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Module No.

1- Chapter 1

Learning Activities
A. Activities/Exercises

Learning Activity No. 1: MOVIE REPORT

Directions: Write a reaction paper on the movie you

will watch.


This paper allows you to use your leadership thoughts. It will

permit you to analyze what you had learned from the first module
and how it is being applied in actual scenarios or real settings.
For this paper, first, decide what you think is the main point you
want to make about the film. Then choose three of the concepts listed
below to discuss what you feel are the important themes of the film
that fits in the context of what it is you are learning. Towards the
bottom of this page is an example of a Film Reaction Paper that serves
as a guide.

1. Follow this format- the reaction paper must contain:

a. Introduction-
i. Once you have decided on the main point of what you want
to make about the film then introduce the main ideas in the
ii. Include here the introduction about leadership and relate
this to the topic you will be watching.

b. Body
i. Discuss the concept of leadership as shown in the film.
Make sure to include the specific scenario that will support
ii. Include all your reactions and thoughts about the movie in
connection with the concept that you learn upon reading the
topic on leadership. Make sure that the body of your paper is
cohesive with direct references to specific parts of the movie
or quotes that inspired your feelings, reactions, and thoughts.
iii. Write one paragraph for the first concept you choose as to
how it was shown in the film.
iv. Write another paragraph for the second concept you choose
as to how it was shown in the film.

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v. Write another paragraph for the third concept you choose as
to how it was shown in the film.

c. Conclusion
i. You have already identified and elaborated your reactions
and thoughts in the body. Now, explain why you reacted in a
particular way or felt that way in the conclusion or your
realization. You can also tell readers how you can apply the
knowledge that you acquired after watching the movie.
ii. The last paragraph offers a conclusion to the paper,
summing up the main points.
Movie to watch

Title Year Director Lead actor/actress

CRIMSON TIDE 1995 Tony Scott Denzel Washington/ Gene Hackman

CONCEPT TO USE IN THE PAPER: At least three (3) concepts need to be used, and
more is okay, too. Show how these were portrayed in the movie.
1. Factors of leadership
2. Bass’ Theory of Leadership
3. Total Leadership
4. Keys to effective leadership
5. Principles of Leadership
6. Leading
7. Goals
8. Inspiring subordinates
9. Leadership power
10. Attributes of Leadership


Marriage Material
The film “Marriage Material,” is a look inside the relationship of two people, Andrew
and Emily, who because of a simple gesture of friendship are forced to take a serious
look at their relationship. In this case, it’s the unexpected consequences that come
about when Andrew and Emily offer to babysit their friends’ seven-month-old son for
the day. At first, babysitting is a novelty for both of them, actually more for Emily than
for Andrew. Andrew seems ambivalent about their babysitting adventure. Emily is

