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You’ll need :

- 2.00mm hook
- Light brown, white, light yellow, black yarn
- Tapestry needle

- Sc = single crochet
- MR = magic ring
- Inc = increase
- *___* = repeat
- Dec = decrease

With light brown yarn
Round 1: 6sc in MR
Round 2: Inc around (12)
Round 3: *inc, sc* around (18)
Round 4: *inc, 2sc* around (24)
Round 5: *inc, 3sc* around (30)
Round 6: Ch1, turn, 25 sc across in front loops only.
Round 7: ch1, turn, sc across.
Round 8: ch5, join with the other side of the row with a slip stitch, sc around in back loops only. (30)
Round 9: *3sc, dec* around (24)
Round 10: *2sc, dec* around (18)
Round 11: *sc, dec* around (12)
Round 12: dec around (6)
Fasten off, weave in ends.

With light brown yarn
Ch 40, sc across. Ch1, turn , sc across. Fasten off, sew to the bag on each side.

Ears (make two):

With light brown yarn
Round 1: 6sc in MR
Round 2: Inc around (12)
Round 3-4: sc around
Fasten off, sew to the bag.
With light yellow
6sc in MR, fasten off and sew onto the ears.

With white yarn
Round 1: 6sc in MR
Round 2: Inc around (12)
Fasten off, sew on the bag

With black yarn, embroider the eyes (you can also use safety eyes) and the nose + mouth.

Finished ! ☺

Please don’t sell the pattern or the item made from this pattern.
Don‘t translate this pattern into another language for reselling or publishing on the internet.
If you have any question, feel free to ask me : or on my facebook page
Kulukala Art. (

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