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6 CrunchPrep httpid/ STATEMENT OF PURPOSE A desire to extend my knowiedge and an enthusiasm to solve the demanding problems faced by the industry today, motivated me to pursue Master’s in Networking. | believe that my educational background has instilled in me the qualities required to meet the rigor of this demanding course, and subsequently, the profession. | bring along with me a strong grasp of fundamentals in Electronics, unique but relevant work experience, along with a desire to eam, a penchant for teamwork and leadership, and a zest for challenges My first biggest decision which set the path for my career was choosing Electrical Engineering as my field of study even though my parents were against it. Being the owner of a manufacturing company in the FMCG industry; I remember the day | and my father had an argument about what | should do with my life. While he wanted me to pursue Business Management, | always had a desire to know how things work, wanted to learn by experience & yeamed to solve challenging prablems. Ever since the day my father brought our first television set home, I have had a peculiar interest in knowing how ‘one could fit an entire world into such a small box. A few other insanely inquisitive questions led me to choose to study Electrical Engineering, and | still believe that it is the smartest thing | have ever done. | am deeply inspired & motivated by my professor Dr. Rama Chandran, who is very well known in the country for his contributions to the Department of Telecommunications, Govemment of India, Upon his advice, | decided to pursue, and thereby developed an interest in “Networking” during my third year. The courses "Computer Networks" and ‘High Speed Networks’ coupled with my summer internship at Vodafone, where | handled Routers and Servers, made me realize how much interested | am in ‘Networking’. Consequently, | chose to specialize in Networking. My interest further aligned me to design a Bluetooth Personal Area Network for controlling and monitoring the functioning of all the devices connected to the same network. Towards this, | chose to take “TCP/IP Networking’ and “Network Security and Cryptography” as part of my coursework during my fourth year. My interest in these courses reflected in my GPA, standing at 9.6 on a scale of 10 in these subjects. | also began increasing my cognizance about Computer Networks by collecting information from the internet and reading research papers which soon turned into a passion for me. | also worked on two projects during my third year. The first was “Bluetooth using LABView’ where | led 2 team of seven students. We used LABVIEW Bluetooth module to control and transfer data from one device to another by varying the quarter wave antenna length thereby increasing the range of the Bluetooth device. Although the increase in the range compared to the battery consumption was not commercially viable, we were successful in increasing the usage range of the Bluetooth device. Based on my interest towards networking, I was placed in one of the largest telecommunication companies in my state, "Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited’, to undergo a very prestigious internship program which allowed me to work in the company for the entire summer. A study on the ‘company and its products, introduced to me the importance of providing innovative solutions ‘© Copyright 2014, CrunchPrep GRE. ‘icrunchPrep ‘Statement of Purpose | am interested to pursue a Sc.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. have recently acquired a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. My past experiences with the academia and its fertile leaming environment, have stimulated me to pursue doctoral research in this school. The most endearing feature of Computer Science is its rich amalgamation of Physical and Mathematical Science. My first introduction to Computer Science came in higher secondary school, with Computer Science as a vocational subject. What appealed to me most was its role in bridging the gap, between the abstract and the manifested. As a step forward, | joined the Computer Engineering program at the University of Mumbai, During the program, | played with physical electronic components and dabbled with digital design, in the Electronics lab. This coupled with courses like, Operating Systems - that deal with running the hardware, fueled my interest in systems engineering, which | would like to call platform engineering. Inthe latter years | played with microprocessors, like the x86 family, and did projects involving direct machine programming. In the final year, | took Microcomputer System Design, as an elective course. In this course | leamed to design microcomputer-based computer systems, catering to user specifications. Advanced Computer Architecture was my Second elective course. in this course, besides studying supercomputer architectures, | studied the intricacies involved in designing high performance, efficient computer systems. After graduation, | realized that | was actually only getting started on my research interest in Computer Science. That | wanted to go the distance and pursue higher studies in Computer Science propelled me to apply to the Master's program. Soon | applied for and got admitted to the Master's program in Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The three well spent academic years, here, have been instrumental in laying the foundation, and providing enough motivation for me, to pursue research. Courses like Operating Systems, Computer Architecture and Compiler Construction, provided me with in-depth knowledge of systems and system sofware internals. However, my research interest in platform engineering was fueled primarily in the Robotics-I course, offered in spring 2003 by Prof. Fred Martin. This course introduced me to Embedded Systems and challenged me with issues faced in embedded systems design. | developed interest in Embedded Systems, as a platform engineering discipline. During the course, | was involved in a project titled - iCricket. This project provided @ web- interface to the Handy Cricket embedded system, Using iCricket, a user can remotely control a sensor/control application, over the intemet. During the summer after graduation, | began working (on porting the Handy Cricket Virtual Machine, from PiG-assembly to MSP430-assembly. This project also involves integrating a complete TCP/IP stack into the new MSP430 port of the virtual machine. Once completed, it will enable users to create distributed sensoricontrol Handy Cricket applications. | would like to pursue research that will solicit the involvement of Computer Personal Statement For my future, university has always been my ambiion, The thought of the independence you get and how it helps prepare you for the fire is a big appeal but also I beleve that going through university is the best possible path for me to get to where I want to be and succeed. 1 currently study Creative Media Production at York College. ‘The couse covers multiple areas of the media including film, games and print production. I fave been on the course for 3 years and it has been a huge part in guiding my decision towards further study in graphic design. Hove the print side of the media and how people design products based on their audience but also based on themselves and how they can inciude small aspects of their views and life into their work. Tako see gaphic design as a course where you can throw your passions and things that really appeal to me personally into my work but abo to share it with people around me and peopk why may have different views. The course I am doing & a great Preparation for a graphic design course as we get a lot of choice about the way we work. We then break projects down, starting with initial ideas, research and planning before moving on toproduction then evakuation of the work and its process, The fieedom and creativity of this course is something that [believe a graphic design course will offer to me, Doing this course Thave enjoyed the print side of the work asit allows you to be creative in your work but also impkment many angles ofthe media Tenjoy ihustration overall Making posters and album. covers has been an awesome experience and has given me skis in the comentional aspects of the work but abo got me used to using equipmen such as the graphics tablets. In my work Thave ted to test myself and make work that for each project i quite different. "This was to test my own skils and try not to just make work that I enjoy and personally take interest in. 1 have made fanzines based around punk music making them by hand in an origina | sixties style. Ithen took on atotaly different challenge by rebranding a roofing company. I made all of that work digtally. For final projects, have made posters and album covers but abo a digital art galery making a hyout of the exhibit, leaflets, posters and examples of work including moving and stil images mixing real life photography wih drawings using a ‘graphics tablet. Studying abroad for a year or getting a chance in am actual work placement is a big opportunity you can get in university, along with competitions and events that give you a chance to make contacts for the future with existing companies. Outside of my education 1 am quite passionate about music and the influence it has on peop and the way they act and look. I have passion for bots of poliical and anarchy musi: where people woice their opinions and tak of a world fil of creativity and freedom. [love drawing in my spare time, sit is another way to express yourself without having musical ability but also really pushes creativity and visions you may have in your head which sometimes words arent enough to show. Thme a strong ove for nature and getting out to different plices that give you compktely different views on life and cuture. I like to see how people all over live and how some areconient with litle when others live in arushed work! fill of pressures and goal even though they have so much at their fingertips. Getting the opportunity to study. graphic desig at university & something Tfeel very strongly towards and would lve te chance to test my skils in a more skiled envionment and push myself beyond boundaries to show my views through my work to whom may be interested.

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