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Why migrants should can vote?

Normally the issue of whetter migrants vote is hotly debated.

In my opinion legal migrants must have the right to vote in the country that they life because
its one of the principles of liberal democracy. This must be so because these people
contribute to all the country's tax payments and must have the same rights as a citizen of
this country. In addition, these people contribute to the national and international market and
help improve the economy of this country. the problem comes when these immigrants are
illegal and do not contribute to the state while residing in the country.

The arguments in favor are that everyone should have the same right to voye because he
live in your same locality, pay the taxes and have the right to cholse his representative.
The counterarguments are that from a democratic point of view ilegal migrants don’t have a
benefitial influence on the country because they don't pay taxes, therefore they don't have
the right to vote.
In conclusion all legal migrant belonging to a state must have the same right to vote as
others inhabitants.

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