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-Drakestone - Moderately sized Gnomish town of inventors and magicians

-Well-known mage school (Boarboils), teaches illusion primarily but also other schools (like
-Biggest issue in town is mage college field trip to the nearby marshes to practice magic in an
unpopulated area which hasn’t returned in a couple of days. Rumors speak of trolls, maybe
even undead - unusual for students, even the higher-level ones that went out, to stay out for
over a few hours.
-Travellers also going missing, although this is less of an issue.
-College headmaster, Fizzle, offering substantial for information on their whereabouts
-Guards are looking for a group of adventurers to investigate, because they don’t want to ‘leave
the town vulnerable’. Actually, scared of whatever made the students disappear.

-Clear path leads right to a large clearing at start of marshes. Lots of scorch marks and frozen
patches, clear evidence of magic being practiced here recently.
-Obvious tracks (search DC 10) lead off further into the marches. Search DC 20 to see troll
tracks mixed in with the gnomish ones.
- On the trail, ambushed by 2 not-very-sneaky trolls.
-2 Trolls: 63 HP, CR 5 x 2


-The Hermit’s Cave is a large, dark hole in a mound that goes sharply down as soon as the
party enters. Cobblepot is apprehensive, but goes in with the party. The cave emanates magic
of mostly illusion and necromancy, should the party check, and it is slightly evil.
-The cave looks natural, with a basic bedroll and roughly-made table in the corner. There is an
old withered gnome sitting at it, dressed in rags. He is the Hermit, or more precisely an illusion
of the hermit (Will 20).
-The adventurers may engage in dialogue with the hermit. He seems a bit hostile, constantly
asking the adventurers to leave and denying any knowledge of the students. Should the
adventurers insist on searching, he will get up angrily and remind them that he is a wizard. If the
party continues searching or questions him magically or otherwise, he will trigger the below
encounter with a wave of his hand and a small red flash.
-There is a fancily-embroidered door on the opposite wall, which is covered by a permanent
illusion of a plain bit of wall (Search DC 20) cast by a 9th-level wizard (the hermit). When the
players try to interact with the door, they trigger a magic alarm and the Hermit’s ire. The door
has the Hand and Eye of Vecna carved into it - Knowledge (religion) DC 10 to recognize them.
-Once this happens, the Hermit’s illusion dissipates, and 4 troll skeletons (one wielding a
Flaming Heavy Mace) emerge to attack the party.
-4 Troll Skeletons - 36 HP, CR 3 x 4

-Large circular chamber with 6 exits. Many pillars adorn this room, decorated with scenes of
great battles between large kingdoms, one of which is lead by a lich and the other by a sect of
-The other five doors are decorated with the stages of Vecna’s life.
-The first door shows a teenage Vecna, in rags, being taught magic by a large snake.
Knowledge religion DC 20 to recognize Mok'slyk the Serpent, thought to be the personification
of arcane magic. Vecna is also holding the corpse of a dead woman, clothed similarly to him.
-The next door shows Vecna becoming a lich. A gruesome process, melty and leaving only a
-The middle door shows Vecna at the height of his power, sitting on a throne with a number of
worshippers bowing to him and praising him as a god.
-The fourth door shows Vecna being blasted by clerics, specifically his left side, while the same
clerics are being slain by a vampire with a sword.
-The fifth door shows Vecna being cut down by that same vampire (religion 20 to recognize Kas
the Bloody-Handed, one of Vecna’s chief lieutenants), leaving only his left eye and left hand.
Spot 15 to see a ghostly Vecna figure rising up out of the corpse.

-This room is small and bare except for the side walls, which are decorated with more in-depth
carvings depicting this stage of Vecna’s life.
-The walls are a panorama, showing Vecna being taught magic by a ragged mother, the mother
being burned at the stake, and then Vecna learning magic from a the Serpent. The last carving
shows him leaving the city, fairly glistening with magic.
-This unassuming hallway is headed by a door carved with a simple dragon’s head. If one of the
adventurers steps on the 5-ft. pressure plate in the middle of the room, a jet of flame shoots out
from the dragon’s mouth, searing the entire corridor for 2d6 points of fire damage per round (Ref
20 for half damage). This continues on until the trap is disabled or the pressure plate no longer
has any pressure on it.
-The door is otherwise un-secured.
-Fire Trap - 2d6, search 25, disable 25, CR 3