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curious about the cost of having and caring for a baby, and when her friend divulges
that “babies don’t cost that much,” it intrigues her. However, Andrew seems more
interested in just getting through the day and handing the child back to the parents.
For Emily, it is the time she spends with the baby that she discovers her maternal,
nurturing instinct has been awakened and feels her biological clock has begun to tick.
It is this new revelation that has her contemplating the idea of marriage and starting a
family—with her boyfriend, Andrew. On the other hand, the vibe from Andrew is he
sees the child as nothing more than a distraction to his everyday routine, the reason
that is keeping him away from his computer and his writing. Andrew is a man self-
absorbed in his work. He is happy with the status quo, but Emily is now longing for
something more. It is their different reactions to the experiences of the day that causes
them to question their life together and the possibility that neither one of them might
be “marriage material.” This short film does a fairly good job of showing how social
devaluation, dominant cultural values, and even self-concept play a role in our daily
interactions, as well as the choices we make. It is these choices and interactions that
affect not only us but the people around us. It is through the eyes of Andrew and Emily
that we see how these concepts are played out throughout the film is sometimes verbal
and silent interactions.
It is apparent that Emily is entranced by this child and the thought of having her
own family. She delights in all aspects of mothering from the feeding of the baby; to
bath time even to nap time…unfortunately, it is apparent Andrew does not feel the
same urge to be a father. He is also absorbed on the computer with his writing, that
the baby and to a certain degree, Emily are nothing more than an annoyance. A few
days after their friends leave Emily is sent a photo of the baby. When she goes in to
show Andrew a photo of the baby, Andrew is on the computer and basically ignores
her. When Emily inquires if he enjoyed having a baby in the house, his only reply was,
“yeah, it was good to see them.” She is so desperately trying to find a way to approach
him about her feeling about having a baby, but he just turns back to the computer;
seemingly bored with the topic. Again, when Emily is telling Andrew about how little
it cost to have a child, that even someone as poor as she can afford it, she just wants
him to validate her feelings…instead, he says nothing, puts back on his headphones,
and turns back to the computer. I think his behavior is a form of social devaluation. I
think because Andrew does not place the same value on marriage and family that he
tends to look down on those who feel differently.
The scene where Emily and Andrew are in bed, and she has engaged him in a
discussion about marriage is one of the most powerful scenes of the film. This is the
point where you can clearly see that their cultural values are not the same. You can
just feel the tension building between the two of them as the conversation continues.
Emily keeps urging Andrew to talk about getting married and starting a family until
he finally blurts out that he’s not interested in marriage. I felt that this was the spot in
the film that showed just how divided they were not only on the social institution of
marriage but their dominant cultural values as well. The fact that it is important for
her to be married before she gets pregnant, gives an insight into values that were
probably instilled in her as a child. The fact that Andrew sees the life they have is just
fine the way it is and doesn’t want or need a marriage/baby says a lot about how he
feels about her. Andrew and Emily have been in a relationship and living together for

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at least four years, yet they are on completely different pages when it comes to where
they want the relationship to go. A good visual image of just how far apart these two
are in the collage of photos of Andrew and Emily dangling from the ceiling fan. You
see photos of Andrew and photos of Emily, but no photos of them together as a couple.

At the beginning of the film, it seemed as if Emily had a positive self-concept;

however, this changed throughout the film. The first glimpse of this was when she
confided to her friend about the “tug of her uterus.” Emily wants to have a baby, but
she’s afraid to voice her desire to Andrew for fear of rejection. This is further explored
in the scene from the bedroom, where Emily finally expresses her desire for marriage.
It is during this tension-filled conversation that Andrew, feeling cornered about
expressing his own feelings, snaps at Emily. In a demoralizing rant, he goes off on how
Emily never stops talking, she never allows him to talk. He continues on further, saying
that no one can talk when she’s around and even though he has publicly chastised her
about this, she still has not stopped. This might explain why Emily has a poor self-
concept. Maybe Andrew thinks if he can make her mad enough, she’ll drop the subject
of marriage—but she doesn’t. Andrew’s answer of not wanting to get married hurts
Emily, it is not what she was expecting and is clearly a blow to her ego. You can just
feel her hurt and rejection as she asks him, why he doesn’t want to marry her. She’s
got to be feeling that it’s her fault that Andrew doesn’t want to marry her. The sense of
sadness that Emily feels as turns over to go to sleep is very evident. The next scene cuts
to where Emily is working out on the floor. It poses the question, “Is she working out
because she likes to work out?” or “is she working out because she has body-image
issues?” We know she has a trust issue by the way she says that since Andrew travels
all the time, it would make her feel better if he had a ring on his finger. However, do
these trust issues stem from her childhood, or has Andrew done something to break
that trust?
Marriage Material allowed the viewer to look at the complexities of a relationship
through the lives of two young people. We could see how things as dominant cultural
values, social devaluation, and a person’s own self-concept can lead to a breakdown in
how we communicate. To me, I felt the film was like a three-part play with each act
allowing us to look a little deeper into their relationship. Each act connecting to the
other to show how one little event can snowball into a much larger event. In the case
of Andrew and Emily, it was something as little as a seven-month-old baby that caused
Emily to stop suppressing her desire to have a baby. For Andrew, the caring of the baby
only proved to be a distraction in his writing. From watching the interaction and
dialog between the two of them throughout the film, it became apparent they did not
place the same emphasis on society’s institution of marriage. In the last few scenes of
the film, we see both of them outside doing yard work. They are still together, but
somehow there is a great divide between them. Something has changed for both of
them. There is a sense of defeat in Emily, a kind of sadness. She knows that Andrew
is not “marriage material,” so where does she fit into his life. Andrew must also re-
evaluate his feelings for Emily. Can he change his values to fit hers, does he even want
to? Initially, I thought based on the description of the film, “a couple agrees to watch
a friends’ baby,” that it might have some light-hearted moments…two inexperienced

