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G. L.

Assoc. Professor. Mem. ASME Theoretical Model of the
B. T. Beck
Graduate Student. Mixture-Vapor Transition Point
Oakland University.
Rochester, Mich. Oscillations Associated With
Two-Phase Evaporating Flow
A horizontal tube evaporator in which complete vaporization takes place can be divid-
ed into three distinct regions—a subcooled, a two-phase, and a superheat region. The
mixture-vapor transition point corresponds to the liquid film dry out point, and when en-
trainment is negligible, it represents the boundary between the two-phase and superheat
regions. Experimental evidence indicates that during what is conventionally accepted as
steady flow conditions, the motion of the mixture-vapor transition point is of an oscilla-
tory nature. Furthermore, not only are the oscillations random, but their statistical
characteristics can be represented by a modified Rayleigh distribution. This paper pre-
sents the formulation of a theoretical model which incorporates various deterministic
mechanisms, while at the same time includes the existence of a random phenomenon.
The model has the capability of predicting the influence of evaporator heat flux and
inlet flow quality on the statistical characteristics of the transition point oscillations.
Perhaps, the most significant potential of the proposed model is that it represents a first
step toward the formulation of some of the fundamental mechanisms associated with
two-phase evaporating flow instabilities on a statistical basis; a basis which appears to
be consistent with many of the experimental observations currently available.

Introduction Mixture-Vapor Transition Point. The mixture-vapor transi-

tion point is experimentally observed by utilizing the light scat-
Thermal-hydrodynamic instabilities encountered in two-phase tering properties of the two-phase mixture. The photographic
evaporating flow have received considerable attention during the technique which has been developed for a glass tube evaporator
past decade. Boure, Bergles, and Tong [l] 1 recently reviewed the detects that position in the evaporator where the last of the liquid
technical literature in this area in an effort to classify the various film is vaporized. This means that the tube wall is dry, and that
types of thermal-hydrodynamic flow instabilities, and to identify no droplets of suspended liquid are visible. This does not rule out
their causes and mechanisms. the possibility of there being some liquid in the form of micro-
Flow instabilities have been observed in vertical natural circu- scopic droplets entrained as an invisible mist. In fact, when a
lation evaporators, as well as vertical and horizontal forced circu- small self-heating thermister probe is inserted into the flow
lation evaporators. In an experimental investigation of a horizon- stream immediately downstream of the visually detected transi-
tal-tube forced circulation evaporator in which complete vapor- tion point, the presence of some liquid droplets is evident.
ization takes place, Wedekind [2] observed an oscillatory phe- However, for the range of experimental data under consider-
nomenon which appears to be related to the same mechanisms ation, the effects of entrainment are believed to be negligible.
which cause density wave instabilities f3, 4], yet in its own unique This conclusion is supported by the fact that the dimensionless
wav is different in its manifestations. vapor velocity for all of the data is a factor of 1.8 below the criti-
cal value for the onset of entrainment is established by Steen and
1 Wallis [9]. Furthermore, energy balances, assuming a quality of
Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division for publication in the JOUR- unity at the transition point, consistently predict the mean posi-
NAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received bv the Heat Transfer tion of the transition point within the experimental accuracy of
Division, June 15, 1973. Paper No, 74-HT-T. the instrumentation involved.

138 / MAY 1974 Copyright © 1974 by ASME Transactions of the ASME

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Mixture - Vapor
Transition Point
rate; this taking place with an inlet flowrate which was invariant
with time.
It would appear from the implications of some of the aforemen-
tioned observations, that the behavior of the mixture-vapor tran-
sition point is an important and necessary consideration in any
attempt to analyze theoretically the overall dynamic characteris-
tics of a tube-type evaporator in which complete vaporization
takes place. Its behavior also has some interesting implications
with respect to the statistical characteristics of some of the fun-
damental mechanisms associated with two-phase evaporating
flow instabilities. The purpose of this study was to explore some
Fig. 1 Regions of a horizontal tube evaporator of these implications.

