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Unit 1 - Task 2 - Writing production

Presented a

Laura Isabel Suarez

Presented by:
John Fredy Ramirez Molina Code 9.764.128

Group 900003_555

National Open And Distance University UNAD

School of Health Sciences (ECISA)

March 04, 2021

Pre-reading activities
1. Look for the meaning of the following words:

• Employer: A person or business that employs one or more people,

especially for wages or salary

• Job openings: A job opening is an invitation for a potential employee,

whether or not he or she has applied for a job, to become an employee
of your organization.

• Join: To become a part or member of; to act together; form an alliance;

to become a member of a group; to take part; participate:

• Resume: Body of work and academic knowledge and experience that

an individual possesses and in turn refers to the cover letter that a
person sends or delivers when applying for a job

• Behavior: The response of an individual, group, or species to its

• Self-motivated: Able and willing to work without being told what to
do and driven by one's own desires and ambitions : motivated by

• Team-oriented: Team oriented means that you just don't think of just
yourself, you include others in your decisions. Everyone has a
contributing factor in the operations and decisions that concern the
business or venture. No one is more superior in the business and
everybody has an equal say without any reprecussions.

• Hire: (Hiring): To pay for use for the temporary use of something;
payment for labor or personal services; the act or an instance of hiring.
2. Write 8 complete sentences using the words studied in point 3.

● Employer treats all employees in the same way

● This job opening has been on the labour market for a long time
● Two years ago I was join of this company
● She handed over the resume to apply to job
● Joaquin is having a bad behavior at work
● Laura is a self-motivated employee, for her desires and ambitions
achieving to be a great employee
● Diana and Carlos joined the company to show their other teammates
the team-oriented work.
● The company is hiring people with experience in customer service
3. What do you think are some important qualities and skills employers look
for? (Write at least 3)
Employers look for people who are self motivated, team oriented, positive,
honest, dedicated, responsible and respectful.

After-reading activities
4. Write 2 the sentences you agree with.
I agree with this sentences of the text:
● They place a lot of emphasis on finding people with the correct skills
and competencies for their organisations.
● In general, employers look for someone who is proficient in a
particular function and who has the right personality and behaviours,
essential for successful working.
5. Write the sentences you did not understand or want to clarify.
This sentence were a little difficult to understand

● They want candidates to be effective, to demonstrate they can adapt

quickly, solve problems and motivate people, but also to have
leadership skills and ability to work under pressure.
This sentence lacks a little clarity
● The problem is that there are some job openings that are never listed.
6. What do you think are the most important qualities and skills in your
As a pre-hospital care technician, I think the most important qualities in this
profession are empathy, love and passion for work and respect. Regarding the
abilities I consider to be good practice, rapid and easy learning, concentration
and expertise.
7. Write at least 3 qualities and 3 skills you have
My qualities are responsibility, solidarity and self-motivation. My skills are
leadership, the ability to listen to others and the ability to adapt.

Special importance, La Organización Emphasis
vale, or prominente Mundial de la Salud
given yo something hace énfasis en el uso
de gel antibacterial y
del tapabocas
Specific but not En nuestro país se Certain
explicitly named or administra a ciertos
stated pacientes la hormona
del crecimiento que
producen animales
transgénicos de granja,
como vacas y ovejas.
Accomplishing a desire Era un exitoso hombre Successful
aim or result de negocios, pero
parecía fastidiarle el
éxito de los demás
The action of leading a Ahora, sin su liderazgo Leadership
group of people or an el equipo se está
organization fragmentando
Be in charge of a Para poder Manage
business, organization administrar
ir undertaking eficazmente sus
propiedades rurales
tuvo que estudiar los
principios de la

Tell Flexible On
Work Successful Since
Choose Confident To
Want Proactive Of
Needed Dynamic With


UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 1-1: Interview and respond to interviews (1).
Inglés B1. Taken from the E book B1 level in Learning Environment.

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