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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

First of all, I want to introduce myself. My name is Nurfadillah and I am from the Class C
Psychology study program.

In this video I will talk like MC at an event. This video is made to complete a given task.

and let's get started

Dear, Principal of Senior High School 2 SIDRAP

The Honorable Youth Red Cross coach at Senior High School 2 SIDRAP

And what I respect is the Head of the Sidenreng Rappang Community Health Center as the presenter in
our program which will discuss the dangers of smoking and drugs.

As well as friends that I am proud of.

By saying thanks giving alhamdulillah, let us give thanks for the presence of Allah SWT who has
bestowed His grace and gifts, so that we can gather in a healthy state, and can attend coaching regarding
the dangers of smoking and drugs.

Salawat and greetings we send to the great prophet Muhammad SAW.

okay, let me as the presenter to introduce myself, I am NUR FADILLAH who will guide the event on this

Good to start this event I will read our series of events today

1. The recitation of the verses of the Al-Qur'an by sister Supiana

2. Remarks by the principal and the supervisor of the Senior High School 2 SIDRAP youth red cross

3. Remarks by the head of the Sidenreng Rappang Community Health Center as well as presenting the
material on the dangers of smoking and drugs.

To shorten the time, let's go straight to the first program, which is the recitation of the verses of the Al-
Qur'an by sister Supiana, Sister Supiana, I respectfully invite them.

Well, thank you, sister Supiana, the next event is a speech by the principal of Senior High School 2
SIDRAP respectfully invite the principal of the school

Those are the remarks from the principal, we thank you. then a speech by the Supervisor of the Youth
Red Cross Organization at Senior High School 2 SIDRAP. We respectfully welcome it

That is the welcome from the Youth Red Cross Organization Supervisor. We would like to thank you.
then continued with remarks as well as material presentation by the head of the Sidenreng Rappang
Community Health Center. We respectfully welcome it

Well, that was the material about the dangers of smoking and drugs. Very important and very useful
material. Hopefully this event can give us a little knowledge about the dangers of smoking and drugs,
hopefully we will always be free from the bad things that lurk. Dear friends, it's time for us to end the
event. Previously, I Nurfadillah, today's event guide, would like to thank you for your participation today
and apologize if during this event I had a wrong word. Less and more, please forgive wabillahi taufik wal
hidaya wassalamu alaikum warhmatullahi wabarakatu.

Red : (Subject Pronoun)

Yellow : (Object Pronoun)

Green : (Possessive Pronoun)

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