If entrainment is negligible, the transition point represents the T h e o r e t i c a l Model

boundary between the two-phase region and the superheat region. The theoretical model which is presented represents an exten-
In a horizontal tube evaporator, the transition point is sometimes sion of an earlier model [5] which proved successful in predicting
tapered, due to the existence of a nonuniform film thickness in the transient response of the mean motion of the transition point
the liquid annulus. When a taper exists, the position of the tran- due to a change in evaporator flowrate or heat flux. The model
sition point is defined as the taper midpoint. Much of the experi- assumes entrainment to be negligible.
mental data which will be referred to in this study was presented Fig. 1 schematically depicts an evaporator consisting of a two-
in an earlier paper [2], Although it varied considerably, the aver- phase and a superheat region. Although the schematic indicates
age taper length for the aforementioned data was 4.0 in. an annular flow configuration in the entire two-phase region, this
Experimental Observations. Experimental evidence [2] in is for schematic simplicity only, and does not mean to imply in
the form of high speed motion pictures indicates that the transi- any way that an annular flow configuration always exists.
tion point oscillates even for what is conventionally considered to Conservation Analysis.
be steady-state conditions. Furthermore, a study of the charac- Continuity Equation. The conservation of mass principle, si-
teristics of these oscillations indicates that not only are the oscil- multaneously applied to the liquid and vapor in the two-phase re-
lations random, but that their statistical characteristics can be gion, yields
represented by a modified Rayleigh distribution. It is not uncom-
mon for the peak-to-peak amplitude of the oscillations to be 10 J_ [p + (p' - p)n\Atdz = tnt(z, l)z,(l - mt(z, t)^Mt> (D
percent of the transition point position. (It
As was pointed out in the aforementioned reference, the transi- Physically, the expression on the left-hand side of equation (1)
tion point oscillations appear to be a consequence of liquid waves represents the instantaneous time rate of change of the mass ol
which propagate along the liquid annulus in the annular flow re- liquid and vapor within the two-phase region. On the right-hand
gime. Those waves which reach the superheat region, "wash up side, the first and second terms are the instantaneous rate at
on" and "recede from" the dry tube wall much like the surface which fluid enters and leaves the region, respectively.
waves on a lake interact with a beach. Visual observations indi- Energy Equation. The conservation of energy principle, simul-
cate that the liquid waves which propagate within the annular taneously applied to the liquid and vapor in the two-phase region,
flow regime are actually a continuation of waves or slug caused yields
waves that form in the flow regimes existing in the early stages of
the evaporation process. j!_ [ph + (p'W - ph)a]Atdz = / p/dz
In a very recent study (10], outlet flowrate oscillations have dt
been observed to accompany oscillations in the mixture-vapor
+ {[!> + (//' - li)x]»it(z, t)l__B - \h'm,(z, t)\^{t) (2)
transition point, even under conditions conventionally accepted
as steady-state. Theoretical and experimental evidence indicates The physical meaning of the various terms in equation (2) can
a direct correlation between the two random phenomena. Again it be explained as follows: The left-hand side of the equation repre-
was not uncommon to observe outlet flowrate oscillations with sents the instantaneous time rate of change of thermal energy
peak-to-peak amplitudes which were 10 percent of the mean flow- within the two-phase region; the terms on the right-hand side
do = constant, in. xQ(z. t) nonoscillatory local flow quality >?») instantaneous position of the
At = total cross-sectional area of tube, flow quality at evaporator inlet transition point, in.
ft2 xi(z, t) local flow quality perturbation ij = mean value of the transition
/( ) = probability density function x(t) mean flow quality point, in.
F( ) = distribution function mean nonoscillatory flow quality £(t) = oscillatory motion of transition
fq = evaporator heat flux, Btu/hr ft2 mean flow quality perturbation point, in.
h = specific enthalpy of saturated independent variable, longitu- p = density of saturated liquid
liquid, Btu/lbm phase, lbm/cu ft
z dinal position in evaporator, in
m,{z, t) local instantaneous total mass (Txi = standard deviation of mean flow
local void fraction
flow rate of fluid (liquid and quality perturbation
vapor), lb m /min a(z, t)
ao(z, = local nonoscillatory void fraction
<r = standard deviation of the transi-
total inlet mass flow rate to otiiz, t) = local void fraction perturbation
mt. tion point, in.
evaporator, lb„,/min nit) = mean void fraction
average evaporator pressure, a, = void fraction at evaporator inlet
lb,/in. 2 «o = mean nonoscillatory void frac-
P = inside circumference of evapora- tion Subscripts and Superscripts
tor tube, ft diitj = mean void fraction perturbation Symbols of physical quantities and prop-
t independent variable, time, sec f = transformation constant erties which do not possess a superscript
to = initial time, sec y = principle characteristics param- generally refer to a saturated liquid. Primed
V = dummy variable, sec eter in the Rayleigh distribu- (') symbols of quantities and properties re-
x(z, t) = local flow quality tion fer to a saturated vapor.

