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2014 Dossier

For stringing the bow

This is not an easy task for those who play it
the first time. And there is not even agreement on
what is the best way to do it, avoiding
damage to the archer and the bow.
This statue features a gesture not easy.
Perhaps Eros is not incordando the arch, it is only
saggiandone the force, while it is free of rope.
Eros stringing the bow
from an original by Lysippos in the fourth century. to.C.
marble, height 123 cm
Rome, Capitoline Museums

This painting offers a gesture more credible,
even if the position of the archer appears to be unstable
and the left hand is too far away from the tip.
Pietro Vannucci, known as Perugino
The martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
fresco, width. 470 cm
Panicale, the church of S. Sebastiano

Of the two ways suggested by the most authoritative
the modern manual of archery, the one on the left
it offers more guarantees, but it is rarely used.
The one on the right also works with strings strong,
but they can result in damage if it is not executed
taking care not to twist the limbs.
da Instructor's manual
The National Archery Association
terza edizione, 1982

ottobre 2007

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