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Md Rezaul Karim Siddique

Masters in Sensor Technology

HS-Coburg, Germany
Test Engineer at ITG, Germany (2016-2019)

CEO & Founder:

Techsense Bangladesh Ltd.
BioBD in Germany
Die 4 Fälle - কারক
What is a case
The case (Fall) is a "tool" to explain which purpose has a noun in a sentence and in which relation is the noun
to the other words.

কারক শব্দটির অর্থ হল ো- যো ক্রিযো সম্পোদন কলর।

মো ক্রশশু চোাঁদ দদখো।
- Her gives my a Book. (Incorrect) মো ক্রশশুলক চোাঁদ দদখোলেন।

- She gives me a book (Correct) শব্দগুল োর মলযে পোরস্পক্ররক সম্পকথ সৃক্রির মোযেলম
একটি বোকে সম্পূর্থ হল ো
She" is in the nominative case and "I" am in the dative case.

Nominativ Dativ

Akkusativ Genitiv
Die 4 Fälle - কারক

Nominativ : Every subject is in the nominative case.

Akkusativ : The direct object is in the accusative case.

Dativ : The indirect object is in the dative case.

Genitiv : The genetive case is used when you describe possession / ownership.
1. Every subject is in the nominative case.

Der Mann geht nach Hause. (The man goes home.)

You can ask who does something in the sentence? Who goes home? --> answer: der Mann

2. Every noun or pronoun which follows a form of "be" is in the nominative case.

- Er war ein Doktor. (He was a doctor.)

- Ich bin ein Student. (I am a student.)

"Er" and "Doktor" are in the nominative case. "Er" is the subject of the sentence.
"Doktor" follows a form of "be" and is thus a predicate complement.


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