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‘MEMORAEDUM vA 8.2021 Deployment of Administrative Officers I Personnel to Selected Elementary Schools of thie Division To ? Scheel Heads of Bontoc Central School, Soged Central School, Consslacion Kiementary School, San Juan Central School, Piatuyan Ceatral School Division Unit/Bection Heads. All Others Concerned 1. Consistent with the mandate of our agency to unload our teachers from tanke outside the teaching and learning process, five) ‘Administrative Officer II Personnel are hereby deployed to selected Elementary Schools in this division. 2 The deployed Administrative Officer Il Personnel are expected to perform functions related to human resource management ‘supply Tanagement. Pease eve attached ahect far infrnation and gusiance’ 3. The newly hired Administrative Il personnel will have to undertake three assistance by the different unit/section heads of the office. 4. Their Daily Time Record (DTR-CSC Form 48) shall be initialed by the concerned School Head approved by the Administrative Officer V for Administrative Service of this Office 5. For information, guidance and compliance.

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