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Jenna Kupferschmid

Social Media Audience Blog Post

The ideal demographics for a viewer on my website vary depending on category. Since my
webpage focuses on learning how to merge social media with professionalism it would also
target those who are unemployed, most likely in college, who have not started their
professional career yet but are leaning towards social media marketing. Furthermore, my
webpage is marketed towards women, with the designs being trendy and cute pictures with
friends making the page exude feminine energy. Because of this, we can give my ideal reader
the name Jessica, she would be between the ages of 18-22 and unemployed therefore allowing
me to take advantage of her eager and willingness to learn information. Her hobbies would
include, but not be limited to, activities pertaining to social media such as posting on Instagram
or scrolling through TikTok. On top of that, I feel it would be important for Jessica to be
involved in activities in college that are stereotypically social, such as Greek life, in order to
ensure her comfortability with reaching out and connecting with new people. Her favorite
social networks would need to be plentiful, including Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter to ensure
her vocalism on media platforms. In general, my ideal reader would have little experience in the
work force making the need to learn information about professionalism dire, but also be a very
social, young women who is very up to date on social media and its uses.

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