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Name: Jefferson Angelo N.

Buchan Date & Time: 7:30- 10:00

Subject: FORSCI 313

Activity # 1

Methods of Lie Detection


 To recognize history of methods of lie their contributions and how it is useful in the field of lie


 Ball pen and reference books


 Write the method of lie detection and how can it be done on the space provided.

1. Name of Method: Trial by Combat

A method of Germanic law to settle accusations in the absence of witnesses or a confession in

which two parties in dispute fought in single combat; the winner of the fight was proclaimed to
be right

2. Name of Method: Trial by ordeal

Persons accused of cheating in contracts or lying might be asked to prove their innocence by
ordeal of fire as an ultimate test. Two examples of such an ordeal include the accused having to
pass through fire, or having molten metal poured on his chest. There were about 30 of these
kinds of fiery tests in all

3. Name of Method: Trial by Torture

Torture was used as the trial itself in the ordeal, wherein the suspect's response to extreme
physical pain served as the basis for establishing guilt or innocence
4. Name of Method: Trial by Peers
Is a lawful proceeding in which a jury makes a decision or findings of fact. It is distinguished from
a bench trial in which a judge or panel of judges makes all decisions guaranteed right of criminal
defendants, in which "peer" means an "equal." This has been interpreted by courts to mean that
the available jurors include a broad spectrum of the population, particularly of race, national
origin and gender

5. Name of Method: Trail by Instrumental Polygraph Machine

There are 4 kinds of device to attach to a person and the examiner will be the one to determine
if that person is telling the truth or not so the devices are

Cardio-sphygmograph an instrument for recording graphically the movements of the heart and
the radial pulse
kymograph -is a device that draws a graphical representation of spatial position over time in
which a spatial axis represents time The kymograph almost immediately became the central
instrument in physiology and physiology education
Galvanograph section records the amount of perspiration produced. It consists of electrical
sensors called galvanometers that are attached to the subject's fingertips. The skin of the
fingertips contains a high density of sweat glands, making them a good location to measure
an instrument that records the movements or volume change of the lungs. The record is
produced either by electric monitoring of the rate and extent of respiratory movements or by X-
ray imaging of the lungs after they have been injected with a gas to improve the visual contrast
between tissue areas

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