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English opens up new Carter opportunities

English in the dominant business language. Speak english, if they want to enter the global workforce
research from around the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often
done in english and many international companies expect employees to be fluent in english for
global companies such as Airbus, Daimler-Chrysler, fast retailing, Nokia, Renault, Samsung, SAP,
tehnicolor and Microsoft. Have mandated english as their official company language therefore the
importance of learning english in the international market cannot be underestimated and one day
you my get a job.

2.You can easily travel anywhere on the world

Can speak english makes it easier to travel because english is spoken as a first or second language in
many different countries, it ia always easy to find english speakers as well as printed information on
english especially in hotels and in touristy areas in most hotels at least one employee will speak
english this makes it easier for costumer to get what day need and spend their money even more
you will find that some of your best interactions are with people on the streets trying to sell you and
the people around you in short words of english will bridge the communication gap in your journey
and make traveling easy.

3.English gives you wider acces to knowledge

Many universities and schools around the world offer an in creasing number of courses taught
exclusively in english. English give student acces to information and research as many of leading
academic journals are published on english. Student and academics need strong english reading and
writing skills to better understand and make us of it moreover for research studies or other
publications to get enough attention it should be published in english to take advantage of a number
of learning opportunities and english language courses will be an eventual necessity speaking english
gives you acces to the world of entertainment many of the world's top film and music books are
published and produced in english.

4. Speaking english gives you acces to a world of entertainment

Therefore by learning english you will have acces to a lot of entertainment and will have a greater
understanding of culture if you speak english you will have not to rely on translation and translation
anymore to enjoy the song of your favorit books, movies and tv so watching movies and television
program in english is also a greet and fun way to learn it with this lesson we can say english is every
important for many reasons to have fun in english by listening to music watching movies challenging
yourself to games in english there. There are so many opportunities to learn english while having fun
there’s no reason not to enjoy yourself even if you have to learn grammar.

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