Journal of Heat Transfer MAY 1974 / 139

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represent, respectively, the instantaneous rate at which energy is quality, x,.
being added to the two-phase region in the form of heat, and the The first term on the right-hand side of the foregoing equation
instantaneous net rate at which thermal energy is being carried defines the nonoscillatory mean flow quality, xo, which is as-
into the region by virtue of mass crossing its boundaries. sumed to be invariant with time, and the second term defines
Combined Conservation Equation. At any given cross-section- what will be referred to as the mean flow quality perturbation, xl.
al area of the two-phase region, the liquid and vapor pressures are Because of its relationship to the transition point oscillations, the
assumed equal. Furthermore, the physical properties of the satu- mean flow quality perturbation will be time dependent.
rated liquid and vapor are assumed to be independent of both Relationship Between the Nonoscillatory Mean Void Fraction
axial position and time. With these assumptions, equations (1) and the Nonoscillatory Mean Flow Quality. Since for conven-
and (2) can be combined to yield the following conservation equa- tionally accepted steady-state conditions, a 0 = cto(x0), a change
tion: of variables can be made to the appropriate term in equation (7)

pAt(h' -h)
dt 4 r-b-rt^w'V
dt 1 r 1 '" , ,. 1 ,' 1 -" dct„0
- dxA8)
Vx (
= ( / / - / ( ) (1 -x^nitlz, !),._„ (3)
Perturbation Analysis. The foregoing expression can be evaluated by integrating by
Void Fraction Perturbations. The foregoing model is extended parts; yielding after rearrangement
to include the oscillatory phenomenon by expressing the local 1
void fraction, a(z,t), in terms of a nonoscillatory and a perturba- -> {1 - (X;«,-)- J tt0(,V0)rf.Vtl} (9)
(1 - a { )
tion void fraction; thus
a(z,t) = a„{z, I) + ax{z, t) (4) Now, for a uniform heat flux, /„, the nonoscillatory flow quali-
where aQ(z,t) represents the local void fraction distribution if ty, xo, can be expressed in terms of the axial position in the evap-
orator, z. as follows:
there were no oscillations in the transition point, and a\(z,t) rep-
resents the local void fraction perturbations directly associated v 0 (z) = .*,. + (10)
with the random oscillations. mtii(h' -h) '*
Within the two-phase region, a spatial mean void fraction, a(t), Because of the way in which the mean position of the transition
can be approximated by point and the flow quality are defined, Xo = 1 when z = >), there-
1 ..; 1 ..»<» fore equation (10) can be used to yield
a (I) = cy„ •,(z,t)dz + ~-rr; \ ai(z,t)dz
>1 PA
(5) U-.v,) = i."; t.tOi'-h) -'? (11)
where r\(t) is the actual position of the transition point, and ij its
Using equations (10) and (11), and making a change of variables
mean position. In general, both could be functions of time, since,
from axial position in the evaporator to the corresponding flow
as was encountered in reference [5], the oscillations can be super-
quality, the nonoscillatory mean void fraction, do, from equation
imposed upon the mean transition point motion for both steady
(5) can be expressed as
and transient flow conditions. However, this paper is primarily
1 .l.ii
concerned with the mechanisms associated with the transition
