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September 22, 2021

Dear 3rd graders and 3rd grade families,

Friday, October 22, 2021 is Third Grade’s Annual Traditions Feast! Traditions Feast is a
celebratory event that culminates our first Unit of Inquiry: Who We Are! Our students learned
how our culture shapes our traditions and values. This very special tradition invites third grade
students and their families to bring a dish that they feel represents their family’s culture and
traditions. Feel free to bring a dish that your family simply enjoys! Experiencing a different
culture is just one taste away! Traditions Feast will take place under the covered area from
1:45-2:15 p.m.

Should you choose to prepare a dish, please bring a large enough sampling to share with many
friends, a card saying what it is, and why it is important. If you are sending it with your child in
the morning, please do not send something that needs to be refrigerated or reheated. Under
normal conditions, families are typically invited to this event. However, due to Covid-19, only
3rd grade students will be attending. In the hopeful event that Covid restrictions are lifted,
please be VIPS approved so that you may attend.

Please detach the bottom portion of this letter and send it back with your child so that we
know how much food to expect. We look forward to our annual Traditions Feast!

Kind Regards,
Third Grade Teachers

_____I plan to attend the feast (IF COVID RESTRICTIONS ARE LIFTED) (Parent Name):__________________________

_____I plan on bringing/sending________________________________________________

_____I will not bring food, but can send: (Please circle one)

Plates Plastic Utensils Napkins

Child’s Name: ________________________________________________________

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