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Christine Claire F.


Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airways in the lungs. These airways, or
bronchial tubes, allow air to enter and depart from the lungs.
If you've got asthma your airways will still be inflamed. They get much more swollen and
when anything causes the symptoms the muscles around the airways will close up. This makes
it impossible for air to pass in and out of the lungs.
And is an issue of permanent or chronic respiration caused by swelling (inflammation) of the
airways in the lungs. It can not be fixed but it can be stopped and managed. Your airways are
extremely tight, or "twitchy" when you have asthma. They will respond to a lot of stuff. That stuff
is called causes. People with asthma can wheeze in the chest or complain about feeling tight.
Asthma is a mild annoyance, for some people. It can be a big concern for others that
interferes with everyday lives and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack. Asthma can not
be healed but it can regulate the symptoms. Because asthma sometimes changes over time, it
's crucial that you work with your doctor to monitor your symptoms and signs and modify your
care as required.
When the symptoms of your asthma get worse than normal it is considered an asthma
attack. Extreme attacks on asthma can need emergency treatment, which may be fatal. We
don't know all the causes that can cause asthma, but we do know that asthma has been related
to genetic , environmental, and occupational factors. If anyone has asthma in your extended
family, you 're more likely to have it. The hereditary propensity to develop an allergic disorder
"Atopy," may play a major role in the development of allergic asthma. You can control your
asthma by knowing the warning signs of an asthma attack, staying away from things that cause
an attack. The main tests used to help diagnose asthma are: FeNO test – you breathe into a
machine that checks your breath 's level of nitric oxide, which is a sign of inflammation in your
lung. Spirometry – you blow into a machine that tests how easily you can breathe out and how
much air your lungs can carry. Asthma affects all age ranges but mostly begins in infancy.
It is a disease characterized by recurrent breathlessness and wheezing attacks which vary in
severity and frequency from individual to individual. They can occur in a person from hour to
hour, and day to day. We don't know all the causes that can cause asthma, but we do know that
asthma has been related to genetic , environmental, and occupational factors. Some allergens
such as dust mites and second-hand cigarette smoke have been related to developing asthma
when they are sensitive to stuff in the atmosphere, such as mold or dampness. Air
contamination and an infection with the viral lung can also contribute to asthma.Two types of
medicines treat asthma: quick-relief medicines to avoid the symptoms of asthma, and long-term
control medicines to prevent the symptoms.The good news is that there are plenty of safe and
effective drugs. And if you take them as prescribed, there's no need for asthma to stop you
doing whatever you want.


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