^ = (1 _ r ) ' ^nU'oHvj, (12)
point oscillations. Therefore, what are conventionally accepted as
steady-state conditions are assumed to exist; the evaporator inlet The foregoing expression represents a means for calculating the
flow rate, mtj, inlet quality, xf, and evaporator heat flux, fQ, are nonoscillatory mean void fraction in conjunction with the avail-
assumed to be constant. Under these conditions, the mean transi- ability of a relationship between void fraction and flow quality
tion point position, fj, will be invariant with time, however, be- such as those suggested by Levy [6] and Fujie [7], These relation-
cause of the random process involved, its instantaneous position, ships are shown [5] to be in reasonable agreement with Hufsch-
rj(t), will be time dependent. midt's [8] experimental data for Refrigerant-12 flowing in hori-
Therefore, the mean nonoscillatory void fraction, do, is as- zontal tubes over a wide range of flow qualities.
sumed to be invariant with time and is the same quantity de- The combination of equations (9) and (12) yields the following
scribed in reference [5], However, because of its assumed relation- relationship between the nonoscillatory mean void fraction and
ship to the transition point oscillations, the mean void fraction the corresponding mean flow quality:
perturbation, ai(t), will be time dependent.
Flow Quality Perturbations. Considering the void fraction to
be a function of flow quality, the concept of a flow quality pertur-
bation would be consistent with the foregoing; thus It should be noted here that because of the way in which it is de-
fined, do ^ oto(xo).
x(z,l) =x„(z,l) +.v,(2,/) (6)
Relationship Between Mean Void Fraction Perturbations and
where x0(z,t) represents the local flow quality distribution if there Mean Flow Quality Perturbations. A relationship between the
were no oscillations in the transition point, and Xi(z,t) represents mean void fraction perturbation and mean flow quality perturba-
the local flow quality perturbations directly associated with the tion, ai(t) and ijrtj, respectively, can be obtained by assuming
random oscillations. that they are related in a manner similar to the way in which the
Since the flow quality and void fraction are directly related to nonoscillatory mean void fraction, do, is related to the nonoscilla-
each other, and since the mean void fraction, «, has already been tory mean flow quality, x 0 ; a concept consistent with perturba-
defined as a spatial mean, the mean flow quality, x, should be tion theory. This idea can be expressed analytically by utilizing
defined in a manner that is consistent with both interrelation- equation [13]; thus
ships. (1-a,'
Such a definition for mean flow quality could be of the form: a At) ^ *,(/) = -xAt) (14)
3.Vn ( 1-*,)
/ x0(a0)dn{l Fig. 2 graphically depicts the various relationships between void
W) = x„ ,(/) = fraction and flow quality that are presented in this section.
Relationship Between Transition Point Oscillations and Mean
—, f xi(a,t)da (7) Flow Quality Perturbations. A relationship between the transi-
(1 -at) tion point oscillations and the mean flow quality perturbations is
where on is the inlet void fraction corresponding to the inlet flow developed by introducing the void fraction perturbation into the

