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Q2 i) teacher’s personality traits to create and maintain a classroom learning

teacher’s personality traits to create and maintain a classroom learning environment

Teaching is hard work, and some teachers are never better than mediocre teachers.
They only do the fewest things, but rarely do. However, outstanding teachers will
work tirelessly to create an environment of motivation and nurturing for students.
They have little to do with our knowledge and skills, and have nothing to do with our
attitudes towards students, subjects and jobs. Although this list is certainly not
exhaustive, regardless of the age of the student, I have narrowed down many of the
characteristics of a good teacher to what I think is the most important:
A good teacher respects students.
In the classroom of a great teacher, all ideas and opinions are valued. Students can
express their feelings with confidence and learn to respect and listen to the voices of
others. This teacher created a warm learning environment for all students. A good
teacher will create a sense of community and class. Mutual respect in this teacher’s
class provides an atmosphere of support and cooperation. This small community has
rules for observing and working, and every student realizes that he is an important
part of the team. The teacher showed the students that they can not only rely on them,
but also on the entire class.
A good teacher is friendly, approachable, warm and caring.
This person applies not only to students, but to everyone on campus. Teachers know
that they can ask any question and even tell an interesting story. Good teachers have
good listening skills and draw out their own timetable, which is too busy for all those
who need them. The teacher’s life is difficult, no one knows: the teacher puts his
luggage in front of the school gate.
A good teacher has high expectations for all students.
This teacher understands that her expectations of students will greatly affect their
performance. She knows that students usually give teachers more or less than they
expect. An excellent teacher loves learning and inspires students with passion for
teaching and classroom materials. He is constantly being updated as a professional to
provide students with the highest quality education. He learns new teaching strategies
or introduces new technologies into the classroom, and always seems willing to share
what he has learned with colleagues. An excellent teacher is an experienced guide.
Nation builder
This excellent teacher gave the students a sense of leadership and provided each of
them with opportunities to assume leadership roles. When the course fails, good
teachers can “switch” and become flexible. This teacher will evaluate the learning
situation of the entire class and find new ways to present materials to ensure that all
students understand the key concepts. The teacher has been working with colleagues.
The teacher did not see himself as a weak person seeking advice or help, but as a way
to learn from other professionals.
A good teacher uses constructive criticism
A good teacher uses constructive criticism and suggestions as an opportunity to
develop educators. An excellent teacher is professional in all areas from appearance,
organizational skills to preparation for every day. Whether you are talking to an
administrator, one of the students, or a colleague, your communication skills are
exemplary. The respect an excellent teacher pays for his professional attitude is
obvious to those around him. Although teaching is a natural gift for some people,
others have to work overtime to achieve it. Excellent teaching level. However, for you
and your students, the rewards are huge. Imagine what you think of you when
students think of their outstanding teachers at the university!
“A good teacher is a good communicator.”
strong communication skills are essential for effective teaching,” “I firmly believe in
all forms of communication.” “For managers, communication is a tool to overcome
fear. The teacher did not stop after speaking. Listening is one of the most important
skills for teachers. Those who are accustomed to listening and observing often hear
unsaid content, such as student fears, which can then help students develop skills and
self-confidence. “Find out how to get to them and where they are.” This opened the
door for them to receive and master the lessons taught. Good teachers focus on
collaboration. When you work in education, you will never work alone. From quasi-
professionals and teaching assistants to teachers and principals, teaching usually
means effective teamwork. Tanguai said that the key to success in such an
environment is to be able to cooperate. Caitlin Lippincott said: “Actually, you have to
play multiple roles to collaborate effectively.”-If someone on your team already
criticizes all the suggestions, then you don’t have to participate. Instead, you may
have to be a creative person.You need this flexibility. Student Kaitlyn Lippincott said:
“Good collaboration also means greater opportunities to learn from other teachers
who are more experienced than you and others. He said: “When working with other
educators, it’s important It is to have the qualities of communication, understanding
and empathy. “The most important quality is professionalism. Because of this
professionalism, many teachers can communicate with each other and learn more
from each other. Excellent teachers have the ability to adapt. Effective teachers need
to be able to work in a constantly changing environment and adapt their teaching
methods to students. The age, available resources, and changes in courses, practices
and requirements. Orlando Rogers (Audrey Rogers) was a professor of education at
SNHU in the 1980s and chair of undergraduate courses on campus. She said that she
has seen education in her career. Great changes, especially as people’s access to the
Internet, computers and other technologies continues to improve. What is the state of
education in 30 years? Rogers said that the only certainty is change. He said: “Change
is eternal. “”Adaptability and adaptability are one of the skills that have helped me the
most in my career. It’s about understanding who my students will become over time,
all trends, standards and new research, and being able to continuously improve.
Tanguay said: “Adaptability is also one of the key skills teachers can teach students in
different classes or learning styles. “He said: “You must be able to adapt to the
audience. “Good teachers are attractive. Tanguay said that the ability to keep students
with a sense of humor, creative guidance and strong classroom influence is an
important part of making a person a good teacher. He said: “If you imagine What kind
of teacher do you want to meet in life, even now you need someone who is very
attractive in class. “A good teacher will take action to keep his students going… This
is not only about sitting down and giving a speech, but also about participating in the
work.” Tangoy said: “The appearance of an attractive teacher will vary by class and
subject. . “In kindergarten, an attractive teacher can be someone who falls on the
ground to do something with students of the same level. In high school, attractive
teachers can be
method. The purpose of this research is to familiarize students with the good and bad
teaching characteristics included in their obligations to teachers. The lack of research
on teaching effectiveness requires more research in this direction. Analyze research to
determine the importance of phenomena based on the opinions of the interviewees
(Denzin, Lincoln, 2005).In particular, research examines the form of experience or
knowledge based on the internal or original experience of participants, and therefore
belongs to the research field of phenomenology (Smith, 2003). According to Husserl
(2001), phenomenology is a research method that enables research. Describe what
happened in the observed event and how it happened is within the parameters of a
qualitative study. The study will use focus group interviews to examine the
interviewee’s experience in detail to obtain data for clarification and
understandingThe focus group research that the researcher will use is suitable for this
inductive study, in which the interviewee’s views and disclosures have a sufficient
understanding of the issues related to the situation so that the researcher can better
understand what is being discussed phenomenon. (Bhattaherjee, 2012). The results of
the research may be useful to both teachers and scientists. Volume 5, Issue 2
(December 2018) 167This is possible thanks to the administrator’s plan to improve
university teaching, because the students know what qualities they want to find
among the teachers. In the study, the researchers used data from two focus groups.
Male and female participants between the ages of 20 and 24 fully ensure the richness
and richness of data. According to the current university rankings of the Higher
Education Commission of Pakistan, they are divided into different categories. In this
way, the highest and lowest level institutions will be equally represented and involved
to ensure that there are enough views.

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