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Coronavirus vaccine for students


Starting from 2019, the coronavirus harmed many people around the

world. While the virus is still spreading, people’s only hope for the end of the

virus is vaccination. There are mainly four vaccines available; Pfizer, Moderna,

Janssen, and AstraZeneca. Now, 32.2% (2021-09-22) of the global population

got vaccinated. Most of the populations are adults, since many countries didn’t

started child vaccination yet. The vaccination for students (above 12) is still

being tested, and it’s being controversial among the parents whether children

should get vaccinated.

In Korea, the vaccination officially started in March 2021, only for adults.

The corona vaccination had some side effects such as pain in the arm,

tiredness, fever, headache, muscle pain and etc. These symptoms will probably

appear in the child vaccination, but there might be a discrepancy. This is why

parents are concerned to get their children vaccinated. Only a small population

of children currently got vaccinated, so some protective parents think there

might be some undiscovered side effects.

However, now two vaccines; Pfizer and Moderna are authorized about

their safety. So, the vaccination for children is planned for midwinter of 2021 in

many countries including South Korea. There are also some countries that
already started the vaccination for children. Such as Denmark and Spain which

have most of their child population vaccinated with at least a single dose. Also,

France had their 52% fully vaccinated students aged 12-17.

As students go around many places, and have almost no symptoms, it

concerns many people that a child can cause a great infection around. Even

though the virus is not likely to kill children, being a centerpiece of an infection, it

is considered necessary among many people for children to get vaccinated. It

will reduce the concerns of parents, and it may allow students to go to schools

or academies more often. For a global pandemic, vaccination could not be

enough, but with its 90% efficiency, it will be worth getting vaccinated.

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