140 / MAY 1974 Transactions of the ASME

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combined conservation equation. transition point oscillations and the corresponding m character-
Utilizing equations (5) and (11), for a uniform heat flux, equa- istics of the mean flow quality perturbations. Since transition
tion (3) can be expressed in the form point oscillations, %(t), have been measured and reported (2] for a
d variety of conditions, it is possible to use equation (22) to calcu-
Pf, V~v(t)} (15) late the corresponding mean flow quality perturbations, x\(t).
rf/{"(f)ll-a«-ff'(/)»=pA7{5^ This evaluation becomes somewhat cumbersome because of the
Separating the variables and integrating the foregoing differen- need for the numerical integration of the integral term involved.
tial equation from some initial time, to. to any arbitrary time, t; The contribution of the integral term has been investigated ex-
after rearrangement, yields the following expression for the mean tensively in this study for the experimental data under consider-
void fraction perturbation, cti(t): ation. Since (,(t) is an oscillatory function, a characteristic of the
integral term is that its magnitude, for any value of time, is in-
« i ( » = ~^ {(1 ~ Solvit) - v] + c9 versely proportional to the apparent frequency of the transition
point oscillations. This fact can be readily demonstrated by con-
-^f^)ij"(n^]dt'} (16) sidering the integral of any time dependent sinusoidal function.
For the transition point oscillations under consideration, the
where the constant, ao, is defined as frequencies range from 0.3 to 4.0 Hz. Therefore, for the experi-
<h = " I U O M ' O ) - ( 1 - a A vi'o) ~ v\ (17) mental data under consideration, the contribution of the integral
term to the statistical characteristics of the mean flow quality
Introduce the transition point oscillations, £(t), defined as perturbation turns out to be small. It does contribute to its mean
£(rtM(/)-77 (18) value, but not appreciably to its statistical distribution 2 about its
Therefore: mean, or its standard deviation. Therefore, because of the simpli-
1 i 1 1 fication obtained, the integral term will be neglected. Further-
vii) n + tit) rj k + A10 } (19) more, the magnitude of the initial condition constant, ao, is arbi-
trary, since it also does not influence either the statistical distri-
v bution or the standard deviation. Thus, it too will be set equal to
Since experimental data [2] indicates that, ^(t)/rj < 0.1, the bino zero.
mial expansion can be used and simplified to yield Using the foregoing simplifications and equations (11) and (18),
1 ~ * M tip , 1 (20)
for the purposes of determining a correlation between the statis-
Vit) rj T) ?j tics involved, equation (22) can be expressed as the following sim-
Utilizing equations (18) and (20); equation (16), after rear ple relationship between the transition point oscillations and the
rangement can be reduced to mean flow quality perturbations:
, (1 - tVj) mt lilt' - /;) i-
- ,A ,-, - \£it) _>. <h , Pro i(l')dl' tit) = ?/(/)-77 v,(/) (23)
i) r, pAtih - h)i] o «..) PL
(21) Applying the concepts of applied probability theory, the stan-
A relationship between the mean flow quality perturbations, dard deviation of the transition point oscillations can be obtained
Xi(t), and the transition point oscillations, ((t), can be obtained by performing the appropriate operation on equation (23); thus
by introducing equation (14) into the foregoing expression; thus yielding the following relationship between the standard devia-
tion of the transition point oscillations, arr and the standard de-
(l--v<) viation of the mean flow quality perturbations, oxtii.
xM)= - (l-a()
Pf- fJ tii')dt'} (22)
a a j) »it iih'
?j pAtih'-h)t) t.._t
(1 - «„) (24)
Statistical Characteristics of Mean Flow Quality Perturbations.
Statistical Analysis.
In this section, experimental evidence will be presented which in-
Statistical Relationship Between Transition Point Oscillations
dicates that the statistical characteristics of the mean flow quali-
and Mean Flow Quality Perturbations. In reference [2], it was
ty perturbations, x-i(t), are relatively independent of inlet flow
shown that the motion of the mixture-vapor transition point, i)(t),
quality and heat flux. Furthermore, it will be shown that these
could be treated as a random variable. Thus, because of its defi-
characteristics can be approximated by a transformed Rayleigh
nition, the transition point oscillations, l-(t), will also be random.
distribution. If the linear transformation (f + xi) is used as an
As a result of equation (22), this makes the mean flow quality
perturbation, x\(t), a random variable as well. argument, the density function for the mean flow quality pertur-
bation becomes
What is of primary interest in this section is the establishment
of a relationship between the statistical characteristics of the 2
M +X,) -U: ()exp{-(? + y,) 2 (£ 0(25)

( 1 / 2 ) (Try! (26)

(4-; (27)

The transition point oscillations under consideration have been shown
[2] to have an assymetrical distribution. Physically, the transition point
does not oscillate as far downstream of its mean as it does upstream. It is
of interest to note that the contribution of the integral term in equation
(22) attempts to make the mean flow quality perturbations more symmet-
X, 0.4 0.6 ric than that of the transition point; although for the data presently under
Flow Quality, x
consideration, this effect appears to be negligible. It is possible, however,
that these effects cannot be neglected if the average heat flux in the do-
Fig. 2 Void fraction versus How quality relationships main of the transition point oscillations is high enough.

Journal of Heat Transfer MAY 1974 / 141

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quency of occurrence could be determined. Fig. 3 depicts a com-
Total Number of Data Points = 15,000 parison of the experimentally measured frequency of occurrence,
25 Experimental Tesls
with the density function as predicted with a modified Rayleigh
p=96psia m f • =1.8 lbm/mm
£ = 0.0148 ' or =0.00775 distribution. There seems to be considerable agreement between
the Rayleigh density function and the experimental data.
The experimentally measured cumulative frequency of occur-
Measured Data rence is compared with the Rayleigh distribution function in Fig.
Transformation Constant, £, 4. Excellent agreement is seen to exist. Therefore, since the 25
Standard Deviation, cn- tests involved represented a variety of evaporator heat fluxes and
Rayleigh Distribution inlet flow qualities, the independence of the mean flow quality
perturbations from either of these parameters seems to be reason-
ably well supported.