-The room is very tall (~30 ft) and is adorned by the skeletons of several impressive beasts.
-The corpses include a beholder, a young adult dragon, a giant, a griffon, a minotaur, a giant
purple worm, and framed in the back is a unicorn.
-The horn of the unicorn has been replaced by something else - Spot DC 15 to see that it is a
Hermit’s Finger used to unlock the main door. It is about halfway up the room (~15 ft.).
-There is a Broom of Levitation underneath the Unicorn, as well as the Boots of Unsteady
Speed, a Dwarven Full Plate of Invulnerability (3/- and 5/magic), the Oil Lamp of Identification,
and a Rod of Wonder (modified to 3/day instead of charges). It is a very tempting pile, to say the
-Also beneath the unicorn is a glass case on a pedestal. Contained within is a Red Dragon egg,
with a heating charm placed on the interior of the case. It is 3 days away from hatching. The
hermit found it in the nest of the dragon that he killed, and plans to make it his familiar or at least
-Once all players enter the room, the door slams shut behind them (it does not lock, just
dramatically slams shut) and a mysterious laugh is heard. If one player attempts to sneak in and
steal the loot alone, the door slams shut as soon as they touch any of it.
-The dragon skeleton then begins to shudder and move, gets up, and attacks the party.
-BOSS: Young Adult Red Dragon Skeleton, 123 HP, CR 8
-This room is small and bare except for the side walls, which are decorated with more in-depth
carvings depicting this stage of Vecna’s life.
-The first is Vecna turning into a lich, as before, then sitting alone in a dark laboratory and
practicing evil magics.
-Then, it shows him gathering an army of undead minions and other, similarly powerful
-There is a door on the opposite wall, again decorated with the hand-and-eye symbols.

-All rooms are locked with Open Lock DC 25. The Torturer has the master key for all rooms.
-Two of the mage apprentices are tied up in this room, thoroughly beaten and bruised. If
questioned, they only know that they were taken here and interrogated by a strange, pale figure
with an odd-looking sword. They ask the party to rescue their teacher at the end of the complex,
and promptly leave for the foyer to wait on the teacher or the party, too weak to fight.
-In one room, a student gives the party his prized possession - the Goggles of Blinking. He
explains that he himself invented them, but - like seemingly all gnomish inventions - it doesn’t
seem to be working quite right.
-Several of the rooms are empty, or contain starved corpses, but they are able to rescue around
7 students.

-This plain room is littered with corpses, among one still-standing gnome.
-Once the party enters the room, Cobblepot attempts to use Animate Dead to get some meat
between him and his enemies - he can only control half of them, but the other half are closer to
the party, so it’s (probably) not an issue. He may try to escape with Gaseous Form, but as he
moves slowly there’s really not much he can do. He will use the full power of the Eye of the
Hermit - whatever damage he can do, he will. He’s also equipped with a Light Mithril Shirt of
Elemental Resistance, giving him a surprising amount of durability - but he doesn’t want to
abuse it.
-BOSS: Cobblepot - 36 HP, CR 8
-Minions: Human Zombie - 16 HP, CR 1
-The party can find a Hermit’s Finger on Cobblepot, along with a note from the Hermit instructing
him to practice his new animation spell.

-This room is small and bare except for the side walls, which are decorated with more in-depth
carvings depicting this stage of Vecna’s life.
-The first shows a great army advancing on a holy city, then being beaten back by clerics and
paladins. The army keeps going, however, and eventually conquers the city.
-The last is a beaten and bruised Vecna, standing over a desecrated holy city.
-There is a door on the opposite wall, again decorated with the hand-and-eye symbols.

