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Build Guide 1. Use svn client to download source code From private SVN repo (e.g. TortoiseSVN on Windows, subversion on Linux/MacOs). Note 1: Ubuntu users: sudo apt install subversion Note 2: MacOS users: brew install subversion Note 3: Ubuntu & MacOS users: svn checkout -- username=xxx hw RUN composer install w . Manually create directory hierarchy in storage directory: ./storage/app ./storage/app/ public . /storage/ framework . /storage/framework/cache . /storage/framework/cache/data . /storage/framework/sessions . /storage/framework/testing . /storage/framework/views ./storage/logs . /storage/logs/Laravel. log After this, run composer dumpautoload 4. We need MariaDB 10.4. Import database dump using: mysql ocosystemdb -u root < ocosystem.dmp Note 1: ocosystem.dmp is the standard mysqldump SQL Format. Itis a SQL file. Note 2: php artisan migration IS NOT NEEDED anymore. Note 3: For Windows XAMPP users, you need to upgrade to minimum XAMPP 7.3.15 which will contain MariaDB 10.4.11 Note 4: Windows users, run this command in c:\xampp\bin un .Run php artisan serve . Test logging in with * Overwrite password in users.password with a standard Laravel hash. 6. IF Artisan is working well, move site to Apache Virtual Host. You can use the Following sample vhost configuration file. Just modify the paths: ServerName ocosystem DocumentRoot /home/waisun/ocosystem/trunk/ocosystem/public ErrorLog fhome/waisun/log/ssl.ocosystem.error_log CustomLog /home/waisun/log/ssl.ocosystem.access_log common AllowOverride all Options -MultiViews Require all granted

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