C o m p a r i s o n of T h e o r e t i c a l P r e d i c t i o n s With
Experimental Observations
The complexity of the phenomenon under consideration has
o o ^
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 made it necessary to make a large number of approximating sim-
Transformed Mean How Qualify Perturbation, t, + 51. plifications in an effort to formulate a theoretical model which
Fig. 3 C o m p a r i s o n of s t a t i s t i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s w i t h t h o s e p r e d i c t e d by a
has any analytical usefulness. Therefore, the success of the result-
Rayleigh distribution ing model must be judged ultimately by its ability to predict the
outcome of the phenomenon, and to provide insight into the ef-
fects of various physical parameters associated with the phenom-
Effects of Evaporator Heat Flux on Transition Point Oscil-
Total Number of Data Pomts=6,000 lations. In the previous section, it was demonstrated that the
25 Experimental Tests mean flow quality perturbations are relatively invariant with
p=96psia i x , =0.00775 evaporator heat flux. Therefore, the theoretical model developed
7 = 0.000280 £=0.0148 earlier predicts that the amplitude of the transition point oscilla-
tions are inversely proportional to the evaporator heat flux. This
is expressed statistically in terms of the standard deviation by
Measured Data
Transtormation Constant, £
equation (24); thus
Standard Deviation, OL (1 - ) int>,.(/,'-/,)
5 0.2 *1 r t ;
RayleK^h Distribution (29)
(T^V) Tr
The ability of this model to predict the influence of evaporator
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050
Transformed Mean Flow Quality Perturbation, £ + x.
heat flux on the transition point oscillations is demonstrated in
Fig. 5, where the predictions made by the foregoing model are
Fig. 4 Comparison of cumulative statistical characteristics with those of
compared to experimental data. In the theoretical curve present-
a Rayleigh distribution
ed, the mean flow quality perturbation statistics are based upon
the average statistics of all of the accumulated experimental
An important, implication of the ability of the transformed
data. The agreement which exists between the analytical and ex-
Rayleigh distribution to predict the statistical behavior of the
perimental results seems to speak for itself; especially when con-
mean flow quality perturbation, is that only one statistical pa-
sideration is given to the indirect experimental uncertainties
rameter, crin), is needed to specify the distribution. Unbiased es-
which are possible; not uncertainties in measuring the transition
timates of this parameter can be determined from experimental
point statistics, but in measuring parameters such as inlet flow
measurements of the mixture-vapor transition point oscillations
quality, heat flux, flowrate, etc., used in the model.
during steady state conditions. Only two such measurements are
Furthermore, it should be noted that the experimental statisti-
needed, the mean value, i), and the standard deviation of the
cal characteristics necessary to analytically predict the random
transition point about its mean, a„.
characteristics of the mean flow quality perturbations for the
With the foregoing density function, the distribution function
for the mean flow quality perturbation can be expressed as:

F(K +xs) = j - v exp dv

9.0 r

= 1 - exp (t + -V,) (28)
Using the experimental data [2] on the transition point oscilla-
tions, it was possible, by using equation (23), to obtain approxi-
mately 15,000 values for the mean flow quality perturbation,
Xt(t). for 25 different tests. These tests involved the same evapora-
tor geometry, the same refrigerant and mass flow rate, but were
for a variety of evaporator heat fluxes and inlet flow qualities.
The evaporator geometry consisted of five 6 ft long, 0.292 inch II)
glass tubes arranged in a serpentine configuration. Refrigerant-12
was used at a flowrate of 1.8 lb„,/min. Inlet flow qualities and
heat fluxes ranged from 0-30 percent, and 3200-9100 Btu/hr-ft, 2
Consistent with the theoretical model, all of this experimental
data were assumed to come from the same random sample.
Heat Flux, f q , Btu/hr-fr
Therefore, such statistical parameters and characteristics as its
standard deviation, frequency of occurrence, and cumulative fre- Fig. 5 Influence of heat flux on transition point oscillations

142 / MAY 1974 Transactions of the ASME

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Refrigerant-12 p - 96 psia
m, | = 1.8 Ibm/mn t --320OBtu/hr-ft 2

Saturated Refrigerant - 12
Fujie's Void Fraction Mode! [7]
Estimated Experimental
Uncertainty Bands

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

Inlet Flow Quality, x.