-Most of the rooms contain dead gnomes - students or otherwise. They are completely drained
of all their blood.
-Connecting all rooms are illusory walls, as cast by the Hermit. Will (or search) 20 to see them,
as per usual - although they are located too far up for any but a small flying creature to reach.
Or a vampire in bat form....
-There are traps (that the Torturer can set from the Storeroom) inside all of these rooms. Once
they are set, if the doors to those rooms are opened, a very similar fire trap to the Thumb
Corridor is triggered, although these flames come from hidden jets in the ceiling. Reflex 20 for
half damage, as usual, and the jets stop if the door is closed. Note that the jets only affect
people in the room - if the party is careful, they may be able to trap the Torturer in the damage
area for a turn or two.
-Flame Jets - 2d6, search 25, disable 25, CR 3
-Two of these rooms are different. The entrance to these rooms are trapped and locked (DC 25).
If anyone attempts to open the door without disabling the trap or using the key owned by the
Torturer, a poison dart shoots out and pricks them in the hand, causing Constitution and
Strength damage.
-Paralysis Dart - Fort 20, search 25, disable 25, 1d6 Con & 1d6 Str, CR 3
-This room is furnished again with a simple chair, this one occupied by a creature - one of the
students, also dead.
-In one, the party may find a collection of potions; specifically, a Potion of Spider Climb, a Potion
of Remove Paralysis, a Potion of Levitation, a Potion of Darkvision, a Potion of Invisibility, and a
Potion of Bull’s Strength.
-In the other, the party will find a very small, bearded gnome wearing a cloak - specifically, the
Cloak of Dwarvenkind.

-This room is full of torture devices - knives, brands, whips, and some more interesting items
such as jars of spiders and rats.
-The Torturer himself resides in this room, wielding the Blooddrinker (detailed below the eye).
He attempts to sneak around the party and pick them off one by one, using his vampire abilities
to their fullest extent (as well as the illusory walls, which he knows very well). He does not try to
escape until he dies, knowing that he will escape safely being a vampire. He also uses his Ring
of Invisibility to assist with sneaking around and surprising the party.
BOSS: Torturer - lv 6 Vampire Rogue, 64 HP, CR 9
-When killed, he escapes in gaseous form to a secret room hidden in the back where his coffin
is. Search DC 20 to find the door, but it is more easily located when the gaseous torturer
escapes to it.
-A Hermit’s Finger, along with his key ring and the Blooddrinker, is on the Torturer’s body in the

-This room is small and bare except for the side walls, which are decorated with more in-depth
carvings depicting this stage of Vecna’s life.
-The first is a triumphant Vecna being stabbed in the back by the vampire from before
(emphasis is placed on the sword itself), leaving just the hand and eye. The next is that same
hand and eye being worshipped by a cult, overseen by a shadowy Vecna, then next the
shadowy Vecna absorbing power from the dead god Iuz (of Deceit, Evil, Oppression, Pain, and
Wickedness) and becoming a Greater God.
-There is a door on the opposite wall, again decorated with the hand-and-eye symbols.

-This large, impressive room is furnished with pews and banners depicting the Hand and Eye.
There are two side rooms and a simple altar, possessing only a hand atop it.
-The two side rooms have an eye and hand carved in their doors, respectively.

-This is a smaller version of the main room, but the altar has only a Hermit’s Eye atop it and it is
inhabited by 7 devout cultists. When intruded upon, they ask if the party is here to ‘worship’ and
are not aggressive. However, if the party tries to interact with the eye, they draw daggers and
attack the party, although they are laughably bad - treat them as level 1 fighters with 10 in all
stats (0 modifiers in everything). One of them is wearing the Gloves of Knocking - but don’t
expect the players to notice.
-7 cultist fighters: 10 HP, CR 1 x 7

-Similar to the Eye Chapel, but on the altar is a hand and there are only 4 cultists. The pinky
finger is removable, and is actually a Hermit’s Finger. Similarly to the Eye Chapel, one of the
cultists is wearing the Gloves of Geckokind.
-There is a gas trap in the finger, however. Once it is removed, an acid fog leaks from the hollow
hand, filling the entire room with a deadly poison. The door slams as well, although it does not
-Acid Fog Trap - 2d6/round acid for 11 rounds, search 31, disable 31, CR 7
-4 cultist fighters: 10 HP, CR 1 x 4


-If the hand on the main altar and the Hermit’s Eye are placed together, the hand curls inwards
on the eye and the altar slides backwards to reveal downward stairs to a hidden chamber.
-This room is full of clerical items, such as holy symbols and incense, and is also inhabited by
the chief cleric. She uses the Hand of the Hermit along with a Quarterstaff of Speed, but she
prefers to stay back and cast spells, using its Bigby power to keep the enemies away. She is
also wearing a Mithral Shirt underneath her clerical robes.
-If she does not hear them (+10 listen check), allow her to attempt to stall the party while she
does so with conversing. If even that does not work, she does so in the first round of fighting. If
she is successful in stalling them for one full round, she casts Divine Power on herself.
-The last Hermit’s Finger is among the clerical items, hung from the opposite wall in a place of
honor similar to a crucifix.
BOSS: Preacher - lv 8 Cleric of Vecna, 60 HP

