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Acronym- Pparckchiken

E- Earth's structure, characteristics, processes, and four and a half billion years of biotic evolution.
A- Allows us to predict and control big changes in global environmental circumstances.
R- Research aimed at better understanding the structure, composition, and evolution of the Earth.
T- The study of the atmosphere of the earth.
H- Human influences on the Earth, as well as how natural processes affect us, give critical knowledge for
our species' future.

S- Sustaining our life necessitates scientific knowledge of the natural elements and processes that connect
the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.
C- Coping with its surroundings in a variety of ways for the assisting of society.
I- Important as everything we do depends on our relationship to the planet we live on.
E- Energy resources, as well as techniques for forecasting and minimizing the impacts of geologic
N- Natural processes on the surface help us to predict natural calamities like volcanoes and earthquakes.
C- Chemical composition of the earth's crust aids in the discovery of resources that maintain and improve
our quality of life.
E- Earth's materials is being processes that govern the earth's formation and behavior.

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