Inlet Flow Quality, x, Fig. 7 Influence of inlet flow quality on transition point oscillations
Fig. 6 Influence of inlet flow quality on liquid fraction ratio

plex or is not completely understood, it is sometimes possible to

range of heat fluxes shown could have been obtained from a single propose a simplified model of the phenomenon which lumps the
experimental test at one particular heat flux; thus emphasizing mechanism's effects into a single, determinable parameter. Such
one of the primary utilities of the proposed theoretical model. simplifications usually render the model more amenable to analy-
Effects of Inlet Flow Quality on Transition Point Oscilla- sis, although they often place definite restrictions on the results of
tions. It is not immediately apparent from an examination of such an analysis. The success of any theoretical model is judged
equation (29) just how the inlet flow quality affects the ampli- ultimately by its ability to predict the outcome of a phenomenon,
tude of the transition point oscillations, since both the inlet void and to provide insight into the effects of various physical parame-
fraction, at, and the nonoscillatory mean void fraction, d 0 , are in- ters associated with the phenomenon. This study has been ap-
direct functions of the inlet flow quality, xi. The inlet void frac- proached with the foregoing perspective.
tion, a*, can be determined using Fujie's model [7], which relates As was mentioned earlier, perhaps the most significant poten-
the flow quality and void fraction. tial of the proposed theoretical model is that it represents a first
step in the formulation of some of the fundamental mechanisms
associated with two-phase evaporating flow instabilities on a sta-
all P tistical basis; a basis which appears to be consistent with many of
(1 - a ^ 2 )
(30) the experimental observations currently available. Because the

{ ( p / p ' ) ( l -a) + a[l + 9

(1 - f f t / 2 )
mean flow quality perturbations are relatively independent of
evaporator heat flux and inlet flow quality, once the statistical
characteristics of the transition point oscillations are known for a
The foregoing relationship is depicted graphically in Fig. 2, for given evaporator at a particular heat flux and inlet quality, the
refrigerant-12, where the parameter a = 10.0 psia; based upon proposed theoretical model has the capability of predicting the
Hufschmidt's [8] experimental data. statistical characteristics of the oscillations over a range of heat
The nonoscillatory mean void fraction, a 0 , can be determined fluxes and inlet flow qualities. Although the model considers the
utilizing equation (30), in conjunction with the numerical integra- effects of various properties of the evaporating fluid, the accuracy
tion of equation (12). Therefore, the effect which the inlet flow of the model to predict the oscillatory behavior of the transition
quality has on the transition point oscillations can be seen by ex- point for various evaporating fluids operating in the same evapo-
amining the liquid fraction ratio, (1 - ai)/(l - « 0 ), as a function rator geometry has not as yet been checked out experimentally.
of inlet quality. Fig. 6 displays a plot of this ratio as a function of However, the study is continuing in an effort to determine the
inlet flow quality. Note the strong influence of evaporator pres- influence of evaporator geometry and flowrate on the transition
sure for inlet flow qualities of less than five percent. point statistics. Three different horizontal tube geometries have
The ability of the proposed theoretical model, expressed by been studied thus far; a single tube 32 ft long, five 6 ft long tubes
equation (29), to predict the influence of inlet flow quality on the arranged in a serpentine configuration, and nine 3 ft long tubes
transition point oscillations is depicted in Fig. 7, where the pre- arranged in a serpentine configuration. In each of these evapora-
dictions made by the model are compared to experimental data. tor geometries, the transition point oscillations displayed similar-
The theoretical curve presented is based upon the accumulated ly shaped statistical characteristics.
experimental data associated with the mean flow quality pertur- Although the experimental study is incomplete, preliminary ev-
bation statistics. The agreement which exists between the analyt- idence exists which suggests that the mean flow quality perturba-
ical predictions and experimental results seems to be quite good. tions are not only relatively independent of inlet flow quality and
As with the influence of heat flux, the experimental data neces- heat flux, but are also independent of evaporator flowrate as well.
sary to predict the random characteristics of the mean flow quali- If this preliminary conclusion is substantiated, then it would ap-
ty perturbations for the range of inlet flow qualities shown could pear that for a given refrigerant, the mean flow quality perturba-
have come from a single experimental test at one particular inlet tions associated with the transition point oscillations would be
flow quality. In fact, the same single test could have been used as dependent only upon evaporator geometry. Therefore, from a de-
was used for the heat flux data. sign consideration, the potential exists for obtaining a single ex-
perimental measurement of the standard deviation of the mean
Conclusion flow quality perturbations for a particular evaporator geometry
Normally, a prerequisite to the formulation of any theoretical and set of operating conditions, and using the proposed model to
model which describes a certain physical phenomenon, is an un- predict the statistical behavior of the mixture-vapor transition
derstanding of the various mechanisms involved. However, when point oscillations for a wide range of evaporator operating condi-
a particular mechanism influencing a phenomenon is very com- tions.