-A much more simple room, unadorned except for a hand imprint on the opposing wall. The
walls are grey stone, and very smooth.
-The hand imprint is missing five parts: The thumb, index, middle, ring, and pinky fingers.
-Should the players put in the missing fingers and the Hermit’s Eye from the rest of the
adventure and insert them, the fingers curl inwards around the eye, and sink into the wall. The
wall then swings open into a double-doors leading into the Hermit’s Sanctum.

-This room is even more bare than the last one, bearing a simple carving of a crying elven
maiden on the far wall.
-As soon as the complete party enters the room, the Hermit’s voice resounds through the room.
“You have come too far, adventurers. Feel the wrath of my power!”
-At this, the image of the crying maiden leaves the wall and grotesquely decomposes. She
begins to look much like a Banshee. She still seems extremely sad, to the point of continuing to
sob. Will Save 30 to see that she is actually an illusion, but only when she is struck.
-Every time she is attacked in any form, she screams. All players still in the room must roll a Will
save (DC = 10 + damage she takes) or be compelled to run from the room and back into the
Main Hall for 2d4 rounds.
-When not under attack, she sobs grotesquely and tries to swing at the adventurers clumsily.
She will not be able to, however, and triggers the will save on contact with the adventurers.
-The crying maiden will remain in the room until she is calmed. To do so, two requirements must
be filled - she must not have been attacked for two rounds, and a non-hostile player must try in
some way to calm her down. The two rounds requirement will be noted by the maiden stopping
her attack and sitting in the middle of the room. Ways that the players may try to calm her down
include kind words, hugs, small gifts, and the like.
-Once she is calmed, she will stop sobbing and look up at the adventurers. She will then smile,
and dissipate into thin air. All players will gain 400 experience for this encounter, and the one
who did the calming will gain an additional 100 - unless playing without experience, in which
case this would be a good point to level up (if they haven’t already).
-After a delay of about 5 seconds, the back wall where the maiden used to be will open up into
the Hermit’s Sanctum.