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twenty-something trying to care for a baby. Instead, it was the complete opposite. It
was a great film to watch from a sociological standpoint. It was just sad to watch the
breakdown and deterioration of a relationship.

Date Last Changed: January 11, 2019

Contact Kathleen French

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Directions: Two video clisp were posted in the course Facebook

Group. After watching the video, answer the questions.

Video number 1. A Leaderful Moment – The Haka

Question: Where is leadership in this clip and why?

Video number 2. Followership


1. Where does leadership really start? With the leader or the follower?

2. What is the role and importance of the first follower? How does this
relate to your experience with leadership?

3. Explain the role of leaders in social movements as shown in this video.

4. What can we learn from this leadership approach that goes beyond the
individual leader and follower and explores the importance of space,
verbal and non-verbal interactions?

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E. Evaluation/Post-test “Try What You Learned”

This test will measure your knowledge of the topics covered in this module.


Test I. Multiple choice. Write the letter that corresponds to your answer before each

1. Competent refers to what a leader must ___?

A. Do B. Know C. Be D. Do

2. A squad leader explains to his squad what they will be doing concerning the
platoon and the company in the upcoming operation. What principle is
A. Keep your cadets informed.
B. Employ your command following its capabilities.
C. Set the example.
D. Be technically and tactically proficient.

3. A police senior officer who conducts simulation as a group rather than having
them do it individually. What principle is displayed?
A. Train as a team.
B. Know your cadets and look out for their welfare.
C. Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates.
D. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.

4. To accomplish the mission in a manner desired, the leader must provide:

A. The appropriate leadership
B. Good instructions and supervision
C. The mission has to be understood, supervised, and completed
D. Purpose, direction, and motivation

5. Name the three “BE” things that a leader must be.

A. Have an honorable character, be an example, resolve a complex problem.
B. Be confident, be a non-complainer.
C. Be excellent, be an example, be an explainer.
D. Be competent, be quick, and specific.

6. A leader is _____?
A. Able to handle tasks and responsibilities and ensure that others get their
work done.
B. Able to inspire and motivate their team to achieve their goals.
C. Able to prove that he is proficient, capable to do the job.
D. All of the foregoing.

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7. A supervisor is assigned to a section where he has no experience. Based solely
on his first impressions, he immediately makes changes to technical procedures that
result in several costly mistakes. What principle is violated?
A. Be technically and tactically proficient.
B. Know your cadets and look out for their welfare.
C. Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates.
D. Know yourself and seek self-improvement.

8. A supervisor takes a series of schooling and training to develop his proficiency

and skills. What principle is displayed?
A. Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
B. Set example.
C. Be technically and tactically proficient
D. Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates.

