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Nama : Elda fitriyani

Kelas : 3b
Nim : 20622004
Prodi : D3 administrasi bisnis

Yang dipelajari pada pertemuan senin 20 september 2021

Using the endings –es and –s, there are several types of words or word classes that can be used. In
English, this word class is called the part of speech.

The affixes s and es can be found in verbs or verbs. In this case, the purpose of adding the suffix is
not for the purpose of plural or singular numbers, but to adjust to the number of subjects used or
better known as the subject-verb agreement.

Example: She lives in Bali.

Here, the root verb is live, and then –s is added because the subject is one.

She goes to the market.

In this sentence, the main verb is go and gets the suffix –es because the number of subjects is one.

the use of do, does, is, am, are, or not to use it in a sentence, the use of tobe (is, am, are) can be
applied in positive, negative or interrogative sentences, while the use of aux. verb (do/does) only
applies to negative and interrogative sentences, while in positive sentences, it is not necessary to
use this auxiliary verb (do/does).

1. Am
The use of to be "am" applies to the subject I or I. In tenses or the use of sentences, "am" is only
used for the Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense. The use of to be am is only used in
the Simple Present Tense in the nominal form (adjective, noun). While in the Present Continuous
Tense for the form of a verb or verb.
Example: I am the best runner in school
I am not the best runner in school
I am eating cake from the oven

2. Are
The use of to be "are" in the subjects you, we, they, and plural nouns. In tenses or the use of
sentences, "are" is only used for the Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense. The use of
to be are only used in the Simple Present Tense in the nominal form (adjective, noun). While in the
Present Continuous Tense for the form of a verb or verb.
Example: You are from Indonesia
You are not studying
Are you studying?

3. Is
Is is to be which is used in the subject he (he is male), she (he is female), and it (noun). Just like to be
"am" and "are", in tenses or use of sentences, "is" is only used for the Simple Present Tense and
Present Continuous Tense. The use of to be is only used in the Simple Present Tense in the nominal
form (adjective, noun). While in the Present Continuous Tense for the form of a verb or verb.
Example: She is beautiful
He is sleeping in classroom

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