-This room is absolutely covered in magical instruments of all descriptions, most useless to
adventurers or seeming to have no purpose at all. It is the classic image of a cluttered study,
complete with a disheveled scholar. An old, ragged gnome the party can recognize as the
Hermit sits at a similarly cluttered table with dozens of drawers, also cluttered with various
books and tomes. He is currently staring at a burnt-out and cracked crystal ball and muttering
incoherently. When the party enters the room, the Hermit, without turning around, says
coherently “So, you’ve finally arrived.”
-The party may engage in dialogue with the Hermit, following the below guidelines for questions.
He will turn and face them when they start questioning him, but does not drop the illusion of
being alive still.
-About Vecna/the ‘hand and eye’ symbols: “Is it not obvious? I am an adherent of Vecna,
although I take none of his clerical offerings. He is quite the role model, suffering defeat after
defeat but eventually advancing to Godhood. I will do the same, and who better to model after
than the one who nearly re-wrote the universe?”
-About his name: “It is long forgotten, and not important. Until I become a God, I shall simply be
the Hermit.”
-About his relationship with the school: “I studied there, in my youth. It is where I learned the
true potential of magic, and how to obtain the highest powers that it can offer. My studies
continue, even now, but the school can teach me no more of the magics I wish to learn.”
-About the undead: “They are my creations, the fate of visitors who came too close to stopping
me or simply wandered in too far to be let loose. I used them to create this complex. They are
tireless workers and fierce defenders, much better than you mortals.”
-About the thralls: “They retain some independence, so they can keep spellcasting. It’s useful to
have them around when I don’t want to be bothered with little magics.”
-About the religious fanatics: “They’re members of an old Vecna cult, who I converted to my
cause. They were most of the way to the state they’re in now as it was, I just helped them along.
They were instrumental in building this place, especially because they see me as a sort of
second coming. I will live up to their expectations, fools though they are.”
-About the complex itself: “This is my sanctuary from the distractions of the world, a place where
I can study in peace. Soon, this will be my first cathedral, and I shall remove Vecna’s influence
and substitute my own.“
-About the bosses: “We had an agreement, before you killed them. The Preacher would lure
people in, the Torturer would kill them and get their blood, and my student and I would get their
bodies. A useful compact, although I suppose I get everything from my people now that those
imbeciles are dead.”
-About the items around the room: “The fruits and instruments of my studies. From these tomes,
I shall learn magic, and with these instruments I shall discover what it is that makes a God.
Sadly, most of these devices are flukes, useless even to me.”
-About his reasons for making the complex/goals in general: “I will become a God, following the
example of Vecna, and this complex will be my first cathedral. Soon, I shall rule!”
-About his complex lock system: “I’m not expecting visitors, and any who get this far either have
an invitation or are adventurers who would make a good addition to my undead army.”
-About the students: “I turned the students into thralls and kept their teacher, as you saw. I
intended to extract what little magic knowledge I could from them that I didn’t already know, but
you’ve gone and killed them. You’ve meddled long enough! Unless you intend to join me, you
will die.”
-Once the party engages in combat with the Hermit, he drops his body-covering illusion and
reveals his true lich form. Spot 20 to see that one of his eyes seems fake and is a different color,
and his left hand is marked with several magical sigils. He has already used up the charges in
the Eye, but he may attempt to use the powers of the Hand if the party closes with him. Once he
does so, he gloats “Did you really think I’d only make one?”
-The Hermit is wearing a Mantle of Spell Resistance 18 and is is wearing a Ring of Protection
+3. He is also using Boots of Levitation to keep out of melee range, although he certainly is not
afraid to use his touch attacks, especially not with the Hand’s powers.
-THE HERMIT: 100 HP, EL 11
-Once the players kill the hermit, his body disintegrates spectacularly, leaving behind only his
eye, hand, spellbook, mantle, and an odd ruby amulet that was hidden below his robes.
-The amulet is the Hermit’s phylactery, although the players do not necessarily know this yet. If
the players do not destroy it or decide to keep it, the Hermit will return at a later date, specifically
when it would most inconvenience the players.
-The eye is the Eye of the Hermit, as described on the page below. This, along with the Hand of
the Hermit, are the fruits of the Hermit’s researches. However, they disintegrate as the Hermit
dies - apparently, these variants were poor facsimiles, or at least more fragile.
-The rest of the room is wizardly devices such as spell components, which could be of use to a
wizard, but not much to anyone else. There are also several tomes about arcane lore and
religious lore focusing on Vecna and the like. Most of the devices truly are useless, just failed
prototypes of arcane magic devices. The burnt-out crystal ball is what summoned the illusionary
banshee - it held the soul of the elven maiden, which was released when the party calmed her.
There is also a burnt-out Unicorn Horn, completely useless after the Hermit tampered with it too
-These items were mostly made by the Hermit in his quest to understand how to make magic
and become a God. Unfortunately, he was unable to shake his gnomish heritage - many of them
are….less useful than others.


-Powerful magic of the Alteration school if checked
-To use this item, it must be inserted into the eye socket of the intended user of the item. This
not only allows the user to use the powers of the item, it also allows the wielder to cast Detect
Magic as per the spell at will. Otherwise, it functions as a normal eye.
-The user of this item loses 5 permanent hit points, as the item powers itself from the wielder’s
life force.
-The main function of this artifact is metamagic feats. This item has 3 charges per day, and each
charge can be substituted for one level of spell slot adjustment when using a metamagic feat.
This item can mimic the effect of any metamagic feat, even those not known to the wielder. The
wielder can also modify the spell with any other metamagic feats of their own in the normal
-The wielder can use the charges to partially lower the spell slot adjustment of a metamagic feat
they know, but if they add any spell slots on their own they must have the feat they are trying to
-For a spellcaster who must prepare spells, the charges of the item are used up when the
metamagic slots are prepared and there is no extra prep time unless the wielder adds
metamagic of their own. For a spellcaster who does not need to prepare spells, the charges are
used on the spot and the full-round action penalty is waived unless the wielder adds metamagic
of their own.