9. Inspector Juan is seen as widely respected by his subordinates because of his

admirable character. He is someone seen to be patriotic, nationalistic, and honest. As
such, he is followed by his men. What kind of influence does Inspector Juan have over
his subordinates?
A. Legitimate power C. Esteem power
B. Informational power D. Referent power

10. Defining leadership as a process means____?

A. It is an inborn trait or characteristics
B. It is focused on the influence
C. It may only take place in groups
D. It is a transactional event

11. Who is said to engage leadership?

A. Followers C. Groups
B. Organization D. Leaders

12. The “Great Man/Person” trait definition of leadership…

A. is about the interaction between leaders and followers
B. can be learned
C. is restricted to those with inborn talent, qualities, or characteristics
D. is about developing leadership skills

13. A superior officer tells his men to be on time but is always late himself. What
principle is violated?
A. Set the example.
B. Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
C. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
D. Be technically and tactically proficient.

14. A leader learns that some of his employees are getting an award for volunteer
work they do in the evenings. He shows up for the awards ceremony. What principle
is displayed?
A. Know your cadets and look out for their welfare.
B. Set the example
C. Develop a sense of responsibility for your subordinates.

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D. Make sound and timely decisions.

15. Leadership may be defined as …

A. the ability to motivate people to work towards a common goal.
B. the ability to command people to work towards a common goal.
C. the ability to discipline people.
D. All of the foregoing

16. An officer who assigns a special task to one of her subordinates and holds him
accountable for his results. What principle is displayed?
A. Develop a sense of responsibility in your subordinates.
B. Employ your command in accordance with your men's capabilities.
C. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished.
D. Make sound and timely decisions.

17. A supervisor assures his boss that his department can get a complex job done
in a short time without finding out if his people have the expertise or they have the
right tools. What principle is violated?
A. Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities.
B. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
C. Ensure the task is understood, supervised, and accomplished.
D. Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates.

18. Good communication skills and motivation techniques…

A. is the foundation of leadership.
B. will earn you respect from people.
C. are helpful to your leadership
D. will make you become a leader.

19. Which one is not a factor of leadership?

A. follower B. satisfaction C. situation D. communication

20. Which combination of examples is wrong?

A. Leader: Book, Follower: Human (Soul)
B. Leader: Computer, Follower: Human (Soul)
C. Leader: Human (Soul), Follower: Brain
D. None of the foregoing

21. A commissioned officer gives his personnel confusing directions for a task that
needs to be done in 5 days. At the end of 5 days, he returns to find they have worked
hard but done the wrong thing. What principle is violated?
A. Ensure the task is understood, supervised, and accomplished.
B. Employ your command following its capabilities.
C. Be technically and tactically proficient.
D. Keep subordinates informed.

22. What influences others to accomplish a mission or common goal?

A. Leadership B. Money C. Purpose

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23. Major Alexis has supremacy over the new recruits. He can exert control over
them, he can demand, dictate, or dominate them according to his desire. This
dimension is known as ____?
A. Authority C. Power
B. Superiority D. Leadership

24. A subordinate makes a costly mistake but was following the directions given by
his superior. The superior makes sure he takes the blame instead of the subordinate.
What principle is the boss displaying?
A. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
B. Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities.
C. Make sound and timely decisions.
D. Ensure the task is understood, supervised, and accomplished.

25. The four key elements of the definition of leadership used in the text are ____?
A. Trait, goal, emergent, expert
B. Process, influence, group, goal
C. Values, ethics, process, performance
D. Capability, competency, skill, relationship

26-28. For the succeeding statements, identify what power does the following officers
exercises over the fellow officers that made them heed and follow their steps and

_______________ 26. Staff Master Sergeant Mango Ngopya, a proficient bomb

technician who has attended his training in the US and is well-regarded by his
_______________ 27. Colonel Di Matuto who is strict with his rules and punish
subordinates for not meeting expectations.
_______________ 28. Inspector Magan Da who is lenient with her rules and gives
weekend off to his subordinates for meeting her expectations.
_______________ 29. Captain Bali Sa can organize facts to support his position,
arguments, and outcomes that is why his subordinates believed him.
_______________ 30. Lieutenant Shana Ol is compassionate, benevolent and
stand for her subordinates no matter what.

Essay. Answer the question comprehensively. (The rubric will be used in

grading your answer)

Question: Explain the process of great leadership. Provide an example.


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