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Full name: Nguyễn Hà My

Mã SV: 19051160
STT: 29
 The case of John Yashmashita is FPI because he focus on short-term value
of stock. He’s an individual foreign investor and own a small part of the
corporation He purchases shares of stock He owns a very minor share of the
firm He only has short-term value of his stock He can receive dividend
payments and he sell his share whenever he wants to like when the price
goes up or down
 The case of Hungry Dragon Toy is FDI cause its is a long- term investment.
This is a company that investing The company is a foreign investor It purchases a
plastic company so it becomes the Hungry Dragon Toys’ subidiary company so
now the company has control over this one It has long-term ownership HDT owns
the CC so when US’s economy has temporary downturn, it affects HDT too so
they have the responsibility for it

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