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 a promise or firm decision to do something:

Players must make a commitment to play for a full season.

Long-term commitment

 a duty or responsibility that you have accepted

o financial commitments: 
Taking on a mortgage is a huge financial commitment.
o family/work/teaching etc commitments:
He couldn’t join the class because of work commitments.

 a high level of knowledge or skill: expertise in sth 
I have no expertise in sewing
It’s good/satisfiying to hear the professors sharing their expertise
He is known for his expertise in history.

the practice of doing work for good causes, without being paid for it:

 take advantage of something = make the most of something
 take every opportunity
Try to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. 
 take advantage of someone = make unfair use of someone: lợi dụng
He never seems to notice when people take advantage of him

the activity or business of providing financial services to poor people
or new businesses in poor countries
loans and other financial services for people who are poor, and who
cannot normally get these services from banks
Microfinance has been very effective in Guatemala.

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