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Ldm course is challenging in today’s new normal, this type of modality is to provide and

distribute the self-learning modules to every student every week and expecting to complete the task at
the end of the week. Common disadvantages of LDM mainly by technical resources, our school located
in remote area where majority of our learners doesn’t have gadget and stable network or internet
coverage to monitor them. Learners tend to divert their attention instead of prioritizing their modules
due to less supervision. Lastly, most parents or guardians doesn’t have the capacity to act as a teacher
due to educational attainment which is difficult for both parents and learners

We are extending support to learners by conducting home visitation to explain the instructions
written and the purpose of answering the modules. It is challenging from our part as educators but at
the same time fun in this new normal education system in our country. We will not stop to mold the
future of our learners in this new normal, we educators are up to the challenge as “Education Never

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