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Mr. Bean" Sitcom and Cartoon Series

This is Mr. Bean Episode 1. The nonverbal cues here are body movements and his
posture, facial expressions and eye contact. In this episode, we can see by his body
movements and expressions that Mr. Bean is struggling and don’t know the answers in
the exam. However, his seatmate is quick and smart in aswering.
This is the “Beans New Haircut” episode on Mr. Bean Cartoon World. The nonverbal
cues here are also body movements and facial expressions. In this cartoon episode, Mr.
Bean cut his own hair but later regrets it.

The difference between cartoon and sitcom is cartoons are animated show usually
targeted for kids while sitcoms are short for situation comedy and television series that
involves a continuing cast of characters in a succession of comedic circumstances. For
me, it is easier to understand the nonverbal cues in sitcoms. Because I can see the true
reactions and facial expressions of that person. I can relate that expression to myself
that’s why I can easily understand it. It is more fun and exciting if there is action when
someone is telling a story. Whenever our friends tells a story with their own actions and
interpretations, we find it funny.

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