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Biasura, Jhazreel Mae N.


Strategic Management as a Dynamic and Contnuous Process

The strategic management process is about defning the organizaton's strategy in order to have
a well-defned directon. It is also defned as the process by which managers select a set of
strategies for the organizaton that will allow it to achieve beter results. In additon, the
strategic management process is described as dynamic and contnuous..

To clarify the reasons why it is viewed as dynamic and sustainable, strategic management is an
ongoing process that involves evaluatng and assessing the businesses and industries in which
the organizaton is involved. Also, it involves the process of constantly evaluatng its
compettors; and set goals to reach all current and probable compettors. The process requires
contnuous evaluaton as well as feedbac that is dependent on the impact of various factors on
the organizaton. Strategic management is an ongoing process of formulatng, implementng,
and controlling comprehensive plans that ma e it easier for an organizaton to achieve its goals.
Changes to one of the main components of the model may require changes to one or all of the
other components. For example, economic change can be a major opportunity and require a
change in long-term goals and strategies. An instance is when there is a failure to meet annual
targets that may require policy changes. Another is changing the strategy of a major
compettor may require a change in the company's mission. Therefore, strategy formulaton,
implementaton and evaluaton actvites must be carried out contnuously. The strategic
management process never ends. On the other side, the reason why strategic management is
considered a dynamic process. Is because each element interacts with other elements and
these interactons ofen occur simultaneously.

To top it all, the importance of a dynamic and contnuous process lies primarily in well-executed
strategic planning that establishes the vision, directon and goals of the organizaton.

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