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Nama : Imelda Elisabeth Monica

Prodi : D3 Fisioterapi

NIM : 202003012

When has an asthma attack someone should do pursed lip breathing. She is not supposed

to be panic. She should take a deep breathing and control the breathing, find a cool place

not a hot place.

1. You recommended to do pursed lip breathing. (recommend)

2. You are prohibited to be panic. (prohibit)

3. You can find a cool place (can)

4. You shouldn’t find a hot place. (should)

A physiotherapist instructs his patient to repeat the exercise every hour. The patient should

sit on a hip level chair. He is not supposed to flex his hip more than 90°. He also should

not cross his leg to another.

5. You are suggested to repeat the exercise every hour. (suggest)

6. You should sit on a hip level chair. (should)

7. You are forbiden to flex your hio more than 90°. (forbid)

8. You can’t cross your leg to another (can not)

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