, but when it comes to costs and time small business can
reach an option for digital marketing and bigger business and qualified brands take

a traditional marketing with experience.

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