-Much like the Eye, the user of this item must remove their (left) hand to use this item and
replace it with the Hand. Doing so subtracts 5 permanent hit points from the user, as the Eye,
but also allows the user to use the powers of the fingers as a 5th level caster. These include:
-Shocking Grasp 3/day (ring)
-Rusting Grasp 1/day (middle)
-Touch of Idiocy 2/day (pinky)
-Mage Hand at will (index)
-Bigby’s Forceful Hand 1/ 3 days (thumb)
-Additionally, the Hand can project a Spectral Hand (as the spell) at will - but only one at a time,
and only to deliver the spells in the Hand itself..

-When worn, these goggles mimic the Blink spell on the wearer. Constantly.

-When the wearer knocks on a door, the gloves cast knock on the door - but only 2/day.
-This lamp appears in every way the same as a mythical Genie lamp - except its effects (and
magic) are much less powerful. Instead of a fully-fledged Genie, this bottle summons a trapped
spirit who is cursed to perpetually identify items for whoever summons them. They are very
upset about this task, and are often very ornery and terse with their identifications - sometimes,
even wrong, just to mess with the party.

-This broom looks and acts exactly like a broom of flying, except that in only allows levitation, as
the spell. This will most likely come as a disappointment to players.

-This unique cloak makes the wearer one size category smaller when worn - however, they
preserve their horizontal dimensions. They also sprout a large (illusory) beard.

-Much like the Boots of Spiderclimb, these gloves allow the user to climb along walls - however,
they must do so using both of their hands. It’s very awkward.


-These boots double the wearer’s movement when worn, but whenever the character attempts
to move, they must roll a reflex save (DC 15) or fall prone.

-This black steel longsword is an item of pure hunger. It feeds off of blood, and possesses a
rudimentary intelligence to compel its wielder to provide blood for it in any way possible. It uses
this power to guide its wielder to weak points and debilitate the wielder’s enemies.
-It normally acts as a longsword enchanted with Keen and Wounding, these being the only
functions of the item revealed by Identify.
-However, the secret nature of the weapon becomes apparent as soon as it is wielded. It glows
red, and draconic runes illuminate on the blade that spell out the weapon’s name. The wielder
will then notice a ticking voice at the back of their mind, constantly there and chanting about
blood and the need to feed.
-If the wielder holds the weapon unsheathed for over a minute without drawing blood, it will
being to attempt to force the wielder to do so. Every round after one minute, the wielder must
make a Will save (DC 10 + rounds elapsed) or be compelled to attack the nearest creature with
-Wounds cut by this weapon will not bleed for a round, as all the blood was sucked into the
weapon to feed it.
-If the wielder tries to sheathe this weapon before they have drawn any blood, they must roll a
Will save (DC 17) or be compelled by the blade to attack the nearest creature with blood.
Otherwise, the weapon is sheathed like normal.
-Once blood is fed into the weapon, it gains a +1 enhancement bonus and stops its chanting. It
will also allow itself to be sheathed without complaint.
-The weapon’s ‘fed’ state will reset upon being sheathed.

-Troll, 63 HP, initiative +2, 30 ft. movement, AC 16, touch 11, flat footed 14, base attack +4,
grapple +14, darkvision 90 ft., regeneration 5, rend, scent, fort +11, ref +4, will +5, fire and acid
deal normal damage, all other regenerates 5 points per round
Str 23, Dex 14. Con 23, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6
Full Attack: 2 claws (+9, 1d6+6), 1 bite (+4, 1d6+3), 10 ft. reach
If both claw attacks hit, extra 2d6+9 damage from Rend

-Troll Skeleton, 36 HP, initiative +7, 30 ft. movement, AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 11, base
attack +3, grapple +13, damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft., immune to cold,
undead traits, fort +2, reflex +5, will +5
Str 21, Dex 17. Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Full Attack: 2 claws (+8, 1d6+6) and 1 bite (+3, 1d6+3), 10 ft. reach

-Human Zombie, 16 HP, 30 ft., initiative -1, AC 11, touch 9, flat 11, base attack +1, grapple +2,
single actions only, damage reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft, undead traits, fort +0, ref -1,
will +3
Str 12, Dex 8. Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Full Attack: Slam (+2, 1d6+1)

-Cultists, 10 HP, 30 ft., initiative 0, AC 10, touch 10, flat 10, base attack +0, grapple +0, fort +0,
ref +0, will +0.
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Full Attack: Dagger (+0, 1d4)

