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Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови “Happy

Halloween” для учнів 4-х та 8-х класів.

Автор: вчитель англійської мови 2 категорії гімназії №315 з поглибленим
вивченням англійської мови, Мірошніченко Наталія Віталіївна.


- активізувати лексичний матеріал по темі «Традиції, свята англомовних

країн. Свято Хеллоуїн»»;

- сприяти розширенню кругозору учнів на основі традицій святкування

Хеллоуїну в англомовних країнах.

- розвивати комунікативну компетенцію учнів


- розвивати уміння презентувати результати роботи над проектом.


- розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів;

- розвивати творчі здібності учнів.

- підвищити мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови;

- виховувати повагу до традицій та культури англомовних країн.

Обладнання: декорація кабінету (кабінет прикрашений зображеннями

привидів, відьом, чорних котів, летючих мишей, павуків). На столі стоїть
гарбуз – головний атрибут свята. На дошці вісить гірлянда та
плакат,табличка на двері,гарбуз,постер,маски,солодощі,беджи для команд,

Хід свята
1. Opening the lesson. Greetings. Aim. Warming-up / Організаційний
момент. Привітання, повідомлення мети уроку, розминка, створення
мотивації напочатку уроку.
Teacher: Hello, boys and girls. Good morning, dear guests. We are very happy to
see you here at our “Happy Halloween” party. Oh, I have something on my table.
Can you guess what it is?
Children: Is it …?
- Is it a pumpkin?
Teacher: Yes, it’s a pumpkin. It’s one of the symbols of Halloween. So, we’ll
learn much about Halloween. We’ll play, sing, and have a good time. Hope, you’ll
learn some interesting facts and have a lot of fun. Are you ready to start?
2. Representing the working groups. Представлення робочих групп
Witch: Do you know who am I? Yes you are right, I’m a witch. And we’ll divide
into three teams today.

The 1st team is “Wise Owls” and your judge is the Vampire;

The 2 d team is “Witches” and your judge is the Black Cat;

The 3d team is “Pumpkins” and your judge is the Witch.

3. Learn about tradition of celebration “Halloween”.Знайомство з

традиціями свята “Хеллоуїн”.


Do you know when and how is the holiday celebrated?

There is a nice holiday for children and teenagers in Great Britain and America –
Halloween. It’s on the 31 (thirty-first) of October. In the evening boys and girls put
on different old and funny clothes. People put pumpkins on the window-sills. They
cut out eyes, noses and mouths on the pumpkins and put candles into them. So the
pumpkin looks like a face.
The children go from house to house and knock at the doors. They say:”Trick or
treat”. People ask them to come into their houses and give them sweets, fruit, cakes
and other tasty things.
And do you know why it is called “Halloween
“Halloween” means “holy evening” – the evening before the Christian holy day of
All Saint’s Day. But it is even older than Christianity. Hundreds of years ago in
what is now Great Britain and Northern France lived the Celts. They celebrated
their New Year on the first of November. People believed that on the thirty-first of
October ghosts of dead people came back. To scare the ghosts people dressed like
devils and were very noisy.
Black cat:
Why is a pumpkin a symbol of Halloween? Why is it called Jack-O’-Lantern?
At night on October, 31st witches fly on their broomsticks, you can see ghosts,
Jack-O’-Lanterns walk around houses, black cats play tricks with us.
The symbol of Halloween is a pumpkin, which is called Jack-O’-Lantern. A
burning candle is put inside. Black and orange are the traditional Halloween
The Irish legend says that there lived the man whose name was Jack. He had
played jokes on devil and could not enter the hell. He could not enter the heaven
because he was a miser. He begged the devil for a coal to light his way out of the
dark. He put the coal in a turnip and is still wondering around earth with his
4. Competitions, games, riddles, etc./Проведення конкурсів, ігор, загадок,
Teacher: Thank you for interesting information/ And now let’s have a
competition. For every contest you”ll get points as sweets. Please, collect your
sweets and put them into your box, and t the end of our party we”ll count your
points and determine the winner.
Witch: a) The first competition is “Scared Garlic”. You’ve got 3 members and 3
garlic. While music is playing you can go around and dance. If the music stops you
need to pick up the garlic. Ready! Steady! Go!
b) The second competition is “Vampire’s blood”. You’ve got 3glasses of blood
for every team .You have to drink the blood as fast as you can. The 1 st is the
winner. Ready! Steady! Go!
c) The third competition is “Running ball”. The whole members of the teams must
take part in this competition. You have to carry the ball on the spoon to the end of
the class round the chair and come back. Hand off to the next child and continue
until all children have played. First team done wins. Ready! Steady! Go!
d) The fourth competition is “Crosswords” You’ve got 5 minutes to write as many
words as you can below the picture and find these words on the paper (Look at
handout 1). Ready! Steady! Go!
e) The fifth competition is “Match the picture and the word”. Find the handout
2. Ready! Steady! Go!
f) The sixth competition is “Making a scary sound”. One participant must make a
scary sound of one creature and the opposite teams try to guess what it is. Ready!
Steady! Go!
g) Sing a song.
h) Now it’s time for riddles, riddles about Halloween.
Your task is to raise your hand if you know the answer, of course. .
1. I flight at night because I don’t like light. (Bat)
2. I’m scary and white. I come out at night. Who am I? (Ghost)
3. I’ve got soft black fur. When you hold me I purr. Who am I? (Black cat)
4. I’m round on all sides. I’ve got a light inside. Who am I? (Jack-O-Lantern)
5. I’ve got a black cat and a big pointed hat. Who am I? (Witch)
6. I’m yellow or white. I smile on Halloween night. Who am I? (Moon)
i) And the last competition is “Mummy Wrap”. The task is to make a
mummy by wrapping him or her in a toilet paper. You should do it fast and
neatly. I need two participants from each team. Ready! Steady! Go!
5. Summarizing the lesson./ Підведення підсумків заходу
Teacher: The total score of the team “Wise Owls”___, “Witches”___ and
“Pumpkins”___. Team ___is the winner. Congratulations.
Well, I’m very glad to see your happy faces. But our party has come to the end. Do
like this party? Thank you for taking an active part in our party. I think all of you
have got a lot of pleasure and enjoyed our competitions.

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