Journal of Heat Transfer MAY 1974 / 143

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Acknowledgments Journal of Hasic Engineering, Vol. 86, 1964, p. 213.
5 Wedekind, 0 . L., and Stoecker, W. F., "Theoretical Model for Pre-
T h e a u t h o r s would like to acknowledge t h e N a t i o n a l Science dicting the Transient Response of the Mixture-Vapor Transition Point in
F o u n d a t i o n for its s u p p o r t of t h i s research u n d e r G r a n t N o . G K - Horizontal Evaporating Flow," JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER,
35884. TRANS. ASME, Vol. 90, No. 1, 1968, pp. 165 174,
6 Lew, S., "Steam Slip-Theoretical Predicting From Momentum
References Vol. 82, No. 2, 1960, pp. 113-124.
1 Boure, J. A., Bergles. A. E., and Tong, I,. S., "Review of Two-Phase 7 Fujie, H.. "A Relation Between Steam Quality and Void Fraction in
Flow Instability," ASMK Paper No. 71-HT-42. Two-Phase Flow," AK'hE Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1964, p. 227.
2 Wedekind, G. L.. "An Experimental Investigation Into the Oscilla- 8 Hufschmidt, W., "Die Fagenschaften von Rippenrohrluftkuhlern im
tory Motion of the Mixture-Vapor Transition Point in Horizontal Evapo- Arbeitsbereich der Klimaaniagen," Forschungsberichle des Landes Nor-
rating Flow," JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER, TRANS. ASME, Series drhein-Westfalen, No. 889, 1960.
A, Vol. 93, No. 1, 1971, pp. 47-54. 9 Steen, P. A., and Wallis, G. B., AEC Report NYO-3114-2, 1964.
3 Wallis, (I. B., and Heaslev, J. H., "Oscillations in Two-Phase Flow 10 Wedekind, G. L., and Beck, B. T., "Correlation Between Outlet
Systems," JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER, TRANS. ASME, Vol. 83, Flowrate and Mixture-Vapor Transition Point Oscillations in Two-Phase
1961, p. 363. Evaporating Flow," Accepted for possible presentation at the Fifth Interna-
4 Stenning, A. H., "Instabilities in the Flow of a Boiling Liquid," tional Heat Transfer Conference, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 1974.


An e r r a t a on S. Roy " F r e e C o n v e c t i o n F r o m a Vertical Cone a t H i g h P r a n d t l N u m b e r s , " p u b l i s h e d in t h e F e b r u a r y , 1974, issue of t h e

J O U R N A L O F H E A T T R A N S F E R , p p . 115-117.
F o o t n o t e 1 line 1 s h o u l d b e M e c h a n i c a l n o t C h e m i c a l .
Line 2 s h o u l d b e J a u h a t i n o t Delhi.
In e q u a t i o n s (9) a n d (10) a n d last p a r a g r a p h before t h e References section, line 4, all x'a should be c a p i t a l i z e d .
In e q u a t i o n (10) s u p e r l ' s s h o u l d be r e p l a c e d by p r i m e s .

144 / MAY 1974 Transactions of the ASME

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