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1. What is your earliest memory?

2. Tell me about your mother and father - what were they like?

3. Who had the greatest influence on you during your childhood?

4. Describe a typical day in your childhood.

5. Do you remember your first day of school?

6. What teacher had thee greatest impact on you?

7. What was the happiest day of your childhood?

8. What was the saddest day of your childhood?

9. What was your first personal experience with death?

10. Did you have pets?

11. When did you get your first doll?

12. When did you learn there was no Santa Claus?

13. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

14. Who were your childhood heroes?

15. Were you popular as a teenager?

16. Did you feel different as a child?

17. What were your favorite books, movies, movie stars, sports heroes, singers during your childhood?

18. Do you remember the war?

19. How did you meet your spouse? Describe your first date; your marriage proposal; your wedding and

20. Tell me about the birth of your first child?

21. If you could be or do anything else - what?

22. If you could live in any other time, when might that be?

23. If you could have dinner with five famous people from history, who would they be?

24. What one word would you use to describe yourself?

25. What one word would your friends use to describe you?

26. If you could change one thing in your past, what might that be?

27. What are you most proud of?

28. How would you like to be remembered?

29. What's the one thing about you few people know?

30. What do you dislike most about yourself?

31. What do you dislike most in others?

32. Do you talk about religion or politics?

33. If they made a movie of your life story... would it sell?

34. What do you like most about your job? What do you like least?

35. Would you want your children to be like you when they grow up?

36. What has been the happiest day of your life?

37. What has been the saddest?

38. When did you find out life is not fair?

39. Do you believe in life after death? Good and evil? God?

40. Why are we here?

41. Ann Frank once said that in spite of everything, she believed people were basically good. Do you
agree? Disagree? Why?

Below are a few ideas and examples of Profile questions to get your started.


 I hope to be remembered by...

 I have a talent for...
 In my spare time I...
 Favourite saying:
 Favourite subject:
 Hobbies
 Greatest achievement:
 Happiest memory at school:

To Capture the Era

 Favourite music:
 Favourite bit of tech:
 Invention I’d like to see created:
 A fashion fadd I must have is..
 The image that reminds me of school is...
 The smell that reminds me of school is...
 My favourite piece of clothing is...

To Capture Dreams and Goals

 Next year I hope to be...

 I hope to become a…
 I’m looking forward to…
 I hope to work with...
 When I grow up I want to...
 The country I’d most like to visit is...

To Capture Ideals

 To make the world a brighter place, I’d...

 I admire the ability to...
 I hope to be a person who...
 In life it’s important to...
 If I had to live in one moment forever it would be..

To Capture School Life

 School days in three words...

 School in a song...
 School in a smell...
 School in a memory...

Other than appearance, what is the first thing that people notice about you?
Sure, this generic question may seem silly at first, but it’s a great way to advertise your best
non-physical attribute(s). “Quiet self-confidence” is an excellent response. Possessing such
a quality means that you’re comfortable with yourself, without being cocky. This is an
incredibly attractive quality to the opposite sex because it shows them that not only do you
like yourself, but you’re ready, willing, and able to be a great partner, especially to someone
who’s comfortable in their own skin.

What are your three BEST life skills?

At first glance, money-management, physical fitness, and job performance may seem like
decent answers to this question. However, they’re actually pretty generic and don’t tell a
potential match anything about your core values. Instead, qualities like life balance,
personal integrity, ability to laugh at myself offer a better window into your personality.
Plus, they show that you’re emotionally evolved, available for dating and relating, and that
you have your personal values firmly intact.

What’s the most important thing you’re looking for in another person?

Physical attraction, financial fitness, and/or zero emotional baggage may sound like
acceptable answers, but who DOESN’T desire those qualities? Instead, be honest about the
most essential quality YOU seek in a potential partner. For example, someone who’s
comfortable in their own skin, someone who has a genuine zest and passion for life,
and/or someone who is ready to be an amazing partner and accept an amazing partner
into their life are more genuine responses that will excite and attract the right matches to

The 4 things your friends say you are…

What your friends say about you can tell a potential match a lot about your character and
who you associate with. Again, getting specific will filter out potential partners who aren’t a
match for you and draw the right ones to you. So while you might be tempted to say your
friends consider you fun, smart, loyal, and funny, that doesn’t illustrate who you are or the
type of friends you surround yourself with. Better responses to the question include
passionate about culture and travel, fascinated with learning, always ready to tackle new
challenges, and someone they can depend on. Now THAT helps round out your

What are 5 things you “can’t live without?”

Rather than play it safe with generic answers like my iPod, food, and sleep, include
thoughtful responses like My fave iPod playlist that includes Gnarls Barkley, Miles Davis’
Kind of Blue, and Janis Joplin’s Greatest Hits. Some may call the playlist schizophrenic,
but I call it eclectic. In getting specific, you’ll easily attract like-minded matches who can
appreciate your uniqueness.

What are you most passionate about?

Don’t be afraid to appear vulnerable and/or authentic in your response. My Star Wars
Action Figure Collection, finding the best piece of Toro sushi in the world, or
attracting/cultivating an amazing relationship with my perfect partner are all fantastic
answers because they provide a refreshingly revealing look into your personality.

What are the 3 things for which you are most thankful?

By sharing how you practice gratitude and what you’re truly grateful for, you illustrate to
potential matches who you really are. So rather than say you’re thankful for having a job or
making great money, you could say I am grateful that my career affords me ample
opportunities to give back to the world around me through volunteering my time,
donating to worthy causes, and traveling the world exploring other cultures. See how that
provides a clearer picture of who you are and what you value?

How do you typically spend your leisure time?

This is your opportunity to share with a potential date how the two of you would spend time
together. As always, specifics will help you weed out unsuitable matches while easily
attracting suitable ones. Avoid clichés like walking on the beach, working out, and/or
hanging out with friends. Instead, paint a vivid picture, including specific activities like
enjoying a great Italian meal and bottle of wine with friends on Saturday nights, reading
a graphic novel at my neighborhood coffee shop (I’m the artsy one in the Newsboy cap
and horn-rimmed glasses), and/or checking out the latest documentary at that restored
theater downtown.

By giving a potential match a visual about where you are and what you’re doing, they’re
better able to decide if they’d like to be sitting there with you!

As you can see from the suggestions made throughout this article, the key to standing out in
the online dating world is to be specific, authentic, and refreshingly real in your profile. In
doing so, you’re all the more likely to attract like-minded individuals who may eventually
become your perfect partner. So go ahead, make a few revisions, and see how those subtle
tweaks rock your online dating success.

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