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Forum: General Assembly

Question of: Combatting the issue of FGM

Sponsor: Liberia


Desiring that all delegates work together in order to reach a solution for this unethical act,

Alarmed by the worldwide issue known as FGM, which is a violation of women’s

freedom and rights,

Deeply disturbed by the shocking amount of women that were forced to undergo this
cruel act, and according to a report made by UNICEF there are 125 million women that
went through FGM in recent years,

1- Calls upon governments to start banning the act of cruelty that is known as FGM;
a) People who will commit this violative act should serve a prison sentence and
should also be fined
i- In order for people to abide by this law the prison sentence a person
who commits FGM would face, should not be less than five months to
prevent these people from committing the crime because they won’t
face a harsh sentence
b) People who commit this process multiple times should face a lifetime prison
sentence which will display them as an example to those who think of
committing this act

2- Recommends that governments should also set up special hotlines in order for
cases of FGM to be dealt with quickly;
a) Special hotlines will cause people to call for help on short notices, knowing
that they still have hope of not undergoing the un-professional process
i- This clause can also show women that people care about their rights
and that they have the freedom of choice either to undergo FGM or not
b) Ambulances and health care should also be connected to this hotline in case
the women or girl had just undergone that process and his hurt, and needs
health care

3- Encourages schools to teach students that FGM isn’t a religious necessity and that
a woman has the right to control what happens to her body;
a) Schools should also teach girls the harmful health impact this process can lead
to if not death
i- This will encourage girls and women to have a voice and that its their
choice to go through the process or not
b) Teenagers should also be taught about the hazards of this process in order for
them to not let their children face this horrendous process

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