-Dragon Skeleton, 123 HP, initiative +5, 40 ft. movement, AC 12, touch 9, flat 11, base attack
+9, grapple +27, 15 sq ft space, 10 ft reach, damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision 60 ft,
immune to cold and fire, undead traits
Str 31, Dex 12. Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Full Attack: Bite (+17, 2d8+10), 2 claws (+12, 2d6+5), 2 wings (+12, 1d8+5), tail slap (+12,
+10 2d6+5, +7 1d8+3, +7 1d6+3, +7 1d8+7

-Cobblepot, 8th level gnome sorcerer, 36 HP, initiative +3, AC 18(+4), Touch 14, Flat 15, base
attack +4 (+1 size), grapple +3, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6, Silent Spell, Combat Casting, Quicken
Spell. Resists first 8 points of acid, fire, cold, electric damage.
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 20
Possessions: Light Mithril Shirt of Elemental Resistances under normal student robes (no check
penalty, no spell failure. Masterfully forged.) Eye of the Hermit.
Spells per Day: 0 x 8, 1 x 7, 2 x 7, 3 x 7, 4 x 5
Spells Known:
0x9: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ghost
Sound, Mage Hand
1x5: Color Spray, Grease, Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist
2x3: Levitate, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray
3x2: Fireball, Gaseous Form, Vampiric Touch
4x1: Animate Dead

-Torturer, 5th level vampire rogue, 54 HP, initiative +4, 30 ft, AC 21, touch 15, flat 17, base
attack +3, grapple +6, fort +3, ref +12, will +2, evasion, uncanny dodge, sneak attack +3d6,
blood drain, children of the night, dominate, create spawn, energy drain, alternate form (bat,
wolf, dire bat, dire wolf), damage reduction 10/silver and magic, fast healing 5, escapes into
gaseous form upon death, gaseous form 20 ft. fly, cold resistance 10, electricity resistance 10,
spider climb, +4 turn resistance, repelled by mirrors, garlic, and holy symbols, destroyed in 2
rounds of sunlight, killed by staking through heart but returns if stake is removed. Dodge,
Mobility, Spring Attack. Invisibility as the spell from Ring of Invisibility.
Str 16, Dex 18. Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 14
Full Attack: Blooddrinker (+6 or +7, 1d8+4 or +5, 1 Con damage, 17-20/x2)

-Preacher, 8th level cleric of Vecna, 60 (68) HP, initiative +3, 30 ft, AC 19, touch 13, flat 14,
base attack +6/+1 (+8/+3), grapple +9, rebuke undead, fort +8, ref +5, will +11, Evil Domain,
Knowledge Domain, Two-Weapon Fighting, Spell Penetration, Quick Draw. Powers as Hand of
the Hermit.
Str 16 (22), Dex 16. Con 14, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 16
Full Attack: Quarterstaff of Speed x3, +9/+9/+9/+4 (+14/+14/+14/+9), 1d6+3 (+6)
Spells: Inflict Minor Wounds x 7
Bane, Command, Summon Monster 1, Divine Favor + Protection from Good
Cure Moderate Wounds, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Aid + Desecrate
Prayer, Searing Light, Summon Monster 3 + Clairvoyance
Inflict Critical Wounds, Divine Power + Unholy Blight

-Hermit, 9th level Gnome Wizard and Lich, 100 HP, initiative +3, AC 18(+4), touch 15, flat 14,
base attack +4(+1 size), grapple +6, fort 6, ref 10, will 8, creatures of less than 5 HD are
affected by fear (will 17), permanent paralyzation upon touch attack (fort 17), +4 turn resistance,
damage resistance 15/bludgeoning and magic, immune to cold, electricity, and polymorph, Spell
Resistance 18 from Mantle, Levitation at will due to boots, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell
Penetration, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell. Eye of the Hermit, Hand of the Hermit.
Saving Throw: 15 + spell level
Str 14, Dex 18. Con 16, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 8
Full Attack: touch, +6, 1d8+5 negative energy, Will DC 17 halves damage, permanent paralyze
(fort 17)
Spells: Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost x2, Acid Splash
Disguise Self (used), Color Spray, Shocking Grasp, Magic Missile x2
Invisibility, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Mage Armor (Extended), Melf’s Acid Arrow
Flaming Sphere (Enlarged), Lightning Bolt, Vampiric Touch
Evard’s Black Tentacles, Fireball (Enlarged)
Scorching Ray (Maximized by Eye), Baleful Polymorph

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